October 23, 2007

N.O.M.A. Meeting Minutes for

July 28, 2015

On the above date at 7:00 PM the New Oxford Municipal Authority met with Chairman John Spalding presiding. Authority Board members present were Vice Chairman Stan Wannop, Treasurer Al Gallo, Personnel Guillermo Bosch, and Secretary Tom Olshanski. Also in attendance were Steve Hovis with Stock & Leader, Bill Hill from Wm. F. Hill & Assoc. Engineering, Tom Beamer, NOMA Facilities Manager, Adam Winters, NOMA Asst. Facilities Manager, and Amber Gearhart, Project Asst. /Asst. Secretary. Visitors present were: Cindy Moritz, customer’s relative, Teena Curnow with Smith Elliott Kerns & Co., and Lillian Reed with The Evening Sun.

Cindy Moritz, a relative of customer Faye Zinn who resides at 2804 Carlisle Pike, discussed her confusion with the bi-monthly billings and the Delinquent Account procedure.

The 2014 Audit was presented by Teena Curnow of Smith Elliott Kerns & Co.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the following meetings: May 19, 2015, June 22, 2015, and June 26, 2015.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board ratified payment of the following expenditures: May 15th thru July 21st in the amount of $562,384.05.

Old Business

Miller Chemical Update – The water quality is improving, but there are still variations. DEP and the environmental company hired by Miller Chemical are working on equipment to monitor weather. The HACH equipment will be shipping tomorrow and should arrive in the next week. After the HACH equipment is installed the intake will be opened when the plant is manned. The test results from the HACH equipment will be compared to the samples taken from the creek.

There is still a voluntary water restriction in place. Once the intake is opened NOMA will lift the restrictions.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously approved tabling the remainder of the Miller Chemical update for Executive Session later in the meeting.

Facilities Manager Report

Reviewed and unanimously approved by the Board on a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, was the report submitted by Tom Beamer, Facilities Manager.

Township Delinquent Accounts – There was no information provided to discuss other than the acknowledgement that Delinquent Letters were recently mailed to customers.

Send Out (High Service) Pump Project – DEP has yet to act on the approval of the permit submitted. DEP must approve the permit due to the increase of capacity.

Plainville Farms – Work in progress. The discharge from the plant has been better lately. Operators are to reject the discharge if necessary.

Oxford Commons / Misty Creek – There is a remediation plan in place to clean up the disturbed landfill. There is still discussion about the cost for the water main line to upgrade from a 4” line to an 8” line. Beamer, Hovis, and Hill will discuss and submit an agreement.

Oxen Country Meadows Well – Hill is working with the USDA to get funding for the project. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to move forward with the development of the well as an alternative water source.

Dam Project – Hill and AD Marble, recommended by Schnabel, are working on the required information necessary to complete the funding process with the USDA.

Barry Groft – Mr. Groft was awarded unemployment compensation. An appeal has been filed.

Back Flow Program (AERO Energy) – Beamer would like the Board to consider implementing mandatory testing and certification of backflow devices for customer’s and businesses. Industrial customers would be required as well as customers or businesses with fire protection or sprinkler systems.

Lost Time Accident – There were 1,123 days of no loss time accidents. Trent Harlacker fell and dislocated his shoulder while cleaning a clarifier. Also noted were the safety awards that NOMA received in 2015 which include the Facility Safety Award for a Class I facility from PWEA, the Collection System Safety Award from CPWQA, and the Plant Safety Award for a Class I facility from CPWQA.

Telephone System Upgrade – The system has been updated to an automatic system with a third line added to the office. With this upgrade the internet was also upgraded and in the process NOMA received a rate reduction.

Heating Oil Deliveries – The service has been switched from Kuhn Bros Oil to AERO Energy. The rates have been locked in with AERO. The main reason for the switch was due to the fact that Kuhn Bros. couldn’t meet the required needs during the emergency.

Procurement Card – NOMA received a rebate check for 2015 in the amount of $2,137.58.

William F. Hill & Assoc. Report

All items were discussed during the Facility Manager’s Report.

Solicitor’s Report

Hovis discussed the agreement that was received by PNC for the line of credit. A few things were different from previous loans. Hovis discussed the differences in order to move forward. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Gallo, the Board unanimously approved the PNC proposal for the line of credit as stated in Resolution 2015-6.

Other Business

Dam Damage – Two trees were collected on the breast of the dam. Clarks Tree Service came in and removed the trees. Currently there is no way of knowing if the dam was damaged. A claim with the insurance carrier was opened.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to enter into Executive Session for litigation matters at 8:53 PM.

On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to exit the Executive Session at 9:38 PM.

The Board would like to review the Social Media Policy that is currently in place in the future.

With no further business to be brought before the Board, on a motion by Bosch, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously adjourned the meeting at 9:41 PM.

Reminder of the next Authority meeting will be on May 19th, 2015 at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amber K. Gearhart

Asst. Secretary/Project Assistant


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