6th Grade - Cooper Blog

6th Grade

Fun with Poetry Anthology

You are going to research ten poetic formats and write a poem for each one. Additionally, you will write an additional four poems using specific poetic devices that we have studied in class.

You will have class time to work on this anthology. If you don’t think you will finish in class, then you will need to work on it at home.

We will be using the laptops in class on Wednesday, April 22- Thursday, April 30. You will need to complete all your poetry research by the end of class on Thursday, April 30.

You will have class time to work on your anthology project Friday, May 1- Friday, May 8.

Poetry Anthologies are due beginning of class on Monday, May 11.

Poetry quiz: Tuesday, May 12. The poetry quiz will cover the different formats of poems as well as the poetic devices.

Specific information

▪ All poems must be original

▪ Poems must meet the criteria defined by the format of the poem

Example: the limerick must follow the format of that specific type of poem

▪ Poems are to be neatly hand-written

▪ Make sure your anthology has a cover, with your name, title of your

anthology, date, and teacher’s name

▪ Your anthology needs to have a table of contents, with the title of each poem

and the page number of each poem

Poetic Formats

You will need to use this website to find the definitions and an example of the different poetic formats.

▪ Acrostic

▪ Diamante

▪ Concrete (shape)

▪ Haiku

▪ Limerick

▪ Didactic

▪ Cinquain

▪ Tanka

▪ Tyburn

▪ Palindrone

Each poem should be on one sheet of paper, front-side only. Each poem should have an accompanying, neatly hand-drawn, colored illustration (with the exception of the concrete poem).

Poetic Devices

You will need to research the following terminology:

▪ Metaphor

▪ Simile

▪ Onomatopoeia

▪ Personification

▪ Alliteration

▪ Rhyme

Free Verse Poem #1

▪ Two examples of metaphor

▪ Two examples of simile

▪ Hi-lite your metaphors

▪ Underline your similes

▪ Poem must be at least twelve lines long

▪ Hand-drawn, colored illustration

▪ Title

Free Verse Poem #2

▪ Two examples of onomatopoeia

▪ Two examples of personification

▪ Hi-lite your onomatopoeia

▪ Underline your personification

▪ Poem must be at least twelve lines long

▪ Hand-drawn, colored illustration

▪ Title

Free Verse Poem #3

▪ Four examples of rhyme

▪ Two examples of alliteration (each example of alliteration should be at least three words long in the same line)

▪ Hi-lite your examples of rhyme

▪ Underline your examples of alliteration

▪ Poem must be at least twelve lines long

▪ Hand-drawn, colored illustration

▪ Title



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