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Center/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:(A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: In this final week of the Growing theme, children will explore how people grow – from babies to children to adults. Just as plants and animals need things to grow, people need to eat well, take care of our bodies, sleep, etc. Children will continue to observe the growth of their plants and to make connections between how plants and animals grow and how they grow.Key vocabulary: Crawl, walk 1. Gatear, CaminarBaby, infant 2. Bebe,Ni?oHealthy 3. SaludableCare for/take care of 4. Cuidar a / Cuidar deMuscles, bones 5.Musculos, Huesos Strong, strength 6.Fuerte, FortalezaExercise 7.Ejercicio Friday “To Do” List:Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once. Decide if you will do the “babies vs. big kids” display as an extension to Peter’s Chair (see read-aloud guide); if so, ask families for baby photos or find generic ones online.Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including rhyming poem, pattern cards, doctor’s office props, drawing paper and multicultural crayons/colored pencils.Second Step Week -Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including baby dolls, washcloths, people figures, balance scales, shakersSupport for Dual Language Learners:Open-ended group discussions about topics such as “what can you do now that you are bigger?” or “how do people grow differently from animals?” (see Circle Time/Opening Meeting for Mon-Tues) may be too abstract for DLL children to participate in. You can scaffold these children’s understanding by charting children’s ideas and adding visuals. But rather than writing down every comment children make, simply note key words, then point to them as you restate the idea and illustrate it with a quick sketch or gesture. For example, when discussing what children can do vs. babies, make two columns on your whiteboard – one titled Babies, the other Kids (with stick figures). If a child says, “Babies crawl, but I can walk,” write “crawl” in the first column, “walk” in the second – and clearly state, “Babies crawl, kids walk!” while pointing to the wordsFamily/ Community Involvement:Be sure to share the results of children’s plant experiments with families (if you haven’t already)! During arrival or dismissal, encourage children to escort their parents over to see the plants, and encourage parents to ask questions of their “plant expert” children.Encourage families to reinforce concepts about how their children are growing through informal discussions at home. For example, point out things their child can now reach (the sink, the light-switch) that they couldn’t a few months ago; talk about clothes or sneakers their child used to wear that have gotten too small; etc. These conversations about growing and being healthy can also be incorporated into family routines: at dinnertime, parents can reinforce the importance of healthy eating for children’s continued growth and strength, while bedtime routines are an opportunity to talk about tooth-brushing! (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s PlayBlocksDramatic PlayToys and GamesAdd: Family figures of different agesScale to weigh blocks, figures and selvesAdd: “Doctor’s office”Band-aids, cotton balls, pretend syringes, “medicine” containers, measuring tape/scale, etc.Pads, clipboards/paper, pencils/markersBaby dollsEye chart/growth chart posted**OR continue previous Dr Play theme (if children were still engaged)Keep any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with.Add: items that connect to individual children’s interests, or to objectives that you wish to observe in this area.ArtLibrary/WritingDiscovery/ScienceKeep any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with.Add: items that connect to individual children’s interests, or to objectives that you wish to observe in this area.Add:Read-aloud books for this week Keep:Plant experiments, science journals, class animal (if applicable) – encourage children to observe growth, draw what they see, and compare to previous observations.Pictures demonstrating growth (seed to flower, caterpillar to butterfly, etc). Help children make connections between how plants/animals grow and how they themselves grow.Sand and WaterMusic and MovementComputersAdd:Soapy waterBaby dollsWashcloths/towelsContinue to discuss differences between babies and children.Add: Shakers (can be homemade, with beads or beans inside plastic eggs)Encourage children to touch different parts of their body to the music – elbow, back, head, knee, etc.Add:OutdoorsCookingBalls, hula hoopsEncourage children to throw balls through hula-hoop (or into basketball nets, if available)(C) Group Experiences Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayArrivalOpening CircleMovementRelaxationTransitionsClosing CircleArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherSS Puppet ScriptReview daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: QOTD: “Who is the tallest in your family?” (Me/ sibling/ parent – or use other options that make sense for your group) Have children answer charting with whiteboard/pocket chart/etc. Music/Movement: SS Song & one otherRelaxation:Transition:Closing Circle: Review QOTD with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral; then discuss results (what do you notice? which answer has the most? etc.).Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other“Kids getting bigger”: Follow up on QOTD and introduce this week’s focus – how children are growing. Invite children to give examples of how they have grown and changed since they were babies (e.g., needing bigger shoes) or how they might continue to grow. “Is there anything you used to not be able to do, but now you can? Is there anything you’ll be able to do when you get even bigger?”Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: SS Brain Builder- Music/Movement: : “Exercises” (see below) and one otherRelaxation:Transition:Closing Circle:Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other“How animals grow / how people grow”: Remind children of what they learned last week re: animals growing. (Show visuals if appropriate – e.g., bird hatching or caterpillar/ butterfly.) Invite children to compare how animals grow with how people grow. E.g., people have the same body parts as they get bigger (head, arms, legs, etc.) – but caterpillars’ bodies change completely. OR when they were babies they needed mom to feed them (like a baby bird does) – but did they eat worms? Etc.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: QOTD: “How did you take care of your body today?” (drank milk/ brushed teeth/ took a bath – or use other options that your children will relate to) Provide visuals to illustrate the answer choices.Music/Movement: SS Song- & one otherRelaxation:Transition:Closing Circle:“Taking care of ourselves”: Follow up on QOTD by talking about what people do to make sure they grow and stay healthy. Talk about why it’s important to brush teeth, drink milk, eat healthy food, sleep, etc. Ask children what they can do to make their muscles strong.Goodbye song Arrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherSS Skill Activity-Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition:Music/Movement: Making letters with our bodies: Hold up a letter card (or write on white-board) and encourage children to work together to form that letter, using their hands/bodies. Ask for 2 volunteers and have other children guide and comment.Relaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder-Closing Circle:Goodbye songRead-AloudsGroup 1: Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats (encourage children to recall from “Family & Friends” theme; focus on differences between babies and “big kids”)Group 2: Growing Like Me by Anne RockwellGroup 1: Growing Like Me by Anne RockwellGroup 2: Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats (encourage children to recall from “Family & Friends” theme; focus on differences between babies and “big kids”)Group 1:SS Story and DiscussionGroup 2: SS Book-Group 1: SS Book-Group 2: SS Story and DiscussionSmall-Group ActivityGroup 1: Doctor’s Office(See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objective- 3a,14b,37,38Group 2: Self-Portraits (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 9a,s9a,19b,s19b,29,33Group 1: Self-Portraits (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 9a,s9a,19b,s19b,29,33Group 2: Doctor’s Office (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objective- 3a,14b,37,38Group 1:SS Skill Activity-Group 2: Patterns and Problem Solving (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objective- 23Group 1: Patterns and Problem Solving (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objective- 23Group 2: SS Skill Activity-Special ActivitiesJumping jacks, sit ups, pushups, run in place, etc... Discuss how these exercises help us grow/get stronger.Find the Rhyme during free choiceFind the Rhyme during free choiceTangible Acknowledgement SystemInclement Weather PlanEmergency DrillOutsideIndividual Child Planning FormTeachers:Classroom:Week of:Focus DateChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen?(IFSP, observation/assessment, family input conference goal, etc.)Strategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical Child PlanningChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) IFSP GOALStrategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist*If you have additional goals, highlight the last row for that child, right click with mouse, scroll to Insert rows, scroll to insert row below. Do this as many times as needed. ................

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