SEM Group 3 Classwork 9/26 - 10/7 Student is to turn in only completed documents in order to get credit.

Assignment #1 (9/26)

Activity - View clip on Russia

1. What advantages did Russians experience with a command economy? What disadvantage

2. What advantages did Russians experience with a market economy? What disadvantages

3. What characteristics of a market economy have contributed to the divide between rich and poor?

4. . Will conditions for the poor likely improve or get worse as market economic factors become more firmly established in Russia? Why?

Activity 2: (9/26)

Student is to read newspaper article “Why Sports Should be Based on Capitalism?” using the link below

Student is to type in their “Word” document if they agree or disagree and why.

ASSIGNMENT #2 - (9/27)

Warm-Up: Student is to create “Word” document and title it Socialism

Student is to define socialism and to name what countries he/she knows has that type of economy (OK to use internet)

Activity 1: Student is to view video clip of Coach K. on the Colbert Report – he discusses the difference between team work & socialism. Student is to write comments in their “word” document after the video. What did they learn, etc.

Activity 2: Student is to list in their “word” document the at least five advantages of socialism and five disadvantages of socialism by visiting the link below or one of their choice.

Activity 3: The media often speaks of Obama being a socialist. Why do you think they consider him a socialist? Do you agree or not?

Activity 4: Research competition by visiting the website below:

Type in your word document the definition of the types of competition listed.

ASSIGNMENT #3 - (9/28)

Warm-Up: Student is to select 2 radio formats (urban, hip hop, oldies, alternative rock, country, sports radio, foreign language) and identify the four P-s of marketing (product – price – place – promotion) (15)

Format _________ Format __________

Product ________ Product _________

Price __________ Price ___________

Place _________ Place __________

Promotion ______ Promotion _______

Activity 1: Student is to brainstorm and try to create a product that he/she thinks would sell well. Tell what the product is – what do you anticipate the fair market price would be, where would you locate the product to sell, and what would be your plan of promotion. Would you have a target market? (20 minutes)

BE CREATIVE!! Product Price Place Promotion Target Market

Activity 2: Pick the following and identify the target market ):

1. Specific Sport _________________ Target Market ___________

2. Athlete ________________________ Target Market ___________

3. Entertainer _____________________ Target Market __________

4. Movie _________________________ Target Market __________

Activity 3: Describe the target market for each of the following:

harley- _________________________










ASSIGNMENT #4 - (9/29)

Warm-Up: Ms. Herman will review of the major concepts presented in SEM 2.00 for review prior to the test. She will ask for questions to see if anyone is still having trouble grasping the information. (10 – 15 minutes)

Activity 1: Student will take the test . Once they have tested, they will log onto Quia and practice various activities devoted to Objective 3.00. (30 minutes)

Activity 2: When directed by Ms. Herman, the students will use the textbook to gain information about free enterprise. The students on each row are to form a team and complete Opening Act on Page 202 (sale of tv’s)

They will discuss the impact of worldwide popularity of a sports event on the sales of related products. They will name products and services for which sales are impacted by a major sports event (such as the Super Bowl). (20 minutes)

**Students to type ideas in this area – ok to handwrite notes while in group – but later key in the information in this document.

Activity 3: Students to answer Intermission Question on bottom of Page 203 - - OK to continue to work in groups, but just make sure each student keys the group’s answers at some point in time.

ASSIGNMENT #5 - (9/30)

Warm-up: Name the world’s largest performing arts center? ______________________

Name three of the organizations who perform there _________________________________________

Name an event that will be held at DPAC prior to year end ___________________________________ (10 minutes)

Activity 1: Fill in blanks and answer questions – info can be found in Chapter 8 of the text book.

________________ Oval shaped outdoor theater with tiered seating around a central staging area.

Is there one in the Triad Area? If so, what is the name and location ___________________________

__________facility where a sporting event is held.

__________ most appealing form of entertainment

______________________________2 major channels of distribution for sports and entertainment events

______________________________3 examples of mass media (15 minutes)

Activity 2 Thinking Critically: If you were trying to increase interest in soccer in the U.S., describe the channels of distribution you would use and why? (channels are radio, TV, internet, etc.) (10 minutes)

Activity 3: Research the history of the internet.

1. How and why did it start? ______________________________

2. When did it become available to consumers? ________________________

3. In your opinion, what types of sports and entertainment are best suited to the internet as a means of distribution__________________________________________________________________________________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Definition of amateur athlete _________________________________________________________

5. Name any outdoor activity centers that you know of in the Triad (canoeing, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Legislation that prevents discrimination against females in school sports ____________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Read Judgment Call on Page 212 and answer the questions:

A, Should Pickens be criticized for a donation that will help the sports program? _______________________

B. Should people have to move to make way for a sports program that could benefit the university and the city? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________________

8. Net proceeds to Houston, Texas for the Super Bowl XXXVIII? ______________________________________________________________________________

9. Why would a city want a professional sports team in its area? _______________________________

10. Using the internet for research, explain how the political systems of a country can affect the distribution of sports._______________________________________________________________________________________

ASSIGNMENT #6 - (10/3)

Warm-Up: What movies do you think had the highest box office sales this past weekend? Did you go to a movie this past weekend? If so, what movie?

Activity 1: Students will read the Opening Act in the textbook on Page 214. Each row will work as a group. They will do an online search for Worldwide Box Office and determine the dollar amount of worldwide ticket sales for each movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy that has been released. They are to answer if they think the financial risk Disney took paid off. (15 minutes)

Activity 2: Students to answer the following questions:

1. Why would a movie theater owner want to locate near restaurants and stores?

2. Where do you typically go to the movie?

3. How often do you rent from Red Box?

4. What two times of year are movies in peak demand?

5. Define art-house movies:

6. Low budget movie - - what Dollar figure is usually applied to low-budget?

7. Where would be a good place to first show a low budget movie?

8. Define wide-release.

9. Describe what you might see at a point of purchase display for a recent movie in Wal-Mart.

GO ON-LINE and google point of purchase and see if you can locate three different examples. List below and describe.




10. List at least 3 ways that movies are distributed.

11. Name any movie sequels which you have seen (such as Rocky):

12. Define a docking station.

13. Besides ticket sales, discuss at least 3 ways entertainment companies can increase their revenue from popular movies.

14. What impact would the attention of two world leaders have on the distribution of an entertainer’s products?


1. Student to name an older movie they liked – say who starred in it and what was the plot?

2. Who is the oldest male star and female star that the student is aware of who still stars in movies? Do

you think their style of acting is different than someone like Brad Pitt? If so, how is it different?

3.Who is the youngest star you recall seeing in a film? Do you know if they starred in more than one movie?

4. Use the internet to find which current film star – male and female – makes the most money in films?

ASSIGNMENT #7 - (10/4)


What does podcast mean? How was the word podcast formed? What are the names of the 3 early7 national networks in the US?

Activity 1: Student is to read Opening Act on Page 219 in the book. Work with the people on your row and answer these questions:

1. Discuss how technology has changed the distribution of music.

2. Why is illegal downloading of music a concern to musicians and the music industry?

3. Use the internet to see if you can determine how many households in the U.S. have high definition television?

4. In what year was the conversion of transmission from analog to digital?

5. What is an advantage for someone who does a lot of traveling to be a subscriber of satellite radio?

6. Use the internet to research and see if any luxury cars provide satellite radio - if so, which ones?

7. Explain the meaning of vertical integration using Walt Disney Corporation.

8. Define MP-3:

9. Why is there only a limited amt. of music available in MP-3 format?

10. Describe at least two instances where formerly separate media technologies are now being merged.

11. Discuss how to keep a balance between making entertainment available in digital formats to a mass market while protecting it from illegal use. (may want to look this one up on the internet)

Activity 2: Reviewing Marketing Concepts: (15 minutes)

Write the letter of the term in the word list at the bottom that matches each definition. ALL TERMS WILL NOT BE USED.

1. Distributing a movie nationally to a thousand or more theaters at the same time ______

2. Films outside the mainstream of popular subjects, often made by independent filmmakers. _____

3. Allows IPods to be connected to speakers that project music throughout a room ________

4. A way of distributing multimedia files over the Internet for playback on computers. _______

5. Oval shaped outdoor theaters with tiered seating around a central staging area _______

6. Means of distributing an event to a large volume of people _______

7. Release of a film to a limited # of theaters prior to its official release _______

8. Business structure in which one company controls several different areas of the same industry _______

9. Economic system that allows the unregulated _____________

10. A digital audio encoding and compression software designed to greatly reduce the amt. of data required to represent audio _______________

11. Controls the marketing mix and governs the distribution of professional games, including the location and # of teams __________

12. An amendment in 1972 to federal education law that prohibits discrimination against females in school sports

A. amphitheaters B. art-house movies C. cartel

D. docking station E. free enterprise F. league agreement

G. mass media h. movie preview I. MP3

J. platforms K. podcast L. Title IX

M. Venue N. vertical integration O. wide release

Activity 3: (30 minutes including discussion)

Compile a list of recreational sports. Use a map of the U.S. to locate popular areas for these sports. Explain some of the geographic considerations for the popularity of these sports.

ASSIGNMENT #8 - (10/5)

Warm-Up: Why are corporate sponsors important to college athletics? What is licensing?

Activity 1: Using the internet, find and briefly describe three popular new recreational sports. They do not have to be team sports. To whom and how are these sports being marketed? (15 minutes)

Activity 2: Determine the meaning of gross impressions and give 5 examples. (5 minutes)

Activity 3: Pat Summit – Research Coach Summitt on the internet.

A. Write two paragraphs providing information on her contributions to the sport of basketball. Is she alive? If so, is she dealing with some health issues? (15 minutes)

B. Research Kay Yow – what were her contributions to the sport of basketball. (15 minutes)

C.Where is the Basketball Hall of Fame?

Activity 4: Use the internet to find the latest rankings of a college sport. Choose one of the teams in the Top Five. Search again to find the history behind the success of the team. List the most recent steps to the team’s success. (20 minutes)

ASSIGNMENT #9 - (10/6)

Warm-Up: Identify Mia Hamm - - what contribution has she made to sports. For which college did she play? Did she play professionally - if so, for whom?

Activity 1: Cyber marketing. Use the internet to research an amateur sport. Select a sport other than football, basketball or baseball. (15 minutes)

1. List the equipment you need to safely and adequately participate in the sport.

2. Find those items for sale on the internet, and list the costs.

3. Research and list the fees you would need to pay in order to participate in a tournament or championship

4. Do further research to find the demographics of those who are involved in the sport.

Activity 2: Search for Chris Ballard on the internet – author of A Guide to America’s Best Pickup Basketball

Write 2 paragraphs covering this subject. (15 minutes)

Activity 3: During the 1996 presidential election year, the phrase “soccer moms” was commonly used in political conversations. What do you think this phrase means? Why would someone running for a political office pay attention to soccer moms? (15 minutes)

Activity 4: Define product usage and give 10 examples: one possible website:

(20 minutes)

ASSIGNMENT #10 - (10/7)

Warm-Up: List three major sporting goods manufacturers. Determine the methods of advertising each uses. Could each manufacturer on your list be more effective?

Activity 1: Have you recently been to a college sporting event or professional sporting event? If so, where? Can you recall the prices of some food and beverages? What would these same items cost outside the stadium? Why are the prices different? (15 minutes)

Activity 2: Some college or other amateur athletes must decide whether to become professionals. List 5 questions for such an athlete to consider when making this decision? (20 minutes)

Activity 3: Mathematics:

A small town restaurant supports the local high school athletic dept. by placing an ad in the town’s weekly newspaper. The coupon offers free French Fries to anyone who has a ticket stub and buys a burger and a soft drink after a game.

French Fries are $.95 per order

Burgers are $2.50 each

Drinks are $.95 each

The normal evening burger-fries-drink trade is 20 customers

On game nights, though, the customers increase to 60 customers, but the restaurant gives away the fries on game night.

Compare the revenue generated by sales of burgers, fries and drinks on a normal night with that on game night with the coupon. (15 minutes)

Activity 4:. Communication

Your small city has just completed a beautiful new golf course that meets all standards for competition. Your city is not noted for tourism interests, but it is located 45 minutes from a larger city that has many attractions, including hotels, shopping, and restaurants. An interstate highway allows quick travel between the two cities. Type one-half page singled spaced report explaining why tourists should drive nearly an hour to come to your town and golf course. Be creative - - use your imagination.


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