The Challenges of Life

The Hunger Games NotesUtopia: Any real or imaginary society, place, state, etc. considered to be perfect or ideal.Dystopia: An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized (like robots) and fearful lives. In these societies, current social trends (e.g. euthanasia or government control) are taken to nightmarish extremes.Characteristics of a Dystopian Society? Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.? Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.? A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.? Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.? Citizens have a fear of the outside world.? Citizens live in a dehumanized state.? The natural world is banished and distrusted.? Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent are bad.? The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.Fascism: the government in The Hunger Games operates like a fascist government in many respects. Consider the characteristics of a fascist government:Extreme Nationalism: patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, etc. Flags everywhere.Disdain for the recognition for human rights: the fear of enemies and the need for security override the importance of human rights. Therefore, torture and execution and assassination and long imprisonments are often overlooked. Identifying Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause: people rally together, chanting to eliminate the perceived threat of the enemy: racial, ethnic/religious minority, terrorists, political dissident, etc. They will celebrate the execution of this perceived enemy.Supremacy of the Military: The military is given excess government funding, even to the point that important social needs (medical, social programs) are being underfunded. The military service is glamorized.Controlled Mass Media: The government often controls the media. Censorship is pervasive.Obsession with National Security: fear is used as a motivational tool by the government.Obsession with crime and punishment: police are often given limitless power to enforce laws. People overlook police abuses. There is often a national police force.Please note: these characteristics are adapted from the following resourceBritt, Lawrence. “Fourteen Defining Characteristics of Fascism.” Source Free Inquiry.Co. 28 May 2003. Themes in The Hunger GamesFascist governments use coercion (using force/intimidation) to maintain order and loyalty.The different socio-economic status of those living in the Capitol and of those living in different Districts affects their perception of the government, the Hunger Games, and purpose for living. Reality TV is humiliating and torturous to the participants and it is abominable for the public to find it entertaining.When even one person makes a sacrificial act it can spawn a movement.Weaknesses of the novel?The half-starved girl from District 12 wins the Hunger Games—really? But not just she—her pseudo-boyfriend manages to be victorious alongside her? In other words, the plot is a bit contrived.Is Peeta really that good? Is the mother really that pathetic? Many of the characters don’t seem entirely believable.Is the love triangle too cliché?Strengths of the novel?Addresses issues that are real in our society.Swift-moving plot. ................

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