Examples of how to reach out to people about Plexus

[Pages:5]Examples of how to reach out to people about Plexus: (always personalize these and make it your own)

Mine is always a bit different depending on the person and I always add a few sentences of chit chat to open up............

"I'm sure you've seen my posts on FB about Plexus in the past few months. I have been sharing about it because it has been such a blessing to our family and radically changed my health. It's also been a huge blessing financially. I've thought about you several times because I know that health is of utmost important to you and you've been through a lot in that regards as well. I love the Plexus products because they offer all natural, plant based products that everyone needs and they benefit the whole family. Would you be interested in learning more about the products and possibly trying some of them?

I know that they may or may not be for you but I just have to reach out and see if you're interested because they have been so amazing for me.

I hope you have a great day. I look forward to hearing back from you!

Hi, I couldn't help but notice on your FB post that you have been really struggling with ----- (whatever they might be posting ), I thought I might share with you how I have regained my energy and am enjoying increased sense of well being. I am really excited in the difference I can see since I have been taking Plexus products. If you would be open to it I would love to share it with you. I can send you a sample of our Plexus Slim. You may have heard about the "pink drink". I love it and know you will as well. I hope to hear from you soon :)

Each person is different, so here is my tired mom friend:

Hello Katie, I hope this finds you well! I saw your post and can totally relate to the tiredness, and I only have one kiddo at home. I'm sure you've noticed how I've been sharing my love for Plexus and the amazing things it's doing for my body and my life. I'm reaching out to you, to share some info and my experience on how my life has improved. Id love to tell you more about Plexus Slim, lovingly known as the "Pink Drink'. Slim is an all-natural supplement that is mixed in a bottle of water, once a day, and typically consumed on an empty stomach. It may help keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. The key is water consumption, which I honestly struggled with, until I lost my soda cravings. The best part, it tastes great! I'm down some pounds, but the inches did it. The shirts that were tight at the beginning of summer, well, I can

pull them off without buttoning. I would not put my endorsement on something I don't believe in, and this works for ME. This has helped curb my craving's and keeps me from munchie attacks. Please reach out to me with any questions you may have! I look forward ro hearing from you, and helping you reach your goals! Tell me how I can help! Thank you for your support. Mel

Hey friend! I am going to go out on a limb her and say you may have noticed that I am just a tad passionate about Plexus. I have just gotten involved with this new business and I am so intrigued I just had to tell you about it! I have friends making more money in a month than some make in a year, but what got my attention was the lifestyle. They are all working out of their homes, and at their own pace, and creating an ongoing, residual income that is staggering to me. When I saw the caliber of people coming into the business, I immediately thought of you. I can't think of many people I'd rather do this with--you know everyone in this community, you are well respected and you are such a genuine person, I just know you would be amazing in this role! I really think I'm on to something with this Plexus thing and would love to share a bit more with ya! Let me know when you have a minute so you can see what all the fuss is about!"

Hey _____I hope you are doing well! You have been on my mind lately so I just wanted to reach out to you. I see you have been working out and getting healthy so I just wanted to talk to for a minute about Plexus, as you can see I'm crazy about it, I'm healthier and feel so much better than I have in years. I'm would love to send you a sample of the Pink Drink so you can see why I love it so much. When you have a second just me your address and I'll get a sample in the mail a long with some information. Hope to talk you soon and thank you for time.

Hi Cindy! It's been a couple months since we last chatted and I am not sure if you have noticed, but I am kinda in love with Plexus! Ha! You have been on my mind for the last couple months and I wanted to know if I could just send you a couple of samples of the pink drink so you can see what all the fuss is about!! I know we have tried to hook up, but understand your busy schedule, so thought this might be better.

I keep feeling a little nudge to tell ya about this company, but have put it off not wanting you to think I am crazy! Ha! But...I can't help it anymore, I have to tell ya!!

I seriously also think you would be insanely blessed in this business. I have been BLOWN away by it and was crazy skeptical at first. You have such a dynamic personality, are really kind hearted and have such a great network of friends. I truly think you would ROCK this! If just for the health aspect, that is completely fine too! It's just too good not to share it!

Shoot me your address when you get a second and I will get some samples out right away just for you to try!

Hope to talk soon!! Have a blessed day girl! Katie

Hi how are you doing? Thank you for liking my post(s) about Plexus! Plexus is a health and wellness company with amazing products and an amazing business opportunity! Since starting these products, my skin has cleared up, I've lost fat and not muscle, I have no energy, and I no longer have migraines! I was skeptical about joining at first, but once I took the products and they truly worked I invested $34.95 into such an amazing company and now I am sharing this success with others! No inventory needed, you don't even have to buy or sell the products! Just share the amazing opportunity with family/ friends! Help people get healthy from the inside out!!

Hey _____! I just wanted to send you a quick note about my new adventure. I took a chance on a supplement to help with my migranes and it has completely changed my life! I sharing with as many of my friends and family as I can because they have several products in their line that help with so many different issues and I want to help anyone I can. If you have or know anyone with chronic pain, inflammation, headaches, GI problems, blood pressure issues, cholesterol issues and just general health questions please message me or tell them to message me so we can talk and see what may help you. Let me know if you want to grab coffee or lunch sometime!

Hi________! I just want to say thank you for liking my Plexus posts. It really means a lot to me but I am curious if are you liking my posts because you are being supportive or

would you like information about Plexus? As you can see I am passionate about Plexus because it has been life changing for our health and finances. Is there anything you are curious about regarding Plexus?

How are you doing? I was thinking about you recently about "who would be fabulous at doing what I'm loving doing"? And your face popped in my head! You have such a great personality and it takes positive grit to be successful and you have the right tools for this. I'm not sure if you have seen my posts about plexus but if not, I'm a Sr gold ambassador currently and I am so passionate about what these products have been doing for me. I would love to share more with you and possibly sit down and show you how it is changing so many others' lives as well. Our compensation plan is second to none and when you work it as a business, you can add a residual income to your household that might even surpass your current salary and enable you to find financial freedom in your future. I know that we are all busy in our every day lives, so I will check back with you in a few days if you don't get a chance to message me back before then. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hey Anna! Congrats on the wedding!! It looked beautiful! And hope the honeymoon was great as well, I'm sure it was! One of these years brandon and I will actually go on one haha! I also wanted to message you about plexus! I'm sure you have seen my newsfeed blowing up with it lol and trust me I'm not here to just sell you something! I honestly have had such awesome results with this company I can't help but share! It really think it would fit in perfectly with you active lifestyle because this is all about overall health. I would love to chat some more about these amazing products when it works for you! I will give you a day or two, to mull it over and I'll message you if I don't hear from you sooner!

hey becky! hope your enjoying the last little bit of what we have left of summer! So I am sure you have seen my millions of plexus posts lol I am a bit obsessed! For good reason! This has changed me as a mom. Sounds crazy I know lol but when you're not exhausted beyond belief all the time, you're sleeping better at night, you don't have that constant brain fog and you don't feel so frazzled all the time it truly changes the way your live life! I would love to chat some more with you about this opportunity! I will give you a few days to mull it over and message you back if I don't hear from you sooner!

Hi Jake, how are you? Happy Saturday!!! I'm just reaching out to a few new friends today...I'm not sure if you've seen my Plexus posts, have you ever heard of it or tried it? My husband and I have been on these amazing, all natural, plant based products for over

18 months and we can't not share! Could you or anyone you know benefit from focusing on blood sugar balance, gut health, and inflammation? Did you know that 95% of all health concerns stem from one of those 3 and Plexus focuses on all three!!! We only have 21 amazing products from gut health to protein shakes to a clean meal replacement, pre work out thermogenics, to a clean, easy two step skin care! If you have any interest or questions or even if you know of anyone that could benefit I'd love to help. Hope you are well!! Thanks a bunch, Danielle

Hey DK, I hope you're well. You've probably seen my posts about Plexus. If you haven't, it probably means you've unfriended me lol. Seriously though, I love this line of supplements. Plexus is a heath & wellness company that focuses on gut health, inflammation & balanced blood sugar. Even after eating super clean and working out I was constantly sick, dragging in the afternoons and fighting with my IBS symptoms. Now, I'm not making at all & I have been sick free for well over 100 days, which is huge! Just getting the best I've ever felt, ironically in my late 30's. If I sent you some information would you be interested in checking it out?


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