Writing Poems Project

Poetry Project

|Introduction |

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|1 |Writing and reading poetry is a great way to improve your pronunciation and spelling. And it's fun! |

|2 |In groups of three you will be writing three different types of poems. You will be writing the poems together. |

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|Explanation |

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|First Type of Poem: the Acrostic |

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| |M arvellous |

| |E excellent |

| |S mall |

| |S occer player |

| |I …?? |

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|Second Type of Poem: the "I Am" poem |

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| |ref: |

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|1 |Students must use the model to describe a famous person. The class must guess who the poem is about. |

|2 |Students must copy the following template into your notebook: |

|3 |Each student must do one stanza by finishing each line thinking about their famous person. |

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| |I am (2 special characteristics your famous person has) |

| |I hear (an imaginary sound) |

| |I see (an imaginary sight) |

| |I want (a wish for your famous person) |

| |I am (the same as the first line) |

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| |I say (something your person believes in) |

| |I touch (an object your famous person uses) |

| |I live (where the person lives) |

| |I work (what the person does) |

| |I am (the same as the first line of the poem) |

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| |I like (one thing you think your famous person likes) |

| |I hate (one thing you think your famous person doesn’t like) |

| |I am famous because (one or two things your famous person has done) |

| |My dream is to (one thing your famous person will do in the future) |

| |I am (the first line of the poem repeated) |

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|Third Type of Poem: a poem that a rhyme scheme |

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| |Each new sound at the end of a line is given a letter, starting with “A,” then “B,” and so on. If an end sound rhymes with a previous line, it gets the|

| |same letter. |

| |Here are three different cat poems, each with a different rhyme scheme. The first is AABB, the second is ABAB, and the third is ABCB): |

| |My cat is nice. |

| |My cat likes mice. |

| |My cat is fat. |

| |I like my cat. |

| |A |

| |A |

| |B |

| |B |

| | |

| | |

| |My cat is nice. |

| |My cat is fat. |

| |My cat likes mice. |

| |I like my cat. |

| |A |

| |B |

| |A |

| |B |

| | |

| |  |

| |My cat is gray. |

| |My cat is fat. |

| |My cat is cute. |

| |I like my cat. |

| |A |

| |B |

| |C |

| |B |

| | |

| |Ref. |

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| |In your groups, choose a rhyme scheme and then write a poem with three stanzas. The poem can be about anything you want. Each student writes one |

| |stanza. |

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|1.1 Fluency /1 |

|2.1 Quality of notes /1 |

|1.1 Fluency /1 |

2.1 Quality of notes /12.2 Preparedness /12.3 Attitude to activity /1TOTAL / 10


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