When Sophia Sawyer walks away from her six children, she ...

Show Us Your Papers

A Poetry Anthology Edited by

Wendy Scott Paff, Daniela Buccilli, & Cherise Pollard

ISBN: 978-1-59948-803-5, ~180 pages

Cover/List Price: $17

The scheduled release date for Show Us Your Papers is April/May 2020. It is available for preorder NOW at advance discount prices, but that price is only good directly from the publisher and may be discontinued at any time.

The price when ordered from the MSR Online Bookstore is $9.75 (Plus tax and shipping. The advantage of buying online: cost of shipping/book decreases based on quantity).

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Please remember: These prices are for advance orders only. It doesn’t mean the book will be shipped early. It only allows buyers to receive a discount for ordering before the book goes to press, but this price will only last for a limited time, so ORDER NOW!

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