English Communications

English Communications: Text Response

Oral Presentation: Poetry Comparison

The poetry component of the text study will require you to study at least three poets and present an understanding and appreciation of their respective worlds and their ‘work’. This presentation will demonstrate an understanding of the structure, language and poetic techniques utilised by the poets in order to reflect their ideas, values, attitudes and beliefs. This poet study can be based on themes or styles.

As part of your oral presentation, that should be up to a maximum of 6 minutes, you must be prepared to:

• Discuss your poet and his/her ‘world’.

• Choose one poem for each poet and deconstruct/evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of poetic techniques utilised, in order to explore his/her ideas. It is also necessary to refer to at least two other poems from your respective poet.

• Connect this poetry to you and your world.

In essence, you are choosing three poets and discussing one poem per poet. Your three poets must consist of at least one ‘renowned’ poet, one ‘other’ poet and the lyrics from a song from a band or a solo artist. If you would like to have three ‘renowned’ poets, then you are more than welcome. Remember that you are looking for poetry or the lyrics of a song in which poetic techniques have been utilised effectively and with a purpose (No offence intended, but Britney Spears’ Hit Me baby One More Time will not be the standard you are looking for).

The following is a guideline as to how you may wish to structure your time for the 6 minutes:

|20-30 secs |An overview of the focus of your presentation and poets |

|30 secs: |(This time frame must be spent for each poet) |

|= 1min 30secs |Biography of each poet, reflecting on how their lives and the world in which they have lived has impacted on their poetry. |

|60 secs: |(One minute must be spent on each poem) |

|= 3 mins |Analyse and critique the poem you have chosen for a particular poet. |

| |10 secs: What is the poem about? |

| |20 secs: What are the messages/ideas contained within the poem? |

| |30 secs: How have a variety of techniques been utilised by the poet in order to make an impact and reflect the ideas? |

| |(A Grade student: technique / example / reflection on the impact.) |

|60 secs: |How does the poetry you have chosen connect with your own ideas, experiences, beliefs or values? (Refer to the poems and poets to |

| |assist you in the exploration of this.) |

|Total Time: |6 (very exciting and memorable) minutes |

The oral does not have to be presented exactly in this format. For example, you may wish to make personal connections throughout your presentation. The only thing we need to see is that there has been 60 seconds worth throughout your speech. You may also wish to discuss one poet’s world (biography) and then discuss their poem straight afterwards. You may also want to look at a message and then the techniques that reflect it and then go to the next message and explore other techniques. Basically, you can utilise the time as you so desire – you just need to ensure that you are meeting the criteria.

Tips for the presentation:

It is recommended for the oral that you utilise another ‘medium’ in order for you to present your ideas more effectively:

• Powerpoint presentation

• Handouts

• Overhead projector sheets

• Music in the background

• Posters or a display

• Fancy dress

• Or other…

The following is a list of poetic techniques that you would be expected to refer to in your oral presentation:

• Alliteration

• Assonance

• Symbol/motif

• Imagery

• Simile

• Metaphor

• Oxymoron

• Onomatopoeia

• Repetition

• Rhythm

• Rhyme

• Form (blank verse / free verse / dramatic monologue / villanelle / ode / sonnet / ballad etc)

It is essential to remember that you must address the criteria, which reflects the fact that you are being assessed on your understanding and analysis, as well as your delivery. This assignment requires you to analyse your poets and understand their work and then present it to the class in an insightful and entertaining manner. The way in which you present your information is up to you – just remember that what you say is just as important as how you say it!

|Criteria |Excell-ent |Well Done |Satisfa-ctory|Needs Work |

|understanding | | | | |

|To what extent does the student demonstrate knowledge of the texts? | | | | |

|To what extent does the student demonstrate understanding of the ideas in the texts? | | | | |

|analysis | | | | |

|How well does the student recognise the characteristics of different text types? | | | | |

|How clearly does the student recognise the author’s use of the characteristics of different text types to | | | | |

|communicate ideas and influence the reader’s response? | | | | |

|How clearly does the student recognise the ideas, experiences, beliefs, or values explored in the texts? | | | | |

|To what extent does the student recognise the connections between his or her own ideas, experiences, beliefs, or | | | | |

|values, and those explored in the texts? | | | | |

|communication | | | | |

|How accurate and fluent is the student’s expression? | | | | |

|How appropriate are the student’s form and register for the audience and purpose? | | | | |

|General comments: |

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|Grade: ___________ |


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