Project Management Process

Project Management Process

A Primer for the Project Management Process

? by David W. Larsen1

Table of Contents

Description ................................................................................................................................................................... 2

STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST .................................................................................................................. 3

Project Initiation


Project Control


Project Closure


Project Initiation .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Step 01:

Project Kick Off


Step 02:

Project Objective & Scope


Step 03:

Project Schedule and Budgeting


Step 04:

Stage Schedule and Budgeting


Step 05:

Project Organization


Step 06:

Project Control Procedures


Step 07:

Business Case


Step 08:

Project Initiation Stage Assessment


Project Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 44

Step 01:

Stage Kick Off


Step 02:

Project Board Meetings


Step 03:

Quality Control


Step 04:

Progress Control


Step 05:

Change Control


Step 06:

Issues Management


Step 07:

Exception Situation


Step 08:

Stage End Assessment


Project Closure .......................................................................................................................................................... 82

Step 01:

Final Product Evaluation


Step 02:

Project Completion


Step 03:

Process Improvement



Dave Larsen may be reached at dwlarsen1946@

Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM

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Created by Dave Larsen

Project Management Process



This primer for a Project Management Process provides an integrated framework

for project organization, planning and control which is designed to:

- ensure the timely and cost-effective production of all the end-products,

- maintain acceptable standards of quality,

- achieve the benefit for which the enterprise investment in the project

has been made.

This publication may serve as a guide to understanding one set of formal means

to initiate, control and close projects successfully. This process is focused on

the information technology project domain, and has been successfully applied in

structured software development and system integration projects with firms in

multiple industries.

Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM

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Created by Dave Larsen

Project Management Process


Project Initiation

PI Step 01: Project Kick Off









Recruit Project Sponsor

Recruit Project Initiation Stage Manager

Review Related Studies

Prepare Project Initiation Kick Off Plan

Brief The Team

Initiate Stage Control Procedures

Review Project Kick Off

Kick Off Project Initiation

PI Step 02: Project Objective & Scope







Establish Project Objective

Establish Scope of Investigation

Identify Initial Requirements

Identify Outline Solution

Identify Training Requirement

Review Project Scope

PI Step 03: Project Schedule and Budgeting











Determine Project Approach

Determine Project Stages and Steps

Determine Stage and Step Product Workflow

Estimate Duration

Establish Resource Requirements

Prepare Project Schedule

Prepare Project Budget

Create Project Schedule Products

Document Project Process Success Criteria

Review Project Schedule

PI Step 04: Stage Schedule and Budgeting










Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM

Determine Next Stage Activities

Determine Product Workflow

Estimate Effort

Allocate Resources

Prepare Stage Schedule

Prepare Stage Budget

Baseline Stage Schedule

Create Stage Schedule Products

Review Stage Schedule Products

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Created by Dave Larsen

Project Management Process

PI Step 05: Project Organization











Identify Key Personnel

Recruit Project Board

Recruit Stage Manager

Recruit Project Coordinators

Recruit Key Stakeholders

Recruit Stage Teams

Recruit Key Resources

Determine Training Requirements

Create Project Organization Chart

Review Project Organization

PI Step 06: Project Control Procedures








Set Up Project Administration

Establish Quality Control Procedure

Establish Progress Control Procedures

Establish Project Control Factors

Establish Change Control Procedures

Establish Issue Resolution Procedure

Review Project Control Procedures

PI Step 07: Business Case






Determine the Project Costs

Quantify Benefits

Determine Breakeven Point

Analyze Risk

Review Business Case

PI Step 08: Project Initiation Stage Assessment









Compile Project Initiation Report

Prepare Project Imitation Stage Assessment

Conduct Project Initiation Stage Assessment

Follow-Up Project Initiation Stage Assessment

Compile Small Project Initiation Checklist

Prepare Small Project Assessment

Review Small Project Assessment

Follow-Up Small Project Assessment

Project Control

PC Step 01: Stage Kick Off



Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM

Setup Stage Administration

Establish Checkpoint Cycle

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Created by Dave Larsen

Project Management Process





Initiate Stage Version Control

Acquire Stage Resources

Brief The Team

Initiate Stage Control Procedures

PC Step 02: Project Board Meetings











Determine Frequency of Project Board Meetings

Schedule Project Board Meetings

Brief Project Board

Prepare for Project Board Meeting

Conduct Project Board Meeting

Follow-up Project Board Meeting

Project Initiation Stage Project Board Meeting

End of Stage Project Board Meeting

Intra-Stage Project Board Meeting

Project Closure Project Board Meeting

PC Step 03: Quality Control






Schedule Quality Review

Prepare for Quality Review

Conduct Quality Review

Follow-up Quality Review

Review Quality Control Procedures

PC Step 04: Progress Control









Capture Performance

Update Schedule

Update Costs

Re-plan Stage Schedule

Conduct Team Status Review

Create Status Report

Update Stage Schedule

Create Flash Report

PC Step 05: Change Control





Request Change

Identify Alternative Solutions

Decide Change Actions

Implement Change

PC Step 06: Issues Management




Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM

Identify Project Issue

Assess Impact of Issue

Resolve Issue

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Created by Dave Larsen


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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