GLEN RIDGE Planning Board


May 19, 2010

Open Public Meeting Act & Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM and Mr. Rohal read the Sunshine Act Notice.

The roll was called.

PRESENT: Conklin, Chair

Siegel, Vice Chair

Provost, Councilwoman

Baker, Councilwoman






Trembulak, Esq.



Zichelli, Secretary

Councilwoman Provost stepped down for the hearing of the following application.

PNC Financial Group

975-989 Bloomfield Avenue

Amended Site Plan Approval

Chair Conklin called for the application. Richard Toniolo, Esq. appeared on behalf of the applicant. He stated that the applicant seeks to amend a prior approval that limits the hours of operation that the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) may be used in the drive through lane of the bank.

Marked for identification was the following:

A-1 Affidavit of Service

A-2 Set of plans consisting of four sheets prepared by The Buchholz Architectural Group, dated April 20, 2010.

Mr. John Buchholz, project architect, was sworn. The architect reviewed the existing site plan and terms of approval. He described the bank layout and the drive through area. He stated that customers prefer to use the drive through ATM at night compared to exiting their vehicles and using the ATM in the lobby of the building. The architect described the site lighting, landscaping and drainage. He described lines of site around the bank.

Mr. John Susany, project manager, was sworn and appeared before the Board. He stated that a drive through ATM is safer than a walk up ATM. The project manager was asked to describe the location of other bank branches in the area. Mr. Susany then described the process of making night deposits.

Ms. Laura Del Grosso, PNC Bank Manager, appeared before the Board and was sworn. She described the ATM and back locations in the area. She reviewed the numbers of typical transactions per day.

Ms. Pam Hopkins, Loss Prevention Manager, appeared before the Board and was sworn. She reviewed loss prevention and security procedures. Ms. Hopkins described the operation of the onsite camera system. She stated that the applicant is considering the Glen Ridge Police Departments report requiring the installation of additional cameras. Ms. Hopkins stated that it is difficult to power down and restart an ATM each day.

Mr. Michael Lanzafama, professional engineer and professional planner, appeared before the Board and was sworn. He stated that the proposal makes no sustainable changes to the property or the approvals in place.

Marked for identification was the following:

A-3 Photo Board prepared by Casey & Keller, dated May 18, 2010

Mr. Lanzafama reviewed the landscaping and lighting. He stated that a drive up ATM is safer than a walk up ATM. He further stated that with the existing landscaping there will be no adverse impact on the surrounding properties.

Chair Conklin called for the public comment.

Mr. Riz Haider of Glen Ridge Avenue appeared before the Board and stated his concerns with the proposal and the development in general.

Mr. Toniollo summarized that application. He stated that the impact on the neighborhood will be minimal, that there is adequate landscaping and screening in place, and that a drive through ATM is safer than a walk up ATM.

The members of the Board discussed the application. They reviewed their concerns. Mr. Mason made a motion to deny the application. This motion was seconded by Vice Chair Siegel. The Board voted in support of the denial, members Azrak, Mehrotra and Sachs voting in the negative.

Councilwoman Provost rejoined the Board.

Barbara Lesser

31 Lorraine Street

Appeal of Decision by the Historic Preservation Commission

Chair Conklin offered the applicant the opportunity to come back at the June 16, 2010 and be the first case heard. Ms. Lesser stated that she would carry her case to the June 16, 2010 meeting.

Big Smash-Glenmont, LLC DBA Smash Burger and Super Scoop Ice Cream LLC

975-989 Bloomfield Avenue

Amended Site Plan Approval

Chair Conklin called for the application

Richard Toniollo, Esq. appeared on behalf of the applicants. He stated that the applicant is seeking approval to use outdoor seating for two businesses on the site.

Marked for identification was the following:

A-1 Affidavit of Service

Mr. John Buchholz, project architect, was sworn. The architect reviewed the existing site plan. The architect stated that the applicants would like to install seasonal seating outside two of the business in this commercial center. Marked for identification was the following:

A-2 Project site plan, prepared by The Buchholz Architectural Group, PC,

dated April 22, 2010.

The architect reviewed the layout of the seating. The seats will be placed on the sidewalk surrounding the building. He stated that no changes to the exterior of the building are proposed. Mr. Buchholz described the proposed planters around the outdoor seating area and outdoor trash receptacles. He stated that there will be no significant impact on the parking for the site.

Mr. Scott Gillman, owner of Smash Burger since its opening in September 7, 2010, appeared before the Board and was sworn. He reviewed the hours of operation of the restaurant. Mr. Gillman stated that the business’s peak hours of operation are between six and eight in the evening. He further stated that his business does not conflict with Panera Bread’s peak business at lunch time. Mr. Gillman stated that he does not anticipate a significant increase in patronage due to the addition of outdoor seating. He stated that there will be no change in the outdoor lighting.

Mr. Ralph Holman of Super Scoop appeared before the Board and was sworn. He described his ice cream store, its seating arrangements and hours of operation.

Mr. Michael Lanzafama, professional engineer and professional planner, appeared before the Board and was sworn. Marked for identification was the following:

A-3 Photo Board prepared by Casey & Keller, dated May 18, 2010

The planner reviewed the proposal to install outdoor seating. Mr. Lanzafama stated that the impact on the parking would be minimal. He then reviewed the onsite parking and the parking requirements of the ordinance. The planner stated that outdoor seating is a common use in a development of this nature and that it does not pose any negative impacts.

Chair Conklin called for public comments

Ms. Eleanor Proto of 90 Glen Ridge Avenue appeared before the Board and was sworn. She stated her concerns regarding the smells, noise and late night activity. She also stated her concerns regarding the lights on the site, garbage and deliveries.

Mr. Anthony Proto of 90 Glen Ridge Avenue appeared before the Board and was sworn. He stated his concerns regarding the noises, smell and garbage. He also stated his concerns regarding the increase in traffic and lack of land of landscape buffering between his property and the development.

Mr. Riz Haider of Glen Ridge Avenue stated his concerns regarding the smells generated by Smash Burger and the trash that is found throughout the neighborhood. He further stated his concerns regarding the management of the site and the landscaping.

Mr. Scott Gillman of Smash Burger stated that he would like to work with the community in resolving their concerns.

Mr. Toniollo asked the Board not to consider the complaints regarding the management of the site against his clients who are tenants.

The members of the Board discussed the application. They reviewed the prior resolutions of approval. On motion by Councilwoman Provost, seconded by Mr. Mehrotra, the Board unanimously voted to continue the case to the June 16, 2010 meeting.


On motion by Mr. Rohal, seconded by Mr. Mason, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael P. Zichelli, AICP/PP



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