Section 1: Laboratory Policies

003-001 Alternative Testing Due to Instrument or Test Method Malfunction of Periodic Services

003-002 Charging Patients for Laboratory Tests

003-006 Releasing Lab Reports to Outside Physicians

003-010 Laboratory Test Tracking

003-017 Report TAT for In-house Testing

003-018 Correction of Laboratory Errors

003-019 Patient Complaints

003-020 Altering Reference Laboratory Reports

003-021 Reporting Laboratory Test Results

003-028 Labeling and Storage of Testing Materials

003-029 Medical/Dental Equipment Management Plan

003-041 Special Insurance Requirements for John Deere, Mail handlers and Genesis

003-042 Quality Control Corrective Action

003-045 Daily Housekeeping Duties

003-051 Laboratory Quality Assurance Action Plan

003-052 Monitoring Laboratory Temperatures

003-053 Continuing Education of Laboratory Personnel

003-057 Ordering Lab Tests at Community Health Care, Inc.

003-089 Quality Control Assessment

003-090 Handling of Laboratory Specimens

003-091 Waived Laboratory Test Results

003-092 Incident Management Plan

003-093 Reporting Critical/Panic Values and Tests

003-098 Waived Laboratory Test Results

003-099 Laboratory Maintenance

003-104 Downtime Procedure

003-105 Lab Downtime Procedure

003-107 EHR Merge (LIS) Procedure

027-005 Billing Lab Services that are Provided by an Outside Lab

Section 2: Reference Laboratory Policies

003-007 Requesting STAT Testing from Reference Laboratories

003-040 Requisitions/Billing Information- Reference Laboratory

003-054 Processing Specimens for Transport to Reference Lab

003-088 Receiving Laboratory Reports from MML

003-097 Reference Laboratory Reports

003-101 Processing Monthly LabCorp Bill

Section3: Specimen Collection and Handling

003-005 Handling Unsuccessful Venipuncture

003-009 Throat Swab for Culture or Rapid Strep Determination

003-011 Preparation of In-house Test Requisitions-Report Forms

003-013 Capillary Blood Collection

003-032 Blood Culture Specimen Collection

003-033 Patient Preparation

003-049 Specimen Processing

030-055 Neo-natal Blood Screening Specimen Collection

003-058 Labeling of Specimens and Test Requisitions

003-059 Test Reqs for Specimens Collected Outside of Lab

003-060 Venipuncture Procedure

003-062 Urine Collection- Midstream Clean Catch

003-063 24 hour Urine Specimen Collection

003-064 Stool Specimen Collection

003-065 Sputum Specimen Collection

003-066 Unsatisfactory Specimens for Laboratory Testing

Section 4: Hematology

003-039 Nasal Smear for Eosinophil Estimation

003-067 Medonic M-series procedure

003-070 Differential White Cell Count

003-071 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

003-073 Hematocrit- Micro-hematocrit Method

003-096 Slide Request: Send to U of Iowa Hospitals

Section 5: Chemistry

003-024 Glucose Tolerance Test

003-025 Glucose Test for Gestational Diabetes Screening- Post Prandial

003-034 Envoy 500 Maintenance Procedure

003-035 Envoy 500 Procedure

003-043 Ames Acetest Tablets Quality Control

003-048 Creatinine Clearance

003-074 Hemoglobin A1c

003-075 Glucose in Whole Blood Determination

003-076 Ketones in Blood Determination

003-077 Fecal Occult Blood

Section 6: Urinalysis

003-022 Urinalysis Quality Control

003-023 Urine Chemical Analysis

003-036 Clinitek Maintenance

003-037 Clinitek 500 Urine Chemistry Analyzer

003-078 Urine Sediment Microscopic Examination

003-079 Ictotest- Bilirubin in Urine

Section 7: Serology/Microbiology

003-026 Presence of Beta Strep Group A from Throat Specimens by Culture- Determination

003-056 Rapid Strep Test

003-080 Strep Selective Agar Plates and Taxo A Discs Used in Strep Screens- Quality Control

003-081 Wet Mount

003-082 KOH Prep

003-094 hCG Combo Test

003-095 OSOM Infectious Mononucleosis Test

003-108 Rapid Influenza AB

003-109 Rapid RSV

Section 8: Proficiency Testing

003-050 Split Testing with a Reference Laboratory

003-083 Performance of PT-API

003-084 Remedial Action to be Performed for Unsatisfactory Proficiency Testing Results

Section 9: Blood borne pathogens

003-003 ProSpore Autoclave Testing

003-087 Infectious Waste Disposal

008-029 Medical/Dental Equipment Management Plan

008-050 Hand Hygiene- Nail Enhancements/Fingernails


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