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The Pine Bush Area Public Library May 2020 News Bulletin #2“Taps”(control & click for link to open) Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2020 occurs on Monday, May 25.?Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.Early Observances of Memorial DayThe?Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries.By the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities had begun holding springtime tributes to these countless fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with flowers and reciting prayers.Did you know??Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.It is unclear where exactly this tradition originated; numerous different communities may have independently initiated the memorial gatherings. And some records show that one of the earliest Memorial Day commemorations?was organized?by a group of freed slaves in Charleston, South Carolina less than a month after the?Confederacy?surrendered in 1865. Nevertheless, in 1966 the federal government declared Waterloo,?New York, the official?birthplace of Memorial Day. Waterloo—which first celebrated the day on May 5, 1866—was chosen because it hosted an annual, community-wide event, during which businesses closed and residents decorated the graves of soldiers with flowers and flagsHow long the Coronavirus stays on surfaces?(temperature and humidity may cause time to vary):Aerosol3 hoursPaper3 hoursCopper4 hoursCardboard24 hoursWood2 daysCloth2 daysStainless Steel2 - 3 daysPlastic3 daysGlass4 daysPaper Money4 daysOutsideSurgical Mask7 daysCORONAVIRUS – COVID19:For the latest measures being taken in New York State, visit:?Click HereNYS Department of Health Website: Click HerePlease check the following link for fact checking and scam advisories regarding the Corona Virus: ?"Decoding Covid-19 " -- Nova, on PBS, season 47, episode 9.This program is all about the Covid-19 virus: how it started, spread, and the medical race to find a vaccine Bush HS musical ‘Mamma Mia!” goes virtual Go to: By Donna KesslerTimes Herald-RecordPINE BUSH - Sadly, it appears that schools may not be reopening for the rest of the school 2020 year. This is the time of year for proms, graduations and school plays.The students at Pine Bush High School are feeling the effects of the closure. One week before they were to perform the musical “Mamma Mia,” the Governor ordered all schools to close.The kids had worked so hard leading up to the night of their first performance.While disappointed, rather than not do the musical at all, the students decided to take their performance virtual.Brian Flint, the school music teacher and producer of the musical, Deron Flint, and Alex Landolina, a parent volunteer who runs the Film/Video Production Club, worked together to create the video and upload it to YouTube. Brian’s son did the video editing.“Watching it really brings a smile to your face,” said Pine Bush High School Principal Aaron Hopmeyer If you search for “Pine Bush High School Cast Sing Mamma Mia 2020” you can watch a portion of the cast singing the title song, complete with a dance performance.The students were hoping that they would still be able to put on the production before the end of the school?year, but that will not happen.It’s just another thing they will be missing out on this year.Despite the letdown, Hopmeyer isn’t going to let the kids not have good memories,?especially the seniors. Virtual graduation will be taking place on June 26, the next day there will be a parade of graduates that will travel through Circleville and end at Pine Bush High School.“We are going make these kids remember this,” Hopmeyer said.Each student will be receiving a custom-made Pine Bush High School facemask when they receive their diplomas following the parade. To maintain the social distancing guidelines, diplomas will be handed to the seniors while they sit in their cars.The video on YouTube has been viewed over 4,400 times.dkessler@th-Pine Bush High school students perform the title song from “Mamma Mia” on YouTube.?[PHOTO CAPTURED FROM YOUTUBE]Let's Art:HYPERLINK ""New York PhilharmonicTeacher Resources...but students should explore, too!Google Arts and CultureGoogle partnered with over 2,500 museums and galleries around the world so you can take virtual tours, learn about different artists, and more. HYPERLINK "" 12 World-Class Museums You Can Visit OnlineIf 2,500 choices seems like a lot (because it is) start here. Check out virtual tours of 12 amazing museums.A few tips on selecting and enjoying your virtual museum tour:Make a moment of it.?You would schedule time for a museum visit or a concert, right? Do the same for your virtual version. Find a place or time with minimal interruptions so you can get the most out of the experience. Forego extraneous internet browsing or Facebook messenger, and enjoy the art in front of you. This is why livestreams are so great. Of course, you can watch a performance afterward, but if you can, experiencing it in the moment feels more like the real thing.Class it up.?Okay, you don't need to get glammed up (you could, though!). But a little pour of wine or tea and a plate of snacks will help set the mood.Choose a theme.?If museum jaunts are your thing, plan out your dream art tour across the world, or hone in on a particular history or interest. Or pick a city, like Washington, D.C., and load up all the local cultural experiences you can.Involve the kids.?Sure, they may not want to watch "Carmen," but plenty of zoos and museums are offering cool programs for kids while they're out of school, like animal spotlights and virtual safaris. (Bonus: No long walk back to the car after your visit.)Source: Willingham, AJ. CNN Style,?All the virtual concerts, plays, museums and other culture you can enjoy from home.?Updated March 17, 2020THE CENSUSThe 2020 Census is happening now. If you have not responded yet, please do it now online, by phone or by mail. Some areas have not yet received their invitation. I have been told that there is a delay due to Covid19. They hope they will catch up soon. The results of the Census can shape many aspects of our community for funding. It is important to be counted. Go to: Korrina Keeney of Pine Bush is keeping herself busy making many masks. She would like to know where she can distribute them. You can call the library 744-3375 and leave a message.Here's a few online activities for kids:? ??Summer Reading program to subscribe live online school or summer camp classes - lots of interesting activities - Lego movie making, video game design, intro to languages (Mandarin!), Cartooning and it goes on - check it out We are still accepting poems for the Online Poetry Reading Collaboration!!? ?Send your poems to:? gwinterpoetry@Don’t forget to visit our “Free Library”On the Community Room’s front porch is a plethora of free books…take a gander and you will be sure to find something that grabs your attention! Kids – there is chalk there also to draw a picture of what is going on in your life while we are quarantined. Draw it on the sidewalk and sign you name – only if you want to! Hey…check out our website for more info…. ................

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