Simile Poems - Weebly

Poems with Similes

Similes compare two things using “like” or “as”.

Poems with Metaphors

Metaphors compare two things without using “like” or “as”.

Simile and Metaphor Practice

Directions: Read the poem. Circle the similes and metaphors. Then, underline the two words it’s comparing.


Simile and Metaphor Practice

Directions: Decide whether each sentence contains a simile or a metaphor. Write the word SIMILE if the sentence contains a simile. Write the word METAPHOR if the sentence contains a metaphor. Then circle the two things it is comparing.

The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves.

As the teacher entered the room, she muttered under her breath, “This class is like a three-ring circus!”

The giant’s steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack.

The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.

I feel like a limp dishrag.

Those girls are like two peas in a pod.

The florescent light was the sun during our test.

No one invites Harold to parties because he’s a wet blanket.

The bar of soap was a slippery eel during the dog’s bath.

Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs.


Summer is as hot

as a cauldron

with boiling water.

-Amy Johnson

Hurricanes are as

Destructive and angry

As a mother tiger

When it’s lost its baby.

-Michael Mariani

School is a station

where little children go

to become little engineers

to guide the world.

-Ashley Shields

School is a mind factory

with brain teasers.

-Stephanie Jones

Spring Snow


Slip from the sky

Like soft white butterflies,

Brush the trees with their flimsy wings,


-John Foster

Winter Morning

Winter is the king of showmen,

Turning tree stumps into snow men

And houses into birthday cakes

And spreading sugar over lakes.

Smooth and clean and frosty white,

The world looks good enough to bite.

That’s the season to be young,

Catching snowflakes on your tongue.

Snow is snowy when it’s snowing,

I’m sorry it’s slushy when it’s going.

-Ogden Nash

Safety Pin

Closed, it sleeps

On its side


The silver


Of some

Small fish;

Opened, it snaps

Its tail out

Like a thin

Shrimp, and looks

At the sharp

Point with a

Surprised eye.

-Valerie Worth

Black Is a Shadow

Black is a shadow,

Black is the darkness

That you can’t handle.

Black is a dog.

Black is a darkness

Inside a log.

Black is the night

Because there’s no light.

Black is a scary thing.

-Alex Slaught

My Noisy Brother

My brother’s such a noisy kid,

when he eats soup he slurps.

When he drinks milk he gargles.

And after meals he burps.

He cracks his knuckles when he’s bored.

He whistles when he walks.

He snaps his fingers when he sings,

and when he’s mad he squawks.

At night my brother snores so loud

it sounds just like a riot.

Even when he sleeps

my noisy brother isn’t quiet.

-Bruce Lansky

Gussie’s Greasy Spoon

Every day, at ten past noon,


I plop down in the nearest seat,

and order food unfit to eat.

I try the juice, it’s warm and vile,

the scrambled eggs are green as bile,

the beets are blue, the beans are gray,

the cauliflower tastes like clay.


is part cement, part hay, part glue,

it’s mostly gristle, ropy tough,

a tiger couldn’t chew the stuff.

The rancid soup is foul and thin,

a bit like bitter medicine,

the melon smells, the salad sags,

the mashed potatoes seem like rags.

One whiff of Gussie’s weird cuisine

makes stomachs ache, turns faces green,

her moldy muffins have no peers,

they’ll make you sick for forty years.

The coffee’s cold, the cake is stale,

the doughnuts taste like pickled whale,

yet, every day, at ten past noon,


- Jack Prelutsky


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