Civil Service
Response rate = 83% (25 out of 30 departments)For list of non-responders, see Annex AGSS Presentation & Dissemination CommitteeWHAT’S NEW DASHBOARD – DECEMBER 2016 UPDATE Progress has been made in the following areas this quarter (October to December 2016). Please see Annex A for who to contact in each Department for more information and Annex B for the detailed returns.PublishingOfsted, Defra: HTML publications Ofsted: data view toolNHS Scotland: open data toolNHS-D: alpha for new publication systemContent/CommentaryDCMS: new handbook ORR, NHS: new compendiumsHSE, VOA, PHE, MOJ: redesigned publicationsDWP: web analytics as official statsMOD: audio commentary plannedSG: stats blogging siteTraining and workshopsDCLG: scrum, ArcGISDWP: data vis trainingMOD: conference on ‘telling the story’ DfT: Full Fact workshopNHS: data vis workshopSG: user research, R, data visDfID: webinarsMOJ: user personasSocial MediaDfT: growing use/promotion of stats accountORR: work with comms on strategyNISRA, DfID: promoting work via Facebook and TwitterGPT: new social media guidance Infographics & chartsDCLG: new infographicsDWP, NRS:interactive visualisationMOD: data vis competitionDfID: improved infographicsONS: collaboration with BBC DfT: road casualty dashboardReviews/Strategies/GroupsDefra, NHS-D: consultation responseNHS-D: new publication advisory board first meetingHSE: gathering feedback BEIS: user consultationONS: ‘style council’ establishedGuidanceDefra: guidance on creating datasets Ofqual: ‘infocard’ guidance for writing releasesNISRA: user engagement best practiceOther DCMS: automated analysis and QAUKSA: launch of new Office for Statistics RegulationSoftwareDCMS: D3WG, DfID, NHS-D, ORR: Power BIOfqual: Plotly, R ShinyMOJ: TableauCURRENTLY TRENDINGOpen data (DCMS, WG, SG, NHS-S, NISRA, BEIS)DCMS and ALBs discussion with ODIData science (Defra, DfT, DH, NHS-S, NISRA)Defra – first GDS Accelerator graduatesDH – data science demos via webcastInteractives and dashboards (DCMS, DCLG, DWP, DfT, ONS, WG, DWP, NRS, SG, DfID, MOD)DfID using Power BI for corporate visualisationsONS visual – baby names tool DfT new road casualty dashboardInfographics and posters (DCLG, HSE, DfID, NISRA)DCLG - new infographics and posters produced to showcase latest figuresNISRA - promoting infographics and statistics on social media - Facebook and Twitter (over 3,500 followers).9696451100455CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONSIs awarded to Scottish Government for the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation publication ( ), including interactive maps and clear commentary 601345812802835910115570ANNEX A – List of Presentation Champions and PDC RepresentativesBelow is a list of each Department’s Presentation Champions and PDC Representatives. If you would like to find out more about the work being carried out that is highlighted on the dashboard, please contact the colleagues listed below. If there are any changes required to the list, please let the Good Practice Team know and keep the information in your “What’s New?” return up-to-date. A list is also kept at the following link: Response rate was 83% (25 out of 30 departments). Responding departments:DepartmentPresentation ChampionPDC (group Chair) DH/NHS Englandfrederick.wheeler@ NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) madeleine.watson1@ Public Health Welsh Scottish NHS GSS Good Practice Non-responding departments:DepartmentPresentation ChampionPDC RepDfEsapna.sanghvi@.ukandrew.brook@.ukhiren.bhimjiyani@.ukHome Cabinet niall.goulding@culture..ukANNEX B – Full “What’s New” returns – December 2016Response rate = 83% (25 out of 30 departments)Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Peter is leading on the CBAS Trial on the ex-DECC IT systems. The platform will allow all analysts to use a range of software from a cloud based hosting with ex-BIS colleagues already have access to. Due to the merger both ex-DECC and ex-BEIS are in flux but things are happening across both sites?as roles and networks are looking to be consolidated in the near future; Access to BEIS stats twitter account which ex-DECC colleagues can also make use of, Potential to organise a session with Full Fact to help BEIS statisticians gain a wider understanding of how their stats are used and accessed, Colleagues in electricity stats are working hard on a user consultationWill be looking to work with colleagues experienced in achieving 5 star Open Data to see if we can run internal sessions on open data and publication formatting in the New Year to share skills and experiences across the wider departmentOffice for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)Publication of official statistics in HTML.First release of ODS files for early years official statistics.Work underway on Data View tool. Relaunched earlier this year but problems with data feed meant some remits missing. Due to refresh tool in early December with full data set.Cleanup of Ofsted files on .uk underway.Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)Peer review scrum of data visualisations in DCLG stats publications have been completed with more organised for the new year. Training on 'Introduction to arcGIS' for all staff with more advanced sessions planned in the near futureTraining offered to learn arcGIS online in order learn how to produce interactive maps A successful launch of our new 'Go figure' series where staff are encouraged to present the key findings from their latest statistical release to the rest of the departmentNew infographics and posters produced for within the department to showcase latest figures from statistical releasesThe departments new Implementation unit has been working on a new automated Online Performance dashboard. It's aim is to provide easy access to the latest performance data on priority policy areas, in the office, at a meeting, or on a visit. This offers automatic data updates, export functionality and can be accessed through a variety of devices. This is being developed in several stages and work is currently underway to expand the policy areas covered within the dashboard.Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)We have recently published the summary of responses to our recent?consultation on proposed changes to a number of official statistical releases across the Defra group. We exceeded the target to publish 8,000 datasets by June 2016.? In the end this figure exceeded 11,000.? We are now reviewing user uptake and feedback with an Unconference in Birmingham 29 November to further refine our data publication offer. Finalised guidance on creating datasets? - now moving forward with some re-working of some important datasets on the environment and farming side. Contributed to 2 day ONS led Discovery project – the drill-down exercise covered the Defra?group releases and will help the project team gain an in-depth understanding of our data and processes from collection to publication. First rural publications in HTML available on Gov.UK Food and Rural statisticians amongst the first to graduate from the GDS Data Science Accelerator programme Undertaken a review of our website analytics reporting and presently refreshing our internal regular update on key statistical releases provided to the Secretary of State, Ministers, top of the office and wider as requested.Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)D3 visualisation of DCMS sector economic metrics has been published at dcmsblog.ukWe've released a handbook of DCMS & ALB statistics from the previous year We've started a project with GDS to automate the analysis and QA of our economic estimates statistics, with the aim to reduce burden of production and free up time for commentary and presentation work A further two analysis tools for Taking Part have gone online Meeting with ALBs to discuss open data with the ODI We hosted a Taking Part survey user event on data accessDepartment for Work and Pensions (DWP)Template for releases. Use of the template is going very well, all but one of our releases in the last three months has used the template, to varying degrees of compliance. The one off releases of analysis are also using the template.Web analytics. We're looking at the use of web analytics as official statistics, working with the UKSA to write guidance about their use internally and the publication methods. For some websites we regularly release data using the GDS Performance Platform. We released a one-off analysis last month to enable the minister to reference website usage in an oral PQ response. We'll share our approach to the guidance once it's fininshed.Interactive visualisations. We're planning to release some interactive data visualisations alongside the benefit fraud stats, at the start of December. We're still negotitating with press office and comms about the content and context.Data visualisation training courses: We continue to deliver training to lots of staff. We're training non-statisticians across the Management Information and Human Resources commuity. And across other departments, we've also trained analytical staff from OfQual and the Department for International Development.Health and Safety Executive (HSE)Publishing (all user persona groups): Early November saw HSE’s annual statistics release, with the redesigned summary booklet (see ) as the new flagship publication (see August update for more details). As per last year, an A2-sized poster (costing ?10) summarising the main statistics is available. The poster last year sold around 2000 copies. Additionally, the data tables had a make-over to improve usability.Reviews/strategies/groups (all user persona groups): Full data analysis for our web-based survey carried out at the start of the year has now begun – this has been delayed due to staff sickness. Also, there is an internal consultation to gather views and experiences of the HSE team who contributed to the processing and production of the annual release. In addition, a short on-line survey to gather feedback on the new-style documents is planned for December and January.Ministry of Defence (MoD)Pocket book stats compendium- In September Defence in Numbers pocket book was published. This was nominated for a civil service award.Audio commentary- Obtained new audio software. Now planning first audio releases to accompany Official Statistics, presenting key facts and figures.GSS in MOD conference - this years conference had the theme ‘Telling the Story’ and included presentations and workshops from analytical professions inside Defence and guest speakers from outside of the Department, many of which focused on presentation and dissemination.Data visualisation competition - Following the GSS in MOD conference, Director of Performance and Analysis held a data visualisation competition ‘Telling the Story’. There were three joint winners, two using R Shiny and one using Sway.Department for Transport (DfT)Presentation: Shared chart formatting macro with MoJ and its bodies to help them develop their own chart standardising tool.User engagement/social media: Continued to promote our statistical publications via our @DfTstats Twitter account. We have now sent out 216 tweets and have 687 followers and are on track to meet our target of 1,000 followers within the first year. Transport Statistics Great Britain: 2016 is being published on 8th December and will be promoted heavily via @DfTstats with over 30 tweets sent out over 2 weeks under the hashtag #TSGB2016. Dissemination/ New approaches to dissemination/Data Science: The road safety team have launched a road casualty dashboard at: to enable users to generate their own queries using road safety data. Feedback on the dashboard has been extremely positive. Presentation of official statistics/ promoting best practice within non-statistical teams: statisticians at the Department for Transport participated in a workshop ran by Full Fact. This included a practical session on how statisticians can help ensure that data is communicated in a way that avoids misunderstanding, in particular for the media and general public. There was also a session where statisticians were able to try their hand in a live fact checking exercise. This required us to look through sources to check statistics quoted in an episode of Question Time. This session emphasised that it can sometimes be difficult for the media and general public to find and use official statistics. Everyone who attended the workshop felt that it was extremely enjoyable and useful and would recommend other Departments organising similar events.Office of Road and Rail (ORR)User engagement:?Published an annual compendium which combines key findings on all the statistical releases, each on one page?and using data visualisation?techniques:? ? Dissemination: Improvements made to?latest quarter?and annual statistical releases following training session on improving statistical commentary Cross-working: Pro-active engagement with Comms team to develop their social media strategy Data Portal replacement project - consultants have recommended a SharePoint site with visualisations delivered through Tableau or PowerBI.Ministry of Justice (MoJ)A template for quarterly bulletins has been developed and is due to be signed off in December, for use in MoJ’s publications from next yearMoJ are planning a session on user personas at their December GSS Quarterly meeting. DfT ran a similar session a earlier this year, and we have discussed the session with their Presentation ChampionsMoJ published a blog on the GSS website about the work we have done to create and publish interactive visualisation tools in tableau: . The tool is due to be presented at the 14th December PDC meetingWe have arranged some training to be run by ONS on effective charts and tables for December.Department for Health (DH) / NHS EnglandData Science - The DH Data Science Hub have been presenting a series of short data science demos to DH analysts via webcast. For example, the first one showed how to plot data on a Google map. There will be 6 of these Data Science Shorts in total. Development of new compendium - The Workforce Analysis Team have developed a Health & Social Care Workforce Compendium. This brings together a range of statistics on health care workforce and analyses them. They are collated from sources including: statistical publications from NHS Digital, NHS England (Picker), pay bill statistics produced by DH, other statistics and analysis produced by NHS Employers, health Education England, and NHS improvement. It has been produced in Excel and shared with the Pay Review Bodies, HMT, NHS Employers, NHS Improvement and Health Education England on the DH Xchange platform. Data Visualisation Workshop - Neil Riley (NHS England) chaired a workshop on skills building for health data visualisation with colleagues from the WHO, Norway Institute of Public Health and the Dutch Institute of Public Health at the European Public Health Conference in Vienna.NHS Digital (NHS-D)Dissemination / new approaches to dissemination: work exploring the use of?Power BI continues. Engagement with Users: Final response to consultation published at the end of September. Full response is given in the link below. Teams are working through to implement the changes agreed over the coming months. ? Discovery phase for replacement publication system has completed and Alpha phase started. Looking to prioritise the user needs and demonstrate possible solutions to users over the next 8 weeks. System wide Health and Care Publication and Advisory Board established and held its first meeting. This will advise on publication issues across the health and care sector, as part of the work of the English Health Statistics Group.Public Health England (PHE)Developed new stats bulletin format for PHOF and hope to roll this out to other tools: Still transitioning legacy websites Continue to develop the fingertips platform and add to the number of official stats releases and commentaries Continuing discussions with comms around use of twitter Looking to set up a newsletter through GovDelivery to keep users updated about official stats releasesDepartment for International Development (DFID)Improved DFID's annual Statistics on International Development publication, with the inclusion of new infographicsSupporting the first ODA Ministerial meeting (cross-department Ministerial meeting) with strong but simple visuals to communicate effectively to MinistersDFID statistics adviser seconded to the United Nations Development Programme has been working with staff in headquarters to use webinars as a means of training staff in 140 country offices on accurate reporting of data against key results indicators, including live and recorded demonstrations of results reporting systems using Skype for Business. DFID Zambia using a range of infographics in social media posts to create awareness of DFID's work.DFID using Power BI for corporate visualisations - will download the software onto all DFID computers in December.Office for National Statistics (ONS)Launched a Style Council in November, made up of Publishing, business areas and GPT to evolve and discuss changes and amendments to the ONS Style Guide Published in November three articles in our series looking at GDP. The series includes an interactive timeline of GDP and a GDP explainer. Publishing Group set up in Newport in October where business areas and Publishing will meet once a month to share information and discuss challenges. Titchfield group to start in January. Visual and the BBC are working on their first collaboration project - the risk of crime calculator - to be published on the BBC News website Interactive content for Personal Wellbeing has been syndicated far and wide across national & regional media in October Publishing meeting business areas to advise of upcoming open data changes and to refresh our understanding of their data processes Looking at how visual content (Visual.ONS) should be integrated into main ONS website Visual and the Household Income team worked together to turn an idea into a Visual post within 2 days to capitalise on an adhoc data request and broadcast of a C4 programme using ONS data. The article on 20-somethings and earnings has been a big talking point in the media in recent months. Launch of Visual.ONS dashboard in November to dynamically reflect key economic and social indicators with a small amount of accompanying text to provide an overview of post-referendum UK. Publishing and Quality teams discussing an approach to future QMIs and reflecting methodology work Visual.ONS published a tool which let people explore the changing trends in baby names over time. This proved to be very successful, linked to by the BBC and embedded by the Independent, it has delivered more than than 250,000 page views. Working on Data Discovery Alpha - allowing people to slice/dice the data on ONS website. Undertaken user research testing for this in LondonWelsh GovernmentOver?60 first release have now been published using the new format, including a figure on all front pages.?Slideshare?has been used for further outputs and further knowledge of the hit rates for differnt releases is being used to focus our?targeting.?For example the local authority population projections slideshare has been viewed the most.Hosted the RSS Poverty and Inequality in Wales: Statistics for Action meeting bringing together a broad cross section of users.548 data cubes are now Open Data.Around 600 data cubes are?fully bilungual (including metadata)?- servicing?the needs of both Welsh and?English language users.Groups of Power BI users now meeting regularly within WG to look to see how we can make use of it - KAS key part of that advising on presentation, but also taking forward our own work on it.Work on generating interactive charting in the WG website stalled a little to make changes so that it can?use the OData feed - therefore charts will be updated directly from StatsWales once live, making the process more efficient.Developments to the Lle site continue, with additions such as boundary files for Wales to enable and encourage resuseScottish GovernmentOpen Data We've made some new datasets available on .scot, including from the innovative Scottish Surveys Core Questions project which combines several large population surveys to provide rich local data. A Scottish Action Plan referring to the publication of open data on .scot will be launched during the Open Government Partnership Global Summit on Friday 9 December.? Blogging Pilot blog is live at . We're about to do some promotion of it to get user feedback. User Research Laura Dewis ran a well received session for us on the ONS content strategy. We're going to link up with ONS user researchers as part of our own user research. User research plan agreed, and we've organised an initial workshop to identify users as a first stage. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2016 Launched new SIMD mapping alongside new release. Very well received, and made use of existing DataShine mapping so was excellent value for money. The team also took an innovative approach to the publications in response to user feedback. Was well received and material was re-used on BBC news.? Training and Development Held a conference for all producers of official statistics in Scotland. This included presentations on communicating analysis. We recently ran an R user day for analysts that included material on visualisation including with R ShinyNHS ScotlandThe CKAN tool for publishing open data at 09:30 is almost ready and is undergoing final checks by an IT consultant with experience of deploying CKAN before go-live at the end of December. Five analytical staff attended the Data Lab Edinburgh Boot Camp on Data Science in September, two of them have been deployed to focus on progressing a number of data science projects on a full time basis. ONS staff travelled to Edinburgh on 26th September to present their publishing content strategy to analytical staff acress ISD, National Records for Scotland and Scottish Government. This learning is influencing the direction of travel of ISD's publishing strategy. Over 50 ISD staff attended the Scottish Official Statistics Conference in Edinburgh on 6th October jointly organised by SG, NRS and ISD. It provided an oppportunity to for the UKSA to share their update on the Code stoketake exercise, the thrid sector to share the benefits of the analytical support they receive from SG, NRS and ISD, for the Heads of Professions in Scotland to share their vision for Official Statistics and for progress in areas such as data science and open data to be shared.National Records Scotland (NRS)We have produced several new interactive data visualisations. We have been invited to the UK LARIA conference (on 'Getting results through effective communication'), to talk about our work and share tips on how to do it. We have developed a?new Communication Strategy, and a new Social Media Strategy.Valuation Office Agency (VOA)This quarter the VOA produced a suite of statistics to go alongside the change in rateable values of Non-Domestic Ratings list. This publication is only produced every time the rating list is updated and it required some substantial work and redevelopment since the 2010 update. The statistics included a detailed commentary of the changes alongside charts and tables. It also had the addition of heat maps which strengthened the way we illustrated rateable change by region, billing authority and sector. VOA also produced four other publications on Non-Domestic Ratings, Council Tax Challenges and Changes and Private Rental Market Statistics.HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)No update this quarter Office of Manpower Economics (OME)No update this quarter OfqualStaff attended courses on creating effective tables and charts run by GSS and DWP. Launched a 'transformation programme' to modernise all publications - making them more engaging and useful for users. Content as well as design of all publications will be reviewed. Prepared infocard providing targetted action plan for staff involved in the transformation programme. The plan includes considering different types of users recommended by GSS when preparing publications (Expert analysts, Information foragers and Inquiring citizens). Staff are also encouraged to reorient content strategy according to the inverted pyramid of Essential, Helpful and Bonus.Shared vision of using data analytics and the transformation programme with internal staff via a blog piece on our intranet. Gave update on the new data science campus. Impressed upon the need to mobilise the power of data in Ofqual using John Pullinger's quote – “step up, stepforward and step on the gas”.Prepared infocard to those involved in preparing and reviewing official statistics publications. The intention is to have a focussed strategy on how to write and review statistical releases. The infocard recommends focussing on four factors - key findings, reasons, accuracy and presentation and keeping users in the middle of all this activity. The recommendation is also phrased as "Key findings should be highlighted and backed up with reasons and be accurately and engagingly presented to suit varied users".Engaged with DWP to get their guidance on re-designing the reporting template. Compared various other templates - DfT, DfE, ONS, Visual ONS, Defra and OfstedExplored using visualisation tools such as Plotly and Shiny (using R). Ran a hack-day for internal staff on how to use ILR data (Individualised Learner Record). Will be running another hack-day in December on using Power BI for creating effective tables and charts.Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)User Engagement - NISRA's User Engagement Best Practice Guidance Document was circulated to NISRA staff and is now available to all staff via the NISRA intranet. Communication & Marketing Branch (CMB) - CMB have been promoting lots of infographics and statistics on social media - Facebook and Twitter (over 3,500 followers). The branch have also attended STEM events and have been talking to university students about the use of statistics as well as delivering workshops on the NINIS website. NINIS users have also been kept up to date through the circulation of monthly NINIS e-zines. CMB staff have disseminated new hard copy A5 infographics and other information at NISRA exhibition stands at various events and conferences including health and local government conferences. CMB are also working with NISRA staff and the IT team on the development of a new NISRA website which we hope to launch by the end of this financial year. Open Data - NISRA now have a target in the DoF Digital Action Plan to enhance the number of datasets available on NINIS and ensure that new datasets are available in 3 star open data format. By March 2017 the target is to add a further 80 datasets to the NINIS website and to ensure 95% of new datasets are available in 3 star format. By end September 2016, 53 new datasets were added to NINIS and 100% of these are available in 3 star format (ODS). NISRA also has a target to increase the number of 3 star outputs and to have some 4 star products by March 2017.Data Science - the NISRA data science programme started at the end of November with 11 participants beginning a 3 month data science training programme to upskill and work on exemplar projects. Awareness sessions to raise the profile of NISRA's capability will be delivered to senior civil servants across NI government after Christmas.Monitoring and Assessment Team (UKSA)The new Office for Statistics Regulation was launched on 24 November (replacing the Authority's Monitoring and Assessment Team). The Office for Statistics Regulation will have much more of a systemic focus to enhance public confidence in the trustworthiness, quality and value of statistics. The new Office will more pro-actively consider the health of the whole statistical system, and of the topic areas (e.g. health, economic statistics, population) that make it up. It will focus on:coherence; accessibility; what producers do to nurture and improve their source data and how relevant the statistics are. It will bring together these reviews at a topic level in an annual report, which will represent a health check across the whole statistical system. A Code of practice Stocktake - In December 2016 the new Office will publish recommendations to launch a refreshed Code of Practice for Statistics. The refreshed Code will be more principle based (and underwritten with guidance) and focussing on the core elements of trustworthiness, quality and public value.Good Practice Team (GPT)Social Media: New introduction to social media for the GSS guidance will be published before Christmas. The GPT / ONS social media team hosted a social media fact finding visit from NHS Digital. Please contact or speak to Tegwen if you think your department would benefit from visiting ONS. We also presented to Public Health England on using social media. Policy Profession: GPT are hosted a policy and analysis session in Newport session in ONS on 19th December. Our work with the policy profession continues across the GSS. User Engagement: Tegwen presented at European Statistical System Workshop in Den Hague, Netherlands. Her ‘take home’ from the conference was the power effective engagement with the media - in terms of raising profile of statistics and getting the widest range of users engaged. Communicating statistics: We delivered this course in October 16 and November 16. Info and details to sign up here: ................
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