Lesson Plan: Clean Your Room - Deepwater

Math-in-CTE Lesson Plan: Clean Your Room


|Lesson Title:Clean your room. |Lesson # |

|Author(s): |Phone Number(s): |E-mail Address(es): |

| Isaac Zawolo | 703-228-2157 | jeff@ |

| Jeffrey Elkner | 703-228-5771 | isaac.zawolo@ |

|Occupational Area: Math and ICT |

|CTE Concept(s): Describe the process of writing and executing a computer program. |

|Math Concepts: Adding Integers, Plotting points on a coordinate plane. |

|Lesson Objective: | Students will edit a Scratch story.  Students will apply their understanding of the coordinate plane and Integer addition to move objects to a |

| |desired location.  Students will distinguish between events and use the "change by" statements. |

|Supplies Needed: | Computer running Scratch.  Access to Internet. |


|The "7 Elements" |Teacher Notes |

| |(and answer key) |

|Introduce the CTE lesson. |  |

| |  |

| | |

|How often do you clean your room? What do you do when you clean your room? Is it important to put things| |

|in proper place? Do you move things to the left or right? Do you move things up or down? Do you have to | |

|move things to the right and up or to the left and up? Do you move things to the left and down or to the| |

|right and down? | |

| | |

| | |

|Can you connect moving objects to the left with addition? Can you connect moving objects to the right | |

|with addition?  | |

|2. Assess students’ math awareness as it relates to the CTE lesson. |Integers are negative, positive whole numbers and zero. Numbers to the left of zero are |

|  |negative integers. Numbers to the right are positive integers. |

|In this lesson we learn to add integers and plot points on a coordinate plane.Do you know what are |  |

|integers? What are the two kinds of integers? How do we add integers? |To find the sum  of numbers with the  same sign we add the numbers and keep the sign. |

|  |  |

|Do you know what a  Coordinate Plane is? What is the "begining point"  on the coordinate plane called? |To find the sum of numbers with different signs we subtract the number with smaller  |

|What are the two intersecting lines that go through the origin called? What kind  of integers are to the|absolute value from the number with the larger absolute value. |

|left of the  origin? What kind of integers are at the right of the origin?  What kinds of integers are |  |

|above the origin? What kind of integers are below the origin? |The point of intersection of the two intersecting lines that run through the "begining |

|  |point" of a rectangular coordinate plane is called the origin. |

|  |  |

|  |The lines that run through the origin are called the axes. The line which runs |

|  |vertically ( up and down ) is called the Y-axis. The line which runs horizontally ( left|

|  |to right ) is called the X-axis. |

|  |  |

|  |Every point in a plane has a x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. To plot a point we first |

|  |move left or right and then move up or down. |

| |  |

| |Some basic definitions: |

| |  |

| |1. Sum: the result when numbers are added. |

| |2. Absolute Value: the measure of distance from zero. Absolute values is always |

| |positive. |

|3. Work through the math example embedded in the CTE lesson. | Scratch Programming Objectives: |

|  |Scratch stage. |

|      |stage background. |

|  |sprites. |

|  |"green flag" and "space bar" events. |

|   |"goto x y" instruction |

| |"change x by" and change y by" instructions |

| | |

|4. Work through related, contextual math-in-CTE examples. | Explanation of key terminology must be provided. Students must be familiarized with |

|  |key-strokes and program code to move objecrts. |

| | |

|Using the Scratch Lesson " Clean up your Room" students will: | |

|Modify the program to move objects to the desired location. |Ask students to add a new sprite of their own choosing to the room, deciding for |

|Write the coordinate of objects in the story. |themselves where it should go. |

|Write the coordinates of location where the objects should be placed | |

|Students will find the sum of integers. | |

|5. Work through traditional math examples. |The worksheets and Key to the worksheets will be provided. |

|  | |

|Students will complete two sets of worksheet : | |

|  | |

|Worksheet # 1: Adding Integers | |

|  | |

|Worksheet # 2 Plotting points on a coordinate plane. | |

|6. Students demonstrate their understanding. |  |

|  | |

|Cleaning up the classroom.  Starting with our IT classroom as the stage, students will | |

| | |

|1. place at least 3 items in the "wrong" location in the room | |

|2. use the "green flag" event to position each sprite in the choosen location. | |

|3. determine the coordinates of the final, "correct" position of each item. | |

|4. use the "space bar pressed" event and "change x / y by" statements to move each sprite to its final | |

|location.  | |

|  | |

|7. Formal assessment. |Assess the following Scratch vocabulary: |

|  1. Identify each of the following: | |

| a) The origin | |

| b) The X-axis |Stage |

| c) The Y-axis |background |

|  | |

|2. Write the coordinates of each of the following points; |sprite |

|a) A (  ,   ) |green flag event |

|b) B (   ,   ) |space bar pressed event |

|c) C (  ,    ) |go to x y statement |

|d) D  (    ,   ) |change x by |

|e)  E  (   ,   ) |change y by |

|f )  F (    ,   ) | |

|g)  G (  ,   ) | |

|h)  H (   ,  ) | |

|  | |

|3. Find the sum: | |

|  | |

|a) -7 + -4 = | |

|b) -9 + 3 = | |

|c) 7 + -5 | |

|d) 2 + 3 = | |

|e) -8 + 0 = | |

|f) -4+ -5 + 11 | |

|g) -56 + 87 = | |

|h) 45 + -36 + -94 | |





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