Introduction - Safety Risk .net - Humanising Safety and ...

Zero to HRO (High Reliability Organising)Abandoning antediluvian accident theoryAbstractThe recent resources boom in Australia saw a commensurate focus on occupational health and safety management. It also presented a unique opportunity to generate transformational change using a process and evidence based approach.However, direct observation of activities and anecdotal evidence from colleagues on various projects, indicates there has been a significant resurgence in traditional accident theory. This has been supplemented with an array of nebulous soft systems change management processes, which includes the ubiquitous and pestilent concept of zero harm.This paper evaluates the attributes of risk and energy damage theory and accident theory and compares them with the contemporary Shingo model of operational excellence and features of high reliability organisations.It recommends abandoning atavistic accident theory and adopting risk and energy damage theory, which offers a process and evidence based approach to align with the guiding principles of operational excellence and the unique attributes of high reliability organisations.KeywordsAccident theory, risk theory, operational excellence, high reliability organisationsConflict of interestThe author of this paper declares no conflict of interestTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc477635368 \h 1Accident theory PAGEREF _Toc477635369 \h 2Casual labour hire arrangements PAGEREF _Toc477635370 \h 3Regulatory capture PAGEREF _Toc477635371 \h 4Safety advisors or evangelists PAGEREF _Toc477635372 \h 5Bureaucratic and qualitative risk management processes PAGEREF _Toc477635373 \h 7Lower order control measures PAGEREF _Toc477635374 \h 8Cause-effect analysis and human error PAGEREF _Toc477635375 \h 10Reactive performance indicators PAGEREF _Toc477635376 \h 11Safety slogans, posters and incentive schemes PAGEREF _Toc477635377 \h 12Zero harm and safety culture PAGEREF _Toc477635378 \h 13Behavioural safety PAGEREF _Toc477635379 \h 14Risk and energy damage theory – A process based approach PAGEREF _Toc477635380 \h 16Operational excellence and high reliability organisations (HROs) PAGEREF _Toc477635381 \h 17Preoccupation with failure PAGEREF _Toc477635382 \h 17Reluctance to simplify PAGEREF _Toc477635383 \h 18Sensitivity to operations PAGEREF _Toc477635384 \h 18Resilience PAGEREF _Toc477635385 \h 18Deference to expertise PAGEREF _Toc477635386 \h 18Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc477635387 \h 19Figure 1: Attributes and consequences PAGEREF _Toc477635388 \h 21References PAGEREF _Toc477635389 \h 22IntroductionA reasonable estimate of economic organization must allow for the fact that, unless industry is to be paralyzed by recurrent revolts on the part of outraged human nature, it must satisfy criteria, which are not purely economicR H Tawney – Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926) REF _Ref466712968 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 1 The recent resources boom in Australia saw a commensurate focus on occupational health and safety management. It also created a perfect opportunity to generate transformational change via a process and evidence based scientific approach, REF _Ref465863516 \r \h 2 REF _Ref469057147 \r \h 3 underpinned by risk and energy damage theory. REF _Ref469327035 \r \h 4 REF _Ref469327058 \r \h 5 Alas, observation of activities at various projects, indicates a significant resurgence in traditional egocentric accident theory, REF _Ref469327159 \r \h 6 which has been supplemented by a plague of complex and nebulous psychology based nostrums. This has generated a concomitant increase in obscurantism REF _Ref468808776 \r \h 7 and agnotology REF _Ref468808798 \r \h 8 REF _Ref468808812 \r \h 9 and progress has stalled accordingly.Corporate safety strategies and policies often embrace risk theory but it is a patina of good governance, REF _Ref453336651 \r \h 10 and corporate social responsibility. REF _Ref471474629 \r \h 11 REF _Ref471410064 \r \h 12 Further investigation at operational and tactical levels indicates there is often a misalignment of strategy and traditional accident theory prevails. Anecdotal evidence from colleagues confirms accident theory is flourishing and subliminally embraced by many project managers and safety evangelists. It is complicated by contingent precarious casual labour hire arrangements, REF _Ref476474745 \r \h 13 REF _Ref476474768 \r \h 14 inappropriate bureaucratic risk assessment techniques and linear cause-effect investigation tools. REF _Ref453327286 \r \h 15 This is exacerbated by an inordinate focus on reactive performance indicators, especially total recordable injury frequency rates. REF _Ref470813106 \r \h 16 Meanwhile, an ever increasing array of displacement activities REF _Ref470017333 \r \h 17 have been implemented, which include behavioural safety programs, incentive schemes, cultural surveys and fuzzy soft systems change management processes. REF _Ref453327151 \r \h 18 REF _Ref469423989 \r \h 19 It is compounded by a relentless stream of corporate bilge masquerading as leadership, with a precarious over reliance on bureaucratic lower order administrative controls and the use of personal protective equipment. REF _Ref470814281 \r \h 20 This is fortified by intimidation REF _Ref469734452 \r \h 21 REF _Ref470426816 \r \h 22 REF _Ref472180525 \r \h 23 and regulatory capture, REF _Ref477361367 \r \h 24 REF _Ref477602019 \r \h 25 which begs the question……………….Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?Accident theoryA healthy loyalty is not passive and complacent but active and critical - Harold Laski REF _Ref476753871 \r \h 26 Accident theory REF _Ref475783413 \r \h 27 emerged in the 1930s. It was immortalised by the work of Heinrich REF _Ref453327114 \r \h 28 and despite its reactive and foreboding nomenclature, REF _Ref470281058 \r \h 29 REF _Ref474010560 \r \h 30 it remains conventional with many organisations and safety evangelists. REF _Ref473461887 \r \h 31 Closer scrutiny confirms it lacks logical analysis and scientific rigour REF _Ref470353983 \r \h 32 and is littered with pejorative terminology. REF _Ref453327063 \r \h 33 REF _Ref473395352 \r \h 34 It targets downstream using reductionist, mechanistic and linear cause-effect methodology. This relies heavily on the benefit and bias of hindsight, REF _Ref453326932 \r \h 35 REF _Ref453326898 \r \h 36 which creates a robust cognitive illusion with a pernicious influence on decision makers. REF _Ref453496258 \r \h 37 A fundamental weakness of accident theory is its reliance on the judgemental term unsafe, which is so easy to establish following an event but surprisingly difficult to determine beforehand. REF _Ref453326856 \r \h 38 Its emphasis on unsafe acts diverts attention from operational or material risk to general safety risks. REF _Ref465006063 \r \h 39 This places an unwarranted focus on system noise, which leads to ignoring signal REF _Ref453326832 \r \h 40 and can result in catastrophic consequences. REF _Ref453911326 \r \h 41 Its cause-effect ideology generates dispositional and situational attribution error and a quest for blame ensues, REF _Ref453326800 \r \h 42 REF _Ref454129381 \r \h 43 which creates fear. REF _Ref473185664 \r \h 44 The next casualty is truth, which compromises the subsequent investigation. REF _Ref453784405 \r \h 45 Many global corporate behemoths with authoritarian or militaristic structures display symptoms of entrenched Taylorism. REF _Ref470420474 \r \h 46 This depicts employees as extensions of machines and alienates them from their work. REF _Ref453326746 \r \h 47 Accident theory and its attributes thrive under such conditions, with an inherent focus on unsafe acts, cause-effect ideology, blame and changing behaviour. REF _Ref471500242 \r \h 48 The introduction of new technology and casual labour hire arrangements often generates insecurity and atavism REF _Ref476681509 \r \h 49 and employees frequently resort to managing the structure, REF _Ref453326423 \r \h 50 especially in adversarial environments. In sporting vernacular, they play the man not the ball and Kaizen principles, which emphasise that systems influence performance, are neglected or discarded. REF _Ref453326396 \r \h 51 The impact of technology and its transformation of organisational structures is reviewed extensively by Drucker. REF _Ref470255634 \r \h 52 Casual labour hire arrangementsWork keeps away those three great evils: boredom, vice and poverty - Voltaire REF _Ref476475126 \r \h 53 Over the past few decades traditional employment relationships have changed considerably, with a dramatic increase in contingent or precarious arrangements, REF _Ref476476906 \r \h 54 using contract labour through hiring agencies. REF _Ref476477682 \r \h 55 This trend is noticeable across Australia and overseas, especially throughout the construction, resources and horticultural sectors and it shows no signs of abating. REF _Ref476479766 \r \h 56 Arrangements normally consist of a loose tripartite agreement between the host who provides the work, the labour hiring agency and the employee, who is effectively a ragged trousered philanthropist. REF _Ref476848872 \r \h 57 Responsibilities are often vague and there is confusion whether arrangements are a contract of service or a contract for service, REF _Ref476481171 \r \h 58 which generates legal REF _Ref476585226 \r \h 59 and organisational uncertainty. REF _Ref476500759 \r \h 60 Labour hire networks are quite intricate and the courts adopt a multi-factorial approach REF _Ref476481598 \r \h 61 to confirm precise contractual relationships, which evaluates the degree of control, level of integration and the totality of interdependence. REF _Ref476485817 \r \h 62 Labour hiring agencies experience extreme difficulty in the supervision of its employees, especially across multiple sites, with host organisations more than willing to relay or transfer the associated risks. REF _Ref476584447 \r \h 63 It becomes increasingly complex to synchronise activities, coordinate decisions and manage risks. Agency employees are invariably unfamiliar with the host site and its workforce, which significantly increases occupational health and safety risks. REF _Ref476499943 \r \h 64 REF _Ref476682756 \r \h 65 Labour hire arrangements also compromise consultation mechanisms REF _Ref476850527 \r \h 66 through the deliberate or inadvertent exclusion of agency employees from the host organisation health and safety committee meetings. REF _Ref476487927 \r \h 67 REF _Ref476491165 \r \h 68 It is a fertile environment for reactive accident theory. Many of its symptoms, which include fear and blame, evolve and flourish accordingly. The legal and organisational complexities and uncertainties generated by labour hire arrangements are somewhat antagonistic and create negative behaviour patterns, which can result in increased injury rates, psychosocial risks and long term health problems. REF _Ref476500044 \r \h 69 This may be a significant contributory factor in the recent resurgence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis throughout Appalachia in the United States REF _Ref476493158 \r \h 70 and across Queensland in Australia. REF _Ref476493182 \r \h 71 Regulatory captureQuis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Juvenal REF _Ref477082417 \r \h 72 The renaissance of accident theory has coincided with the emergence of neoliberalism REF _Ref477616974 \r \h 73 and regulatory capture. REF _Ref477361760 \r \h 74 REF _Ref477361773 \r \h 75 This includes financial and cognitive leverage and occurs when statutory officials develop convivial relationships with the regulated industry. REF _Ref476907754 \r \h 76 A perception transpires whereby the regulated entity receives benefits or preferences at the expense of the regulatory authority or public interest and the liaison appears unethical. REF _Ref477600897 \r \h 77 This risk increases when statutory officials adopt conciliatory and cooperative approaches using persuasion and negotiation as a preference to adversarial and punitive enforcement. REF _Ref476907725 \r \h 78 Conflict of interest also arises if the inspectorate belongs to a government department which has principal responsibility for ensuring the productivity and economic success of the regulated industry. REF _Ref477461324 \r \h 79 REF _Ref477361878 \r \h 80 The Alberta occupational health and safety regime in Canada exhibits classic regulatory capture symptoms. REF _Ref477085820 \r \h 81 Financial capture is accomplished via employer funding of regulatory activity, REF _Ref477362031 \r \h 82 which provides preferential access to policy making. Cognitive or cultural capture is achieved using propaganda REF _Ref477363452 \r \h 83 and the regulator and employers promulgate a narrative of culpability, advocating the careless worker myth. REF _Ref477363472 \r \h 84 Irreverent media safety campaigns featuring distraught dependents often focus on reactive injury management and rehabilitation. REF _Ref477445552 \r \h 85 REF _Ref477367297 \r \h 86 The impact is only ephemeral and it subliminally transfers duty of care onto victims to disguise or absolve employer negligence. REF _Ref477367308 \r \h 87 It has resurrected atavistic accident theory, promoted the zero harm philosophy and created a sinister revival of behavioural safety programs. In Australia regulatory capture has been identified as a contributory factor in the resurgence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. REF _Ref477361898 \r \h 88 REF _Ref477361915 \r \h 89 The dilemma of responsive regulation REF _Ref477371900 \r \h 90 and whether to punish or reward is reviewed by Kolieb, REF _Ref477371912 \r \h 91 who advocates a compliance and aspirational approach and contemporary developments include behavioural economics nudge theory. REF _Ref477371926 \r \h 92 However, left unfettered this can easily degenerate into a laissez faire regime REF _Ref477379519 \r \h 93 REF _Ref477371940 \r \h 94 REF _Ref477633725 \r \h 95 and deregulation. REF _Ref477371967 \r \h 96 REF _Ref477379137 \r \h 97 Further discussion on regulatory capture is provided by the Administrative Conference of the United States REF _Ref477609510 \r \h 98 and the Australian National Audit Office. REF _Ref477371994 \r \h 99 Safety advisors or evangelistsReason before passion - Pierre Elliott Trudeau REF _Ref466528373 \r \h 100 Hiring of safety managers and advisors during the resources boom was quite frantic. The minimum qualification required was a Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety REF _Ref453326366 \r \h 101 and accreditation was easily and quickly obtained, REF _Ref470328010 \r \h 102 through numerous registered training organisations. REF _Ref466718527 \r \h 103 REF _Ref465870157 \r \h 104 Projects were besieged by obsequious safety evangelists wielding Maslow’s hammer, the law of the instrument, REF _Ref465934560 \r \h 105 without any concept of business systems and processes or critical thinking. REF _Ref469737972 \r \h 106 REF _Ref471746675 \r \h 107 They were soon lost if not bossed and terms such as unsafe, hazard, mate and risk were often used indiscriminately and synonymously. Many advisors were unable to articulate the fundamental test for a hazard REF _Ref466115251 \r \h 108 REF _Ref468725721 \r \h 109 or distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data or descriptive and inferential statistics. REF _Ref466115238 \r \h 110 REF _Ref475212985 \r \h 111 This has emasculated, discredited and dumbed down REF _Ref470328451 \r \h 112 the safety profession and an extensive review of the curriculum REF _Ref473207274 \r \h 113 REF _Ref469812949 \r \h 114 and recruitment processes REF _Ref454101378 \r \h 115 is required. The Certificate IV qualification merely provides an overview of the legislative framework REF _Ref469836209 \r \h 116 REF _Ref454216870 \r \h 117 and traditional accident theory. It does not fulfil Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board criteria REF _Ref465870601 \r \h 118 as a professional education program and the coverage of key concepts, theories and business processes REF _Ref454216895 \r \h 119 REF _Ref454217551 \r \h 120 is limited. Its integrity REF _Ref473208114 \r \h 121 REF _Ref474666879 \r \h 122 amongst many safety professionals is regarded with some cynicism. However, the Safety Institute of Australia professional certification scheme has honourable intentions. Nonetheless, it contains adversarial elements, especially in the verification process. REF _Ref469836739 \r \h 123 This can intimidate inexperienced safety advisors, stifle creativity and inhibit progress and the scheme requires further systemic thought.Toolbox talks and prestart meetings at various projects often resembled quasi-religious tribal rituals, with project safety managers and safety evangelists proselytising, chanting and beseeching employees to behave safely. The terms faith and hope are more applicable to creationism, REF _Ref471038676 \r \h 124 scientology REF _Ref471038188 \r \h 125 or intelligent design REF _Ref468520832 \r \h 126 and may occasionally appear in fuzzy soft systems change management processes REF _Ref470804633 \r \h 127 or neurolinguistic programming. However, they have no place in risk and energy damage theory and certainly do not belong in any safety strategy. REF _Ref454132528 \r \h 128 REF _Ref470356080 \r \h 129 This was exacerbated by egregious safety crusaders patrolling sites like neurotic Tonton Macoutes, REF _Ref470446849 \r \h 130 armed with digital cameras, electronic hazard identification sheets and behavioural safety checklists to target unsafe acts and conditions. It has created a Gotcha culture REF _Ref468557312 \r \h 131 underpinned by cognitive dissonance, REF _Ref465612430 \r \h 132 blame and fear, REF _Ref473185701 \r \h 133 with the emergence of an unnecessary and somewhat predictable bureaucratic email war. REF _Ref471215571 \r \h 134 Many of these administrative tools, especially behavioural safety checklists, use pejorative descriptors such as line of fire, eyes on path and eyes on task. REF _Ref469836763 \r \h 135 Qualitative irrational performance indicators generate misleading data REF _Ref469837007 \r \h 136 and if you ask vague questions, expect vague answers. It is opening a Pandora’s Box REF _Ref470422017 \r \h 137 and cultivating widespread disdain. Unsafe acts and negligence are not synonymous, it is a legal concept and an industrial relations minefield. Moreover, it requires a careful understanding of jurisprudence REF _Ref465592094 \r \h 138 and a discreet appreciation of the fundamental tests, which are used to establish the tort of negligence. REF _Ref469831393 \r \h 139 It is debatable whether such tactics are appropriate for managing general safety risks and the application of similar methods to operational risks REF _Ref453326268 \r \h 140 has resulted in catastrophic consequences. REF _Ref472761703 \r \h 141 More appropriate terms for the discipline using such approaches would be safety damagement or Facebook Safety?.In 2010 an extensive review of health and safety legislation in the United Kingdom REF _Ref469585654 \r \h 142 triggered comments from David Cameron, who pledged to kill off the health and safety monster and claimed it was an albatross around the neck of British businesses. REF _Ref469585665 \r \h 143 He need never have bothered because much like Shelley’s Victor Frankenstein, REF _Ref469668305 \r \h 144 it is imploding and self-destructing REF _Ref473209365 \r \h 145 and to reiterate the British philosopher and logician, Bertrand Russell…all movements go too far. REF _Ref469668385 \r \h 146 Bureaucratic and qualitative risk management processesThe only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency - Eugene McCarthy REF _Ref466528805 \r \h 147 Queensland safety legislation REF _Ref453326216 \r \h 148 prescribes requirements covering risk management and safe work method statements are mandatory for high risk construction work. REF _Ref453326181 \r \h 149 On several projects, direct observation of activities confirm safe work method statements are frequently supplemented with additional risk assessment processes, which include a job safety analysis, task hazard analysis, take five process and standard operating procedures. Nominated high risk activities also require a permit to work REF _Ref471548754 \r \h 150 and the entire administrative process degenerates into gridlock, creates frustration and a bureaucratic culture prevails. REF _Ref453326140 \r \h 151 Safe work method statements, REF _Ref453326104 \r \h 152 risk assessments and supplementary standard operating procedures are often overly complex REF _Ref475212294 \r \h 153 and written to protect the writer. REF _Ref453326074 \r \h 154 Documentation is produced using word processing software with its many decorative functions and describes only a limited resemblance to what is occurring at the human machine interface. However, there are often significant variances between the activity and documented procedures REF _Ref453325846 \r \h 155 REF _Ref453325817 \r \h 156 and a process perception paradox REF _Ref453325766 \r \h 157 is evident, which somewhat alarmingly creates a form over substance culture. REF _Ref470517448 \r \h 158 Risk estimation REF _Ref471328040 \r \h 159 is determined using the conventional consequence and probability two dimensional matrix. REF _Ref475883189 \r \h 160 Contrary to popular belief, this is only a qualitative tool which uses numbers as labels. Its categories precede the data, REF _Ref466050841 \r \h 161 with a profound impact on decision making. REF _Ref466115542 \r \h 162 It disguises the significant variable of exposure and does not reflect the typical inverse logarithmic relationship between frequency and consequence value. REF _Ref471230998 \r \h 163 The matrix is a particularly blunt instrument and is easily manipulated to suit hidden agendas and it has many other imperfections. REF _Ref468530095 \r \h 164 REF _Ref468726424 \r \h 165 Viner provides a critical review covering effectiveness of risk assessments REF _Ref453325674 \r \h 166 and additional limitations are discussed by Pickering and Cowley, REF _Ref475211381 \r \h 167 Hopkins REF _Ref470448246 \r \h 168 and Gadd et al. REF _Ref468977706 \r \h 169 An electronically manicured and over-egged safe work method statement or job safety analysis won’t extinguish a fire REF _Ref465872792 \r \h 170 and indeed, much of the documentation observed across several projects merely represents a combustible hazard.Lower order control measuresHe blew his mind out in a car, he didn’t notice that the lights had changedLennon & McCartney REF _Ref466529058 \r \h 171 Most safety advisors are fully conversant with the hierarchy of controls REF _Ref453325648 \r \h 172 but a review of project risk registers and investigation reports often exposes the Pareto principle. REF _Ref453325601 \r \h 173 Almost 80% of corrective actions involve lower order administrative controls or use of personal protective equipment. REF _Ref453325577 \r \h 174 REF _Ref454094762 \r \h 175 Queensland legislation REF _Ref453325535 \r \h 176 prescribes requirements for reporting notifiable incidents, which are followed by a comprehensive investigation process. However, anecdotal evidence and participation during investigations, confirm paradoxical nostrums are often implemented. These include additional warning signs, disciplinary action, retraining, revision of safe work method statements or standard operating procedures and supplementary personal protective equipment. REF _Ref453325503 \r \h 177 REF _Ref454003737 \r \h 178 It is a decorous fa?ade, which does not significantly reduce the associated risk. REF _Ref470615553 \r \h 179 Documentation becomes increasingly complex, which cultivates bureaucracy and eventually generates disdain and distrust. REF _Ref453770101 \r \h 180 Active lower order controls focus on changing people and it is much more effective to change the situation. REF _Ref453325471 \r \h 181 A panoply of safety signs is commonplace on most projects and superfluous laminated warnings are often displayed haphazardly and mounted using string, cable ties or adhesive tape. Many are confusing, noncompliant with guidance standards and ineffective. REF _Ref454213923 \r \h 182 REF _Ref469073314 \r \h 183 Engine hoods on elevating work platforms display a betokening - Danger Moving Parts. Project offices, especially crib rooms, are bedecked with futile warnings. Doors are affixed with a presaging - Danger Door Opens Inwards and kitchen cisterns are supplemented with soothsaying labels - Danger Hot Water. REF _Ref465006617 \r \h 184 Departure lounge windows at a regional airport were decorated with a wonderful oxymoronic pièce de résistance - No Smoking Prohibited. At least it was spelt correctly or perhaps it was innovative choice architecture. REF _Ref471395991 \r \h 185 Laminated safety signs may assist paramedics find an injured person on a large construction site. However, they are more often heard, fluttering in the breeze, like plastic windmills on a suburban cemetery grave or makeshift roadside traffic accident memorial.At one project, the corrective action for light vehicles interacting with powered mobile plant on access roads involved a verification of competency for light vehicle drivers. This was completed by an accredited trainer from a registered training organisation and every driver was assessed as competent. It was a classic displacement activity and diverted attention from using higher order controls, such as segregation of powered mobile plant and light vehicles. REF _Ref454098850 \r \h 186 REF _Ref454098870 \r \h 187 If the terms mate and buddy were excluded from two way radio chatter during traffic control, the silence would be deafening.Queensland legislation prescribes requirements covering general construction induction training. REF _Ref465710664 \r \h 188 This is supplemented with site specific inductions, which can provide organisations with a perfect opportunity to improve recruitment processes and demonstrate leadership. REF _Ref473199926 \r \h 189 REF _Ref470256423 \r \h 190 However, participant feedback confirms site inductions have degenerated into a death by PowerPoint exercise. Every attendee passes with flying colours, which verifies the presenter has a pulse and inductees can scrawl their name on the attendance register. Many projects also display and enforce platinum, golden, cardinal or life-saving rules, REF _Ref468901619 \r \h 191 which are regularly reiterated during inductions, prestart meetings and toolbox talks. Breaches often result in dismissal and rather predictably, it generates blame and fear, which conflicts with Deming’s principles for transformation of western management. REF _Ref453498072 \r \h 192 It was the great dissenting philosopher, William Hazlitt, who commented that…………rules and models destroy genius and art REF _Ref465614595 \r \h 193 and the renowned Roman philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero, remarked…….the more laws, the less justice. REF _Ref465594224 \r \h 194 Laws of fear and alternative approaches for achieving compliance using nudge theory, which promotes libertarian paternalism and offers a choice architecture philosophy, are discussed by Sunstein and Thaler. REF _Ref465935252 \r \h 195 REF _Ref454187118 \r \h 196 The dominance of active lower order controls is redolent of accident theory and atavistic regimes and aims to create a safer person, which conflicts with statutory obligations. REF _Ref453325395 \r \h 197 Risk and energy damage theory promotes reliability using passive REF _Ref475259252 \r \h 198 technological controls. This minimises or reduces reliance on human behaviour. REF _Ref470853279 \r \h 199 It targets the source and creates a safe place, which aligns with common law duty of care requirements. REF _Ref453325361 \r \h 200 Cause-effect analysis and human errorDo not choose a coward’s explanation that hides behind the cause and the effectLeonard Cohen REF _Ref466529440 \r \h 201 Cause-effect ideology REF _Ref470805175 \r \h 202 REF _Ref470540671 \r \h 203 is a fundamental tenet of accident theory and has been subject to extensive critical analysis over many years. REF _Ref453325327 \r \h 204 REF _Ref468983136 \r \h 205 It is overly simplistic and mechanistic and advocates unsafe acts or human error lead to injury or damage. This has received widespread acceptance amongst safety advisors and is entrenched in the resources sector. Several variations have evolved, REF _Ref470974164 \r \h 206 REF _Ref453498175 \r \h 207 which are essentially linear and suit tractable processes REF _Ref473268630 \r \h 208 REF _Ref454136246 \r \h 209 and are fundamentally flawed. They are inappropriate for socio-technological systems and constrain investigations. REF _Ref453325261 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 210 REF _Ref470973726 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 211 Following several hours of painstaking and thoughtless deliberation over proximal, distal, contributory and necessary causes, REF _Ref475797164 \r \h 212 the outcome usually divulges a statement of the bleeding obvious. REF _Ref471069867 \r \h 213 This often discloses human error REF _Ref470975070 \r \h 214 and with the benefit and bias of hindsight, REF _Ref471129972 \r \h 215 REF _Ref471150589 \r \h 216 it allocates or redirects blame onto subordinates REF _Ref472273831 \r \h 217 REF _Ref470986783 \r \h 218 and the culpability cycle continues ad infinitum. REF _Ref471130776 \r \h 219 Another significant limitation with cause-effect thinking is that it nurtures an atavistic and overwhelming desire to find scapegoats and seek closure or retribution. REF _Ref453325229 \r \h 220 REF _Ref465000225 \r \h 221 Many of these symptoms were evident following the Hillsborough stadium disaster in April 1989 and are discussed extensively by Scraton. REF _Ref453325200 \r \h 222 Following disasters, especially involving transport, REF _Ref474047572 \r \h 223 human error REF _Ref473395755 \r \h 224 is usually ascribed as the cause by investigators and the media. REF _Ref471637221 \r \h 225 It is often a consequence, which is influenced and provoked by other factors. REF _Ref453325118 \r \h 226 The term cause must be used sparingly during investigations, nonetheless it features prominently within the title of two conventional proprietary tools. Ascription of human error is unhelpful and akin to saying falls are due to gravity. REF _Ref468472535 \r \h 227 It often implies blame, which is misleading and pejorative and compromises investigations. REF _Ref469058584 \r \h 228 This diverts attention from engineering controls, REF _Ref468522610 \r \h 229 which focus on changing the situation and addressing the problem at the source. Changing the human condition is a complex and difficult task. However, modifying the working environment is often more effective and far less complicated. REF _Ref453422540 \r \h 230 REF _Ref472273887 \r \h 231 Reactive performance indicatorsRational behaviour requires theory. Reactive behaviour requires only reflex actionW Edwards Deming REF _Ref466615417 \r \h 232 Reactive injury frequency rates are commonly used for monitoring safety performance in the resources sector and include the total recordable injury frequency rate. REF _Ref470554586 \r \h 233 This is an unreliable ex post facto performance metric, REF _Ref453325060 \r \h 234 which uses a system failure to measure success. REF _Ref473047681 \r \h 235 It is exclusively influenced by relatively insignificant cases and is statistically deceptive as an indicator for potential disasters. REF _Ref453325024 \r \h 236 The definition of a recordable injury varies between international jurisdictions and is subject to interpretation. REF _Ref454206625 \r \h 237 REF _Ref454206641 \r \h 238 Furthermore, discussions with safety professionals confirm injury frequency rates are regularly manipulated REF _Ref468981159 \r \h 239 to meet prescribed project performance targets, REF _Ref472238339 \r \h 240 which are linked to incentive schemes and bonus payments. REF _Ref468981172 \r \h 241 This is easily accomplished using accumulated project hours from tenuous sources. These include indirect employees in corporate offices, logistics providers and catering and accommodation contractors. If any indirect employees sustain a recordable injury, it is conveniently categorised as unrelated to the project, excluded from statistics and the frequency rate soon tumbles. REF _Ref475773947 \r \h 242 Massaged statistics are then presented to the executive leadership team, who are assuaged. Performance targets are achieved, project bonuses are preserved and the increasingly prevalent illusion, that worthless statistics are better than no data at all, is complete. REF _Ref470623365 \r \h 243 It is so much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled REF _Ref470962868 \r \h 244 and the measure gets managed not performance. REF _Ref454201590 \r \h 245 This reflects the comments of W. Edwards Deming……people with targets and jobs dependent upon meeting them will probably meet the targets - even if they have to destroy the enterprise to do it. REF _Ref472844410 \r \h 246 Statistics such as total recordable injury frequency rates often conceal more than they reveal REF _Ref470817511 \r \h 247 and must always be evaluated with extreme caution. Correlation is only a measure of association between two variables and does not imply causation. REF _Ref454194751 \r \h 248 Safety slogans, posters and incentive schemesOur major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutionsEdward Murrow REF _Ref466615444 \r \h 249 At many projects one often encounters an assortment of patronising and jingoistic Orwellian safety slogans and posters, which are like the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket and similar to advertising or junk mail. REF _Ref470019602 \r \h 250 They do not save lives, REF _Ref473212590 \r \h 251 provide insignificant protection and offer no value. It is merely another displacement activity, which indicates accident theory is thriving REF _Ref453340304 \r \h 252 and supported by an adversarial regime. REF _Ref454124121 \r \h 253 Crib room walls and toilet doors are festooned with a beguiling array of posters beseeching employees to behave safely and supplementary slogans are displayed at security entrance gates and embroidered into company clothing. On one major coal seam gas project a monthly safety theme was promoted and advisors would affix posters to the rear of toilet doors across the site. Many were ripped down or defaced with derogatory comments and a confrontational environment underpinned with distrust and loathing was evident.Slogans and posters are supplemented with safety incentive schemes, REF _Ref469226503 \r \h 254 REF _Ref453324977 \r \h 255 which inveigle employees and attempt to change attitudes. Nominated individuals or groups receive bonuses, recognition, awards or trinkets for exceptional safety performance. These include binoculars (for covert surveillance of unsafe acts), Akubra hats, polo shirts (with embroidered safety slogans), leather belts and even steak knives. This is inconsistent with behavioural safety theory because attitude does not necessarily correlate with behaviour. REF _Ref453324945 \r \h 256 REF _Ref471408453 \r \h 257 Incentive schemes are considered denigrating, counterproductive and can inhibit reporting. REF _Ref468734974 \r \h 258 Production bonuses and incentive schemes were intensely debated at recent public hearings during the Queensland parliamentary inquiry into coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. REF _Ref470267154 \r \h 259 They were also evaluated during the New South Wales Mine Safety Advisory Council Digging Deeper project. Its subsequent report recommended schemes be carefully reviewed to ensure rewards do not compromise safe working arrangements. REF _Ref470021452 \r \h 260 Zero harm and safety cultureWenn ich Kultur h?re entsichere ich meine BrowningHanns Johst REF _Ref469685664 \r \h 261 In recent years, the ubiquitous and pestilent concept of zero harm REF _Ref469058882 \r \h 262 REF _Ref473447727 \r \h 263 has been introduced into corporate safety strategies and is merely a soft systems change management process and an extension of accident theory. REF _Ref453324787 \r \h 264 It is a symbolic gesture, which focuses on meaning and culture in organisations and enables leaders and managers to shape values and beliefs and build spirit through ritual and ceremony. REF _Ref453324748 \r \h 265 This is often supplemented with other organisational development techniques, which include role negotiation, inter-group confrontation, organisational mirroring, fish-bowling, team building exercises and cultural surveys. REF _Ref454130676 \r \h 266 Like many soft systems change management features, REF _Ref469161266 \r \h 267 the term zero harm is somewhat vague and subject to definitional dilemma. It is a safety slogan, REF _Ref453324720 \r \h 268 which is often perceived as a numerical target and aligns with the attributes of accident theory. The zero harm concept is incompatible with quality management principles and several of the W. Edwards Deming fourteen points for transformation of management. These include avoid using numerical targets and quotas and remove slogans imploring employees to achieve unrealistic goals. REF _Ref453324684 \r \h 269 This pursuit of excellence can generate maladaptive anxiety and apophenia, REF _Ref470257281 \r \h 270 REF _Ref470606851 \r \h 271 which cultivates avoidance and under reporting. It also amplifies trivial issues and exaggerates criticism. REF _Ref465935704 \r \h 272 Safety climate or culture REF _Ref470358477 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 273 REF _Ref470358486 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 274 is subject to extensive discussion amongst academics REF _Ref471744189 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 275 REF _Ref469218492 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 276 and most safety professionals are conversant with the Hudson pathological to generative cultural maturity model REF _Ref453324656 \r \h 277 or the Dupont Bradley curve. REF _Ref469161311 \r \h 278 The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work provides a review of key approaches and selected tools. REF _Ref473188001 \r \h 279 It remains a confusing and ambiguous concept without any empirical evidence covering its relationship to safety performance. It has been scathingly rebuked as ontological alchemy REF _Ref453324623 \r \h 280 and the debate rekindles Snow’s controversial 1959 Rede lecture, REF _Ref470606313 \r \h 281 The Two Cultures. REF _Ref469142204 \r \h 282 Behavioural safetyIf your only tool is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail – Abraham Maslow REF _Ref476847189 \r \h 283 Most organisations embracing accident theory are acolytes of behavioural safety REF _Ref471503991 \r \h 284 and predictably target unsafe acts at the human machine interface, REF _Ref469218576 \r \h 285 which cultivates blame REF _Ref468735182 \r \h 286 and impedes organisational development. REF _Ref469154930 \r \h 287 The focus is predominantly on the absence of safety REF _Ref469817895 \r \h 288 and compliance with lower order controls. Assessment tools are littered with an argot of pejorative terminology, REF _Ref469218891 \r \h 289 which include vague descriptors such as line of fire, eyes on path and eyes on task. This implies human error and is inconsistent with the philosophy of multifactorial causation REF _Ref469233976 \r \h 290 and can significantly increase psychosocial risk. REF _Ref469845178 \r \h 291 Behavioural safety REF _Ref469234054 \r \h 292 REF _Ref469234646 \r \h 293 is only an administrative control and extremely popular in American companies or organisations with adversarial structures. REF _Ref469142295 \r \h 294 It does not measure safety performance and is merely counting, which generates descriptive, subjective, qualitative and categorical data. This is of limited use or value REF _Ref453324587 \r \h 295 and statisticians frequently reiterate that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. REF _Ref469074318 \r \h 296 Albeit much less scientific, it is analogous with Taylorism time and motion studies, REF _Ref469754147 \r \h 297 which alienate employees from their work REF _Ref454125562 \r \h 298 and creates a dystopian environment. REF _Ref453324559 \r \h 299 Despite statutory requirements, many behavioural safety advocates disregard the hierarchy of controls and focus on changing the person. REF _Ref468645815 \r \h 300 This is accomplished by monitoring and correcting behaviour using operant conditioning REF _Ref470022768 \r \h 301 and techniques of positive and negative reinforcement for controlling the associated risks. REF _Ref453324527 \r \h 302 Fleming and Lardner REF _Ref453324484 \r \h 303 recommend caution with behaviour based safety approaches and reinforce how it can divert attention to address symptoms and disregard the cause. This focus on the receiver and changing individual behaviour is inconsistent with common law duty of care requirements. REF _Ref453324463 \r \h 304 Cohen and Nader provide further extensive discussions covering road safety, vehicle engineering design and the effectiveness and complexity of changing human behaviour. REF _Ref469171249 \r \h 305 REF _Ref469171270 \r \h 306 Skinner, a pioneer of radical behaviourism, has been described as a man who conducted many experiments on rodents and pigeons and wrote most of his books about people. REF _Ref470101703 \r \h 307 Kohn claims operant conditioning has many misleading assumptions and limitations and its effectiveness is only ephemeral. It also generates intrinsically objectionable and persistent counterproductive consequences. REF _Ref470101724 \r \h 308 Recent papers from prominent American behavioural safety consultants indicate there is a conceptual transition. Many of the claims and hyperbole extolling phenomenal accomplishments have been moderated and there is now some acceptance that most workplace injuries are not the sole consequence of unsafe acts. REF _Ref470030901 \r \h 309 Nonetheless, there has been extraordinary growth in the study of human behaviour, which includes psychoanalysis REF _Ref470859952 \r \h 310 psychotherapy, REF _Ref470866854 \r \h 311 behaviourism, REF _Ref470861652 \r \h 312 cognitive behaviour therapy, REF _Ref470862671 \r \h 313 cybernetics, REF _Ref470859381 \r \h 314 REF _Ref470861089 \r \h 315 sociobiology, REF _Ref470863098 \r \h 316 evolutionary psychology, REF _Ref470863930 \r \h 317 neurolinguistic programming, REF _Ref470854453 \r \h 318 neuroscientific imaging REF _Ref470864711 \r \h 319 and neurochemistry. REF _Ref470865554 \r \h 320 REF _Ref470866197 \r \h 321 Dalrymple critically evaluates how psychology undermines morality and provides further interesting observations and extensive comments on this vast, arcane and dynamic discipline. REF _Ref453324917 \r \h 322 Notwithstanding these remarkable developments and despite the logorrhea, REF _Ref470791511 \r \h 323 it would be a bold person who claims that our self-understanding, with the forlorn hope of an existence free of inner and outer conflict, is now greater than that of Montaigne REF _Ref470549304 \r \h 324 or Shakespeare. REF _Ref470549607 \r \h 325 Human motives are rarely pure and never simple and we owe incomparably more to improved sewerage than to psychology. The human brain, for something supposedly so brilliant and evolutionary advanced, is a pretty messy, extremely fallible and complicated organ. REF _Ref470087133 \r \h 326 This supports the philosophy of the late and much lamented Trevor Kletz REF _Ref470035806 \r \h 327 ……..try to change situations, not people. It is much less complicated than teaching rodents or pigeons how to play table tennis and wallowing in scientology, REF _Ref470947548 \r \h 328 neurolinguistic programming or obscurantist psychobabble.Risk and energy damage theory – A process based approachAsk not what’s inside your head but what your head’s inside of - William M Mace REF _Ref474046032 \r \h 329 Despite its conventional recognition by many organisations and safety evangelists, when subjected to critical evaluation, accident theory is lacking in logical analysis and scientific rigour. REF _Ref453324363 \r \h 330 Haddon et al REF _Ref453324323 \r \h 331 REF _Ref474577689 \r \h 332 reinforced that science must be based on an understanding of its fundamental processes rather than using descriptors. REF _Ref473474153 \r \h 333 REF _Ref474008572 \r \h 334 Accident theory was reviewed during road safety research in the United States REF _Ref473397165 \r \h 335 REF _Ref473638611 \r \h 336 and the discipline was described as being in a state of conceptual rigor mortis. REF _Ref453324300 \r \h 337 Since the 1950s, accident epidemiological research by Gordon REF _Ref474582316 \r \h 338 and Gibson’s ecopsychology principles REF _Ref474578378 \r \h 339 REF _Ref473968417 \r \h 340 and affordance theory REF _Ref473981860 \r \h 341 REF _Ref474601931 \r \h 342 have converged with the pioneering energy damage concepts of Haddon. REF _Ref474601106 \r \h 343 REF _Ref453324223 \r \h 344 More recent developments include integration with Rowe’s anatomy of risk, which has been consolidated and reified by Viner. REF _Ref453324268 \r \h 345 REF _Ref453324186 \r \h 346 This provides industrial safety with a uniform process based theory. It generates synergy and adopts an objective and scientific evidence based approach consisting of three principal features:Events resulting in injury or damage involve energyThe process occurs sequentiallyThere is a degree of uncertainty or riskA fundamental tenet of risk theory is that if something is possible it is only a matter of time before it happens. REF _Ref453323897 \r \h 347 Risk is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, which encompasses speculative risk. REF _Ref453324148 \r \h 348 However, pure risk, which is more applicable to industrial safety, is the uncertainty that an adverse consequence of a given size will occur. REF _Ref453324105 \r \h 349 Frequency is a critical parameter in risk estimation and is a function of probability and exposure. It enhances perception of risk based on experience and displays an inverse logarithmic relationship with consequence value. This reifies risk and enables it to be measured objectively, quantitatively and fiscally using real numbers. It is a logical approach, which offers a rational and simple appreciation of the connection between risk and loss. REF _Ref453324076 \r \h 350 Tannert et al discuss the ethics of uncertainty and decision making extensively and introduce an interesting taxonomy, the igloo of ignorance. REF _Ref469822881 \r \h 351 Operational excellence and high reliability organisations (HROs)Next to excellence is the appreciation of itWilliam Makepeace Thackeray REF _Ref466615570 \r \h 352 Despite its persistent popularity, accident theory sits incongruously with total quality management principles REF _Ref453324038 \r \h 353 and the Shingo model of operational excellence. REF _Ref453324000 \r \h 354 The guiding principles of operational excellence embrace process based scientific and systemic thinking and focus on addressing problems at the source and adding value. REF _Ref472769954 \r \h 355 The attributes of risk and energy damage theory are summarised in Figure 1 below and it is evident they align with and reflect the Shingo model of operational excellence guiding principles.High reliability organisations REF _Ref475890492 \r \h 356 REF _Ref475983198 \r \h 357 display unique characteristics for managing unexpected threats or uncertainty. These include a preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify, sensitivity to operations, resilience and a deference to expertise. REF _Ref453323953 \r \h 358 These five fundamental processes are tenets for improvement in quality, reliability and productivity and align with risk and energy damage theory. However, traditional accident theory is incompatible with these principles:Preoccupation with failureSafety or reliability has been defined as a dynamic non-event, REF _Ref470548496 \r \h 359 which is consistent with risk and energy damage theory and the concept of uncertainty. If something is possible it is only a matter of time before it happens. This aphorism, colloquially ascribed to Murphy, REF _Ref471668720 \r \h 360 implies a preoccupation with failure. It involves managing the unexpected or uncertainty and ensuring exemplary performance in complex stochastic environments. If eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, chronic unease is the price of safety. REF _Ref454128486 \r \h 361 Reluctance to simplifyRisk and energy damage theory adopts a systemic approach and embraces practical systems thinking. REF _Ref453323851 \r \h 362 REF _Ref454126923 \r \h 363 It employs scientific logic and measures risk quantitatively using real numbers via its inverse relationship between frequency and consequence value. Its organic configuration and collaborative process encourages diverse and challenging opinions with a reluctance to oversimplify REF _Ref471743216 \r \h 364 or disguise complexity. REF _Ref466116497 \r \h 365 Sensitivity to operationsRisk and energy damage theory is suitable for managing operational risk and general safety risks. It provides a systemic process based approach, which is suitable for addressing latent conditions and active failures REF _Ref453323820 \r \h 366 via objective evaluation. It employs quantitative risk analysis and estimation techniques, REF _Ref469932992 \r \h 367 which synchronize with process safety architecture and tools and affords a sensitivity to operations accordingly. REF _Ref466123801 \r \h 368 REF _Ref471745513 \r \h 369 ResilienceKey attributes of risk and energy damage theory are its upstream focus and predictive and preventive foresight. This provides for attention to design and use of technological controls in response to functional failures, which ensures processes default into safe mode or soft landing when failures occur. This is referred to as resilience engineering. REF _Ref453323779 \r \h 370 Deference to expertiseAdditional key attributes of risk and energy damage theory are its technological focus, organic architecture and collaborative processes, which loosen hierarchical constraints. This encourages and enhances fluid decision making with a deference to expertise at operational or tactical levels. REF _Ref453771307 \r \h 371 This also reflects and aligns with Drucker’s concepts covering the impact of technology and transformation of organisations into information and knowledge based organic structures. REF _Ref470102038 \r \h 372 ConclusionProgress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anythingGeorge Bernard Shaw REF _Ref466615662 \r \h 373 The 21st October 2016 commemorated half a century since the Aberfan disaster in South Wales, United Kingdom REF _Ref453323721 \r \h 374 which resulted in the deaths of 116 school children and 28 adults and wiped out a generation. Over the past 50 years, legislation has been implemented and supplemented by the introduction of many fashionable psychological approaches, which have been offered as silver bullets. REF _Ref453323678 \r \h 375 However, traditional egocentric accident theory and its many accoutrements remain enduringly popular despite their ostentatiously unscientific principles REF _Ref470288004 \r \h 376 and social encumbrances. REF _Ref453664455 \r \h 377 Meanwhile, the carnage continues unabated and our performance at best, can only be described as mediocre. REF _Ref471416635 \r \h 378 REF _Ref473460182 \r \h 379 In Australia, the annual direct costs amount to approximately $80 billion, which is almost 8% of our gross domestic product. REF _Ref454226752 \r \h 380 Moreover, comments from Haddon et al, REF _Ref453323533 \r \h 381 REF _Ref475812054 \r \h 382 Waller REF _Ref474593356 \r \h 383 REF _Ref474593394 \r \h 384 and Klein, REF _Ref453323450 \r \h 385 remain as pertinent today and still resonate with most academics and safety professionals. Reactive antediluvian accident theory does not manage risk or measure performance, we are merely keeping our fingers and toes crossed and counting how many sheep we have left until that black swan or wild card event: REF _Ref469820103 \r \h 386 REF _Ref469839315 \r \h 387 ……………………Westgate Bridge (1970), REF _Ref470898938 \r \h 388 Ibrox Park (1971), REF _Ref471565224 \r \h 389 Summerland (1973), REF _Ref471563675 \r \h 390 Flixborough (1974), REF _Ref471371156 \r \h 391 Seveso (1976), REF _Ref470899256 \r \h 392 Granville (1977), REF _Ref470899268 \r \h 393 Three Mile Island (1979), REF _Ref470899281 \r \h 394 Bhopal (1984), REF _Ref470899294 \r \h 395 Bradford (1985), REF _Ref471308063 \r \h 396 Chernobyl (1986), REF _Ref470899320 \r \h 397 Zeebrugge (1987), REF _Ref470899333 \r \h 398 Kings Cross (1987), REF _Ref471290476 \r \h 399 Piper Alpha (1988), REF _Ref470899359 \r \h 400 Hillsborough (1989), REF _Ref471291187 \r \h 401 Grafton (1989), REF _Ref471555176 \r \h 402 REF _Ref471379746 \r \h 403 Kempsey (1989), REF _Ref471376057 \r \h 404 REF _Ref471557013 \r \h 405 Cowan (1990), REF _Ref471377063 \r \h 406 Thredbo’ (1997), REF _Ref471307930 \r \h 407 Esso Longford (1998), REF _Ref470899398 \r \h 408 Mont Blanc Tunnel (1999), REF _Ref475729673 \r \h 409 Ladbroke Grove (1999), REF _Ref475814261 \r \h 410 REF _Ref475814292 \r \h 411 Glenbrook (1999), REF _Ref471372854 \r \h 412 Toulouse (2001), REF _Ref473564264 \r \h 413 Waterfall (2003), REF _Ref471508524 \r \h 414 BP Texas City (2005), REF _Ref470899412 \r \h 415 Sago (2006), REF _Ref477635354 \r \h 416 Qinghe Steel (2007), REF _Ref471561659 \r \h 417 Deepwater Horizon (2010), REF _Ref470899438 \r \h 418 Upper Big Branch (2010), REF _Ref472181866 \r \h 419 Fukushima (2011), REF _Ref470899454 \r \h 420 Rabaul Queen (2012), REF _Ref472531558 \r \h 421 Lac Megantic (2013), REF _Ref470899484 \r \h 422 Rana Plaza (2013), REF _Ref473288831 \r \h 423 Soma Eynez (2014), REF _Ref473290249 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 424 Samarco (2015), REF _Ref471415107 \r \h 425 Dreamworld (2016), REF _Ref471551473 \r \h 426 Fengcheng (2016), REF _Ref471551486 \r \h 427 ……????The region has also experienced its share of mining fatalities REF _Ref470933155 \r \h 428 and disasters, which include: Moura 4 (1986), REF _Ref470933191 \r \h 429 South Bulli (1991), REF _Ref470933205 \r \h 430 Porgera (1994), REF _Ref470949499 \r \h 431 Moura 2 (1994), REF _Ref470933221 \r \h 432 Gretley (1996), REF _Ref470933236 \r \h 433 Northparkes (1999) REF _Ref470933255 \r \h 434 and Pike River (2010). REF _Ref470933272 \r \h 435 REF _Ref470948872 \r \h 436 In developing countries, especially China, statistics are even more appalling and many incidents remain undisclosed. REF _Ref471509651 \r \h 437 Interesting distinctive patterns have emerged from the study of disasters, which are discussed extensively by Quinlan. REF _Ref472348941 \r \h 438 REF _Ref473280992 \r \h 439 Meanwhile, notwithstanding the window dressing, we have witnessed a resurgence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis REF _Ref475188103 \r \h 440 REF _Ref475203901 \r \h 441 in the Queensland mining industry and an operational or material risk has found many asleep at the wheel. REF _Ref465010682 \r \h 442 REF _Ref469156812 \r \h 443 The standard of risk control must be proportional to the likely worst consequence REF _Ref468527924 \r \h 444 and a fragile production and protection dichotomy will obviously arise when mercenary rednecks receive substantial performance bonuses to achieve extreme production targets. REF _Ref468525519 \r \h 445 REF _Ref469227221 \r \h 446 It was the murderous tyrant, Joseph Stalin, (he was pretty conversant with totalitarian regimes and dystopian environments), who allegedly coined the phrase…one death is a tragedy and a million deaths is a statistic. REF _Ref466720296 \r \h 447 Corporations are an anthropomorphic fallacy, REF _Ref472367181 \r \h 448 they have no memory, REF _Ref470951282 \r \h 449 soul to save REF _Ref475125081 \r \h 450 or body to incarcerate. REF _Ref472531589 \r \h 451 On a much less sombre note, W. Edwards Deming, at a 1982 seminar commented….there are two ways to improve figures; cheat or lie and just change the numbers and don’t count injuries or defective parts or improve the process. REF _Ref453323330 \r \h 452 Transformational change will only occur when antediluvian accident theory is abandoned in favour of a process and evidence based scientific approach. Incidentally, this transition does not require tearing down the entire house and to reiterate the loose legal philosophy of the late Justice Thurgood Marshall… do what you think is right and let the law catch up. REF _Ref465713292 \r \h 453 Risk and energy damage theory fulfils this requirement and it reflects and aligns with the contemporary guiding principles of operational excellence and unique characteristics of high reliability organisations. It has many advantages over reactive accident theory, which significantly impedes organisational development. Attributes and consequences are categorised, summarised and compared in Figure 1 below:Figure 1: Attributes and consequencesReferencesTawney RH. Religion and the rise of capitalism. New York: Harcourt Brace & World; 1926; p. 233.Viner D. Descriptive and process classifications [Internet]. . 2015 [cited 2016 Jun 10]. Available from: HYPERLINK "" R. The relevance of the scientific method. 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