Governing Guidelines - PMI Portland Chapter

Table of Contents





Expectations 3

Organizational Chart 4

Individual Board Position Responsibilities 5

Benefits Extended to Directors and Board Members 6



Key Contacts 8

Finance, Expenses & Reimbursements 9

Contracting 9

Budget process 9

Initiative process 9

Marketing & Branding 10



Chapter Website 11

Memberclicks 11

PMI GOC Website 11

Forms 11


This document is intended to serve as a guideline to assist Board members and volunteers in governing and managing the Project Management Institute of Portland, Oregon, Inc. (Chapter).

Objectives and expected benefits include, but are not limited to the following:

A. Improve and ease the transition of new members to the Board of Directors.

B. Transfer knowledge and processes.

C. Serve as a ready reference.

D. Aid in building effective communication between team members on the Board.

E. Assist Board members to transition into and out of a position.

F. Provide expectations of Board members and volunteers.

These Governing Guidelines are intended to be used as a reference, a guide and a baseline for continuous improvement. Input and feedback are encouraged. Responsibility for updating these Governing Guidelines is owned by the Chapter Secretary. The Secretary will post updates on Board Docs for Board Member use following updates.

These Governing Guidelines contain more detail than do the Chapter Bylaws of the Project Management Institute of Portland, Oregon Inc. In the event of conflict, the Chapter Bylaws take precedence over these guidelines.

Project Management Institute of Portland, Oregon, Inc is the legal name of the chapter. Use of the following terms in these guidelines shall mean Project Management Institute of Portland, Oregon, Inc:

• Chapter

• PMI-Portland Chapter


To promote the profession of Project Management by creating a culture and community that facilitates professional growth through education and volunteerism.


To be the innovative leader in the region for advancing project management, making individuals and organizations more successful. We are a responsive and collaborative center of excellence promoting ethics, quality, knowledge, skills, integrity and leadership. 


New Board Members need to review the mission and vision statements at the start of the new term. The statements should be referred to frequently to ensure that each component of the Chapter’s activities are aligned with these statements

Each year the new Board of Directors (BOD) convenes to develop the goals, objectives, and deliverables for the new board year, consistent with the budget set out. The Board will prioritize and agree on the annual plan so that all efforts are coordinated and focused to provide maximum benefit to the members of the Chapter. The objectives will be prioritized and reviewed at the Board meetings based on timelines set out. Each Board Member is responsible for reporting progress on objectives on their Monthly Status Report.

The required duties and responsibilities of each Board Member is included in the “Bylaws of the Project Management Institute of Portland, Oregon, Inc.” Additionally, a detailed list of responsibilities is included on the Chapter website under each Portfolio. The BOD of the Chapter is expected to abide by the “Code of Conduct and Ethics”. Each Board Member will be required to sign the Code of Conduct and Ethics prior to taking office on July 1st.

As of 2011, there are 12 board members: President, Immediate Past President, President Elect, VP At Large, VP Finance, Secretary, VP Operations, VP Membership, VP Outreach, VP Programs, VP Professional Development, VP Marketing.

Each Board member is expected to have a succession plan. The plan should include a transition document to enable a new member to move into the position with minimal disruption.


* Attend monthly Board Meetings

* Attend monthly Chapter dinner meetings

* Work with each Board Member and collaborate on projects, programs and objectives

* Communicate across functions/components/portfolios

* Actively recruit their own replacement, and be responsible for providing at least one nominee for next term

* Have a representative to cover for any absences

* Assemble a team of volunteers to successfully plan and execute the responsibilities and activities of the function/component

* Ensure a manageable portfolio organization structure is in place with no more than five reports to each volunteer

* Stay within approved budget

* Be a leader

* Use Professional Email Etiquette:

* Focus on one subject per message

* Do NOT write in caps. This is considered shouting. Use caps only to show emotions, like SURPRISE or to add emphasis to what you are saying.

• Expressing opposing points of view can be done with consideration for the feelings and points of view of others. A good suggestion is to wait a day before sending the email response, or call the person and don’t use email.

• Include a pertinent subject title to help others.

• Specifically state “Action Required” in the subject line if action is required on the part of the recipient.

• Replies should go to only those affected; avoid copying everyone on replies.

Each Board Member will follow Chapter bylaws, Code of Conduct and Ethics, Finance & Accounting and Travel Policies and Procedures. Board Members will strive to fulfill the Chapter’s mission, vision and values and contribute to the long term strategic planning and success of the Chapter.

Organizational Chart


An executive committee is made up of President, Immediate Past President, President Elect, Secretary, VP At Large and VP Finance. This group meets at the discretion of the President to guide the overall board direction as necessary.

Individual Board Position Responsibilities

Board Position responsibilities are outlined in the Chapter Bylaws, and more detail descriptions are posted on the Chapter website under Portfolios.


The President provides Chapter leadership and coordinates all activities. The president is responsible for the Chapter’s vision, and creating the Chapter’s strategic plan, operating plan, and objectives in collaboration with the Board and Chapter.


The President-Elect prepares for and plans to serve as President for the following year.

Immediate Past President

The past present serves as advisor and resource to the Board, and serves as chair of the Advisory Council of Past Chapter Presidents.


The Secretary oversees administrative records, takes minutes and manages the Chapter records.

VP Finance

This VP of Finance is entrusted with managing funds for duly authorized purposes of the Chapter. Working with all Portfolios on ensuring registrations, payments and refunds and all other financial transactions are processed in a timely manner.

VP At Large

The Vice President At-Large serves as the members’ ombudsman advocating concerns, as well as guiding the Chapter and supporting all Board level volunteers with operational planning, as well as strategic planning. Familiar with all roles in the Chapter and provides backup support as needed.

VP Marketing

The VP of Marketing guides all marketing aspects of Chapter activities and services. The position also acts as liaison between PMI Portland Chapter and the media to make sure that Chapter events are publicized. This position is responsible for newsletter publication, developing marketing materials and initiating and cultivating sponsors and long term sponsor relationships.

VP Membership

The Vice President Membership promotes chapter activities, events and membership services to include soliciting feedback from members on satisfaction with chapter programs. The position is instrumental in measuring the quality of services provided by the Chapter, as well as managing the Volunteer program.

Vice President Operations

The Vice President of Operations directs and oversees the daily operation activities for the Chapter, including overall member database maintenance and support, web development, systems support and technology equipment support.

VP Outreach

The VP Outreach guides the outreach programs in the academic, corporate, and community arenas. The position acts as liaison between PMI-Portland and academia, business and community; and leads the process and implementation of outreach programs. Manages career networking opportunities, in addition to posting jobs to the Chapter community.

VP Professional Development

The VP of Professional Development sets overall direction and quality for professional development opportunities for the Chapter members. Guides event development processes to include the coordination of workshops, certification courses and the annual conference.

VP Programs

The VP of Programs is responsible for the development and delivery of monthly chapter meetings which includes the entire “monthly meeting experience” from registration to venue planning to speaker management to audio/video support.

Benefits Extended to Directors and Board Members

| |Board of Directors |Directors |Manager/Project Mgr/Program |Volunteer position |

| | | |Mgr |various titles |

|Dinner Meeting |standard charge |standard charge |standard charge |standard charge |

|Education Meeting |no charge |standard charge |standard charge |standard charge |

|PDU |10/year starting after 3|5/year starting after 3 |VP/Director to determine |n/a |

| |months of service |months of service | | |

|Workshops |At discretion of VP |At discretion of VP |standard charge |standard charge |

| |Professional Dev |Professional Dev | | |

|MPPP event |no charge |At discretion of VP |standard charge |MPPP Volunteers no |

| | |Professional Dev | |charge |

|PMI Email |y |n |n |n |

|Access to board docs |y |n |n |n |

|Business card |y |only to positions with |n |n |

| | |external facing | | |

| | |relationships | | |

|Name badge |y |n |n |n |

The Chapter President will invite select board members to attend the global PMI conference and/or the Regional conference.

PMI Global Benefits

Board members also get access to PMI Global Community leadership and Region 1 web information. When board members login to the website, communities will be found under ‘My Communities’. See ‘RESOURCES’. This is an invaluable resource with opportunities for no cost training, as well as ideas and tools for managing portfolios.


Recurring Meetings

Executive Committee Meeting – As Needed

Board meeting – 2nd Tuesday of month 6-8pm, Sept - July

Dinner meeting – 3rd Tuesday of each month Sept-Jun

Workshops – at least 4 per year, but no more than 8

June Annual Business meeting

Transition meeting-all day meeting

July or Strategy meeting-all day meeting


August Professional Development day

September Review initiative proposals stemming from Strategy meeting

Global PMI Leadership Conference (September or October)

Business meeting????

October Review initiative proposals stemming from Strategy meeting

Board to start working on budgets for next year – considering initiatives

PMP Prep Class

Networking Event

November Review initiative proposals stemming from Strategy meeting

Submit Initial Budgets

Portland Project Management Day??? Suzan?

Pay Insurance - GOC

December Board to approve budget before Dec 31

Food Bank Fundraiser

January Submit Year End Reports to Accountant for Tax Preparation


March Nominations for board positions

Charter Renewal with GOC

State of Oregon Business License Renewal

April Elections

PMP Prep Course

Chapter Annual Survey

PMI GOC Annual Survey

May Tax Return Due May 15th

Board announced-start transition

Volunteer Recognition Event


Regional PMI Conference


Charter Renewal is required to be submitted annually to PMI Headquarters (PMI-HQ). The format and template are provided by PMI-HQ and can be found on the website under component information. This must be filed by March 31st each year. This is the responsibility of the President with the input of the Past President and VP of Finance.

PMI-Portland Chapter is registered with the State of Oregon as a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization.

The VP of Finance is responsible for the tax id and can distribute if needed.

Key Contacts

The Chapter maintains a Post Office Box (Key is maintained by the VP of Finance):

P.O. Box 5966

Portland, Oregon 97228-5966

• Chapter phone line is (503) 243-6657. This answering service sends an email to the appropriate portfolio with a message. It is the portfolios responsibility to respond. The VP of Membership is responsible for monitoring this service. The goal of the Chapter is to eliminate this once the new website is implemented and a “contact” us feature will be maintained by the Secretary.

• Chapter website is pmi-. The goal is to maintain notices and information in a user friendly format for the Chapter members. The website also serves as a central portal for member information and event registration.

• A Communications Directory of Board Members is maintained and issued by the Secretary. The directory is to assist internal Board communication and to inform PMI-HQ of approved DEP access. See RESOURCES

• Region 1 - North West North America: The Portland Chapter is a member of Region 1. The Portland Chapter provides financial support and leadership to Region 1. An annual plan is prepared by the regional officers to include the mission, goals, and objectives of Region 1. A Regional Mentor and Liaison (RML) is appointed by PMI to coordinate and assist the chapters within the region. See ‘RESOURCES’.

Finance, Expenses & Reimbursements

The President is the only member of the board with a procurement card, and all other purchases are made per the Finance P&P’s. The standard processes are located on the pmi- website under the Finance Portfolio, along with the Expense Report form and Chart of Accounts. All of these documents are posted on the Chapter website under the Finance Portfolio.


The Bylaws state that the VP of a given Portfolio can sign contracts. It is critical that the President and VP of Finance review the contracts and the contract does not exceed the established budget. A request to the Board must be made for approval if any contracts exceed the approved budget.

Budget process

During the summer break there will be a transition meeting and a strategy meeting. In these meetings and through September, officers will develop and document Initiative proposals. These proposals may require funding. The initiatives are sent to the Board and reviewed at a board meeting to determine whether the Chapter chooses to move forward on them. All funding requirements should be known and documented for the purpose of developing a budget. Budget Worksheets are distributed to all Board Members in October of each year to initiate the formal budget process.

The budget year is Jan 1 – Dec 31. The budget must be approved no later than the December board meeting. Special meetings may be called if the budget is not approved by Dec 31.

Initiative process

Every idea requiring funding, or requiring visibility at the board level can leverage the Initiative Proposal process which is posted on Board Docs along with a template. The Board Member initiating the proposal will complete the proposal and present to the Board making clear if the proposal is informational or requires Board approval.

The Initiative Proposal process helps ensure the board is working together and supporting each other. Frequently an initiative generated in one portfolio requires help from other portfolios. This process helps to identify the cross portfolio needs and make sure all portfolios impacted can support the initiative.

Marketing & Branding

Corporate Presentations:

• Copies of slides to present the benefits of PMI to a corporation are available to download from the PMI Component Leadership website at

Proper use of the Chapter Logo:

Use is limited to conditions similar to use of the PMI logo. The logo can not be used for personal benefit, or non-PMI business. Correct logos can be found on the following website.

PMI Component Leadership Website


Purpose of newsletter is to inform our members of current events that are available to them; topics of current interest; and directions of the Chapter. The newsletter is issued monthly during September to June. Deadlines for submission are the 4th of each month. Content must be submitted to the Webmaster and the VP of Marketing or the designated volunteer who is responsible for coordinating content, approve content where necessary and ensure the newsletter is distributed in a timely manner.

Board members are encouraged to provide articles for inclusion in the newsletter. All newsletters are posted on the pmi- website and emailed to all active members.

Mailing list policy:

The mailing list of the Chapter and of any of the components of the Chapter are not to be sold; given to vendors, speakers, or members; or used by members for anything other than official Chapter business. Use for personal benefit is not allowed. Limitations are also covered in the Code of Conduct and Ethics.


PMI Portland has supported an annual award event, Excellence in Program Management Award (EPMA) which includes Project of the Year, Project Manager of the year and Student of the Year. VP of Outreach is responsible for these awards with help from the President Elect.


As the Board year comes to an end, this is an opportune time to plan the transition of knowledge and materials from the outgoing officer to the incoming officer. Outgoing leaders have a responsibility to ensure that the organization they served receives care and attention in striving for a seamless transition and each officer will transition with care, loyalty, obedience and integrity.

Each checklist contains a listing of the documents/information that you should have received from your predecessor. There may be additional items that need to be transitioned given the specific functions that may differ within each component. As a result of the transition, please the secretary of any changes needed.


Chapter Website

Pmi- is the chapter website which is the responsibility of the VP of Operations to maintain.


Memberclicks is the Member Management system used by the Chapter to publish the website as well as manage the Member database, including event registration and news publishing.

Board Members have access to designated functionality within the system based on their volunteer role for the Chapter. Board and directors names and addresses. In the PMI- website. Your board login will allow you access to many more things on the web, including forms and Board Documents. In the Board documents you will find the following information:

board meeting minutes

current listing of Board members and directors.

Election process and forms

Bylaws are available to everyone on the pmi- website under ‘About Us’.

Sponsorship and advertising information can be found on the website under ‘Partner with PMI Portland’.

PMI GOC Website

As a Board Member, more services and functionality are available on the PMI GOC website. Log in to in order to view sites under “My Communities”:

Region 1

Community Leadership


Form Name: Location

Request for PDU form - Part of “Event Request Form”

Request for web calendar/ads for workshops Part of “Event Request Form”

Status report form Board Docs under Forms

Initiative Proposal form Board Docs under Policies

Expense Report finance portfolio

Partnership agreements partner with PMI

Chart of Accounts finance portfolio

Event Request Form operations portfolio

Group Registration Form operations portfolio

W-9 Form Board Docs under Corporate Docs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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