Requirements: MACBETH Projects

Requirements: MACBETH Projects Fall/Winter 2011-12

You are to prepare a final project for the play MACBETH to be handed-in or presented within the deadline set by the instructor upon completion of classroom material (normally after final test). You will be permitted only ONE class day to plan and construct the idea for which your project will represent. All projects are to be completed individually, unless you are providing a dramatical presentation (Music must be cleared with teacher in advance).


Please choose from the following:

Dramatical Presentation-- This can be done alone or with a group. Please see the back of this sheet for the pre-approved selections. The presentation may be performed live in front of the class, or may be videotaped and shown in front of class during the scheduled time. The interpretation of the segment will be left up to the individual or group; however, the text from the version of the play we are reading must be used.

Each individual will receive a grade for his or her performance. In the case of a group performance, the individual may receive a higher grade if the group as a whole performs very well. In other words, if your group does a great job, it will reflect well on your grade.

To have a chance to receive an A: All lines must be memorized

Props and costumes must be used

Any video productions must be audible and each member of the group must present lines (no credit for camera person).

More than one group or person may sign up for a scene.

Individual Projects

Script rewrite-- You may select any portion of the play from the dramatical presentation selections on the back of the sheet and rewrite the script so it is in modern English. You must translate and rephrase all of the character(s) lines.

Art Project-- You may present a hand-drawn and colored depiction of the characters, a scene, or something in the play. The work should reflect the time spent on the project, and you must present the picture to the class with explanation.

Music Project-- You may compose an original song or songs for the characters to sing that would help explain what went on in the play from their viewpoint. You will need to hand in the sheet music and perform the song, either on video or in front of the class. Possible group project.

Mini Research Project-- You may research any historical aspect of the play and write an original 2-3-page paper on your findings. You must document sources used in the paper, the same as you would for a research paper.

Movie comparison-- Watch another version of the movie MACBETH and write a compare and contrast paper showing how the version we watched as a class and the version you covered is alike or different. The paper should have a length of about 3 pages, and should have somewhat of a Roper &Ebert feel.


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