Orders & Observations Conference Call

Orders & Observations Conference Call



|Name |Organization |

|Bill Scanlon | |

|Cindy Vinion |NGC / CDC |

|Ken McCaslin |Quest Diagnostics |

|Margaret Dittloff |The CBORD Group |

|Riki Merrick |IConnect Consulting / APHL |

|Rob Savage |NGC / CDC |

|Hans Buitendijk |Siemens Healthcare |

|Patrick Loyd |GP Informatics |

|Bob Lutolf |Gensa Corp |

|Brian Pech |Kaiser Permanente |

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Co-Chair: Hans Buitendijk

Scribes: Riki Merrick, Hans Buitendijk


▪ Meeting Minutes Approval

o Conf Call Meeting Minutes: 9 December 2010

▪ Motion to accept. Ken McCaslin, Patrick Loyd.

• Accidently sent the next version, but content did not change yet.

• Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 9

▪ Project Statements

o The following project statements are up for review in the Steering Division: [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

o Arden Syntax:

▪ Suggest to rephrase - The Arden Syntax Work Group will collaborate with other work groups towards development of queries and vocabularies in order to promote clinical executable knowledge sharing and provide updates to the HL7 Reference Information Model and HL7 standards. Something like that is better.

▪ Motion to accept with suggestion to A.S. wgm Patrick, Ken. Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 10

o Canonical Pedigree:

▪ Some confusion around “The Canonical Pedigree Project (CPP) was proposed and approved at the HL7 Phoenix meeting of the Clinical Genomics work group in January, 2010.” Whether this is a modification or new. Workgroup approval data should then be Jan 2010.

▪ Unclear whether this includes V3 standard updates, or only IG work. Clarify whether this is either/or adding implementation guidance in the standard, creating an IG, and/or updating the V3 standard. Only need to clarify, no concern with which one it is.

▪ Unclear whether this is a white paper or IG. If white paper, have done that before? Is it different than IG.

▪ Is the realm US or other?

▪ Motion to support with suggested modifications. Patrick, Rob

• Struggling whether we can support a white paper if it turns out to be a white paper. Should then go to Publishing first to understand what that really means.

• Understand concerns, but willing to move forward to let the discussion shape this.

• Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 9

o Registries

▪ OO should be an interested party.

▪ Include the abbreviation IHE. Also provides opportunity for joint balloting

▪ Motion to approve with suggestions. Patrick, Ken.

• Against: 0; Abstain: 1; In Favor: 10


▪ Concern raised with realm specific. TSC only wants universal if there is universal participation. How can we encourage international participation to have opportunity to be universal. Not a project statement question.

▪ IHE typically is universal so how will the reconcile with this being US specific.

▪ Motion to accept with raising question. Ken McCaslin, Patrick Loyd

• Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 11.

o CDA Tooling

▪ Are the dates real/practical since they match?

▪ Question about criteria. Does not state that tooling is complete, quality is higher than word document, etc.

▪ Motion to accept with question. Patrick Loyd, Ken McCaslin.

• Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 9.

o PHER – Requests OO to be co-sponsor on next version of lab results to Public Health.

▪ Harmonization Meeting Update – Patrick/Austin

o Skipped

▪ Test Compendium Ballot Reconciliation

o See spreadsheet for changes/votes.

▪ [pic]

▪ ELINCS Use Case Clarifications

o Order Cancellation – Should one extend the use for ORU Test Cancel approach from the Results IG, or use the OML message with cancel control codes?

o Order Acknowledgement – Should one use ORL or ACK for the accept level acknowledgement?

▪ Replace Control Code Discussion

o Not discussed

• Blood Bank Update

o Not discussed

▪ Behavioral Model / Composite Order Model Update

o Not discussed

▪ V2.8 Proposal

o Introduced the topic of Prior Results. A proposal will be forthcoming from Frank Oemig

▪ January WGM Agenda



• TBD - Continue with Composite Order Ballot Reconciliation

o [pic]


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