Mansfield University of PA / School Library & Information ...

Mansfield University of PA / School Library & Information Technologies

Lesson Plan Template | |

|GRADE: 8 |ESTIMATED LESSON TIME: 155 mins (3 class periods) |


|TEACHER: Mr. Garre | |

|Library Media Specialist Valarie Hunsinger | |

|SCHOOL: Hyde Leadership Charter School | |

|LIBRARY CONTEXT: |COLLABORATION CONTINUUM: |Standards for the 21st Century Learner Goals |

|___Fixed |___Cooperation |Standard: Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as |

|___Flexible |___Coordination |members of our democratic society. |

|_X_Combination |_X_ Collaboration |Benchmark(s) |

|___Individualized instruction |___ None |3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display |

|___Stand-alone lesson | |knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess. |

|_X__Lesson in a Unit | |Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s) |

|___Multiple lessons in a unit | |3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product. |

|Scenario /overview/content topic: |Connection to Local or State Standards |

|Lesson Title: Poetry Service Announcements Podcasts |New York State Information Literacy Standards: |

|Lesson Topic: Creating podcasts to promote poetry in the community and to |Standard 1: Using Information To Build Understanding |

|support “synthesis” of the Big6 Research Model |8.8 Creates products for authentic reasons and audiences |

|Mr. Garre the 8th grade ELA teacher and I have collaborated on a poetry unit to|8.9 Identifies and uses a variety of technology tools, include Web-based |

|create public service announcements to help students learn and teach poetry |interactive tools to organize, create a product, and enhance communication |

|devices found in poetry. Using poetry resources in the library and online | |

|students have worked on analyzing poetry devices and have done an analysis of a|Common Core |

|poetry device used in a poem. |RI.8.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at |

| |the high end of grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and |

|For this lesson, working in collaboration with Mr. Garre, library classes will |proficiently |

|learn how to produce podcasts to create “Poetry Service Announcements” (PSAs) | |

|to support a school wide poetry month. Students will learn how to synthesize | |

|information based on the Big6 research model, by learning how to present | |

|information from multiple sources and presenting information for authentic | |

|reasons. This will empower students to communicate information and ideas | |

|effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. | |

|Students have struggled with producing and synthesizing work for audiences. | |

| | |

|Students will utilize Audacity audio software to record their PSAs. Students | |

|will work in pairs to create a 1 minute PSA to creatively teach a poetry device| |

|in the context of one poem. Students will utilize rubrics to evaluate the | |

|podcasts. | |

| | |

|The PSAs will be used during the school morning announcements during poetry | |

|month. The PSAs will also be featured on the school website. | |

|Collaboration: Mr. Garre and I will work closely on this unit and will plan collaboratively during Friday PDs. Mr. Garre will instruct students on writing |

|PSA scripts in order to effectively communicate their use of their assigned poetic device in the context of a poem. Students will write and revise PSA |

|scripts prior to creating podcasts. I will instruct them how to use audacity technology to effective communicate their poetry PSA scripts. |

|Final Product: Students will create Poetry Service Announcement podcasts. |

|Library Lesson(s): Students will learn how to synthesize and share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as a member of our democratic |

|society by creating podcasts that will teach members of the school learning community about poetic devices used in poetry. Also students will learn how to |

|use new technology, Audacity audio software, to create podcast that will allow them to display their knowledge and understanding in ways that other students |

|can use. Students will assess the quality and effectiveness of the podcast. |

|Objectives: |Assessment: |

|-Students will utilize the audio technology software Audacity to create a |Product: Poetry Service Announcement |

|Poetry Service Announcement |Process: Podcast Rubric (see attached) |

|-Students will utilize rubrics to evaluate the PSA's | |

|Instructional Plan: |Motivation, anticipatory set: Students will be introduced to celebrity PSAs |

|___Resources students will use: |and they will find out that as “the leaders” of the school they will be |

|___Online subscription database(s) |creating poetry PSAS that will be heard by the whole school during poetry |

|___Websites |month. |

|___Books | |

|___Reference | |

|___Non-print | |

|___Periodical/newspapers | |

|_X_Others/list | |

|-Computers with internet connection, audio player and speakers. | |

|-Audacity software (free to download) | |

|Microphone for audio recording | |

|Projector | |

| |Inclusion, adaptations: |

| | |

| |Students with IEPs will be partnered with students who have strong skills |

| |technology skills. |

|Instructional Activities: |

|_X__Direct Instruction: The librarian instructs the classroom with an overview of public service announcements podcasts including determining student |

|familiarity with podcasts. Librarian will provide examples by projecting two celebrity service announcements podcasts |

|(). Librarian introduced use of audacity audio software through |

|projector and records Students are given grading rubric for podcasts. |

| |

| |

|__X_Modeling and Guided practice: The librarian uses an online computer projection system to show how to create a public service announcement podcast. Taking|

|examples from several students, the librarian brainstorms specific issues to help students present podcasts for the best results. The librarian records PSA. |

|Students proceed to the library computer workstations. Accessing the audacity software, students begin navigating program. The librarian circulates. Students|

|practice recording PSAs. |

| |

|_X__Independent practice: Students meet in their group to practice reading the scripts out loud. Each team designates a reader for its section of the |

|podcasts. Now they will have the tools they need to create audio podcasts poetry service announcements. |

| |

|__X_Sharing and reflecting: Students will complete poetry service announcement podcast rubrics. |

|Lesson reflection: ELA teacher and librarian review podcast rubrics to improve lesson plan. |

Excerpted from Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association, copyright © 2009 American Library Association. Used with permission.

Poetry Service Announcement Rubric

| CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Content |Students create an |Students create an accurate|Students create an accurate|The PSA is not accurate. |

| |original, accurate and |PSA that adequately |PSA but it does not | |

| |interesting PSA using |addresses the issue. |adequately address the | |

| |Audacity Software | |issue. | |

|Technical |The PSA podcast is created,|The PSA is almost created, |Most of the PSA is created,|The PSA podcast is not |

| |has clear audio, and is |has frequently clear audio,|has occasionally clear |created, does not have |

| |saved for public use. |and may be saved for public|audio, and may be saved for|clear audio and cannot be |

| | |use. |public use. |used publicly. |

|Collaboration with Peers |Almost always listens to, |Usually listens to, shares |Often listens to, shares |Rarely listens to, shares |

| |shares with, and supports |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |

| |the efforts of others in |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |

| |the group. Tries to keep |group. Does not cause |group but sometimes is not |group. Often is not a good |

| |people working well |problems in the group. |a good team member. |team member. |

| |together. | | | |

|Technical Production |Tone and voice convey |Tone and voice frequently |Tone and voice frequently |Tone and voice rarely |

| |emotions and enthusiasm. |convey emotions and |convey emotions or |convey emotions or |

| |The recording is clear and |enthusiasm. The recording |enthusiasm. Most of the |enthusiasm. Recording is |

| |loud enough to be heard. |is clear and loud enough to|recording is clear and loud|unclear and/or not loud |

| | |be heard. |enough to be heard. |enough to be heard. |


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