Haiku Poems

English 9 Poems 2008-9 Vallor/Skinner

Haiku Poems


The birds keep the tone

The wind keeps the steady beat

Nature is my song


The joyous season

Flowers smile towards the bright sun

Peaceful, calm winds soar


Ocean waves crash soft.

Rugged sand tickles my feet.

It’s heaven on earth.


Burning grains of sand

Find their way between my toes

As waves swiftly crash


Sapphire clear water

Quietly full of power

Night on the ocean


Hot Barren Terrain

Countless Grains Upon the Land

Water Denied Sand


I sit in the woods

The trickling of a stream

Music to my ears


The night is ending.

Bright sun comes up over the hill.

Morning has started.


Violent waves crash along

The shores of blue, open seas

Calling of nature


Footprints on the sand.

Beaming seashells sparkle bright.

Soft waves hit the shore.


Snow falls down gently

Over the town like a blanket

The start of winter


Bold Mt. Everest

Conquer the heights of beauty

Majestic danger


A scent fills the air

The sky’s grey eyes fill with tears

Drops flood the concrete


Colors and races

They don’t make a difference

We’re all just people


Waiting for water

A seed under the soil

Waiting, still waiting


When the sun rises

It will shine through my window

Saying good morning


The birds fly up high

Undisturbed by the high winds

Soaring invincibly


The sun sets above

Bright colors of pinks and blues

Peace reigns over the land


Once in the morning

The blue bird whistles a tune

Greeting the new day


Night is beginning

The moon is glowing brightly

Piercing through the darkness

The Pond

A beautiful pond

The sun shines off its water

A form of comfort


Cherry blossoms bloom

From the month of March to June

A gift from Japan

Tanka Poems


When a snowflake forms

It’s a tiny miracle

Unique in all ways

It’s a perfect crystal shape

Slowly drifting from the sky


All of the birdies

Chirping high in the green trees

Fluffing their feathers

Little babies in their nests

Waiting to devour food


Raindrops fall and break

Like pieces of broken glass

Shatter on the ground

Falling from the cold deluge

Filling up the skies at night


Sun on the Meadow

Soft Grass Blowing in the Wind

Water’s Gentle Wake

Unspoiled Land Free of Man

A Picture of Nature’s Bliss



Beautiful oceans

The warm sand beneath my feet

Crystal blue water

The waves splash against the shore

And sparkle in the warm sun


Waves crash on the sand

The sun beats down on my skin

Happiness is here

How I wish I could stay long

Tranquility is reached


New first born baby.

Elegant, soft skin, and hair.

Little fingers curl.

Bright green eyes distinguish all.

A pleasant bundle of love.


Fear is upon us

Darkness fills our minds with thoughts

Sleep is out of reach

Moon goes down and sun comes out

Peacefully we rise again


Bright blue is the sky

Suddenly it turns to black

Lightning flashes bright

Life can change in a moment

Expect the unexpected


The lightning strikes

The birds fly into the sky

The waves roar with rage

The fish splash and flail about

The sky grey flashes with light


In a darkened room,

Grey shades take away new light,

Quiet as can be,

A sad song of white lies plays,

Hear its charming melody.


Piano playing

Guitars strumming, sounding soft (notice the euphony here)

Voices sing over all

Drums following the rhythm

The sweet sound of music plays


Leaves fall from the trees

Softly touching the bright grass

Flowers bloom in place


As the sun smiles down at me

I enjoy the warm spring day


The warm sun setting

The sand one hot cools slowly

Calm waves rolling in

Light gleams off the pool of blue

The day is done and at rest


You can live your life

What you do is your choice only

Don’t let your time pass

Live, laugh, love it’s what you have

Make every moment like it’s your last




Change, equality

Fighting, protesting, inspiring

“I have a dream”

Civil Rights Movement


The universe

Mysterious, strange

Exploding, growing, shrinking

Galaxies with out number


The Night

The night

Quiet and peaceful

Covering, preserving, enduring

Reveals once hidden stars




Ups, downs, unpredictable

Learn, live, love

Journey with a purpose




Endless, fast

Moving, flowing, passing

Slipping through fingers




Smart and Amazing

Thinking, Contemplating, Slowly slipping from here

God took her back

The Best


The ocean

Blue and glistening

Flowing, crashing, never-ending

Stretching into the sky




Velvet, orange

Descending, reaching, hiding

Bringing us new day




Unselfish, intelligent

Caring, protecting, teaching

Whom we all love




Dedicated, Powerful

Running, Jumping, Lifting

Pushing through the pain


List Poems

Things to be thankful for

Warm and soothing showers

A nice room to clean

Pictures to look at

A toothbrush and a sink

Shoes to wear on my feet

A dog to love and care for

Fun people to laugh with

A piano with bright white keys

Lights to turn on and off

Homework to do in the evening

Great memories to look back on

The little things

Things to Be Thankful For

My Life

My Country

My Health

My Family

My House

My Food

My Clothes

My Friends

My Education

My Clubs

My Stuff

My God

Things We Wish For

Flowers after a spring rain

Summer on a snowy day

A smile in a lonely place

Color on a blank page

Clear sky in a thunderstorm

Light on a dark, cold night

Loyalty from a good friend

Fresh air in a stuffy room

A home to call your own

Hope when there is none left

The easing of a broken heart

Always wishing to have the opposite

Never thankful for what we have

Things You Never Grow Too Old For

Creating forts in the basement

Singing along to Sesame Street

Playing cops and robbers

Dancing in the rain

Digging in the sandbox

Laughing until you cry

Coloring with crayons

Rolling in the mud

Building sand castles

Falling asleep in the car

Wishing too big

Swinging on swings

Pretending to fly

Falling in love

Racing across the lawn

Playing with Play-Dough

Screaming at the top of your lungs

Hugging your mom

Chasing lightning bugs

Wishing you could change the world

Things to do on a rainy day

Watch the discovery channel

Bake cookies

Play candy land

Make a paper air plane

Eat some ice cream

Take a nap

Jump in puddles


Blow bubbles

McDonalds Play land!

Play dress up

Put a blanket on the floor and pretend you’re on a fishing boat

Things That Bring a Smile to My Face

The wind through my hair

The sand through my feet

Blooming flowers

Crashing waves

The smell of the salty, open sea

Frolicking in the rain


Ice cream cones on a hot, summer day

Loud music

Looking at the starry night sky

Long road trips

Riding roller coasters as my stomach turns inside out

Putting a smile on other people’s faces

List Poem

Be who you want to be

Dance like no one is watching

Sing like no one is listening

Dream big

Enjoy all the little things in your life

Expect a miracle

Live, love, laugh and be thankful

Never ever give up

Refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies

Love like you’ve never been hurt

Live each day likes it’s your last

Be yourself, know yourself, trust yourself.

The Best Things in Life

Laughing until your stomach hurts

Smiling for no reason

Watching the stars at night

Driving with no destination

Singing at the top of your lungs

Making new friends

Being with your family

Helping someone in need

Learning something new every day

Falling in love

Giving your all

Reaching your dreams

Things I want to do before I die

See the Aurora Borealis with my own two eyes

Be in the Guinness Book of World Records

Go on a road trip with my best friends

Set foot on all seven continents

Ride a huge Ferris wheel

Ride in a hot air balloon

Swim with a dolphin

Go to Disney World

Meet a celebrity

Go scuba diving

Go camping

Crowd surf

Acrostic Poems


Hold each moment as precious

A smile on your face

Pass the time with laughter

Perfect wind in your hair

In your heart there is only hope

Nothing but the taste of freedom

Every sound is like music

Seeing only the beauty around you

Speaking only love


Deteriorating souls left without hope

A people’s suffering left untouched.

Rain of the heart left streaking down faces.

Far off eyes left searching for an escape

Under nourished children left for scavengers.

Reach beyond yourself to help those left behind.


Sweet music of waking birds

Pollen tickles your nose

Rain drops fall on your head

Incredible beauty of the new day

New flowers open their petals

Gone is winter’s hold


Don’t plan things

Everything happens for a reason

Save your sorrow for later, live life now.

Time is gold

Introduced by fate

Never stop the flow of life

Yesterday, today, tomorrow have already been written.


Mothers are there to tie your shoe

Over protective-only because she doesn’t want to lose


Taking care of your cuts, no matter how bad

Holding your hand when you feel sad

Every where you go she’s in your mind

Remember, she’s one of a kind


Funny when you need a smile

Right there when you need them

Inside jokes

Exciting and enjoyable

Nothing gets by them

Don’t leave home without them

Shoulder to cry on

Happy to see you


Plenty of reasons to call you friend


Deciding your fate

Energizing yourself

Deciding your life

Igniting the spark

Creating the opportunity

Answering the challenge

Toppling the competition

Igniting yourself

Out and Ready

Never give up


Shooting for the goal

Opportunity to score

Crazy fans screaming

Cuts and bruises

Eyes on you

Running with all you got


Spectators cheering on the sidelines

Open goal to kick at

Crafty movements with they’re feet

Careful to make sure no one steels the ball

Even if the opponent takes the ball, try to get it back

Reach for the win

Motif Poems


Music is passion

Music is notes flowing inside you

Music is a powerful message

Music is the light at the end of the tunnel

Music is a way of life

Music is joy

Music is discovering a whole new world

Music is telling a story

Music is pouring your heart out

Music is showing your emotions

Music is finding yourself

Music is me


Take Time

Take time to notice…

How the sky is sapphire

How the scent of a flower fills the air

How snow freezes your fingertips

How the sun burns your nose

How a star glistens in a black night

How water quenches your thirst

How tree branches sway

How daytime is full of life

How the wind whistles a tune

How some people can stay so optimistic in the worst of times

How your friends make you smile

How there is always light at the end of a tunnel

Live Life

Live life to seek the meaning of adventure

Live life to seek the meaning of love

Live life to seek the meaning of friendship

Live life to seek the meaning of hope

Live life to seek the meaning of passion

Live life to seek the meaning of dedication

Live life to seek the meaning of faith

Live life to seek the meaning of miracles

Live life to seek the meaning of happiness.

Live life to seek the meaning of passion.

Live life to seek the end of the chapter.

Live life to find your fairytale ending.

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t be afraid to speak what’s in your heart

Don’t be afraid to do what’s right

Don’t be afraid to show your style

Don’t be afraid to be who you are

Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud

Don’t be afraid to take a stand

Don’t be afraid to open your mind

Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself

Don’t be afraid to take a risk

Don’t be afraid to face your fears

Don’t be afraid, and you can take on anything


Winning means giving it your all

Winning means dedication

Winning means playing with passion

Winning means practicing

Winning means outworking your competitors

Winning means playing until the final buzzer sounds

Winning means never giving up

Winning means giving it one hundred percent

Winning means teamwork

Winning means getting dirty

Winning means firing up your team

Winning means your hard work has paid off


How your eyes shine so bright

How your hair moves in the wind

How your laugh warms my heart

How your jokes make me grin

How your determination inspires me

How your patience is clear

How your intelligence and wit make me smile so dear

How your sadness engulfs you

How selfless you are

How I wish I could be close to as great as you are


Dream of a forest

A never-ending sea of green

Dream of the dark trees

Throwing shattered shadows

Dream of the Flowers

Bursts of green among the green

Dream of the rain

Softly falling on your skin

Dream of the forest stream

Ever changing and ever moving

Dream of the silver pools

Reflecting the dark expanse

Dream of the silence

Broken only by the melodies of nature

Dream of a forest

Dream of serenity


Home is more than just a house

Home is where you live your life

Home is meaningful to your heart

Home is beautiful days and nights

Home is warm and cozy

Home is a place where you belong

Home is the people who love you

Home is safe and comforting

Home is where you want to go

Home is countless good times

Home is a happy childhood

Home is a promising future

Home is where time flies by

Home is where your heart remains

Home is more than just a house

Let Go

Let go of what bothers you

Let go of the past

Let go of what is bad

Let go of what makes you sad

Let go if you can’t control it

Let go if it doesn’t matter

Let go if it hurts to think about

Let go if you can’t change it

Let go even if it means you will cry

Let go as hard as it may be

Let go because god didn’t want it for you

Don’t let go if you really believe in it


Home is where you’re happy

Home is where your family is

Home is where your friends are

Home is where you go when you’re sad

Home is where you won’t be judged for what you do

Home is where you feel safe

Home is where you want to be

Home is where you feel warm inside

Home is where you get hugged and kissed even if you don’t want it

Home is where everyone you care about lives

Home is where your heart is

Home is where you’re loved

Motif Poem

The secret of life is laughter

The secret of life is doing every bit that you can

The secret of life is found in a child's eyes

The secret of life is self-expression

The secret of life is being thankful

The secret of life is all around us

The secret of life is skipping through the hard times

The secret of life is a nap in the sun

The secret of life is living in the now

The secret of life is a positive outlook

The secret of life is different for everyone

The secret of life is something that can't be sold or bought

The secret of life is discovered by accident

The secret of life is found on the lines of a page

The secret of life is taking it easy

The secret of life is knowing your priorities

The secret of life is whatever you want it to be


Remember to have fun

Remember to be you

Remember to laugh loudly

Remember to be happy

Remember to smile joyfully

Remember to feel the breeze

Remember to smell the flowers

Remember to enjoy the little things

Remember to share kindness

Remember to walk proudly

Remember to love every second

Remember to live life to the fullest


Football is the game of the strong.

Football is not for the weak.

Football takes the most intense training.

Football is our game no one else’s.

Football requires the hard determination.

Football is going to get me somewhere.

Football makes America what it is.

Football is more in detail than most think it is.

Football requires lots of studying.

Football requires you to know your enemy as yourself.

Football is a natural thing for me.

Football is my outlet for times of need.


Family is who you love

Family loves you back

Family takes care of you

Family tucks you in at night

Family teaches you what to do

Family teaches what not to do

Family will be there for you when times are getting touch

Family will protect you when life is getting rough

“How To” Poems

How To…Cloud Watch


Find a nice patch of land

Lay down on your back

Get comfortable and quiet

Spread out like a star

Close your eyes

Listen to the sound of nature

Take in a deep breath

Let your eyes flutter open

Look straight up at the ocean blue sky

Pick a cloud

Let your imagination soar

Look it’s a bunny!

How to Relax

Go for a walk on the beach

At sunset,

Feel the cool blowing breeze

and feel the light sand sift through your toes

Pick up a shell

and listen

listen to the calls of the ocean

Follow the swift breeze

to the shore

Take a few steps into the waves

Embrace the comfortable crash of the waves

and enjoy the relaxing beach

How to Live a Life Worth Living

Fight for what you believe.

Learn to lose.

Find happiness in the little things.

Learn to love.

Allow yourself to feel pain.

Learn from the pain.

Respect yourself.

Learn to respect others.

Have faith.

Learn your beliefs.

Forgive and Forget.

Learn what is really important in life.

Be independent.

Learn to depend.

Open up and let people in.

Learn who you are.

Give back to those less fortunate.

Learn to prioritize.

Make memories.

Learn to relax.

Strive for your best.

Never settle for less.

Enjoy the miracles of life.

Learn to make your own miracles.

How to Save the World

Share a smile

Extend a helping hand

Run the extra mile

Give a laugh

Wrap someone in a hug

Sacrifice your time

Reach out to the lost

Forgive the undeserving

Love even when it hurts

Be aware

Don’t turn your back

Shout for the silent

Be the change you wish to see in the world

How to be a Tree

Always give everything you can

Never ask for anything

Give the children a place to play

Let them swing from your branches

Blossom so they can smell the sweet scented flowers

Give them a shady place on sunny days

And shelter on rainy days

Let them cut your branches to build a tree house

Then make the ultimate sacrifice and

Let them cut you down

After that give them a place to sit

Remember to always give everything you can

And never ask for anything in return

How to be a better person

Never doubt yourself

Give strangers an unexpected smile

Make people laugh

Give good advice

Know your limits; and test them

Sit in a quiet room, and just think

Compliment people who seem insecure

Believe in fairy tale happy endings

Be outgoing and try new things

Never be afraid of failure

Find a great friends who is always there for you

Believe in yourself because you can do anything.

How to make time pass by when you’re bored

Learn to dance in the rain.

Listen to music, while belching it out.

Call your friends till they answer.

Eat handfuls of candy till you feel like you’re going to fall over.

Go outside and cover you driveway in chalk.

Lie in the grass and stare up at the stars.

Take pictures until it hurts to smile.

Jump on your bed until you fall off.

Make a fort that covers your entire room.

Look up in the sky and decide what the clouds look like.

Pick dandelions and let them float away, while you make a wish.

Climb a tree, until you reach the top, if you fail get up and try again.

Pick flowers and give them to the people that mean the most to you.

How To Make The Person You Love, Love You Back

Give them your whole heart and they’ll surely return the favor

When you fall in love, fall deep

Be yourself and they’ll love you for who you are

Cherish the time you have with them for it may be gone before you know

Be light-hearted and free

Let your personality shine

Let the colors of your world be bright when that person is around

Let your soul be seen through the window of your eyes

Tell the stories of your past for they may be your future

Embrace the reality of a friendship and your relationship will flourish

Soak in their presence

When you walk, picture that person’s face at the end of your path and one day

But most importantly enjoy

How to poem

How to live life to the fullest:

Live every day like it’s your last

Travel to every little corner of the world

Be yourself, not matter what someone says

Experience all emotions, good and bad

Step in someone else’s shows and understand them

Help others more than yourself

Climb a mountain in life, literally or metaphorically

Touch someone’s life

Laugh until your stomach hurts

Find your true friends and never let them go

Love another with all your heart and soul

But most importantly, enjoy

How to enjoy life

Live one day at a time

Appreciate the beauty of nature

Accept the bad along with the good

Love your friend

Take time and enjoy nature

Don’t take tomorrow for granted

Respect everyone

Give more than you receive

Understand people’s pain and help

Know that there is a reason for your life

Don’t practice hate

Enjoy life like it’s your last day

How to Live Life

Laugh every day

Love the ones who love you

Enjoy what you do

Live your life the fullest

Do what you dream of doing

Make friends,

Set goals and strive to achieve

Strive for the best

Walk on the path less taken

Have good and bad times

But mostly remember the good

Listen to your heart.

How to Appreciate the World Around You

Have a positive attitude

Keep an open mind

Believe that there is no such thing as the impossible

Pay attention to the little things around you

Make precious memories

Choose love over hate

Experience the unimaginable

Live everyday like it's your last

Never give up

Accomplish your dreams in life

Treasure every moment

Live outside your comfort zone

Follow your heart

Believe that everything is a gift

How To Overcome Your Fears

Never give up

Believe in yourself

Don’t listen to anyone else

Follow your heart

Don’t regret

Get ready to experience a new thing

Don’t think about the “what Ifs”

Think about how you will feel after

Think about nothing else

Make it your goal

Don’t get scared

Live life to its fullest

How to live your life

Always take chances

Never forget

Love always

Open your mind

Listen to your heart

Love unconditionally

Be greatful for what you have

Be proud of who you are

Find true love

Make changes for the better

Judge no one

Respect everyone

Never regret

Rhyming Poems

Tonight’s the Night!

It’s the opening night of the show

And everyone’s getting prepared.

I have a big smile on my face,

But inside I’m really scared.

Costumes are flying everywhere;

Hair and makeup’s being done.

I can’t breathe but I keep telling myself,

“This is going to be so much fun!”

Running lines, singing scales

And sipping on hot tea,

What if I crack, or sneeze, or fall?

I’m as nervous as can be!

I suddenly feel confident

Because I know I’ve rehearsed a ton.

The lights go down, the curtain opens,

Rhyming Poem

Black or white

short or with height

we are all one race

so please embrace

From the valleys of death

to the mountain tops of breath

let us live as one

come to peace, without a gun

destroy the sand grains of hate

for me must not discriminate

then create the rock of brotherhood

equality is for our own good

your heart should not be filled with sad

for instead it should feel mad

that we have not yet built a dome

where everyone under can call it home

So I have a dream

That one day my children will gleam

because of their character, not their skin

that day I shall declare a win

Rhyming Poem

There’s a billion…

Grains of sand on an oceanfront

Discoveries to be made in a treasure hunt

Stars in the calm dazzling night sky

Ways to make me start to cry

Flowers blooming on a sunny spring day

Fish swishing about in a dark blue bay

Snow flakes falling from the clear crystal cloud

Hands clapping in a concert crowd

Blades of grass swaying side to side

Deserted shells washed up in a tide

Magical melodies that make people smile

Things that make living life worthwhile

Memories kept and pictures saved

And mischievous kids who haven’t behaved

But there’s only one mother as special as you

I love you so much, I swear it’s true.

Rhyming Poem


The Sky is the background

The audience is the stars

The music begins to sound

As the show is not ours

The frogs sing the bass

The crickets begin to start

Together they keep the pace

And center stage is the main part

Through the woods two eyes peer

It’s a cougar who peeps

On a little sleeping dear

The hunters’ prey wakes and leaps

The chase is a sight to see

But gone is the deer in the cougar’s eyes

The deer escapes and is free

As the bright sun begins to rise

It is the end of the night

The frogs end their low calls

On the horizon there is light

As the final curtain falls

Rhyming Poem

A sky turning to red

The thunderous clap of an explosion

A soldier lays down his head

A world in corrosion

Armies led by unknown forces

Continuing like gears and cogs grinding

People headed on different courses

But all intertwining and winding

One by one the fall has begun

Fear placed into peoples minds

From the flashes of a gun

What will become of mankind

Standing on the edge of a knife

Was it all just a test

Possible conclusion to life

Hope for the best, but pray for the rest

Rhyming Poem

I wish I could dream

And fly among the stars

Play tennis on Jupiter

And a round of golf on Mars

Stop by Venus

And lay out in the sun

Take a look at Neptune

And see what I can do for fun

Take a stop at Uranus

But then again, maybe not

Wouldn’t go to Mercury

It is much too hot

Finally get bored

Of going where I roam

I guess that I will just

Return again to home

Rhyming poem

I don’t believe in Love at first sight

In most cases It takes time to make right

When you think about it— Love can be so confusing

How do you keep the compassion? How do you stop yourself from losing?

Those that matter will stay true

But only if it’s worth your heart

Only time will tell Let it age;

just as a work of art

Let it prosper

Let it grow

The true one will love

Even through your all time low

All these days Discovers something new

Sometimes you will find The change is in you

Rhyming poem

My roomie is a dog who thinks she’s a cat

Can you imagine that.

She licks her paws she grooms her fur

And last night I swear I heard her purr.

My roomie is a dog who thinks she’s a person

She does so many things just for fun

She dances to music she watches TV

Whenever I’m around her she smiles at me.

My roomie is a dog who thinks she’s a beast

Although she is tiny, it doesn’t matter the least

She barks and she growls at things that come near

When others hear her they tremble with fear.

My roomie is a dog who thinks she’s a puppy

It would aggravate me it she wasn’t so funny

She plays and chews and craves my attention

I love her in ways to many to mention.

Rhyming Poem


Spring is a nice time of year

It means the ultimate season is almost here

The sun’s warmth and seasonal showers

Brings green grass and uplifting flowers


Lighter clothes and longer days

Outdoor activities and vacation getaways

Many believe it’s the best time of year

But I mainly like it because it means summer is almost here.


The school year will soon end and friends go separate ways

The year is gone but memories stay

And what will come next is just so grand

Days at the beach with your toes in the sand


The smell of the grill and the heat of the day

Family vacations at the bay

But the thing about summer that I like most of all

Is it’s here for three months before it turns into fall.


Free Verse Poems

The Sky

The sky is a beautiful place

Full of many magical mysteries

Sometimes it is bright blue

While at night it turns to black

The sky is the home of the birds

They gracefully glide through it

The wind beneath their wings supports them

Air is their invisible companion as they float along

The sky is where the wind is born

Whether it is a forceful gale

Pushing clouds across the sky

Or a gentle breeze across your face

The sky is a place I long to be

But I can never stay long

I must return to the earth

For the ground is where I am meant to be

The sky is the keeper of answers

It holds them as you look up and wonder

While it may not always reply

Forever will it listen

The sky is the place for wishing

You can wish upon a star

And if your heart is filled with hope

Your dreams may come true

The sky is the limit of your hopes and dreams

But some soar beyond it and into space

The sky is an infinite world of wonder

The sky is Simply Kind enough to be Yours

Original Free Verse


You only have one life

One lifetime to live your life

Don’t spend it curled up in a shell

Being independent and alone

Spread your wings and fly away

Don’t be who others wish you to be

Be the one you want to be

Live how you want to

Live with the song of a thousand birds

Things may not always turn out right

But that’s just life

So go for it…be you…be free!


History can bind and divide

It looms over all of us

Like a ghost judging us

Does it really exist, or is it an illusion?

Our forefathers deciding our lives today

But what will we decide for our descendants

A generation judged by its actions

Will we be remembered as revolutionaries?

Or as onlookers and accomplices of our world’s corruption

We can change the world if we try

But without contribution from a single person our world will worsen

Together we will stand tall but divided we will surely fall

My Father

He comes home from work every single night

And cherishes the moment when his daughters smile bright.

They run to him, give him a goodnight kiss

He knows someday this is what he’ll miss.

He follows them to their room, colored pink and blue.

He tucks them into bed and kisses their foreheads too.

He goes downstairs to where his wife is at

And gives her a welcoming kiss, and begins to talk and chat.

They talk and watch TV, their fingers intertwined.

Their everlasting love is just so sweet and kind.

The littlest girl climbs down the stairs and claims she had a nightmare.

He tucks her into bed once more and she brushes her hair.

They whisper goodnight to her, trying not to wake up her sister

And hands her favorite teddy bear and once again kisses her.

The parents go to bed and dream about their lives and more

And couldn’t dream of anything else but the ones they love and adore.

My Mother

Who’s the person who loves me more than anyone?

When I was a baby she stayed awake with me in the middle of the night

A few years on she helped me brush my hair and get me to school on time

She set up play dates with my friends; let me garden with her

She taught me about respect, and to love all creatures.

When my first pet died, she and I cried together.

She taught me about fashion and boys

At times when I was struggling in school, she pushed me to do better.

Now she doubles as a caretaker and a friend

She takes time to listen to me when I talk for hours on end.

She laughs at me

And does random and simple, on top as important, things for me

She’s there for me when I'm at the peak of success and when I want to cry

This woman is my hero

This woman is my mother

Free Verse Poem

Under the light bright moon

Deep within the forest

And surrounded by black pines

Lies a silver pool

Thrown by a human hand

A stone falls

Into the silent silver pool

And cracks its surface

Waves of light

Shards of light

Ripple across the pool

And fall into the shadows

The shadows flutter

Confused by the light

They seek refuge among the trees

Among the darkness

The rays of light fade

The shadows are still

And deep within the forest

The silver pool lies still

Free Verse Poem

Each step we take is closer to our death

We are born out of nothing

But we fight to be something or someone

But in the end we still dead

No reason

No time wasted

No second without fulfilling our life

No wasted time

Each second counts

Each moment is a new memory

Live life at its full

Love life with each second lived

Because the second that has past won’t come back

Time is running out

Life is like a bank that gives

But in the end it takes more than before

Unfinished things

Unsolved things

Unwanted desires

Uncertain love


An empty spiral of nothingness into the universe

A black hole engulfing all that is light

The moon replacing the sun

The reflection of the world seen in its massive craters

Stars by the billion

The stars are still not enough to light the universe

In competition with everlasting darkness

An undefined blob

Quiet and ominous

It sprinkles drowsiness on the world

Induces sleep and tranquility


This painful love that I can’t push away

But I want to let go, it is like a war

Without reason, a mourn without tears,

A sentence without sense, loving without a

Heart, sharing the care and passion

Without reason and saying I love you

Without having you


Hear the thunder crack noisily in the air

Watch the lightning flash across the sky

Feel the raindrops on your skin

See the pavement turn dark where the water hits it

Watch as the wind blows the leaves on the trees

Light candles when the lights flicker off

Hear the booming thunder get louder

Watch the lightning get brighter

Listen to the rain smack harder against the pavement

Then notice how it all stops

The sun pokes out behind the dark clouds

And a rainbow forms.

The Beach

Feel the wind on your face

The sand between your toes

Taste the salty air

Watch as the majestic waves crash down

Look up at the seagulls flying overhead

See their footprints in the sand

Listen to the music playing in your head

Feel as though you’re in heaven

Build a sand castle

Watch as it’s slowly melted by the waves

Dip your toes in the water

Feel a cold tingle on your skin

Lay beneath the sun

And feel the warmth it brings

Free Verse Poem

The world is a place filled with people,

People crying out for help.

Will you be there to help them?

or just turn your back,

Pretending that the world is fine.

You pretend the world has no pain,

And bury yourself in blankets of denial.

You begin to believe that no pain can touch you,

If you choose to ignore it.

But the reality is…

You’re setting yourself up to get hurt

And keeping you from feeling the good of helping.

Be a superhero to those who need you to be one.

Free Verse


The Beach


Feel the wind on your face

The sand between your toes

Taste the salty air

Watch as the majestic waves crash down

Look up at the seagulls flying overhead

See their footprints in the sand

Listen to the music playing in your head

Feel as though you’re in heaven

Build a sand castle

Watch as it’s slowly melted by the waves

Dip your toes in the water

Feel a cold tingle on your skin

Lay beneath the sun

And feel the warmth it brings

The Show Must Go on

The stage is set

The lights are bright

The actors have met

Everything seems to be right

The costumes are ready

The set has fresh paint

The nerves are unsteady

We mustn’t be late

We practiced the songs

We danced till we’ll drop

We’ve acted so long

We can’t seem to stop

We get into place

We’re characters now

Our hearts begin to race

As the orchestra begins to sound

The audience stops talking

The curtain begins to rise

The actors start walking

Our show has won the prize

Free verse

Waves crashing

Kids laughing

Sand castles crafting

Skin tanning

Boys surfing

Music playing

Sun shining

Hair blowing

Seagulls flying

Dolphins leaping

Fish swimming

Crabs biting

Boats floating

Jet skis speeding

Shell searching

Volleyball playing

Picnic eating

Sunscreen applying

Flip-flops flopping

People smiling


Love is something that can and cannot be touched

It brightens and glows faces everywhere

It is the key to joy and pure happiness

Love develops out of passion and excitement

Love is family and friends

The tears, the laughs, the arguing fights are all worth it in the end

I promise I’ll always be there with a shoulder to lend

Hold my hand and we’ll go through it all

Through thick and thin, we’ll never fall

And even if we do, we get back up and try again

The memories and the care for each other

For that is what love is about,

It is a journey of failure and success

It tests my patience and yours as well

As long as you and I are together, and there for each other,

We can accomplish any goals and overcome all hardships

Because that is what love is about

Free Verse

Somehow she cried out to me,

oh so early in the night

a yell, a scream it was a crazy dream

a trip to kingdom come

to find paradise, utopia, is to find one's inner child

to release one's spirit from the mountain top

of seemingly endless disappear

but if you let it all go

you don't need to know about the treasure and glory, await

she realized this and left, for she missed

her true inner self, she tried and tried

to release but for what cause it was done

it all alone turned to stone, she was as cold as a nun

where paradise, the fruit and tropics

the endless summer breeze

the home of eagerness and hope

stumbled around, a jokes a joke and still

a paradise awaits

to find paradise, utopia, is to find one's inner child

to release one's spirit from the summit's drop

of seemingly endless hope

but if you let it all go

you won't need to know about the treasure and glory, await

she heard of these great lands, wondering how to go

realized, forgetting she had no provisions

no food, she searched about and found out how

to go against one's will

her paradise, not so nice, was heaven after all

to find paradise, utopia, is to find one's inner child

to release one's spirit from the mountain top

of seemingly endless fear

but if you let it all go

you won't need to know about the treasure and glory

Free Verse

It’s always open

It’s always warm

There’s always kindness

There’s always love

It shows no judgment

It shows no fear

It’s one of the strongest things

Yet it’s still so gentle

It’s always safe and inviting

It shows no hate

It shows no harm

It’s a Mom’s heart


He was a soldier

He was also my grandfather

He was smart and caring

He always looked out for me and my mom

I would sit next to him conversing about sports

We would watch movies

We would swim in his pool

He would put his family before everything

He struggled to keep our family strong

One day he went to the hospital

He had developed cancer

I sat next to him and it was so hard

So hard to see him like this

He passed away the next day on June 21st

He will always be remembered in my heart

He was my best friend


Football is my everyday.

You can play it, live it, and love it.

Sometimes on the field you may feel like king.

Just to find out you can be taken down in an instant.

That just gives you the fire to fight back.

Then you work on it to get better.

And when you get back to the field you shine.

You’ve forgotten plays and get back to knowing them.

When you remember you work to D1 caliber.

When you make those wonderful plays you get it all.

You soon make football and playing it your masterpiece.

Then you play college ball and forget your roots at High School.

When you make it through college you leave your legacy.

Then you make it to the NFL and are remembered by all.

Free Verse

Another day passes by

Slowly the nights grow long

The sun soars high in the eastern sky

As the beasts sing their song

The elephants like trumpets play

The white winged birds take flight

We watch the beginning of another day

The plains of Africa, a marvelous sight

The sands burn hot, in the dead of day

Ever long the sun burns bright

Stillness meets the land as all creatures in darkness lay

In comes slowly, the creeping night

Dusk is peaceful on the plain

Tomorrow will be much the same


Care so much for you

Feed you when you’re hungry

Shelter you when you’re cold

Protecting your scared soul

Give you money to have a joyful time

Make you happy

Give you lessons of how to live your life

Help you decide good from bad

Never give up on you

Always forgive you

Never stop loving you

Always there for you


The Lance Dance

There once was a young boy named Lance

Who had lots of ants in his pants

He jumped and he twirled

He leaped and he swirled

Now everyone’s doing his dance


There is a compulsive liar

He lies, and his nose gets higher

But he lies and lies

It’s not very wise

Even his pants are on fire



There once was a chef that was blue

He had trouble making his stew

He added pepper and salt

But then had to halt

‘Cause his pepper was labeled “Shampoo”


Thee is a land filled with creators

They had sharp and scary features

We went there one day

School’s canceled you say?

The monsters ate my math teacher.


There once was a kid with swine flu

People cringed when he sneezed "Achoo"

They all fled in alarm,

But to a pig farm

And now they all have it too


There once was a group of good friends

Everyday they went out and spent

The money went dry

The bills were sky high

Their friendship has come to an end


There once was a guy on a date

He hoped it would all go great

But then the waiter tripped

And the food tray flipped

So they used the floor as their plate


There was a man who slept all day

And when he woke up he would say

I am way too tired

Who cares if I’m fired?

I don’t like my job anyway


There once was a penny heads up

I found it next to an old cup

I stored it away

On my desk to stay

And wound up getting a new pup


There once was a man named Larry

His legs were really quite hairy

He fell on some tape

And tried to escape

And now his legs are quite scary


There was a boy fling a kite

He went in to go get a bite

When he came back

After his great snack

He found that it was out of sight

Emulate an author’s style

Dreams (emulation of Langston Hughes’ “Dreams”)

Keep your dreams close

Because they can float away

Life is like a butterfly

That will never stay

Keep your dreams close

Because when they disappear

Life is like an open road

With a path so unclear

Keep Love With You (emulation of Langston Hughes’ “Dreams”)

Keep love with you

For when love’s lush

Humanity is a young child

With a first crush

Keep love with you

For when love’s gone

Humanity is a wounded solider

Lacking his brawn

Goals (emulation of Langston Hughes’ “Dreams”)

Never let go of your goals

For if goals leave

Your life is an unplanted seed

Not able to sprout

Never let go of your goals

For when goals leave

Life is a blank piece of paper

Boring with no meaning

Emulation of “The Jabberwocky”

‘Twas frivious in the cluthy castle

with grimboles and gryles glarbing.

A fraving maiden trapped by a frassle

Sat locked in her chack larging.

“Come listen of the maiden, boy.

Come listen on and all.

A victim of a plorthy plot,

This frassle must fall.

The boy fripped home with flissil speed

He grabbed his shtarcle sword and shield

And frapled them with ease.

“This frassle awaits,” he said and stracked out the door.

He framped his way to the castle slacking every foe

With every step his fraygen took he was closer to the castle’s gloor.

The castle lorned in front of him

He pulled out his shtarcle sword

A grimbole starched out a quim

But it missed him by a quord.

He worily stracked from room to room

He was quaesing for the maiden

The frassle slorched out at him

He flid behind a frume.

The frassle splarched closer

He saw it in his shtarchle shield

The frassle splorched a proser

He knapped his sword and tield.

The frassle was now spached

He fripped to the maiden

He and the maiden a kiss the snatched

Upon his laten fraygen.

Music Connects Us (Emulating “Nothing Gold Can Stay”)

In this world, we are alone

We are smaller than we have ever known

In this universe, it’s hard to make a sound

So that then we can be found

To be heard above the noise

In music, we find our voice

Music unites us all

With it, we are no longer small

Infected (Emulated Sick by: Shel Silverstein)

“I don’t feel good at all”

Said young Johnny McPaul

“I have a tick and small pox,

I found dots, its chicken pox!

There are shooting pains up my left arm,

In my head I hear alarms.

My toes cringe, my fingers ache,

I’m 109; I’m about to bake.

My eyes feel like they’re on fire,

Out my knee is a protruding wire.

Remember that tick? It’s Limes Disease,

In my brain, I feel a breeze.

I constantly need to go number 2,

I swear I caught the Swine Flu.

It makes me sad, I feel so bad,

I can’t go to the game, I’m so mad!

I just don’t want to infect-what?

What’s that? What’s that you say?

You say it was cancelled last Saturday?

G’Bye I’m going swimming at the bay!”

People (emulation of “Life” by Colin Hunt)

People are like a box

You can pick them up and drop them off and yet you cannot see them for who they are

Sometimes you think that you can change them

Just to discover that they are very much the same

Then you get angry and throw the box away

And you refuse to see or talk to them for months

By the time you have a change of heart,

You have forgotten who they really were

Soon you remember a little bit and try to change them once again

When you finally get somewhere

That really changes them for the better

They are so fragile that they collapse right in front of you

All that is left is the memory…

Casey at QB (Emulating “Casey at Bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer)

The outcome of the game did not look very fine

First an incomplete pass, then a holding penalty on number 69

Some fans were booing, others were crying

It seemed that the team just stopped trying

All of the commotion seemed to come to a yield

When out of the locker room came Casey running to the field.

It seemed he would not come back after taking a hard hit in quarter number one

Now there seemed to be a chance since he could throw a ball like a bullet out of a gun.

The booing turned to cheers and the crying turned to smiles

When Casey threw a first down to his receiver named Myles.

Down by five with three seconds left to play

The Bulldogs had a chance to win the game that day

Casey had the perfect play so he called it in the huddle and the team yelled “break!”

He knew a perfect pass is what it would take

Casey knew this play by heart, like riding a bike

He went down to the center and yelled out “hike!”

Casey went back to throw but he had to break tackles, which was not fun

He had enough of the bad blocking so he began to run

But at the last second he saw Myles in the corner of his eye

He threw the ball so deep it seemed to touch the sky

The cheers turned back to boos and the smiles turned back to crying

The fans were in disbelief and they felt like dying

People listening on the radio thought they were getting bad reception

Because mighty Casey had thrown an interception




When Sarah was five years of age,

She saw a ballet dancer on TV

She asked her parents for ballet shoes but their happiness turned to rage

But Sarah knew what she wanted to be.

Sarah screeched and Sarah cried

She told her parents if she didn’t dance she would die

When her parents invited over friends they would sigh

They just ignored her cries

Christmas came

Of course Sarah’s parents ignored her

But she didn’t care it was always the same

So Sarah decided to ask Santa, she started her letter with “Dear Santa Sir…”

But the shoes never came

Sarah screeched and Sarah cried

She told her parents if she didn’t dance she would die

When her parents invited over friends they would sight

They just ignored her cries

Sarah decided to take things upon herself and stole her parent’s money

She snick out at night

When she passed her parents they called her “honey,”

But Sarah just left their sight

Sarah screeched and Sarah cried

She told her parents if she didn’t dance she would die

When her parents invited over friends they would sigh

They just ignored her cries

She saw the perfect pair of shoes

And as she crossed the street she stopped,

and remembered her parents drinking boos,

That car came and Jesus she will meet

Sarah screeched and Sarah cried

She told her parents if she didn’t dance she would die

When her parents invited over friends they would sigh

They just ignored her cries

Her parents knowing it was their fault

Buried their daughter with the ballet shoes,

That they bought

They promised to never again drink boos

Sarah screeched and Sarah cried

She told her parents if she didn’t dance she would die

When her parents invited over friends they would sigh

They just ignored her cries

Ballad of Two Brothers

Two brothers stand arguing

As brothers often do

They fought, they argued and they hit

Though parents told them not to


But these two were the closest

Two brothers could be

They did everything together

Made each other happy


The two grew up together

Into two strong men

These brothers, two best friends

Were no longer ten


War came and the two were drafted

To fight side by side

They left together, these two strong men

To help their losing side


They fought together, won together

One never leaving the other

They helped turn the tide of war

Strengthening the bond with each other


Then one dreadful day of war

One saw death shadowing the other

And threw himself in front of it

To save his younger brother


The younger one was now aware

He was watching his brother die

“I love you” were his final words

He then began to cry


The younger one returned home

Triumphant like the others

But he had lost his on true friend

The one he called brother


Freedom (On the Holocaust) (ballad)

The soldiers were drafted

To fight in the war

They didn’t choose to be fighting

But they’re country, they couldn’t ignore

They marched into Germany that year

Fighting day to day

They came among cities and towns

They were told there was any other way

But then they came to a place

They had to persist

Such horror and devastation

How could this even exist?

What was called camps

Seeing it was hard to cope

They helped the oppressed

To the trapped they brought hope

Although they had to fight and

They didn’t sign up for this war

When they looked at the faces they freed

They knew some things are worth fighting for


On a sturdy brown branch

Way up high in a tree

Sits a nest with an egg

Where no one can see


A mother bird is perched

On top of the nest

Keeping her egg warm and safe

Never will she rest


The egg slowly cracks

A baby bird appears

The mother bird is enlightened

And chirps out a cheer


As the baby gets strong

Mother bird knows best

It is not the right time

To push her out of the nest


On a sturdy brown branch

At a very high height

The new baby bird

Has taken its first flight


 The Boy in the Time of War

There was a boy in a time of war,

That wished the fighting would end,

For it had taken his father,

His mother’s heart would not mend.

The little boy wanted peace,

And happiness to return,

But it was every night and day,

For his father he would yearn

When the enemy soldiers came,

To take over his town,

The look he had upon his face,

Turned into a frown.

They put the people in a group

Up against a wall,

Then the little boy cried out,

“Stop, don’t kill us all!”

“I am a boy in a time of war,

That wants the fighting to end,

For it has taken my father,

My mother’s heart will not mend.”

“Why do you hate us so much?”

“We’ve done nothing to you,

This war started as something small,

And then the hatred grew.”

“Please good sirs, put down your guns,

And return to your land,

Help to stop this pointless fighting.”

“I hope you understand.”

“He’s right.” The enemy captain said.

“This boy’s wisdom has shown.”

“For he has said the very thing,

That all of us have known.”

“He’s just a boy in a time of war,

That wants the fighting to end,

For it has taken his father,

His mother’s heart will not mend.”

Then the enemy soldiers left,

All because of a boy,

A boy whose words had saved his town,

And brought his mother joy.




To you it is hard to compare

Eyes like a full harvest moon

Your beautiful flowing hair

Yet nothing is better than seeing you soon

Without you I would despair

When I see your face I seem to swoon

For nothing about you needs repair

It is only you whom I wish to croon

A voice sweet and sonorous in every way

How much longer will we be apart?

If only I could spend time with you everyday

I love you with every beat of my heart

You are whom my heart is longing for

I shall never be the same as I was before


Sadness fills my heart

It fills all the cracks

Away all happiness darts

All brightness turns to black

Until nothing is left

Just the darkness

It commits theft

Stealing all but sadness

I am all alone

Standing in the dark

It seems light has never shone

Then I hear the voice of a lark

And the sun comes out to shine

Now happiness is mine

Sonnet (Emulation of “I Too Sing America” by Langston Hughes)

I sing for America

We all sing to be free

Though freedom is not free

We pay a price for liberty

It’s not where I sit

It’s not where I stand

Whether black, blue, white, or yellow

We all have the same reasons

It comes from the history of Rosa parks

It comes from the statements of Martin Luther king

But comes from the voice of Obama, our king

We, he, she, it, they

Hey, I too sing for America

Cause I too am free


You are too valuable to give away

We cannot waste time

For you are why I am writing today

To tell you how much you mean to me through this rhyme.

You are practically flawless in every aspect

You don't get mad at me when I make fun

You treat me with so much respect

And for this you deserve more than the sun

You are most definitely not unheeded

Your hair dances in the wind,

Whose strength is not needed

to bring out your beauty from within

As I finish writing this sonnet

I am easily imagining you to be as brilliant as a shining comet


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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