Correspondence and other Documents pertaining to Same …

Correspondence and other Documents pertaining to Same Sex Marriage and the resulting Delegated Pastoral Oversight for St. Richard’s Episcopal Church 2016-2018 The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. BrewerEpiscopal Diocese of Central Florida1017 E. Robinson St.Orlando, FL 32801October 16, 2016Dear Bishop Brewer:After the Pulse Nightclub Massacre and the vigil at the Cathedral, you received an email from Stephen O’Connell, vestry member at St. Richard’s Church, asking you to allow “holy unions to be blessed” by the clergy of the Diocese of Central Florida and performed in the buildings owned by the Diocese of Central Florida. In solidarity with Steven, the vestry and clergy of St. Richard’s Church ask you to allow the ceremony of the blessing of same sex marriages by the clergy and in the buildings of this Diocese. St. Richard’s is an inclusive and affirming congregation. We invite you to gather with the clergy and vestry for a conversation about how your decision to not allow same sex marriage in our churches affects your people. We look forward to scheduling time with you. Please let us know what might be a convenient time, date and place for this conversation. Sincerely:The Vestry and Clergy of St. Richard’s Church:Jim ChristophBev CollChris GiacominoSandy NorthSue SommersPam MenkeKay WolfJose RodriguezKathleen CresswellSteven O’ConnellDavid KelloggArt PiniThe Rev. Alison P. HarrityThe Rev. Canon Robert J. VanderauThe Rev. Dr. Dale TruscottThe Rev. Dr. Harry Coverstonbc: The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding BishopJanuary15, 2017The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. BrewerEpiscopal Diocese of Central Florida1017 Robinson StreetOrlando, FL 32801Dear Bishop Brewer:Thank you for the opportunity to submit to you a proposal regarding the next step in allowing St. Richard’s and its clergy to offer the sacramental rite of marriage to all people. Thank you for offering the possibility of delegated episcopal pastoral oversight (DEPO) as first outlined by the House of Bishops in 2004 and revised in later years. All members of the vestry and clergy have reviewed the DEPO document and supporting materials (see attached). The vestry and clergy of St. Richard’s feel comfortable with a DEPO relationship with another bishop. However, we would like to adapt it to remain in closer connection with the Diocese of Central Florida and limit the delegated oversight to:--the sacramental rite of marriage--the facilitation of any ordination processes at St. Richard’s --consultation on any rector search process consistent with canon lawPlease let us know how to proceed from this point. Our vestry and clergy are more than willing to meet with you again at your convenience. Thank you for this opportunity. We look forward to your visitation Sunday, February 5. God’s Peace:The Vestry and Clergy of St. Richard’sbcc: The Most Rev. Michael CurryEmail requesting an update from Alison Harrity to Greg BrewerOn Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Alison Harrity <apharrity@> wrote:Dear Bishop Brewer:The March Vestry meeting at St. Richard's is this Sunday, March 19. My hope is to provide them with some update regarding the possibility that St. Richard's provide the sacrament of marriage to all people. After our quick follow up after your visitation to St. Richard's on February 5, I informed the vestry that the canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida may not allow for DEPO for the sacrament of marriage and that you were exploring other options to DEPO. Please let me know what your thoughts are at this point. Alison-- The Rev. Alison P. HarritySt. Richard's Episcopal Church5151 Lake Howell RoadWinter Park, FL 32792work 407.671.4211cell 407.341.5969rector@apharrity@Email Reponse Greg Brewer March 18, 2017 Greg Brewer Mar 18to me Dear Alison,Please be careful.? No Christian leader I know wants to provide "the sacrament of marriage to all people." ?I get what you mean, but there are appropriate restrictions on marriage, even when one includes same sex couples.? Nuance is important regardless if you position on this issue. Baptism is the only sacrament that is for "all people" without restriction, and yet even then there are the requirements/restrictions set forth in the Baptismal Covenant.? Love never means you can always have everything you want. ?I am still in conversation with Bp Eaton about what "provision" looks like in Florida- as he continues to be the only Florida bishop who has said "yes" to this.? I know this is taking more time than anyone wants, but that is only because there are other far more pressing issues for both of us.? The five Florida bishops are putting together a time for us to be together this Spring (we talked about it last week at the HOB meeting)- no date yet- and this, among other items, will be a part of our conversation. ?But I will tell you that no parish church in Central Florida will host the performance of a gay marriage. ?"Provision" will not mean this, regardless.? Our Diocesan Canons make that impossible, unless those canons are changed through a Convention vote. ?So I will be sure to let you know when that meeting of our bishops takes place and the out come. ?Let's stay in conversation.You and the people of St. Richards remain in my prayers.Grace to you,+Greg BrewerThe Rt. Rev. Gregory O. BrewerEpiscopal Diocese of Central Florida1017 E Robinson StOrlando, FL 32801April 3, 2017Dear Bishop Brewer:On behalf of the vestry of St. Richard’s we write you to express our disappointment that you have not yet been able to meet with the four other bishops in Florida to date. The vestry is also wondering if there was another bishop outside of Florida that might be willing to discuss the issue of oversight with you as you have with The Rt. Rev. Terry White of the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky. Perhaps Bishop White might return the favor and provide St. Richard's with oversight in regards to the sacrament of marriage.In addition, the vestry would like to understand if this piece of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida's Constitution and Canons might allow for St. Richard's to offer the sacrament of marriage to same sex couples:"Article III Purpose The Diocese of Central Florida acknowledges its allegiance to be due to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ; and recognizing the body known as the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America otherwise known as The Episcopal Church to be a true branch of said Church, having rightful jurisdiction in this country, hereby declares its adhesion to the same and accedes to its Constitution and Canons. The Diocese of Central Florida is a constituent member of the Anglican Communion, a Fellowship of those duly constituted Dioceses, Provinces, and regional Churches in communion with the See of Canterbury, upholding and propagating the historic Faith and Order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. The Diocese of Central Florida acknowledges itself to be called and sent to exercise the ministry of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, celebrating and proclaiming the mystery of redemption to the praise of God's glory, the benefit of His Church and the salvation of the world. To this end the Diocese acknowledges its duty to provide for the worship and honor due Almighty God, to provide for the tradition of the Faith and the proclamation of the Gospel, to provide for the welfare of those given to its care, and to labor to demonstrate the truth in love that the Kingdom of Christ be advanced in the world and that the Church be edified into Christ."The vestry imagines that this portion of the Canons might also be relevant:"Canon XXII Ecclesiastical Discipline Section 1. Those provisions of Title IV of the Canons of The Episcopal Church which are applicable to the Diocese are hereby incorporated as part of this subject to such provisions being in compliance with the Constitution of The Episcopal Church. To the extent, if any, that any of the provisions of this Canon XXII are in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of Title IV which comply with the Constitution of The Episcopal Church, such provisions of Title IV shall govern." We look forward to continuing the conversation and arriving at a mutually agreeable solution.We are on a mission to discover God’s grace, change our lives and change the world. Thank you for partnering with us on this mission. Beverley CollSusan SommersSenior WardenJunior Wardenbcc. The Most Rev. Michael CurryLetter to Presiding Bishop’s Office Asking for HelpThe Most Reverend Michael CurryThe Episcopal Church815 Second AveNew York, NY 10017April 10, 2017Dear Bishop Curry:St. Richard’s is a open and affirming congregation in Winter Park, Florida a suburb of Orlando in the Diocese of Central Florida. The Vestry of S5t. Richard’s is engaged in a discussion with our Communion Partner Bishop, The Rt. Rev Gregory O. Brewer about allowing St. Richard’s and me as the rector to conform with The Episcopal Church and offer the sacrament of marriage to all people regardless of gender. The enclosed correspondence details our request and Bishop Brewer’s response. We are hoping that your office might provide us with some support in regards to our request. Are there other churches in diocese where the bishop is not allowing same-sex marriage being granted alternative oversight? Any pastoral and ecclesiastical support you can give us would be most appreciated. Alison+Bishop Brewer’s Response to the St. Richard’s Vestry:May L,2017Members of the Vestry St. Richard's Episcopal Church 5L5L Lake Howell Road Winter Park, FL 32792Dear St, Richard's Vestry Members,I have been in receipt ofyour letterforsometime - dated April 3, I have been in a quandary about how to respond because it contains significant misunderstandings of canon law - both within TEC and in our Diocesan canons,As I said to Rev, Alison, receiving a "DEPO" bishop does not free you from your obligation to uphold our Diocesan canons. There is nothing in the DEPO resolution that indicates that, Quite the contrary, as parishes with DEPO bishops are still canonically located within a particular Diocese, that parish is still bound by Diocesan canons in everyway. lf you are still interested in receiving a DEPO bishop, we can certainly discuss that but that will not allow you to perform same sex marriages.Also, there is a specific conflict with our Diocesan canons even in providing "provision" for same sex marriage. Specifically Canon XVI on "Ordained Ministers," Section l-0:All members of the clergy of this Diocese, hoving subscribed to the Declarotion required by Article Vlll of the Nationol Constitution, shall be under the obligotion to model their own lives the received teoching of the church that all its members ore to obst?in from sexual relotions outside of Holy Motrimony.All members of the clergy of this Diocese may ollow to take ploce in their cures, officiote ot, bless or participote in, only those unions prescribed by Holy Scripture: the wedding of one womon and one mon. Soid clergy are forbidden to allow to take place in their cures, officiate at or bless or porticip?te in any other unions, os proscribed by Holy Scripture."He is the one zoe proclaim, admonishing and teaching e'ueryone with all zuisdom, so th?t TDe may present eaeryone t'ully mature in Chríst.-" - Colossicuts i.:28 1077 ?. Robinson St n Orlando, FL 32801.-2023J4071423-3567 n Email: bpbrewer@ WATS: 7-800-299-3567 tr FAX 4071872-0006 n HTTP:/icfdio..r..otgln other words, if I granted "provision" I would be in violation of our diocesan canons as would the priest to whom I have granted provision. Thus, saying no to same sex marriage in our Diocese seems to fall precisely in line with our Diocesan canons. Making "provision" for such rites does not. lf I granted such "provision" both the rector and I could be opening ourselves to Title lV charges for violating our Diocesan canons and that charge could be brought by any member in good standing of the Diocese, clergy or lay, Do you want to put Rev. Allison in such a place of risk?General Convention has allowed Diocesan Bishops to function as chief liturgical officers of their Dioceses and to create policies around same sex marriage that are consistent with their convictions and responsibilities. So, I have violated no Canons, either in TEC or in our Diocese. I have checked with our Chancellor on this matter and he agrees with me.I would urge you to help me on this, Both of us are in a similar place, while holding different positions. We both want to be faithful to the Episcopal Church. We want to be loyal members of this Diocese. We want to honor our conviction on this matter. None of us have come to the convictions that we hold without struggle, theological wrestling, Biblical studies and carefully weighing both sides of this issue. We feel strongly enough about this that to choose differently would be a violation of our conscience.I welcome your feedback.With all charity, ," \--r--.->ì t??<?KS _ t"ü, Gregory O. Brewer BishopThe Rev. Alison Harrity, Rector, St. Richard's Episcopal ChurchMy email to the Vestry After Speaking to Clay Matthews:On Wednesday, May 3, 2017 4:43 PM, Alison Harrity <apharrity@> wrote:Dear All:Yesterday, I contacted The?Rt?Rev’d?F.?Clayton? Matthews in the Office of the Presiding Bishop?? and? Bishop in the Office for Pastoral Development who is also Managing Director of The College for BishopsWe had a phone conversation today. I was impressed and relived that Bp. Matthews would immediately address our concerns as soon as it came to his attention. Thank you Bishop Matthews for your time and energy. Here is what we need to do going forward:1. Take the Emotion Out. It became clear to me as I listened to Bp. Matthews that what I wanted was for someone beyond Bp Brewer to hear my pain and frustration. And as I simply listened I realized that what WE really need is to hear reason and wisdom. I heard reason and wisdom from Bp. Matthews. It was good. It has not been helpful to our "cause" for me to continually feel personally attacked or to feel that Bp. Brewer is threatening to St. Richard's. We are inclusive of all including Bp. Brewer. 2. Change the Canon: To quote Art Pini's response to the email yesterday, "Looks like we need to change the canons." And that is exactly what we need to do. That is a process that will start to take place in the fall when the Diocese will announce the January 2018 Convention. I will research how we embark on this process and it is what our answer to Bishop Brewer has to be, that we will petition the Convention to change the canon. This will include working WITH the Diocese not against it.? We have to take the long view Bp. Matthews said. ?? a. Central Florida is one of the only diocese in the country with this kind of canon related to ordained clergy and with a definition this specific of Holy Matrimony. ??? b. I have been wondering what Bishop Brewer is so afraid of. If there is any indication that a gay marriage is performed in this Diocese that must abide by this canon he is truly in violation and as Bp. Brewer stated, any person in the diocese can press charges that can very well result in his deposition. There is good reason to be afraid in our diocese. ???? c. The decision by the National Church in 2015 does not override these local canons. They just don't. Which is why we have to change the local canon. And we will. ???? d. The Dioceses of East Tennessee, Tennessee and Mississippi are dealing with similar issues. I will be in touch with those Dioceses to determine what their challenges have been and how they have been handling them.? 3. Celebrating Same Sex Marriages in the Meantime: What do we do in the meantime? Bp. Matthew suggested that I ask Bp. Brewer on a case by case basis if I could bless a civil marriage. Barring that, he suggested that I ask if I can do a house blessing for couples who get married at the courthouse but want a blessing. It's a bit of a work around that most likely will not draw the same kind of disciplinary charge that holding a wedding would but it does ask God's blessing on God's people. 4. No Publicity. We have not come through the whole process that it is going to take open the sacraments to all people at St. Richard's. But we will. Until that time, there is no reason to be divisive. As Dale observed the end of Bp. Brewer's letter invited us to help him. We want to be help to him, we do not want to tear him down. We want to love and we want to be loved. 5. We are on the Frontier Bp. Matthews said at least in this Diocese. Keep going. Be the persistent widow, Luke 18:1-8. And so we will and we will get what we are asking for together with Bishop Brewer, not alone. No more fear, no more hurt, just forward inclusive love. I am gratefully your faithful pastor and friend, your number one fan and enthusiastic cheerleader, your prideful mother and wayward child:AlisonLetter to Bishop Brewer:June 2017Dear Bishop Brewer: On behalf of the Vestry of St. Richard’s Church, we acknowledge receipt of your emailed letter of May 1, 2017. The Vestry met in both May and July to discuss next steps in our continued work to see a way through the issue of Canon XVI Section 10 that would provide an opportunity for same sex marriages to be performed at St. Richard’s. In addition, we have formed a subcommittee to discuss the issue that has met twice. We too look forward to giving you some feedback about this subject. Sincerely:Bev Coll and Susan Sommers. MINUTES of the August 15, 2017, 7:00 p.m.Meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Vestry to Respond to Bishop Brewer regarding Same Sex Marriage in the Diocese of Central FloridaDraft Language to change the Constitution and Canons for the Diocese of Central FloridaoThe Forty-Ninth Annual Convention of The Diocese of Central Florida, January 2018oResolution to Change Canon XVI, Section 10 of the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Central FloridaoPresenters: St. Richard’s Episcopal Church (Ken is checking on this detail and looking for the 2003 Constitution and Canons for the Diocese of Central Florida so that we can look at the canon before the 2004 change.)oResolved, that Canon VXI, Section 10 shall be changed to read: All members of the clergy of this Diocese, having subscribed to the Declaration required by Article VIII of the National Constitution, shall be under the obligation to model in their own lives the received teaching of the church that all its members are to abstain from sexual relations outside of Holy Matrimony.” And strike the second paragraph.Rationale for the Canon ChangeUnties the decision making power of the BishopGives the DEPO option lifeSpeak to the marginalization of the LGBTQ+ communityThe DEPO option is important and necessary in this diocese where we are not all of “the same mind” and Bishop Brewer cannot in good conscience minister to congregations that want to marry gay people and pastor priest who want to perform same sex marriages. We want to move that the vote on this canon change is done by orders and roll call. That requires 10 clergy people to request. We will make sure that Ken Vinal, Alison Harrity, Dale Truscott, Rich Wilson are joined by six others who we will identify and ask to serve in this capacity. Draft Language for a Resolution for Equality for the 2018 Diocesan ConventionoResolved: That this annual convention of the Diocese of Central Florida does now commit itself to work to become a church committed to ending institutional and other forms of discrimination for LGBTQ+ people. And be it further,oResolved: that acknowledging that we are not of one mind on issues of full inclusion for LGBTQ+ people in the sacramental rites of the church, the bishop appoint a Task Force of lay and ordained leadership of the Diocese of Central Florida of diverse opinions, perspectives and points of view of not more than 12 people who will be encouraged to consult with LGBTQ+ people both members of church in the Diocese of Central Florida and those who might have left churches in the Diocese of Central Florida and consult with clergy and lay leaders in other dioceses. And be it furtherResolved, that a report of said Task Force will report at the next convention of the Diocese of Central Florida in 2019Rationale for the Resolution: We want to line up as many people as we are able to rally at the PRO microphone at the convention and at the Pre-Convention meetings. Speaking to the Anti Discrimination Resolution:We determined that we needed the History on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the life of the Episcopal ChurchThat it is the loving Christian thing to doDivorce as a historical comparisonThere is a DEPO process for dealing with division and difference of opinionSacramental argument that gay people have access to all other sacraments and sacramental rites but not marriage and ordination in this diocesePULSE!Appeal to Resolution Ao54 that bishops have to be able to tell gay people where they can get marriage and provide provision for it. Other points we discussed:Gay people are not fully included in the life of the churchConvention has never hear gay people stand up and speak to their painWhile we don’t want to scare people out of the room, education about the diversity of the opinions that exist in this diocese are important to finally get out in the air. Delegates to Convention from St. Richard’s: Jim Christoph, Bev Coll, Stephen O’ConnellNext Meeting Date Tuesday September 19, 7:30 p.m.Canon ChangeThe Forty-Ninth Annual Convention of The Diocese of Central Florida, January 2018o Resolution to Change Canon XVI, Section 10 of the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Central Floridao Presenters: The Subcommittee of St. Richard’s Vestry (The Rev. Alison P. Harrity, The Rev. Ken Vinal, The Rev. Dale Truscott, , Kay Wolf, Pam Menke, Bill Gridley, Bonnie Danner, Stephen O’Connell, Bev Coll, Jim Christoph)o Resolved, that Canon VXI, Section 10 paragraph one which reads, “All members of the clergy of this Diocese, having subscribed to the Declaration required by Article VIII of the National Constitution, shall be under the obligation to model in their own lives the received teaching of the church that all its members are to abstain from sexual relations outside of Holy Matrimony” shall remain in effect and the second paragraph, “All members of the clergy of this Diocese may allow to take place in their cures, officiate at, bless or participate in, only those unions prescribed by Holy Scripture: the wedding of one woman and one man. Said clergy are forbidden to allow to take place in their cures, officiate at, bless or participate in any other unions, as proscribed by Holy Scripture” shall be stricken. -- For the Resolutions Committee:o Resolved: That this annual convention of the Diocese of Central Florida does now commit itself to work to become a church committed to ending institutional and other forms of discrimination for LGBTQ+ people. And be it further,o Resolved: that acknowledging that we are not of one mind on issues of full inclusion for LGBTQ+ people in the sacramental rites of the church, the bishop appoint a Task Force of lay and ordained leadership of the Diocese of Central Florida of diverse opinions, perspectives and points of view of not more than 12 people who will be encouraged to consult with LGBTQ+ people both members of church in the Diocese of Central Florida and those who might have left churches in the Diocese of Central Florida and consult with clergy and lay leaders in other dioceses. And be it furthero Resolved, that a report of said Task Force will be presented at the next convention of the Diocese of Central Florida in 2019.Minutes for the November 28, 2017, 7:30 p.m.Meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Vestry to Respond to Bishop Brewer regarding Same Sex Marriage in the Diocese of Central Florida--Review of Activity since our last meeting August 15--submission of the resolutions—we took Rich Wilson’s name off the Canon Change Resolution--Bill’s breakfast meeting today. Bishop is not changing his position. Bill is considering following up on his book and letter to the rectors in the diocese who received Bishop Brewers email to them (see attached)--Nomination for Diocesan Offices. Due December 1Standing Committee One Clergy, One LayStephen O'Connell is running for Standing CommitteeDale Truscott hopefully will run for Standing CommitteeDiocesan Board One Clergy Two LayAlison Harrity and Kay Wolf?and Bonnie DannerTrustee University of the SouthPam Menke All these bios have been submitted. --Pre-Convention Meetings:?. At least two of us will go to all of the meetings below. We will meet at the church in advance of these meetings and carpool together. I will keep the distance in mind and send out emails in advance of each meeting.Southeast Deanery Saturday, January 6 10 a.m. Location St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Cocoa Northeast Deanery Sunday, January 7 4 p.m. Location Grace Church, Port Orange Central Deanery Thursday, January 11 7 p.m. Location Church of the Ascension, Orlando Northwest Deanery Saturday, January 13 10 a.m. Location Shepherd of the Hills, Lecanto Southwest Deanery Sunday, January 14 4 p.m. Location St. Stephen’s, Lakeland--Diocesan Convention is at Trinity 2365 Pine Ave? Vero Beach, FL 32960 , January 27, 2018Alison will be staying in Vero Beach overnight. Everyone else who is going to come we will meet at St. Richard’s at 7:00 a.m. to travel to Trinity in Vero. I will make arrangements for box lunches to travel with you and we can all eat together at the lunch break. 11/16/2017, 3:29 p.m.Brewer’s Email to Rectors following up on Bill’s Book and LetterDear Friends,On Monday afternoon I read a copy of a letter Bill Gridley sent to the Rectors of the Diocese of Central Florida.? Please know that I had no foreknowledge of the content of this letter. I had not seen this letter at all in any form until Monday when a Rector of a parish in this Diocese forwarded it to me.? I found out from Sarah Caprani, my administrative assistant, that the office had received the letter.? ?Our office acknowledged to Bill Gridley that we had received the letter and affirmed its content, but the letter had yet to be given to me to read.As I read the letter, its contents took me by surprise.? A portion of the letter’s content could imply (without saying so outright) that I have indicated that I would like to see the removal of the second paragraph of Section 10 of Canon XVI from our diocesan canons.Please know that I have made no such indication.? Quite the contrary, my public comments have consistently indicated otherwise.?? The bible teaches that all human beings are worthy of both God’s love and ours, and all forms of prejudice and violence are to be condemned.? There is also nothing in the Bible itself that supports changing the Bible’s definition of marriage.? That definition of marriage was, and still is, the union of man and woman as husband and wife.The author concludes his letter putting my name next to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby and Pope Francis.? While I am nervous about being linked to such august company neither Archbishop Welby nor Pope Francis has made any public requests that the Biblical teaching on the definition of marriage be changed.? ?In this, as well as their love for Jesus and their support for ecumenical fellowship, I am happy to stand alongside both of them.I hope, as far as my own commitments are concerned, this sets the record straight just in case any confusion has arisen.? In closing, you should also know that I have spoken with my friend Bill Gridley by phone this week, sharing the same account with him as I am sharing with you regarding this communication, and I will have a follow up meeting with Bill in person after the Thanksgiving holiday.Please keep this matter in your prayers.? It is important that we move together as colleagues even when we disagree instead of as those who disagree and choose to walk away.Grace to you,+Greg Brewer Bishop Greg Brewer, at Diocesan Convention, January 27, 2018Under strategic point 5.… 3. Our ongoing challenge in evangelizing and serving the expanding gay population that’s here in central Florida. It is the third area of evangelizing and serving the expanding gay population that’s been particularly challenging because as a diocese we are not of one mind about how best to do that. As a bishop I have a grid for making decisions. This grid comes straight from the Book of Common Prayer [p. 517], and is contained in the charge gave me when I was ordained to the episcopate. That charge states that I have to be, “one with the apostles, in proclaiming Christ’s resurrection and interpreting the Gospel,” and that I am called, “to guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the church” and finally that I am, “with my fellow bishops to share in the leadership of the church throughout the world,” not just central Florida, not even the United States, but the world. That’s the nature of episcopal leadership. Therefore any action I take must pass through that grid, meaning: 1. It must be coherent with the faith of the apostles. 2. It must take into consideration the any, the impact of any action… that it will have on the faith, unity, and discipline of the church. 3. It must be coherent with my global responsibility as a leader who shares that leadership with other bishops throughout the world. In other words I not just thinking about what kind of impact on All Saints, Lakeland, Trinity, Vero, you name the congregation. I need to think about the impact it will have on persecuted Christians in Pakistan. And I use that not as a hypothetical example, but one that is personal and real. So that in the midst of some of the stuff that’s been happening the last two weeks I was getting WHATSAPP, (which is where you can text someone, and there’s no charge internationally) from Pakistani Christians I personally know, asking me for their prayers as they are undergoing persecution. The connection was powerful.Prior to this conversation a series of three resolutions presented to the diocese from a group entitled, “the subcommittee of St. Richards Vestry” calling for the elimination of the last paragraph of Diocesan Canon 26, section 10, which limits clergy to only officiating at, “those unions prescribed by holy scripture,” and forbids the clergy from allowing to take place or participate in, “any other unions as proscribed by holy scripture.”There were two resolutions which called for us to be, “a church committed to ending institutional and other forms of discrimination for LGBTQ people,” and called for the formation of a task force that would, “consult with LGBTQ people who are members of this diocese, and those who might left the diocese.”Thought these resolutions contain material worthy of consideration they failed in my opinion to live up to the requirements inherent in that grid regarding the faith, unity, and discipline of the church. As required by the canons I consulted both our Committee on Constitution and Canons which includes Bill Grim and Chancellor Wooten to my left, and the Standing Committee in the Diocese, the committee unanimously concurred with my and counseled me to not let them come before the floor of convention. But you are owed any explanation. Why did I come to this decision? First of all, 1. The wording of the resolutions themselves were framed for confrontation. They were provocative, far more than they should facilitate[?] Second, no justification was offered as to why such resolutions were worthy of passage----No whereas’s. And in this case I thought were more than important. Also and critically important behavior leading up to this convention especially on the clergy listserve convinced me that it would not be possible to debate these resolutions without inflicting serious harm on the unity of your diocese. One illustration, recently I sat with a clergy person who confided in me that he could no longer go on CFCLERIC because as he began to read the posts around these resolutions, a knot began to form, to form in his stomach, and for his soul’s health he decided he could not continue to stay on the listserve. He was around in the days when these controversies loomed so large that the entire diocese was marked by rancor and division. It was almost as if this priest was describing memories that felt like PTSD. It should be noted that these remarks were coming from a priest who supports the church performing gay marriages. His reaction only confirmed in my mind the rightness of the decision to not bring them to the floor of convention. I wanted NO part in taking the diocese back to that divisive and harmful time in our history. Over the past six years of my episcopate we have come too far in uniting around mission to now undermine those strides that we have made together. But, it is not as if these discussions and these resolutions are unimportant, quite the opposite. They are deeply important to us, in our common life together, as well as the discipleship of each of our brothers and sisters in Christ, both in the pew and in the pulpit. Therefore while deciding that these resolutions should not come before this convention, I do believe that the formation of a task force is actually a very good idea. Therefore I have called for the formation----I am calling as with this speech----for the formation of a task force to deal with the concerns as outlined. I’ve asked Canon Justin Holcomb to chair this task force. He will have six members, no more than fifteen who [?], whom I will appoint, who represent the broad theological diversity that presently exists within the Diocese of Central Florida around the question of the church blessing same sex marriages. The task force will offer a reflection on the recent actions of General Convention in providing liturgies for same sex marriage, and consider the implications, both canonical and pastoral, for our congregations in central Florida. The task force will take into consideration the biblical, theological, and pastoral implications of these actions. And this reflection will be offered in the form of a report to our next diocesan convention.Please note: I have no desire to sweep these issues under the rug, and any accusation of that, is patently false. However, I want these issues to be dealt with in a way that is coherent with what we have already been given, in de perbum[?], meaning living together as a diocese in a way that genuinely reflects the faith of the apostles, as well as the unity of this church. That is the context that we have been given. We can’t just jettison that for the sake of doing this [?]… Quite honestly, so that’s my job to make sure that those things are in place and set a context for what I consider to be an extraordinarily important conversation. So you will be hearing more, and if you are interested in being a part of that task force, I urge you to let either Justin Holcomb or me know. Besides it will take some real work so be prepared.Greg Brewer <bpbrewer@>Fri, Nov 30, 2018, 4:14 PMto me, TheDear Alison,I am writing in response to your request for permission to perform at St. RIchard's the blessing of a same sex couple. You have assured me that there is a couple who desire such a ceremony and that this action has the full support of the congregation (the two requirements for B012). I have spoken with the Rt. Rev Terry White (Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky) who has graciously agreed to explore with you what episcopal oversight for you and St. Richard's might look like. You will remember that I am a DEPO bishop for a parish in Kentucky and Bp White and I have a close working relationship. Given my conversations with you and with the vestry, I am inclined to offer some form of Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight (DEPO) as the most pastorally appropriate solution. While it is possible to interpret the pastoral care another bishop might offer be limited to any oversight necessary to perform this blessing, it seems to me that something more broad would be appropriate. What I would like you to do, if you are so inclined, is to talk directly with Bp White about what DEPO might best look like for the pastoral direction and support both of you and of St. Richard's. If you and Bp White can come to some sort of mutually agreeable proposal, then I would come into the conversation and we, together, would work out an arrangemnt for episocpal oversight going forward. I want to have some role in the life of St. Richard's going forward, and I a sure we can find an amicable solution. So, Alison, please feel free to contact Bp Whie at your convenience. With All Best Wishes and Prayers,+Greg BrewerDiscussion with Bishop White of KentuckyVestryxAlison HarrityThu, Dec 13, 2018, 11:51 AMto VestryTo: Vestry of St. Richard'sFrom: Alison Harrity, Rector and Jim Christoph, Senior WardenRE: Initial Conversation with Bishop Terry White regarding DEPOGreg Brewer Diocesan Bishop of Central Florida sent me an email on Friday, November 30 inviting us to speak with The Rt. Rev. terry White, Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky and explore a Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight (DEPO) relationship. This is in response to the rector of St. Richard's asking permission to perform a same sex wedding in February 2019. Brewer believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman, while the rector and the vestry of St. Richard's are in favor of performing same sex weddings. Brewer is a DEPO bishop for St. Francis in the Fields in the Diocese of Kentucky. Jim Christoph, Senior Warden, and Alison Harrity, Rector spoke with White by phone on Tuesday December 11, 2018. White was clear that because the position of St. Richard's on same sex weddings and the ordination of openly gay people to all orders of ministry is recognized by the wider church, it is sensible for Brewer and St. Richard's to arrange for DEPO. White acknowledged that Brewer would likely be condemned publicly by those who do not recognize the full inclusion in the sacramental rites of the church for gay people both locally and internationally. White insisted that because of the unique nature of the DEPO relationship, St. Richard's would still be a full member of the Diocese of Central Florida and continue to be an agent for change here. The DEPO relationship calls on the wisdom of another bishop and provides breathing room for St. Richard's as we already have a scheduled same sex wedding for February and have a married gay person interested in the ordination process. We are going to draft a letter asking White to:--Consult on any marriage that involves divorced people, same sex or otherwise as the canons of the Episcopal Church require a bishop to approve of a marriage where one or two people are divorced. --Oversee any ordination processes by members of St. Richard's. This involved the person going through the ordination process in the Diocese of Kentucky and results in that person being under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Kentucky. --To oversee any search process should a new rector need to be called--Visit St. Richard's for confirmations and other episcopal servicesWe asked White about our assessment of 12% to the Diocese of Central Florida. He assured us that Kentucky has no expectation of a financial contribution. However, St. Richard's would be responsible for any travel costs White will incur to visit. On White's suggestion, the rector of St. Richard's will inform the Diocese of Central Florida that because we are on such a lean budget, we would likely subtract from our diocesan assessment any costs we will incur for the DEPO relationship. In addition, we are still in discussion about the standing of Rich Wilson, vocational deacon who is assigned to St. Richard's but serves at the pleasure of Brewer. It has been suggested that because Brewer wants some continued involvement with St. Richard's, that our deacon might provide that bridge. We also briefly described the work of the Subcommittee on Same Sex Marriage which met last year to draft the resolutions to change the diocesan canon that forbids same sex marriage and to convene a task force in the diocese to open conversation about fully including gay people in the sacramental life of the church. Both of which were ruled out of order by the Brewer and the chancellors of the Diocese of Central Florida before the Diocesan Convention in January 2018. We also sent White a recording and a transcript of Brewer's convention address from January 2018 where he described the work of the Subcommittee as divisive. We will be discussing all of this on Sunday at our Vestry Meeting. ................

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