8th Grade Poetry Project

8th Grade Poetry Project Name ___________________________

The purpose of this poetry unit is for you to enjoy reading and writing

poetry. You need to complete the following:

2 summaries

1 “I am” refrain poem

1 rhyming poem

1 abc’s of adolescence poem

1 appreciation poem

1 blackout poem or collage poem

2 other poems of your choice

You will compile these into one project, adding a table of contents and a

colorful cover page. Everything is typed! The assignment is due ____________________________.

“The Secret Heart”

Pages 811-812

“The Secret Heart” by Robert P. Tristram Coffin is a poem about a father and his son. The father came to the boy’s bed “in the stillest hour of night” and lit a match “to see if his son slept peacefully” (811). The boy woke up each night to see his father standing above him with cupped hands in the shape of a heart which symbolized his love for his son. When the boy saw this, he knew that his father loved him very, very much. The match wasn’t lit for long, just an instant, but it was, “long enough for one to know that [his dad’s] hands held up the sun” (812).

I like this poem because it is a very sweet and touching poem. It shows how much love a father has for his son, and also, how much love a son has for his father. The poet was probably a father because he seems to know the love a father has for his child. This poem is one of my favorites because I like the rhyming and I like what this poem is about.

“The Secret Heart” applies to me because I love my father and I know that he loves me. My dad told me that he comes into my bedroom each night to check on me, just like the man in the poem. For example, just the other night my dad came in to check on me when I got home from the football game. When I grow up and if I am a mother, I know that I will do the exact same thing.

* All three paragraphs should be started the way they are written in the example. Notice the bold print in the summary and follow it, but do not bold the first line of each paragraph in your summary.

* The summaries must be 2/3 of a page in print no bigger than this. The example is too short, but you will double space your summary. You get to choose which poems to summarize, so if you don’t like a particular poem and/or it doesn’t apply to your life, don’t choose to summarize it.

* In the first paragraph just summarize the poem. It should be no longer than

six sentences. The first paragraph is in third person. Do not put your

opinion in the first paragraph.

* You must quote a line from the poem one time (maximum of two times) in your first paragraph. The quote should fit into your sentence like it belongs there. If you need to change a pronoun or verb to make it fit, put the changed word(s) in brackets. Also, don’t use speech tags to introduce the quote and don’t explain what a quote means.

Bad Example:

Then the poem says the raven was “perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my

chamber door.” This means the raven was on a statue in his bedroom.

Good Example:

When the man opened the window, a raven entered the room and “perched upon a

bust of Pallas just above [his] chamber door.”

* In the third paragraph, give a specific example of how the poem applies to you.

Bad Example:

“Casey at the Bat” applies to me because I’ve had a chance to win a game too.

Good Example:

“Casey at the Bat” applies to me because last summer against Wabasso I was up in

the bottom of the seventh with the bases loaded. All my teammates expected me to

win the game. I hit a double, and we won 11 to 10.

“I am” Refrain Poem

- Write a poem in which every line begins with “I am”.

Rhyming Poem

- You need to have a noticeable rhyme scheme.

ABC’s of Adolescence

- This poem tells of the stress you have as a teenager. Remember thoughts and feelings are the focus of poetry.

- Your first line must begin with the letter A, the second line with B, the third

with C, etc…

Appreciation Poem

- This poem is about someone you really appreciate. It can be a teacher, parent, grandparent, camp counselor, etc. Share why you appreciate his/her efforts.

- The poem must be about the positive qualities of an adult.

Blackout or Collage Poem (see attached sheets)

- Choose one of these poems.

- For the collage poem, you will cut out words and phrases from magazines and newspapers and put them together to form a poem.

- For the blackout poem, select words and phrases from a piece of writing (a random article that the teacher will provide) to make a poem. Box out these words and use a marker to “blackout” the rest of the words so that only your chosen words show.

Poems of Choice

- These two poems can be of any type (except haiku, acrostic (word) poems, and alliteration poems) as long as they meet the requirements.


- Bold five similes, metaphors, and alliteration somewhere in your seven poems

- Label and title all poems at the top of the page

- All poems must be 15 lines and have a picture

- Include a table of contents and a colorful cover: Include on the cover a cinquain

poem – a five line poem with one word on line one, two words on line two, etc…,

a haiku – a three line poem with 17 syllables (5/7/5), your name, and the date.

- Put the whole project in a protective report cover

POEM SUMMARIES (12 points)

1. ____ Title of poem and page number at the top (or copy from book) (2)

2. ____ Three paragraphs with proper topic sentences (2)

3. ____ Length (2)

4. ____ Quotes from poems (2)

5. ____ Specific examples (2)

6. ____ Other (2)

POEMS (23 points)

____ Title/Label/Length (7 points)

____ “I am” Refrain poem (2)

____ Rhyming poem (2)

* has an obvious rhyme scheme

* words aren’t chosen just because they rhyme

____ ABC’s of Adolescence poem (2)

____ Appreciation poem – Positive (2)

____ Blackout or Collage Poem (2)

____ Poems of Choice (2)

____ Similes, Metaphors, Alliteration (2)

____ Picture on all poems (2)

ORGANIZATION (10 points)

____ Table of Contents

____ Colorful cover or Title Page (included name, date, cinquain poem, haiku)

____ Report Cover

____ Correct Order

____ Neatness

TOTAL _______/45


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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