The Holocaust

The Holocaust

1939 - 1945

I. The Nazis Come to Poland

A. German army invades Poland on ______________________________

1. _______________________ and ________________ declare war on Germany

2. this is the beginning of _______________________

B. Germany quickly takes control of Poland

1. fighting in Poland last only a few __________________

C. Changes in Poland

1. Nazis immediately begin to terrorize the _______________ population of Poland

a. Jews singled out for most ____________ treatment

2. Polish Jews forced to wear yellow ______________________ in December 1939

D. Einsatzgruppen formed

1. special SS units designed to kill Jews

a. killed many ________________ Jews by the end of 1939

b. by the end of WWII, killed almost __________________ Jews

II. Life in the Ghettos

A. ____________________ are sections of a city where a group of people are forced to live

1. first large ghetto set up in _____________ in early 1940

2. ___________________ Ghetto set up in October of 1940

B. conditions of the Warsaw Ghetto

1. extremely _________________

2. very little _____________

i. ________________ people starved to death

3. _____________________ conditions

4. poor conditions led to diseases like ____________ and ______________________

C. Running the Ghettos

1. _______________________ was the Jewish Council that would run each ghetto

i. Judenrat operated under _______________ orders

2. tried to help and keep alive as many Jews as possible

III. (Jewish) Resistance during the Holocaust

A. ___________________ resistance is peaceful

1. hiding _______________ and other people

2. ________________ food and supplies

3. holding classes to teach Yiddish

B. _________________ resistance is peaceful

1. celebrating religious holidays (to the best of your ability)

2. holding secret religious services

C. _________________ resistance uses violence

1. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

a. led by Mordechai Anielewicz and others

b. Jews fought with guns, rifles, and homemade ________________

i. Germans had ______________, flamethrowers, and cannons

c. uprising lasted ___________________

2. sonderkommandos burned down a ____________________ in Auschwitz

V. “The Final Solution”

A. _____________________ camps were large prisons to hold Nazi “enemies”

1. first camp (Dachau) was operating as early as 1933

2. included Jews, Gypsies, prisoners of war, and other groups

3. there were more than _____________ camps throughout Europe

4. many people would die at the camps built these were NOT death camps

B. Hitler ordered the “Final Solution to the _______________ problem” in the summer of 1941

1. Wansee Conference plans the “__________________ of Jews to the East” in Jan 1942

2. several large concentration camps became _________________

C. Transportation of Prisoners

1. rounded up Jews

a. used trucks or made prisoners walk to train stations

2. train rides to the camps lasted several ____________

a. many people crowded into boxcars

b. horrible conditions

i. virtually no _______________ or _____________ for the entire trip

ii. no _______________, windows, or ________________

iii. many people became sick or ____________

D. The Death Camps

1. the 6 major camps were located in _________________________

a. Auschwitz, Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, and Belzec

b. Why Poland?

i. keep it a _________________ AND large population of Polish Jews

3. operated like factories of ________________

a. used gas chambers

i. ___________________ was a poison used

b. _________________ used to burn bodies

E. Nazi Deception of Victims

1. “_________________________” really meant sent to ghettos or camps

2. told they were taking ______________________ not going to gas chambers

3. “chosen” really meant picked to be killed

4. “Arbeit Macht Frei” on the gates of Auschwitz

a. translates into “______________ will set you ______________”

VI. The End of the World War II

A. Major countries involved in the war included:

1. U.S., Great Britain, Soviet Union, France, and others (the ______________ Forces)

2. Germany, Italy, and Japan (the ____________ Powers)

B. United States Involvement

1. enters the war after the attack on ___________________________

2. fights in _____________, Africa, and _____________

3. defeats Japan by bombing Hiroshima and Japan

4. played important role in the Allied Powers defeating Germany

D. Liberation of the Camps

1. Nazis used “death marches” to evacuate many camps as Allied Forces approached

2. Majdanek liberated by Soviet soldiers on July 24, 1944

3. Auschwitz liberated on January 27, 1945

VII. Many People Helped Victims during the Holocaust

A. Risking their lives to help out

1. many non-Jews offered their houses to hide Jewish children (and families)

a. these children had to live very “____________” lives for their safety

2. some people would help smuggle food and supplies into ghettos

B. Kindertransport

1. inspired by Kristallnacht

2. an ______________ program to save Jewish children under age 17 from Nazi Germany

a. children could travel on trains from Germany to England

b. children would live with foster families, in orphanages, or work on farms

3. program ended on September 3, 1939 (two days after World War II started)

4. the lives of ________________ children were save

C. Many of the notable individuals include:

1. Mordecai Anielewicz – one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

2. Vladka Meed – helped with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

3. Janus Korczak –educator who gave his life keep his students calm prior to their deaths

4. Miep Geis – hid Anne Frank and her family

5. Raoul Wallenberg – Swedish man who issued passports for Hungarian Jews to escape

6. Frederich Leitz – used his camera company (Leica) to save Jews from the Holocaust

D. Yad Vashem in Israel honors the “__________________ Among the Nations”


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