Go to the following site on Mr. Wood’s web page

Name: ______________________________WHAP 101Key Concept 6.1?Science and the EnvironmentStandard4.0 3.53.0 Not a 3.0 yet3.10.2Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions 50 – 46 points 45 - 41 Points 40 – 35 pointsUnder 35 points Take notes of this packet_______/14 pointsDirections for each of the online response paragraphsQuestions and responses worth 36 total points Answering the discussion questions – each of these questions needs to meet the following requirementsUse a correct topic sentence/claim – 1 pointUse 5-6 details that support your claim from evidence in the packet using at least 100- 200 words. – 4 pointsEach reply to an answer needs to meet the following Use a correct topic sentence to support the writers claim or make your topic sentence a counter-claim. – 1 pointUse 3-4 details to support your claim or counter-claim. – 3 points Question #1 - Which invention do you think made the biggest impact of the contemporary age (1900- present)? ______/5 points one reply to another student’s comment in agreement or disagreement ______/4 points Question #2 – Which scientific theory or discovery do you think made the biggest impact of the contemporary age (1900- present)?_______/5 points one reply to another student’s comment in agreement or disagreement ______/4 pointsQuestion #3 – Have our use of our resources been a positive or a negative for our society in the contemporary age (1900- present)? _______/5 points one reply to another student’s comment in agreement or disagreement ______/4 pointsQuestion #4 - Which Global disease or epidemic do you think has had the biggest impact on society of the contemporary age (1900- present)? (You may include any of the examples below or even Polio)________/5 points one reply to another student’s comment in agreement or disagreement ______/4 pointsPart I- InventionsWebsite Question for part III- Which invention do you think made the biggest impact of the contemporary age (1900- present)?Go to the following site on Mr. Wood’s web page - Inventions 1900 to 1990- down from the list what you think are the four most important inventions from 1900- 1990 and write down why these inventions were the most important InventionWhy do you think it was important 2-3 details Take notes on the following site from Mr. Wood’s website- Ford Model T - 100 Years Later notes on the following site from Mr. Wood’s website - The Invention of The Telephone - Take notes on the following site from Mr. Wood’s website - The History of Email- notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website - The Plane of the Wright Brothers (Milestones of Science) from 8:10 – 9:30, 11:10 – 14:05 – The Music alone makes this video worth watching! Part II- Scientific Theories and discoveriesWebsite Question for part II- Which scientific theory or discovery do you think made the biggest impact of the contemporary age (1900- present)?Take notes on the following link on Freemanpedia 6.1 – click on the picture Take notes on the following website Theory of relativity explained in 7 mins- down to the following section on Freemanpedia 6.1 – New scientific paradigms (? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Big Bang Theory)?transformed human understanding of the world.Take notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website - The Beginning of Everything -- The Big Bang - notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website - Neil DeGrasse Tyson- On Big Bang Theory- down to the following section on Freemanpedia 6.1 – New scientific paradigms (Theory of Relativity,?Quantum Mechanics,?Psychology)?transformed human understanding of the world.Quantum MechanicsTake notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website - The Origin of Quantum Mechanics (feat. Neil Turok) down to the following section on Freemanpedia 6.1 – The Green Revolution?(VIDEO)produced food for the earth’s growing population as it spread chemically and genetically enhanced forms of agriculture.?(2011 DBQ TOPIC)Take notes on the The Green Revolution – Introduction only Watch the following video from Mr. Wood’s website: Winner National History Day 2012 - The Green Revolution: Against All Odds- Parts –Title- I Learned …ConclusionWatch the following video from Mr. Wood’s website- The Polio Story - The Vaccine That Changed the World- from the beginning to 1:10 - How have vaccines affected human life and stopped disease over the past century? 1:30- 4:00 Why was polio such a problem in the 1930’s to 1952’s in the United States? 4:00 – 7:40 - What were some of the ideas people had about how the disease was spread? How was it actually spread? What did the disease do to the body? 15:25 – 16:00- What was Jonas Salk’s goal? 25:05 – 29:35 - How was the vaccinations from Jonas Salk tested? 37:45 – 40:05 - What are the results of Salk’s vaccine when it was tested around the country in the United States? 42:20 – 43:45 - What did Jonas Salk do with his vaccine after he created it? What large effect did his vaccine have? Read the following from Mr. Wood’s Website- The History of Antibiotics- the video from Mr. Wood’s website- How Do Antibiotics Work?- down to the following on Freemanpeida 6.1- Medical innovations (Polio Vaccine,? HYPERLINK "" \l "History" \t "_blank" Anitbiotics,?The artificial heart)?increased the ability of humans to survive.Take notes on the introduction from The artificial heartWatch the video from Mr. Wood’s website- State of the Heart: A history of artificial heart development (1994) Watch from the beginning to 2:10 Part III- Resources use and environmental consequences Website Question for part III- Have our use of our resources been a positive or a negative for our society in the contemporary age (1900- present)?? Watch the video from Mr. Wood’s website - Crude - The Incredible Journey Of Oil - – 4:05 – How is our current age an age of Oil?Watch the video from Mr. Wood’s website Where Does Our Oil Come From?- the video from Mr. Wood’s website Who Controls The World's Oil? - notes on the video on Mr. Wood’s website - Inside a nuclear reactor core - Bang Goes The Theory – BBC - note on the following reading from Mr. Wood’s websites - How Do Nuclear Plants Work? - note on the following reading from Mr. Wood’s websites - 11 Facts About Nuclear Energy notes on the video on Mr. Wood’s website - Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye - notes on the video on Mr. Wood’s website - Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming to Freemanpedia 6.1 to the following areaPollution threatened the world’s supply of water and clean air.?Deforestation?and?desertification?were continuing consequences of the human impact on the environment.?Rates of extinction of other species accelerated sharply.Take notes on the following article - Deforestation?Take notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website: CNN Explains: Deforestation- notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s website: [GCSE] Desertification - back to Freemanpedia 6.1Pollution threatened the world’s supply of water and clean air.?Deforestation?and?desertification?were continuing consequences of the human impact on the environment.?Rates of extinction of other species accelerated sharply.Rates of extinction of other species accelerated sharply.Part IV- Global Diseases and epidemics Website Question for part IV- Which Global disease or epidemic do you think has had the biggest impact on society of the contemporary age (1900- present)? (You may include any of the examples below or even Polio)Take notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s webpage- What is Malaria? - notes on the following video from Mr. Wood’s webpage - Are We Close To Ending Malaria? - to the following area of Freemanpedia 6.1 – Diseases associated with poverty (Malaria,?Cholera,?Tuberculosis)?persisted, while other?diseases emerged as new epidemics (1918 Flu,?HIV/AIDS,?Ebola)?and threats to human survival. In addition,?changing lifestyles (Diabetes,?Heart Disease,?Alzheimer's Disease) and increased longevity led to higher incidence of certain diseases.Cholera – take notes on the introduction only Take notes on the following video- The Story of Cholera - notes from Freemanpedia 6.1Tuberculosis – intro only Take notes on the following video- How The Body Reacts To Tuberculosis | MSF | - back to the following area of Freemanpedia 6.1 – Diseases associated with poverty (Malaria,?Cholera,?Tuberculosis)?persisted, while other?diseases emerged as new epidemics (1918 Flu,?HIV/AIDS,?Ebola)?and threats to human survival. In addition,?changing lifestyles (Diabetes,?Heart Disease,?Alzheimer's Disease) and increased longevity led to higher incidence of certain diseases.1918 Flu – take notes on the whole article (we also had a DBQ on this) Take notes on the following video -Spanish Flu Disaster notes on the following reading from the following reading - The Global HIV/AIDS?Epidemic notes on the following video- HIV/AIDS in AFRICA: A 10 MINUTE OVERVIEW the video and read from the following website that is linked to Mr. Wood’s website- Ebola Fast Facts - the following video from Mr. Wood’s website- The Story of Ebola - ................

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