MargD Teaching Posters - HOME

Spelling Investigation


Working in small groups, students cut up words and sort them into groups according to how they have been made plural.

Students then attempt to formulate some rules for plurals, and make a chart stating these rules.

Each group’s chart is displayed and discussed with the aim of making one chart everyone can agree on.

|sandwiches |dictionaries |medals |

|playgrounds |wishes |schools |

|ovens |photos |stomachs |

|witches |addresses |boxes |

|brooches |businesses |monkeys |

|bodies |elves |wolves |

|jellies |fish |dice |

|factories |lice |feet |

|armies |fungi |trains |

|butterflies |candles |puddings |

|journeys |shapes |launches |

|highways |inspections |waltzes |

|trolleys |matches |buses |

|shelves |mangoes |injuries |

|leaves |ways |valleys |

|railways |families |enemies |

|thieves |knives |canaries |

|holidays |laundries |loaves |

|lives |teeth |deer |

|geese |people |mice |

|feathers |soldiers |bridges |

|voyages |adventures |tractors |

|patches |taxes |stiches |

|mosquitoes |potatoes |lollies |

|trays |keys |libraries |

|displays |hobbies |bullies |

|birthdays |babies |women |

|puppies |ships |bunches |


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