January 6, 2020

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a Moment of Silence was observed.TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN:A MOTION was made by Linda Woodward and seconded by Lori Eright, to appoint Michael Hinkle as Temporary Chairman. Motion carried. REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING:The 2020 Reorganizational Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Montour Township was called to order on January 6, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., by Lori Ebright. CHAIRMAN:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Ms. Ebright as Chairman of the Board. Motion carried. VICE-CHAIRMAN:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Ms. Woodward as Vice-Chairman of the Board. Motion carried.TREASURER:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Danielle Berkes as Treasurer. Motion carried.ROAD MASTER:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Road Master. Motion carried.SECRETARY:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Ms. Ebright as Secretary. Motion carried.TOWNSHIP CLERK:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Ms. Berkes as Township Clerk. Motion carriedCOLUMBIA COUNTY SANITARY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appointed Ms. Woodward as Montour Township Primary Representative to the Columbia County Sanitary Administrative Committee. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Montour Township’s Alternate Representative to the Columbia County Sanitary Administrative Committee. Motion carried.POLICE SUPERVISOR:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Ms. Ebright as Police Supervisor. Motion carried.CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER – POLICE PENSION FUND:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Ms. Ebright as Chief Administrative Officer of the Police Pension Fund per Act 205. Motion carried.PSATS CONVENTION:No one from the Township will be attending the conference this year.PLANNING & ZONING COORDINATOR:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Ms. Woodward as Planning and Zoning Coordinator. Motion carried.PLANNING COMMISSION CLERK:A MOTION was by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Carolyn Patacconi as Planning Commission Clerk. Motion carried.POLICE CHIEF:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Terry Eckart as Police Chief. Motion carried.PATROLMAN FIRST CLASS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Brant Morris as Patrolman First Class. Motion carried.FULL TIME POLICE OFFICERS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Brenton Bacon, as a full-time Police Officer. Motion carried.PART TIME POLICE OFFICERS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Dan Kilgus, Raymond Tonkinson, and Tod Ohlin as part-time Police Officers. Motion carried.SOLICITOR:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to reappoint Hummel, Lewis, and Smith, LLP, as Primary Township Solicitor. Motion carried.ENGINEER:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Glace Associates as Primary Engineer for the Township Supervisors. Motion carried.PLANNING CONSULTANT:No consultant at this time on a recommendation from the Planning Commission.CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Herring, Roll & Solomon, CPA, as Certified Public Accountant. Motion carried.SURVEYORS:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle, and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Ted L. Oman, PLS., as Primary Surveyor and David Drumheller, PLS, as Secondary Surveyor. Motion carried.TOWNSHIP AUDITORS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Joelene Sponenberg, Robert Webber, and Gerald Powers as Township Elected Auditors. Motion carried.Auditor terms are as follows:Joelene Sponenberg-present term ending Dec. 31, 2021Gerald Powers-present term endingDec. 31, 2022Kathy Kreisher-present term endingDec. 31, 2024ZONING OFFICER:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Timothy Mauk as Zoning Officer. Motion carried.CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Timothy Mauk as Code Enforcement Officer. Motion carried. CODE ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISOR:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to appoint Ms. Woodward as Supervisor for the Code Enforcement Officer. Motion carried.COLUMBIA COUNTY COG REPRESENTATIVES:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Ms. Woodward as Representative to the Columbia County COG for Building Code adoption. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Alternate Representative to the Columbia County COG for Building Code adoption. Motion carried.TRI-COUNTY COG REPRESENTATIVE:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward to appoint Mr. Hinkle as the Township’s Representative to the Tri-County COG. Motion carried.TOWNSHIP REPRESENTATIVE AT SEDA-COG MEETINGS:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Ms. Woodward as the Township’s Representative at SEDA-COG Meetings. Motion carried. PA ONE CALL SYSTEM, INC. REPRESENTATIVE:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Company Representative for PA One Call System, Inc. Motion carried.SEWAGE ENFORCEMENT:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to retain Columbia County Sanitary Committee for Sewage Enforcement, per the existing Agreement. Motion carried.EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR:Appointment on hold.TOWNSHIP PUBLIC WORKS WORKERS:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Edward Savidge, Kevin Sponenberg, and Joshua Shuman, Township Public Works Workers. Motion carried.VACANCY BOARD CHAIRMAN:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Timothy Mauk as Vacancy Board Chairman. Motion carried.PLANNING COMMISSION:Present Planning Commission Members being:Andrew Keister-present term ending December 31, 2024Jim Yunkuski-present term ending December 31, 2022Joseph Mullen-present term ending December 31, 2023Melissa Matthews -present term ending December 31, 2021Debbie Midkiff-present term ending December 31, 2020Susan Webster-alternateA MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to continue the terms for Andrew Keister, Jim Yonkuski, Joseph Mullen, Melissa Matthews, and Debbie Midkiff as. Motion carried.ZONING HEARING BOARD:Zoning Hearing Board appointments are currently on hold.TAX COLLECTOR:A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle, and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to reappoint Columbia County Tax Collection Committee as Tax Collector for Earned Income, Local Services Tax (formerly Emergency and Municipal Services Tax). Motion carried. COLUMBIA COUNTY TAX COLLECTION COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright, and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Columbia County Tax Committee Representative. Motion carried.MEETING DATES:A MOTION was by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle to set the Regular Meeting dates for the Board of Supervisors for January 7, 2019, and the second Thursday of each month thereafter at 7:30 p.m., at the Municipal Building in Rupert. Work Sessions will be held at 7:00 p.m., prior to the Regular Meeting. Motion carried.DISBURSEMENTS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, Township funds will not be disbursed before the disbursement is approved at a general Meeting of the Board of Supervisors. However, minor disbursements not exceeding $150.00 each and a total of $300.00 per month may be made from the Petty Cash Fund. Also, pre-authorization of payment of the monthly bills for Sheetz, Suez, utility bills, monthly payments due to Garey Bittenbender, monthly payments due to John Bauer and monthly lease payments is approved for disbursements between regular monthly meetings, as previously authorized in a Motion passed on August 8, 2013. Payroll checks are approved for payment when the regular Monthly Meeting is postponed or cancelled, or in the event of not having a quorum, as previously authorized in a Motion passed on June 28, 2007. Motion carried. DEBIT CARD:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright, and seconded by Ms. Woodward, authorize the following Township employees to use the debit cards: Terry Eckart, Lori Ebright, Danielle Berkes, and Michael Hinkle, for purchases such as emergencies, computer updates, internet purchases and purchases from businesses that do not issue credit (example: Wal-Mart). A monthly limit of $1,000.00 for each card, and a monthly limit of $5,000.00 for the entire account was approved. Motion PENSATION:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to set the hourly compensation as follows:Township Public Works Workers Edward Savidge----------------------------------------------$15.00Kevin Sponenberg-------------------------------------------$14.50 Joshua Shuman----------------------------------------------$14.50New Road Crew Hire----------------------------------------$12.00After 6-month review----------------------------$13.00After 1-year review-------------------------------$14.00Temporary Road Crew Hire-------------------------------$12.00Road Master-------------------------------------------------------------$17.00A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Zoning Officer Compensation at $15.75 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Township Secretary Compensation at $17.00 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to set the Township Clerk Compensation at $16.00 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Planning Commission Clerk Compensation at $14.25 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to set the Code Enforcement Officer Compensation at $15.75 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to approve the Township Planning Commission Members to be compensated Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per regular monthly meeting attended. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to approve life insurance policies in the amount of $50,000.00 each for Terry Eckart, Brant Morris, Brenton Bacon, Lori Ebright and Danielle and life insurance policies in the amount of $10,000.00 for each part-time employee who works a minimum of 500 hours in the prior year. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the salary for Police Chief Terry Eckart at Seventy-One Thousand and Thirty-Two Dollars ($71,032.00) for the year 2020. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the salary for Patrolman First Class Brant Morris at Forty-Five Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Three Dollars and Sixty Cents ($45,593.60) for the year 2020. Motion carried.The Employment Contracts for Police Chief Terry Eckart, Patrolman First Class Brant Morris, Officer Brenton Bacon, Secretary Lori Ebright, and Clerk Danielle Berkes will be addressed at the January 9, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the Compensation for David Drumheller, Surveyor, at $29.00 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the Compensation for Ted L. Oman, Surveyor, at $29.00 per hour. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to set the Compensation and hourly rate for the Primary Engineer per contract of Glace Associates, dated January 15, 2003. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Compensation for Herring, Roll & Solomon, Certified Public Accountants, per letter contracted rate. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the Compensation for the Solicitor at their contracted rate. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Compensation for the Zoning Hearing Board (Municipalities Planning Code Sect. 907):Members-----------------------------------------------$50.00 per caseAdministrative Secretary---------------------------$100.00 per caseMotion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to set the Supervisor approved travel at an amount not to exceed the IRS allowable rate for all employees, including, but not limited to Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Township Public Works Workers and Zoning Officer. The rate for 2020 is Fifty-Seven and a half (.575) cents. Motion carriedCOMPENSATION FOR PART-TIME POLICE OFFICERS:A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to set the Compensation for all part-time police officers in the amount of Nineteen Dollars and Fifteen Cents ($19.15) per hour for 2020. Motion carried.*****RESOLUTION: DEPOSITORIES FOR TOWNSHIP FUNDS******On A MOTION of Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, the following Resolution was adopted: “Be it resolved that the following banks, currently or previously known as, First Columbia Bank & Trust Company, PNC Bank, M & T Bank, and FNB Bank, N.A., are hereby approved as Depositories for the Township Funds”. Motion carried.ACTIONS OF THE BOARD:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, that all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors at this Meeting are for the year of 2020 ONLY unless specifically indicated otherwise. Motion carried.FIRE COMPANY OFFICERS AND FIRE POLICE:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle to accept the appointment of the Fire Company Officers and Fire Police, as follows;COMPANY OFFICER’SFIREMAN’S RELIEF OFFICERLINE OFFICER’SPres. Chuck BennettPres. Jeff MillerChief 240 Brian FosseVP. Ted MillerVP. Chad AndressChief 240A Jeff MillerTres. Brian FosseTres. Brian FosseChief 240B Chad AndressSec. Melissa FosseSec. Melissa FosseChief 240C Don LongTrustee Evelyn PriceTrustee Doug ReiterCaptain 241 Jeff KingstonTrustee Jeff MillerTrustee Dave McHenryCaptain 242Trust Brian LaylonTrustee Check BennettCaptain 243 William Bingaman Jr.EMS Captain Melissa FosseFire Police Capt. Car 249 Dave McHenryFire Police Lt. Car 249A Ted MillerMotion carried.FLOOD COMMITTEE:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Terry Eckart, Lori Ebright, Michael Hinkle, and Linda Woodward as members of the Township Flood Mitigation Committee. Motion carried.AG SECURITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE:A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Ms. Ebright, to appoint Mr. Hinkle as Chairman of the AG Security Advisory Committee. Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Ms. Woodward and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, to continue the terms of the AG Security Advisory Committee Members Cindy Cleaver, David Cotner, Shirley O’Neil and Larry Sponenberg. Motion carriedAPPOINTMENT OF OPEN RECORDS OFFICER (RIGHT TO KNOW):A MOTION was made by Ms. Ebright and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Mrs. Berkes Open Records Officer (also known as Right to Know Officer).Motion carried.A MOTION was made by Mr. Hinkle and seconded by Ms. Woodward, to appoint Ms. Ebright Open Records Officer Alternate (also known as Right to Know Officer Alternate).Motion carried.There being no further business, on A MOTION of Ms. Woodward, and seconded by Mr. Hinkle, the Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Motion carried. E:Sup Reorg 1-6-20Respectfully SubmittedDanielle BerkesTownship Clerk ................

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