South West Baptist Association – Stronger Together

914400-45720000God’s Story is a big adventure … full of WOW! moments, REALLY! moments, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? moments, HELPING you every day moments, BEST FRIEND moments, SCARY moments, THAT’S A BIG QUESTON moment, SO WHAT? moments, LOVE and so much more. Paul went on a God Story Adventure …….. his adventures had all these moments and many more BUT above anything else all he really wanted to do was talk about Jesus. Everything he did was about Jesus.-457200825500Pauls adventures took him on very long journeys, he was put in prison at least 4 times, shipwrecked 3 times and was even bitten by a poisonous snake, and lived! We can catch up with Paul in the bible, his adventures start in the book of Acts. In Acts 9 Paul has an awesome encounter with Jesus, he was never the same again. (That’s what happens when we encounter Jesus…never the same again!) Before you get started watch this YOU TUBE and find out who Paul was(Crossroads Kids club – God’s Story: Paul)Over the next few weeks we are going to an adventure looking at a letter Paul wrote to some of his church friends in a place called Philippi. All the bits in blue are things that you can do! Philippi was full of Romans, who didn’t really like people talking about Jesus…in fact if you did talk about Jesus you would probably have been treated really badly, really, really badly! -9144005651500Paul was friends with the church in Philippi, he had been there before and had a great time sharing amazing things about Jesus, a bit like you do at Church. Can you find Philippi on the map? The problem was Paul was now in prison, ??WHY?? Yes … you guessed it …….because he wouldn’t stop talking about Jesus.Paul was in Prison in Rome! Can you find Rome on the map? 4229100120142000His friends in Philippi heard that Paul was in prison, they really cared about him so they sent one of the church leaders, a bit like sending your church leader, to go about 800 miles to visit Paul in prison. They wanted to give Paul a gift of money and also to let him know they were thinking about him and cared for him. The Leaders name that came to visit Paul was called, Epaphroditus. Paul decided to write a letter for him to take back to the church in Philippi and you can read the actual letter, a letter that was written thousands of years ago! How amazing it that…it’s in the bible and it’s called Philippians…..take a look now! Paul prayed, loved and cared for his friends at Philippi so very much, even though they were apart, they stuck together. -91440039052500It’s a bit like that for us today, we can’t be with our friends because we have to stay at home. Your friendship is like an invisible bond. Try this experiment as you think about your friendships and the invisible bond you have. Inflate a balloon and tie it. Rub it on your clothing, and stick it to a wall. Rub the balloon more, and hold it over small pieces of paper or thread. The objects will stick to the balloon. An invisible bond makes things stick together, just like friends stick together even if you can’t see them at the moment.Pauls letter was packed full of his news, helping them to work out the best way to live and treat others but most of all it’s about taking about Jesus and his Kingdom. Paul just couldn’t help it! 422910045656500I’m not sure what a Roman prison would look like? Can you make a den that looks like a prison? Tin foil strips rolled up and joined together make great chains. Paul was locked down in prison when he sent a letter, maybe you think Paul was sad in prison and his letter would be all about him being sad and wondering if he would ever get out … but NO it wasn’t. Grab your bible and count how many times you can find the word JOY or REJOICE in Pauls letter. Ask someone else in your house to count as well…..did you get the same result? Paul was joyful locked down in prison. Would you like some God Joy? Colour in the word Joy and ask God to give you some of His Joy today, now put your picture on your bed. When you go to bed tonight think about the Joy that has happened during the day, what difference did it make? -93671372208300Paul wrote this amazing letter to his friends, full of news, help and stories about him. When the church in Philippi received his letter they would have been excited to read it and really pleased to know that Paul was still thinking about them. Find some paper and an envelope for you to write a letter. Sit on a cushion for 30 seconds and ask God to give you a name of someone you care about. Write them a letter sharing all your news…..I know it will cheer up their day. Activities and things to think about forPhilippians Chapters 1 and 2Paul’s letter starts with a Prayer for his friends in Philippi.He thanks God for them and for the help they have given him. He prays that they will see the difference between good and bad and that their love for each other will grow more and more.Although Paul is in prison he didn’t want his friends to feel sorry for him, he says the best bit about being in prison is that he has helped to spread the Good News about Jesus ….. he was talking about Jesus to the other prisoners and the guards.Try and find something that is rolled up, like a ball of string, wool, make a streamer, toilet roll! As you throw it out it will spread far away from you. Think about someone who has talked about Jesus with you, how they have spread the Good news about Jesus to you! Shout out their name and ask God to bless them loads!3886200107251500With someone in your house have an arm wrestling competition, who is the strongest? In Chapter 2 Paul asks his friends, “Does your life in Christ give you strength?” God promises that he will be our strength through good days and bad days. The rainbow reminds us of God’s promises; can you design or make a rainbow? What promise of God do you like the best? -9144004572000In verse 5 Paul says that we need to become more and more like Jesus. With something like play dough can you make a ‘you’? As you mould the clay ask the Holy Spirit to help you be more and more like Jesus. Activities and things to think about for Philippians Chapter 3-80010014160500Paul shows that he has buckets full of faith in Jesus, he believed Jesus was alive and everything Jesus had said and did was true. -1028700225552000137160042672000Find some beads, roll up tissue paper or maybe colour in pasta to make all the colours you need to make a necklace, key ring, bracelet or decoration using the colours of faith. Whilst you are doing this think about this BIG question: Do you believe Jesus is alive and that he loves you loads? Jesus was number ONE for Paul, everything he lived for. 42291001905000Ask others in your house to do this workout with you! (you might need to clear a bit of space!) Way Hillsong – Dance-A-Long 3657600125158500Have you ever wanted to quit something? In Pauls letter he says don’t quit living like Jesus, keep on going. Paul used an example of a runner in a race that needs to finish the race to get the prize. The prize Paul was talking about was being with Jesus in heaven. In your house or garden set up an obstacle course, the person who finishes the race the fastest wins. You could have a prize? Have fun and remember……don’t quit! Activities and things to think about forPhilippians Chapter 4Tom is worried and scared in this film, see what he does. church videos – Being brave and the peace of God377190052514500Ask others in your house what they think God’s peace is like? Maybe you could make a cake or a pizza, as you take a ‘piece’ think about how God is with you whatever happens! He wants to give you his Peace, and that’s a promise! Paul could have worried a lot in prison but he said to his friends in Philippi not to worry about anything. Lots of people seem worried at the moment, maybe you are worried about what will happen next? what worries you? -68580020002500Read what Paul said in Philippines 4 v 6. With a piece of bubble wrap, find somewhere quiet to sit and as you ‘pop’ the bubbles ask God to be with you and take your worries away. Paul says: “Always give thanks” “Think about the things that are good and worthy of praise”Do you find it easy or hard to give thanks and praise? Draw a picture, make a junk model or create something on minecraft that you are thankful to God for. (Motions (Philippians 4:6 Saddleback Kids)Try this song about taking your worries away.As Paul finishes his letter he thanks his friends for all their love, care and gifts to him. He says that he wants them to have the good that comes from giving. Have a little think, how you can give today?-57150011049000What’s your favourite praise song? Maybe you could share it with others in your house or your church so you can praise God together just like the church in Philippi praised God together. 468630016129000Paul wrote so many letters and many of them are in your bible, maybe you could try and discover how many other letters he wrote and find the places on the map. Just as Paul prayed for everyone who went to church in Philippi many Christians are praying for children everywhere …….so that includes you. God bless you. -184721510414000 ................

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