Whispers From Heaven

Whispers of Love

Mother, dear, dear Mother,

could we talk, you and I?

I know your heart is broken

And I often see you cry.

I want so much to hug you then

as tight as tight can be,

Because I think the tears you shed

are sad, sad tears for me.

Dear Mother, I forgive you,

O please believe I do!

It must have been so difficult,

so very hard for you.

They told you things would be all right,

your life would just go on,

But never said how much you’d weep

and grieve when I’d be gone.

Yet we can still be very close

and love each other, too,

For though I’m now with God,

I’ll always be a part of you.

So Mother, won’t you name me, please

and from my Home above,

I’ll hear you and I’ll come each time

you call to me with love.

I’d like to be the faithful friend

in whom you can confide;

Your sentinel before God’s Throne,

the angel at your side.

So talk to me and sing to me,

and pray with me, please do!

And when you send a smile to me,

I’ll send one back to you!

So don’t be sad, dear Mother,

you’ll be just fine, I know

For I’ll be there in spirit wherever you may go

And when God brings you Home to me,

my heart will know true bliss,

As I run up to greet you

with a great big hug and kiss!

Your child


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