The Seasons
Go on a sensory nature walk to observe the changes in the local natural environment during each season. Choose a local tree to revisit and observe throughout the seasons. Explore the oak tree in autumn, the penguin in winter, the daffodil in spring and the bee in summer.
|Notes |
|Before bringing the children on the sensory walks, it is advisable to plan a route where they are likely to encounter some of the seasonal |
|items on the Student Book pages. |
|Teachers may wish to provide a nature table in the classroom for children to bring in natural seasonal objects. |
|Materials |Books |
|Scissors |Little Acorn by Melanie Joyce |
| |Naturama by Michael Fewer |
| |Wild Things at School by Éanna Ní Lamhna |
| |Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit: A Book of Changing Seasons by Il Sung Na |
| |A Tree for All Seasons by Robin Bernard |
| |The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons |
|Useful Links |
|YouTube: Seasons Song by Have Fun Teaching (Note: This video uses the word ‘fall’ instead of ‘autumn’.) |
|YouTube: The Science of Spring! by SciShow Kids |
|YouTube: The Science of Fall by SciShow Kids |
|1. |
| 2. za/discover/animals/insects/honey-bees |
|3. photos-show-exact-location-changes-different-times-year |
|4. reading_worksheets/poems/SEASONS_POEM_373318/ |
|Key Vocabulary |
|Autumn |Winter |Spring |Summer |
|leaves |conker |bare |webbed feet |nest |lambs |butterfly |honey |
|webs |blackberries |evergreen |bill |frog |February |snail |hives |
|hedgehog |Halloween |snowdrops |flippers |frogspawn |March |ants |workers |
|squirrel |bark |frost |feathers |blue tit |April |hay bale |drones |
|pine cone |August |icicles |eyes |daffodils |trunk |daisies |queen |
|acorn |September |penguin |November |flower bud |branch |dandelions |holidays |
|helicopter seed |October | |December |feather |roots |bees | |
| | | |January |moss |Easter | | |
| | | |Christmas | | | | |
|Integration |
|Music: Listen and respond to The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Encourage the children to create soundscapes for each season, using percussion |
|instruments. |
|Visual Arts: Respond to Sunflowers by Van Gogh. Paint a picture of flowers. Create autumnal prints on paper or clay using leaves, pine cones |
|and other textural natural materials. Make felt penguin finger-puppets. |
|Language: Write poetry about the seasons. The unit ‘Kate’s Garden’ in Folens Starlight for Senior Infants can also be used to support the |
|teaching of seasonal changes in autumn. |
|Drama: Use movement and mime to replicate the seasons. |
|Home/Parental Involvement |
|Discuss key signs of each season throughout the year when out on walks with the family or in the garden. |
|Theme Overview |
|D indicates an Explorers Digital Resource on FolensOnline. |
|P indicates an Explorers Print Resource in the Explorers Student Book/Printable on |
|AUTUM|Focus: Introduction to autumn |Focus: Sensory walk |Focus: Our tree in autumn |
|N | | | |
| |Recall the four seasons. |D Signs of Autumn: Label |P A Tree in Autumn p. 13 |
| |Say ‘The Seasons Poem’ (see Useful Links). |Label the signs of autumn. |Choose a local tree. |
| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |Recap the five senses with the children. |Examine it carefully. |
| |and want to know about autumn. |P Explore: Autumn p. 12 |Take photos of the tree. Display |
| |D Signs of Autumn: Story |Go on a sensory autumn walk. |the photos in the classroom. |
| |Listen to the story and discuss the signs of |Children record what they see, touch, hear |Make a bark and leaf rubbing. |
| |autumn. |and taste. | |
| |Circle time: Children say what they like to |Add to the L section of the KWL. | |
| |do in autumn. |D The Oak Tree: Story | |
| |D Signs of Autumn: Explore |Listen to the story of the oak tree. Answer | |
| |Recap the signs of autumn. |the questions. | |
|WINTE|Focus: Introduction to winter |Focus: Sensory walk |Focus: The penguin |
|R | | | |
| |Recall the four seasons. |D Signs of Winter: Label |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |
| |Say ‘The Seasons Poem’ (see Useful Links). |Label the signs of winter. |and want to know about penguins. |
| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |Recap the five senses with the children. |D The Penguin: Story |
| |and want to know about winter. |P Explore: Winter p. 22 |Watch the video about the penguin. |
| |D Signs of Winter: Story |Go on a sensory winter walk. |Look at a picture of a penguin. Discuss the |
| |Discuss the signs of winter. |Children record what they see, |body parts. |
| |Circle time: Children say what they like to |touch and hear. |P The Penguin p. 23 and printable |
| |do in winter. |Add to the L section of the KWL. |Cut and stick the labels for the parts of the|
| |D Signs of Winter: Explore |Revisit the class tree and take a winter |penguin in the correct place. |
| |Recap the signs of winter. |photo. Display the photo |Add to the L section of the KWL. |
| | |in the classroom. | |
|SPRIN|Focus: Introduction to spring |Focus: Sensory walk |Focus: Our tree in spring |
|G | | | |
| |Recall the four seasons. |D Signs of Spring: Label |P A Tree in Spring p. 37 |
| |Say ‘The Seasons Poem’ (see Useful Links). |Label the signs of spring. |Revisit the class tree. |
| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |Recap the five senses with the children. |Discuss how it has changed since winter and |
| |and want to know about spring. |D The Daffodil: Story |how it has stayed the same. |
| |D Signs of Spring: Story |Listen to the story about daffodils. |Draw the tree and label it. |
| |Discuss the signs of spring. |P Explore: Spring p. 36 |Identify the trunk, the branch and the roots.|
| |Circle time: Children say what they like to |Go on a sensory spring walk. |Explore around the tree. Record the things |
| |do in spring. |Children record what they see, touch and |observed around the tree. |
| |D Signs of Spring: Explore |hear. | |
| |Recap the signs of spring. |Add to the L section of the KWL. | |
|SUMME|Focus: Introduction to summer |Focus: Sensory walk |Focus: Amazing bees |
|R | | | |
| |Recall the four seasons. |D Signs of Summer: Label |P Amazing Bees! p. 47 |
| |Say ‘The Seasons Poem’ (see Useful Links). |Label the signs of summer. |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |
| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |Recap the five senses with the children. |and want to know about honey bees. |
| |and want to know about winter. |P Explore: Summer p. 46 |D The Bee: Story |
| |D Signs of Summer: Story |Go on a sensory spring walk. |Watch the video about bees. |
| |Discuss the signs of summer. |Children record what they see, touch and |Look at a picture of a bee. Discuss the body |
| |Circle time: Children say what they like to |hear. |parts. |
| |do in summer. |Add to the L section of the KWL. |In pairs, recall facts about bees. Record |
| |D Signs of Summer: Explore |Revisit the class tree and take a summer |some facts on the page. |
| |Recap the signs of summer. |photo. Display the photo | |
| | |in the classroom. | |
| | |Discuss the changes that have happened to the| |
| | |tree over the four seasons. | |
|Curriculum Information |
|Geography |
|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |
|Natural environments: The local natural environment |A sense of place and space |
|Become aware of, explore and discuss some aspects of the natural environments in the |A sense of place |
|immediate locality of the school |A sense of space |
|Record and communicate experiences and observations using oral language and pictures |Maps, globes and graphical skills |
|Natural environments: Weather |Picturing places |
|Observe and record the influences weather and seasonal changes have on people, animals |Geographical investigation skills |
|and plants in the locality |Questioning |
|Environmental awareness and care: Caring for my locality |Observing |
|Observe, discuss and appreciate the attributes of the local environment |Predicting |
| |Investigating and experimenting |
| |Estimating and measuring |
| |Analysing |
| |Recording and communicating |
|Science |
|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |
|Living things: Myself |Working scientifically |
|Human processes |Questioning |
|Use all of the senses to become aware of and explore environments |Observing |
|Living things: Plants and animals |Predicting |
|Variety and characteristics of living things |Investigating and experimenting |
|Observe, discuss and identify a variety of plants and animals in different habitats in |Estimating and measuring |
|the immediate environment |Analysing |
|Recognise and identify the external parts of living things |Recording and communicating |
|Processes of life |Designing and making |
|Observe growth and change in some living things |Exploring |
| |Planning |
| |Making |
| |Evaluating |
Junior and Senior Infants Teacher's Guide 92
93 Junior and Senior Infants Teacher's Guide
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