Printable “Number System” harts of Major/Minor

[Pages:34] Printable "Number System" Charts of Major/Minor Chords & Scales, Fingering, and Basic Intervals

This PDF eBook Course has printable charts of key points, and it contains links to 10 free supplemental training videos that explain more in-depth at .

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Many people have said they've learned more from the first 15 minutes of those free videos than they did taking regular piano lessons for 6 months, something I am very happy to hear.

Here's the point of the number system I'm teaching you: The way most people are taught piano is to learn specific things here and there but without ever "connecting the dots" that makes it all make sense. Understanding this number system means when you learn one thing, you've actually learned a hundred things, which means you get the maximum benefit out of the time you put into it.

I'll focus on the things that will help you become a better piano player the quickest. Thanks for giving me your time and attention, and I promise not to waste it.

There are 10 piano training videos associated with this eBook, with links to watch specific videos as needed. Combined, they'll help you grasp these basic yet critical concepts.


Who This Is For And Who It's Not For

Not For You:

? If your big goal in life is to be able to read sheet music, this training is not for you.

? If you want to perform classical sheet music note for note, this training is not for you.

? If you want to endlessly practice piano scales, this training is not for you.

For You:

? If you want to learn to play popular songs quickly, this is for you.

? If you like the freedom of playing songs slightly differently every time, this is for you.

? If you want to gain useful skills that you can apply to hundreds of songs, this training is for you.

? If you want to be a glorified "player piano" this training is not for you.

? If you want to be able to play complete songs from the simplest of chord charts/lead sheets and make it sound professional, this is for you.

I'm not going to treat you like an idiot, and I'm not going to set rules and requirements of what you should play or how long you should practice something.

Copyright and Disclaimers

? Copyright Educated Media LLC, All Rights Reserved. No claims are made about how quickly you will progress by following these steps. There are inherent risks involved playing the piano, like spraining your finger or spending less time watching TV because you find you enjoy it more. We may earn a commission from recommending and

linking to some 3rd party products.



Hi, my name is Tim Gross, and I've supported myself playing music/keyboards for over 30 years, mostly playing popular music / rock & roll. I've played classical music at recitals, I've played in bar bands across California, I've played at weddings... I've played with 20-piece jazz bands and at intimate piano bars.

I've worked with a lot of world-class musicians who like my playing; I've performed with Robin Zander (Cheap Trick), Tommy Tutone, Terri Nunn (Berlin), Greg Kihn, Chuck Negron (3 Dog Night),and I currently tour and record with Grammy-winning recording artist Rick Springfield (who sang "Jessie's Girl" as well as 16 other top-40 hits.)

I'm not telling you this to brag, but it's important to understand that I'm doing what I'm teaching you here, playing music professionally without reading sheet music or notes.

Whether you want to play for yourself, for your friends, or to play professionally, this is the most effective way to get started.

I love what I do now, but it wasn't always this way...


Every week I toiled to learn just 4 more measures. It was tedious, boring, I didn't like the music, and I felt like a trained monkey!

Panic Attack / Trained Monkey

I was 13 years old wearing an ill-fitting suit jacket and an awkward tie, sweating profusely. I was supposed to play my song next at the classical piano recital but the older kid before me was dying onstage. He'd gotten stuck and started the song over, then got stuck again at the same spot... He finally gave up... he awkwardly bowed to sympathetic applause and skulked off stage.

My mom nudged me: "You're up." I took a deep breath, and I barely remember playing the piece I'd spent months working on but I got through it, not really *understanding* what I was playing at all.

Soon after, I quit ? And realized I couldn't really apply ANYTHING I'd learned from 8 years of lessons to playing the music I wanted to play.

I felt like an idiot. It turns out that trained monkeys can't do ANYTHING they haven't been trained to do ? and that was me.

Luckily for me, a couple friends tried to start a rock band a couple years later and they asked me to "join" (or at least to jam with them in their garage...)

It turns out that keyboard players are hard to find... Finally some GOOD NEWS! Onward and upward...


Unlearning Most Of What I'd Spent 7 Years Learning

My buddies in my high school garage band didn't read sheet music, and over the years I discovered that the vast majority of rock/pop musicians don't read sheet music either...

So unless your goal is to play classical music note-for-note, WHY IS SO MUCH EFFORT AND FRUSTRATION put into learning it??

The Better Way: "The Number System" + Using Your Ear

The vast majority of what you need to know to play "classical" piano is unnecessary for what I do. The Beatles aren't Beethoven.

Guitar players and bass players are taught completely differently than piano players. They're shown functional, practical ways to play from simple chord charts, while piano players are pretty much tortured for the fun of it. (At least that's how it can feel sometimes, ha!)

On the bright side, because most people eventually give up on traditional piano lessons, that makes it more impressive to be able to play the piano!

This is what I want to show you... The "Fast Track" to playing modern piano. No fluff, just the stuff.


(Is that a confusing piano lesson or a football play, LOL!

Why Am I Teaching Piano?

In 2012 a relative told me they were trying to learn how to play the piano by looking at YouTube videos.

I went to YouTube and did a search for "Beginning Piano Lessons" and looked at the most popular videos.


Even though I already knew what they were trying to teach, they were confusing ME with the way they were trying to explain things.

So on a whim I recorded a video - and it became the most popular piano video on YouTube (watched many, many millions of times.)

Crazy! It was then I realized that I had knowledge and experience that people needed. So I started training people in the way that *I* would explain piano to a friend or family member.

Fast-forwarding multiple years later, I have many thousands of successful students from dozens and dozens of countries, and hundreds and hundreds of piano training videos. This is just the beginning...

Since then others have started imitating how I teach (sincerest form of flattery! ) but make no mistake, this is the premiere, groundbreaking original training that started changing how people learn piano worldwide. It makes me proud to see, and I'm glad you're here..


Avoiding "Intelligent Fools"

Guitar and bass players are taught functional, practical ways to play from simple chord charts.

Why shouldn't piano be taught the same way?

My entire goal is to simplify everything, explain what gives you the quickest results, and ignore unnecessary things you can get bogged down on.

News Flash: I don't consider myself a piano genius. I'll never know everything about playing the piano or music in general, but I'd never want to!

This quote below summarizes my approach. By ignoring the 90% of what you don't really need to know you can get good at what you do need faster and more efficiently:

"Any Intelligent Fool Can Make Things Bigger And More Complex. It Takes A Touch Of

Genius To Move In The Opposite Direction"

Traditional piano lessons quickly become overwhelming.

(On the bright side, that makes it more impressive to be able to play the piano though!)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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