Minutes of the - Scottish Police Federation - The Voice of ...

Scottish Police FederationNorth Area CommitteeMinutes of the 2nd quarterly meeting of the Scottish Police Federation – North Area Committee held on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th June 2017 at the Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry.Members PresentFull Time OfficialsGordon ForsythChairSteve ThomsonSecretaryJohn CrawfordVice ChairNeil MacDonaldDeputy Secretary Brian JonesAssistant to the General Secretary (H&S)ConstablesSergeantsInspecting RanksFraser RobertsonMike PurdieAndrew HorneMark DouglassGary JohnsonSandy SmartShirley MoranAngus MorrisonLinsey BurnsRoss PolworthSimon Lewis-DalbyKevin HirdKaty Townhill (day 1 only)James ThomsonKaren HarrisonMartyn TurnerJulie ConnorAndy BiltonNeil Cameron (day 1 only)Caroline ScobbieGary BrownOpening of MeetingThe Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all members present and he encouraged everyone present to take an active part in the meeting and to contribute to discussion and debate. A special welcome was give to our new reps Andrew Horne and Simon Lewis-Dalby on atteding their first North Area Committee meeting. Also Sheena Joss was welcomed as minute taker for the meeting. Brian Jones was recently elected as Assistant to the General Secretary (H&S) and replaced Peter Jones who has since retired and he was also welcomed at our meeting.There would be an input from Chief Superintendent Paul Anderson, D Division commander. A further input would be received from Inspector Susan Gillon from London Road, Glasgow with regard to her work leading the SWDF Focus Group on dealing with the menopause which featured at our last NAC. Apologies for AbsenceApologies were received from;Andrew Barclay – Annual LeaveGordon Deans – Annual LeaveGrant Letham– Annual LeaveDavid Threadgold – Work CommitmentJames Rice – Annual LeaveDave Forsyth – Annual LeaveDavid Ogilvie – Personal matterGordon Milne - Work CommitmentKaty Townhill - (day 1 only)Neil Cameron - (day 1 only)Excusals during meeting;Julie Conner – for a short period on day 2.Approval of Previous MinutesThe Minutes of the previous Meeting which were circulated in advance of the Meeting were formally approved having been proposed and seconded by Caroline Scobbie and Linsey Burns.5. Rank Committees The Chair directed that as each Rank Committee was required to formally appoint its office bearers and other representatives they would meet separately for a short period. Each Committee would then advise the NAC Secretary of:?Rank Committee Office Bearers?Representatives and Reserves of Joint Central CommitteeConstables met and following members elected:Secretary – Sandy SmartChair – Fraser RobertsonDep Secretary – Linsey BurnsVice Chair – Ross PolworthJoint Central Committee members:Steven ThomsonNeil MacDonaldReserve – Angus MorrisonSergeants met and following members elected:Secretary – Andy BiltonChair – Karen HarrisonDep Secretary – Martyn TurnerVice Chair – James ThomsonJoint Central Committee members:Gordon ForsythKaren HarrisonReserve – John Crawford2nd Reserve – Martyn TurnerThe Inspectors present did meet, however were not quorate. They will hopefully meet at the next North Area Committee meeting on 4/5 September 2017.6. Matters Arrising6.1Action/Decision LogThe action and decision logs had been circulated in advance of the Meeting and the contents were noted by the Committee. There were no outstanding actions.7.STANDING ITEMS7.1JCC UpdateJCC Glynhill Hotel, Renfrew 9th and 10th May 2017Legal advice and assistanceThe Deputy General Secretary provided an update that a number of new cases for various matters had come in since the last meeting. Legal CasesOff dutycivil – 8Other – 1Criminal Legal Defence – 27Misconduct – 1Injury – 3RTA – 9On dutyCriminal – 12Employment – 1Overtime – 1Misconduct – 2Injury – 2RTA – 5Updates were provided in relation to Held in Reserve/ Allard/ and Holiday Pay.Holiday Pay- There is a myriad of ongoing cases in relation to holiday pay which are all at various stages of appeal. Suffice to say these are ongoing and will resolve in due course. A number of forces down South have made a payment, however to date PSOS are not currently engaging with the SPF in relation to this matter. The matter may need to be reverted to PNB.Held in Reserve- The case was heard by Lady Wise on 23 December 2016 and a decision is still awaited. This could take sometime. As soon as this decision is received the committee will be updated. Allard - This is a case taken by officers from Devon and Cornwall against their Chief Constable, this primarily came from them being CHIS handlers who were not paid for taking calls in their own time from sources. A meeting is scheduled to be held with the Police Scotland Legal Team. Approximately 10 examples are being looked for of CHIS Handlers call outs etc along with their legacy position. This will allow Police Scotland to research the details and quantify the potential costs to the organisation.Police Negotiating Board (PNB)The PNB negotiates the terms and conditions for Scottish police officers. They are an advisory non departmental public body but only in Scotland. The board look to seek agreement between the official side, who are SPA, Chief Constable and Scottish ministers and the staff side SPF, ASPS and Scottish Police Chief Officers Staff Association forming recommendations to be passed to the Scottish ministers.This meeting now takes place 3 times a year as opposed to 4 times and thus the timings of the meetings are ‘out of sync’ with the JCC meeting.There has been no PNB meeting since the last JCC.Discussion took place regarding this year’s pay negotiations. The pay claim of 1% which was accepted for last year involved significant negotiation.The pay claim for 2017 is still to be finalised but no matter what is asked for there is little doubt this will be a very difficult issue to settle. The fact that an extra 25 million pounds was allocated recently, this is a very small sum bearing in mind the deficit and the bulk will be directed to projects. The technical working group continues to meet in relation to exigency of duty, an introduction of an overnight allowance and compensation for working into a rest day. These are still ongoing.PensionsPolice Pensions Consultative Forum met in Edinburgh on 8 May. Home Office are represented but couldn’t answer many of the issues raised due to the period of purdah currently running due to the General Election.These included issues with a police widow not receiving the 13 weeks enhanced payments under the 1987 scheme if the pension holder dies after their transition to the CARE scheme.There is still a loophole that a Police pensioner murdered by their spouse, that spouse can receive the widows pension. Work is ongoing to close that loophole.Auto enrolment applies to 1987 scheme members who have withdrawn from the scheme as they have maximised their benefits. A meaningful scheme has to be provided and this will have to be developed by the Home Office.Scottish Police Pensions BoardThe SPPA Pensions calculator is now up and running and appears to be working well. They are looking at distributing snappy facts to officers who have not entered or are withdrawing from the schemes, such as, by withdrawing you are effectively losing ? of the full remuneration package and currently for every ?100 you put into the scheme the SPA put in ?214.Auto enrolment has meant 120 officers rejoining the scheme. Approximately 1000 Police Officers not in the scheme. Re-enrollment requires a medical prior to re-admission in some cases. This is a cost currently being picked up by Police Scotland just now. Work is ongoing to avoid not re-joining should this cost be passed back to the officer.Officers who are currently suffering from illness can auto-enrol, but they will not be given ill health cover until the outcome of the medical is known. It may be that they will longer term be accepted back into the pension scheme, but without the provisions of the ill health cover if they have a pre-existing condition.Leigh Day Case – 600-800 officers had signed up to this action from Scotland. Officers who withdraw or fail to provide pension statements as they were contractually obliged to are now being invoiced by the company.Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF)The SPCF runs in conjunction with PNB. The functions of the SPCF are not set out in legislation but Scottish Ministers have a statutory obligation to consult policing stakeholders before making any changes to the regulations governing a wide range of non-negotiable matters which affect police officers in Scotland and will look for these to be agreed through discussion at the SPCF before they are made.Again this meeting now takes place 3 times a year as opposed to 4 times and thus the timings of the meetings are ‘out of sync’ with the JCC meeting.The last meeting took place on 22nd February amongst discussions were 2026, Inspecting Ranks review and Pathways to Policing.Pathways to Policing has another new representative from Police Scotland. They are putting on hold the academic approach to entry. This was been confirmed by Michael Matheson at our recent SPF conference.A proof of concept for pre-entry e-learning was put forward. This would require a device or tablet to complete. The onus would be on the prospective recruit to provide the electronic device themselves. But a loan could be obtained from the Police Credit Union at favourable rates to buy the electronic device.Scottish Police Authority (SPA)The?Scottish Police Authority?(SPA) is a?public body of the Scottish Government?which holds?Police Scotland, to account. Both bodies were established on 1 April 2013 with the inception of Police Scotland.The SPA haven’t met since the last JCC.As most of you will have read Moi Ali resigned from the board, citing the secrecy and the fact that the chairman Andrew Flanagan was looking to hold to hold meetings behind closed doors. This caused the Scottish Parliament to pass this matter onto a public audit committee.Justice sub-committee on Policing – Andrew Flanagan was advised he wasn’t running the Kremlin by committee members. SPA are not interacting as they should with staff associations. Closed doors non-public meetings were being held. Distribution of board papers happening on the mornings of the meetings giving no opportunity to read them and effectively hiding issues in plain sight.HMICS Assurance & Transparency review of the SPA will start at the end of June.SPA – People meetingsHealth & wellbeing policy of Force/SPA discussed. Rollout of 125 wellbeing champions across the force.The Occupational Health Contract is due for renewal next year. Issues with service provision should be fed into Lynn Roberston, Health & Wellbeing Manager. Issues raised over the inability to self-refer to OHU and officers missing out on assistance due to this. Officers would like to self-refer due to the line manager often being the cause of their problems.Scottish Police Budget and Finance 2026 forms the major part of this area.Police Scotland have accepted using Linda Duxbury’s guidance and advice for the implementation of 2026. Following conference Linda Duxbury, an academic who has been involved in organisational and cultural change management in Canada Law enforcement, met with the 2026 implementation team and DCC Livingstone. She made it clear that if the organisation want the management of change to be successful then it is advisable not to put a civilian in charge of the process.Linda Duxberry has agreed to carry out a management of change project free of charge for Police Scotland.With the general election looming there wasn’t much change when it came longer term budgets.OP UnicornWork is ongoing to tackle issues regarding temporary place of work, mileage payments, transport of PPE etc. in relation to the implementation of this.Europcop/ICPRAInternational Labour Organisation in Geneva have a major project ongoing known as the Future of Work. This is basically looking at managing an aging workforce and managing workers with increasing disabilities. They have for the first time begun to engage with ICPRA to take into account and ageing Police Officers.EUROCOP – Spring meeting was held in early May in Malta. Similar issues being faced by police forces across Europe – smaller budgets, less officers, higher demands. Small consolation in that officers from the UK still have the lowest retiral age in Europe.MotionsMotions that were passed from conference have been passed to the Legislation & Regulations standing Committee for progression. Examples of incidents in relation persons being merely found in possession of pyrotechnic devices at sporting events to be collated.A Motion was heard from EAC in relation to have Paragraph 5 of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 recongise that it is not part of an officers duty to be injured as a direct consequence of a criminal act. Officers injured as a result of a prisoner resisting arrest making claims will only be considered if they are carrying out a role that would be considered as exceptional if it would normally be expected of the applicant in the course of their work.This Motion was carried and is to be passed to the Legislation & Regulation committee and then to Joint UK JCC as it is a national issue.ConferenceConference has been very well received. It has been praised for is content which was and continuity as there was very little down time. Planning has started for the 2019 Conference. 7.2Subject CommitteesThe minutes of all national Subject Committees were circulated as JCC Circular 5/2017CONDUCTConduct UpdateConduct On- 9Conduct Off- 3Criminal On- 18Criminal Off- 13There are 7 officers currently suspended in the North Area. There has been 1 Misconduct Hearing since the last meeting, the chair of the meeting found in favour of the officer that there was no case to answer therefore no misconduct.Thre have been 3 further cases that have neen identified to proceed to Misconduct Hearings and these are likely to take place around September time.There have been 2 Misconduct meetings since the last NAC, on one ocassion the chair found in favour of the officer and deemed that there had been no misconduct and on the other the chair found that there was misconduct and delivered management advice. Both were fair results in the circumstances. There was a PAT (Police Appleals Tribunual) meeting held in relation to a North officer, the PAT held that PSoS had errered in procedure but also held that the officers conduct was such that he should remain dismissed.There are a further 12 Gross Misconduct allegations currently being investigated by PSD and the committee will be updated in due course.North Area Conduct MeetingThe North Area Conduct Committee meeting was due to be held on 10 January and then again on 14 February 2017, they had to be cancelled due to the unavilablilty of the committeeJCC Conduct MeetingThe Conduct sub-committee last me on 17 January 2017 at Woodside Place, Glasgow. Sandy Smart attended and Karen Harrison Video conferenced in from Dundee. The minutes of this meeting are available and can be circulated to anyone who wants them on the NAC.EQUALITYThe Deputy Secretary confirmed that the NAC Equality Sub Committee was scheduled to meet on 6 April 2017, however due to the lack of members attending a meeting did not take place. A copy of the meeting notes had been circulated.A general discussion was had however on the following subjects;A culture of discrimination ongoing in some areas.Neil Macdonald, Caroline Scobbie and Karen Harrison attended a meeting with Chief Superintendent Paul Anderson (D Div Commander) on 21 March 2017 and brought this matter to his attention. This meeting established how he was to address this matter.The NEC will monitor developments and assist the D Division senior management team in any way they require.Mail Box to facilitate the anonymous reporting of sensitive matters.This is now in place and the April issues of the NAC bulletin will contain a paragraph on this subjectApplications and the process for Flexible Working Patterns.NAC bulletin contains a paragraph on this subject.Further conversation took place re the Equality input at Conference which was the subject of Maternity.Absence ReviewThe Deputy Secretary states that no recent spreadsheet with figures have been received from HR in Dundee. This matter is to be address in due course.GrievanceUnaware of any ongoing.Flexible Working/Part timeNot aware of any currently on going receiving support.The Chairman then invited any questions.HEALTH & SAFETYNorth Area SPF H&S meetingThe Secretary advised that the NAC Health & Safety Sub Committee had last met on Monday 3 April 2017 at the Aberdeen SPF Office and the minutes have been circulated to the NAC. At this meeting Grant Letham was elected as the new chair of this committee. The main items which came from this committee related to:Custody and the new satellite supervision within D Division for Dundee/Perth and Arbroath, and The situation with Dundee ACR and the committee decided a spot inspection would be carried out in relation to staff welfare. This was carried out on Thursday 27 April by Dave Forsyth and Grant Letham. The Secretary passed on his thanks to them for their efforts.This led to a meeting with ACC Hawkins, several Superintendents, Chief Inspectors and Kevin Haldane on Thursday 4 May 2017 in Dundee which the Secretary and Dave Forsyth attended. This was for an update from the Force’s point of view re the transition update from Aberdeen to Dundee. It was quite clear that there has been some thought from their team but they were effectively looking at the end staffing numbers and now the now position. They were advised that quite simply the staff do not feel there is sufficient staff and this would be highlighted within our report. Included within this was the lack of sufficiently trained PNC/CHS staff. This was re-iterated by the Unison rep in attendance and they are addressing this.Our H&S Inpection report was completed in the following days and sent to CS Roddy Newbigging on Friday 12 May 2017. A follow up Inspection will be carried out in the coming months.Specific mention was made by this committee that their view was that the input by Laura Gibson at the H&S section at Conference was excellent. It was particulary moving and the Secretary has since written to her to express the thanks from the North Area Committee. She was very appreciative of the letter and has since thanked the Secretary for same.SPF representatives still attend local divisional H&S meetings and the Secretary thanked the reps for this and asked that any information be fed back to him. A recent example was where an issue was raised by a H&S rep regarding an potential problem at football match. The matter was dealt with early and resolved quickly.North Custody Division meetingThe Secretary updated the committee that he attended the last North cluster H&S meeting on Wednesday 8 March 2017 in Aberdeen which was chaired by Chief Inspector Neil McDonald. He updated the H&S committee the main points raised were the apparent under reporting on Scope in general and that divisions were encouraged to promote this. It was highlighted that the view of custody division was that Officers should have suitable control of prisoners at the charge bar as there have been instances of prisoners acting violently and not suitably controlled. The committee agreed this was a matter for PSoS.He also updated the the committee following on from the last meeting where CI McDonald was to in due course issue an instruction in the North that PPE of belt, cuff, baton and pava was required to be worn within the custody area as all Police Officers are trained in OST and all have personal issue of same. No instruction has been issued as yet as this has been discussed Nationally with no agreement reached. This is being passed to the custody SMT but the view of the SPF has been minuted.On 21 March 2017 an issue was raised in relation to the front doors being broken at the Kittybrewster Police Office. This has been taken forward and the committee updated on the situation and that it would not require an updated Fire Evacuation plan. Another entry door has since been installed.The Secretary raised a concern that was highlighted to him in regards to an incident when a Police Officer within N division was working within custody with no formal training at all. More information was later obtained and clarified this was the case much to the frustration of several people. It is understood there is training issues but these have apparently not been raised with custody. The Secretary was assured this is being progressed.Another issue was raised in relation to Sergeants ‘backfilling’ custody constable roles within A division at Kittybrewster. This has been dealt with and should not now routinely occur.The Secretary updated the committee that custody within D division are moving to a PC led system within that area. This would appear to be similar to the system in place in Elgin and Fraserburgh and the committee discussed this situation. The Secretary was tasked to meet the custody Chief Inspector which he did and an update was provided.North Area Health & Safety MeetingThe Secretary advised that the North Area meeting chaired by ACC Andy Cowie had met on one occasion since the last NAC meeting on Monday 20 March 2017 at Tulliallan. Again the main issue related to the contstant backfilling within custody and all the issues associated with potential closure of custody centres if insufficient staff. This is an issue throughout Scotland and also raised at the LNCC meeting on Tuesday 3 May 2017, but quite simply there is not enough staff in custody division. There are 18 vacancies in the North and these posts will not be filled. DCCs hold the authority regarding decisions in relation to staffing and it is being constantly being pushed by custody SMT. Vehicle checks were again raised by the SPF and that greater checks would be required and scrutiny around that bearing in mind the reduction in the budget for fleet. The ACC announced that he personally will be carrying out spot checks on vehicles throughout the North during 2017.JCC Health & Safety MeetingThe JCC H&S subject last met on Tuesday 18 April 2017 at Woodside Place, Glasgow. The Secretary and Grant Letham attended this meeting. The main topics raised were as per the North SPF H&S meeting on 3 April 2017 regarding satellite supervision within custody and the C3 spot inspection at Dundee ACR. The minutes will be placed on the SPF website when ratified under JCC Circular 19/2017.Points of NoteThe H&S committee for custody and OSD has met once since the last NAC on Tuesday 18 April 2017. In relation to Custody the same points as before were raised re backfill and satellite supervision.In relation to OSD the main issue related to a change of carrying of equipment for ARV Officers in that the tac-vest is no longer being used and all items being carried on the belt. Obvious implications and this is being looked at by the National H&S lead. Issues in relation to broken chairs within ARV Offices and this is being progressed and chairs replaced.There is a possible introduction of a trial of Body worn cameras within ARV in Aberdeen. A company has offered a free trial with equipment and the Secretary has still to see the paper that is to be submitted but has been asked for his initial view re same.These committees took place before the JCC H&S meeting and the minutes will be circulated in due course. 7.3Standing CommitteesThe minutes will be placed on the SPF website when ratified under JCC Circular 19/2017 FinanceThe Chairman confirmed that the Finance Standing Committee had met on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at Woodside Place, Glasgow and he updated on the discussions at that meeting. The main points of note were:Discussion about how the SPF could utilise the money in the member’s benefit trust accounts. This was money that was accumulated from the former JBBs. There are a number of options – expenditure only - options providing a service that will be of benefit to the members, but not generate any further income. Other suggestions include student accommodation or hostel style accommodation for officers in areas of high cost housing. Student accommodation has a higher investment return purely due to volume of tenants. Looking for suggestionsMembers Benefit trust cannot be used for a reduction of voluntary fund contributions. Money from this fund has been used in the past to offset the Insurance Tax increases so that it hasn’t been passed onto members.Investments performing beyond expectationsPlanning permission has been granted for an extension to Woodside Place.In house legal advice account is in surplus.Decrease in new recruits joining the voluntary fund. Currently 800 officers not signed up. They are to be targeted directly by letter advising that there will be an amnesty between 1 September and 31 October for those who want to join and they won’t have to back pay subscriptions. Currently have to back pay 1 years subs to join.Consideration being given to redevelop/remodel the Dundee office to include a training/conference facility for the SPF. Accommodation available at nearby hotels. Could be used to generate revenue when not in use by SPF.Philip Williams are now up and running as the Group Insurance provider. There are no major changes to the provision. Although critical illness pay out for spouses/partners is up ?5000 to ?25000The minutes will be placed on the SPF website when ratified.Legislation & RegulationsThe Legislation & Regulations are not an agenda item for JCC and are only carried out as and when they are required. The purpose is to consider any changes in legislation and regulations which would impact on police officers. This committee did not meet in April 2017 and last met on Wednesday 18 January 2017. The relevant outcomes were discussed at the last NAC.Operational DutiesThe Operational Duties committee met on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at Woodside Place. The main points of note were:ACDP, Police Diploma & Special Constabulary There had not been a meeting since January 2017. CBRN The Secretary advised the Committee that the last scheduled meeting had been cancelled.Post Incident Procedures (PIP) It was reported that further PIP training was required to be rolled out to the SPF full time officials and the Deputy General Secretary is still to arrange this. JNCC has directed that PIP be extended to non-firearms incidents. DCC Gwynne is working on the delivery of that. Chief Superintendent Alan Speirs had previously issued a memo in relation to the seizure of footwear following incidents and this incorporated mobile phones. It is decided that footwear will be replaced ‘like for like’ and not a capped amount as had been suggested. Bottom line is do not use mobile phones as they could be seized and won’t be replaced. Workforce Agreements (WFAs) The Deputy General Secretary is working on the WFA and hopefully a draft will be issued for review soon.Shift patterns are continually being introduced without consultation. Seven day working regularly appearing. Appears that Police Scotland are not adhering to the agreement in many cases.There are still issues with interpretation of the WFA around the areas.Issues in the near future with the Scotland v England game at Hampden. Intel indicating significant disorder not only in Glasgow, but elsewhere. Considerable impact on Public Order trained officers potentitally from all divisions.Custody It was reported that Custody were not employing new staff and the department would have to continue with the numbers that they have.Divisional Commanders all see this as their biggest ongoing issue. There is a complete lack of resources looking to expand the satellite supervision model. All Divisonal Commanders have sent an e-mail requesting that Custody be returned to the divisions for management with a central policy unit.There are so many gaps in resources it is causing custody centres to be closed at times. This leads to longer distances conveying custodies to an open custody suite. Stranraer is now closing regularly which results in a 100 mile round trip to Ayr or 140 miles to Dumfries and back. Similar issues within D Division.Impact of the CJ Bill on custody is going to be large, but a considerable amount of work has been done. Potential increase to 12 FCIs – the additional staffing required is already there as 6 Inspectors currently on projects.Critical operational posts are not being filled apparently on the instruction of David Page. However ?500,000 of 2026 jobs have been recently advertised.The Executive are all expressing concern, but thgere is little change.Force Armed Policing Monitoring Group Method of carriage was discussed so that sidearms can be clipped on and off and left in the gun box so they can attend non-firearms jobs. HMICS is encouraging the force to be bolder and send armed officers to these jobs. Public opinion appears not to be the issue, however it is not the will of the Executive or SPA.Officers currently deployed at the Scottish Parliament building with Taser. They are attending fully kitted then removing firearms and leaving them in the vehicle in the secure car park at the rear of the building. At the end of the tour re-arming and returning to the office to go off duty.It has been questioned whether the focus is moving to the building being protected from the people who should be being protected.SPF are clear that it is the model & policy that is being criticised and not the people who are working within and applying the model & policy.The CC’s comments at conference regarding armed units being deployed in incidents involving knives are being contradicted daily because process and protocol doesn’t allow it .Organisation have to provide a safe system of work. Evidence is required of near misses. Essentially everytime conventional resouces are sent to an incident where it is considered that an armed response was required it should be recorded as a near miss. Advice should be being provided about this in the near future.Inspecting Rank steering groupA short life working group met in March to discuss the ongoing problems with regards to the inspecting Rank Steering Group. Andy Malcolm, who is the current chair of the Inspectors Committee sent an update out in relation to this. This was sent out as a JCC circular JCC 17/2017 on Tuesday 2 May 2017.The minutes will be placed on the SPF website when ratified under JCC Circular 5/20173CAs mentioned a Spot check in Dundee ACR took place on 27 April 2017 and the report forwarded to CS Roddy Newbigging on Friday 12 May 2017. A follow up Inspection will be carried out in the coming months.The SPF Chair and General Secretary have been invited to a meeting with ACC Hawkins and CS Newbigging to go on the “Journey of a call”. This is intended to show the effectiveness of the process.Allard CaseMeeting with Force Solictors on 4 May - deal unlikely due to financial constraints.PFNI – Taken a holiday pay case to Court.7.4Force/Area Meetings UpdateLNCC/JNCCLNCCThe Chair advised the committee that he and the Secretary attended the 3rd joint LNCC met at the Scottish Police College on Tuesday 2 May February 2017. Again the main issued raised at this meeting related to the lack of National Divisions Attendance at this meeting as most of the issues which effect Local Policing come from C3 and Custody. ACC Wayne Mawson took a task to ensure this happens at the next meeting. This will also be highlighted to Woodside Place and to be raised at JNCC to ensure it happens.The single biggest issue at the moment relates to constant backfilling and this is recogonised and agreed with by all at the LNCC.The Chair raised the additional point of A/L allocationPersonal Development Conversations – raised by ASPS. Process takes place at the same time of year and places lots of pressure on supervisors to get it done. “Hitting the target , but missing the point”. The process takes away from the quality of the conversations. ACC Mawson agreed that the process was clunky and the requirement for supervisors to have everything done within 4 weeks was unrealistic. HR believe that this is to fit into the Organisational calendar. Task to HR business partners to review and get back to the meeting.Supervisory Ratios – Local policing is about 90% complete with re-organisation. SCD have delivered about 2/3 and LVRD have a lot of work to do. Projects are “shifting sands” as issues develop and directions change as projects progress.This has delivered ?2 million in savings which will rise to ?4.5 million. 250 fewer Sergeants and 120 fewer Inspectors. They have been converted into Constable positions.Next meeting is to be confirmed.JNCCExit Survey – 30% completion rate not showing any reasons that couldn’t be foreseen e.g. work/life balance and flexible working issues.Flexible Working – All applications are to be considered and reviewed by a central unit. This takes out the issue of individual in charge of the department putting pressure on the applicant to change their pattern based on their pre-conceptions. Pensions, PTCs, PDT – Concerns raised that probationers are joining the PTC, PDT etc as the focre rely on these charities for many services. Video being produced by SPF to play to probationers to show the benefits of contributing to Pension, PTCs and Benevolent Fund etc.Payroll – SLWG set up to head towards a single payroll. An initial 20 issues have been identified in how allowances are paid and taxed across the legacy payroll departments. The move is towards the Strathclyde system which is not unfavourable.Housing allowance – They are going to stop paying officers the allowance while on Maternity Leave. Given that the youngest officer who still receives housing allowance would be 41 years old the savings from that are going to be negligable. Questions arose regarding the equality of that policy.Post Incident Procedures – Consideration being given to inspecting ranks managing PIP.LNCC 5C No meeting of same since the last one on 13 July 2016. Again there appears to have been change from ACC Hawkins following the review carried out by Derek Kildane in regards to ACR closures in Aberdeen and Inverness. Aberdeen ACR closed and Inverness should have been June, but more like end of August 2017LNCC 3C The 3C LNCC was due to meet on several dates in November the last being on Friday 25 November 2016. On all occasions they were cancelled at the last minute. The next meeting was scheduled for Friday 3 March 2017 then 24 May but again both were cancelled.Divisional Management MeetingsN – Vice Chair has continued to attend all Divisional meetings in N Division. The last meeting was due to take place in Inverness on 25 May 2017 but was cancelled. The only matter of any significance is the change in Supt Philip Macrae being replaced by Ch Supt George Macdonald. A – The Secretary meets with Chief Supt Thomson every quarter and will see when as and when he needs to. This has been increased to monthly in line with the ACC monthly meetings. He last formally met with him on Tuesday 7 March 2017. At his last meeting he discussed the issue of red days was discussed and he was to ensure that this is looked at in the coming months. Annual Leave also spoken about. There has been movement on both fronts and there will be a reduction in red days which was problematic last year. He is due to meet with him formally later in June 2017.He also attended the Sgt/Insp forum in Aberdeen and the last meeting took place on 16 May 2017, where various updates were provided. Information regarding NE Div establishment is now at 1115 which is 14 above the foorprint of 1101. This is the first occasion since the creation of Police Scotland this has been the case. In this there is the largest probationer numbers in Scotland at 251. This means an obvious young workforce, which in the next year or two will see NE in a better place than elsewhere in Scotland where there is an aging workforce. Comes with obvious risks and concerns. Of the 251 probationers only 12 are on development plans which is a massive reduction in years gone by. Further probationers are being allocated in Dec – 40, March 18 – 51 and June 18 – 40. The recruitment will then reduce.In the recent promotion parade at SPC on Thursday 18 May 2017 of the 80 or so promotions 19 constable to sergeant came from NE div which reduces the temporary ranks in the division to less than 50% which is a vast improvement over a few years ago,D – Chief Superintendent Paul Anderson met with myself and D Division reps on 15 May. Generally he is pleased with how the new locality model is working, however is aware of issues in the P& K area which he is in the process of addressing. Issues surrounding the relationship between the Dundee ACR/PEO/Custody were raised, again he appeared aware and still feels that the new processes are in transition and will address any problems once the bedding in process has settled.New BusinessMotionAs the proposer of this motion was not at the meeting the committee were satisfied that the motion be deferred until the next NAC meeting in September 2017AOCBMember communicationNew Website on line soon. It is more interactive and mobile friendly. Gives clear signposts to services. FTO from each area to be tasked with updating relevant topics and information with editorial control remaining with WSP for corporacy.Twitter G Div Reps have set up and unofficial twitter page which signposts factual content to and from the SPF website. Royston advised that we have to be careful with multiple twitter feeds so that they do not contradict each other as has been the problem in England. Only 80,000 twitter users in Scotland how many are from federated ranks. How far does the message get?Advice to reps to make contact with FTO’s before making decisions they are unsure about.Nominations for Bravery Awards required as per JCC circular 12/2017. Awards to be held in Edinburgh in November 2017 and acts of bravery between Aug 2016 and August 2017. 200-500 words to be submitted enquiries@.uk by 31 August 2017.Acknowledgement was given to Peter Jones who has retired from the Police since the last election and in his absence he was thanked for his tireless work within the SPF. A letter received by Peter was read out by the Chair and he was thanked in the customary fashion.Caroline Scobbie had advised the Chair of her retiral from the Service and she was again thanked for her efforts, particularly with the production of the nesletter and again her efforts were acknowledged in the customary fashion.CorrespondenceNone receivedTime and Date of Next MeetingThe Chairman advised the next Meeting of the North Area Committee would be held on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 September 2017 at the Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry commencing at 1300 hours on Day 1 and 0900 hours on Day 2. Dates of future meetings4 & 5 December 2017Closure of MeetingThe Chairman thanked the Committee for their active and constructive participation and closed the meeting by wishing everyone present a safe journey home.He was thanked by the meeting in the customary manner.Gordon ForsythSteve ThomsonChairSecretary ................

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