Exploration and Colonization (1492-1763)

Unit 1: The Gilded Age1. Industry Comes of AgeAlexander Graham Bell Thomas EdisonGeorge Westinghouse Nikola teslaLaissez-faire“The Gilded Age”2. Rise of Big BusinessBessemer ProcessAndrew Carnegie – US SteelJohn D. Rockefeller – Standard OilJ.P. Morgan Cornelius Vanderbilt Monopoly/trust Robber Barons Captains of Industry “Social Darwinism”Horizontal IntegrationVertical Integration3. Labor Unions & StrikesKnights of LaborAmerican Federation of Labor Great Railroad Strike (1877) Haymarket Square Riot (1886) Homestead Strike (1892)Pullman Strike (1894) 4. Immigration & CitiesEllis Island Angel IslandNativism Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)Ethnic neighborhoods Dumbbell tenements Americanization programs Jane AddamsFrederick Law Olmstead Louis SullivanElisha OtisJacob Riis – book? About?5. Corruption & ReformWilliam “Boss” Tweed Political MachinesTammany Hall Thomas NastCredit Mobilier scandal Pendleton Act (1883)- Civil Service CommissionInterstate Commerce Commission (1887)Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)Unit 2: The Progressives1. The Progressive Movement“Muckrakers” Social GospelLincoln Steffens – book? About?Ida Tarbell – book? About? Upton Sinclair- book? About? Robert M. LaFollette17th AmendmentTriangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (1911) Prohibition movementWomen’s Christian Temperance Union Carrie Nation18th AmendmentNational American Women Suffrage Association 19th Amendment2. Race RightsBooker T. Washington – Beliefs? Tuskegee InstituteGeorge Washington CarverW.E.B. DuBois -beliefs? Ida B. WellsWilmington Race RiotsNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)3. ReformsTheodore Roosevelt – “Square Deal” Anthracite coal mine strikeTR: “good trusts” v. “bad trusts” Northern Securities vs. USA 1904 American Tobacco vs. USA 1911 Meat Inspection ActPure Food and Drug Act Conservation4. Progressive PresidentsElection of 1912 (Who won, Why?) Progressive “Bull Moose” Party Woodrow Wilson – (Triple Wall Privilege & 3 Pieces)16th AmendmentFederal Reserve Act (1913)Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)Unit 3: Imperialism1. Age of ImperialismImperialismCauses of Imperialism Matthew Perry“Seward’s Folly”Fredrick Jackson Turner- Frontier ThesisAnglo-SaxonismJosiah StrongAlfred Thayer Mahan Sanford B. Dole Queen LiliuokalaniAnti-Imperialist League 2. Spanish-American WarJose Martide L?me letter Yellow Journalism Joseph PulitzerWilliam Randolph Hearst JingoismU.S.S. MaineTeller Amendment Commodore George Dewey Rough RidersTreaty of Paris (1898) Foraker Act (1900)Platt Amendment (1902)3. Asia & Presidential InfluenceChina’s spheres of influence Open Door PolicyBoxer RebellionFilipino insurrection – Emilio Aguinaldo TR’s Big Stick DiplomacyPanama CanalRoosevelt Corollary “Great White Fleet”William Howard Taft – “Dollar Diplomacy” Woodrow Wilson – “Moral diplomacy”Unit 4: World War I1. The War to End WarsWorld War I Causes Central PowersAlliesArchduke Francis Ferdinand Gavrilo PrincipTrench warfareLusitania“Peace without victory” speech German unrestricted submarine warfare Zimmerman NoteRussian Revolution – Vladimir Lenin2. The HomefrontWhat was Wilson’s war aim? Selective Service ActWar Industries Board Food Administration Victory gardensCommittee on Public InformationNational War Labor Board Liberty Loan drives – war bondsEspionage Act (1917) & Sedition Act (1918)Schenck v. U.S. (1919) Great migration 3. Ending the WarConvoy systemAmerican Expeditionary Force – DoughboysGeneral John J. Pershing Armistice DayBig Four– Paris Peace Conference Fourteen PointsTreaty of Versailles (1919)IsolationismFlu epidemic of 1918-1919Unit 5: The Roaring Twenties1. Politics of the 1920s“Red Scare”- Palmer RaidsJ. Edgar HooverAmerican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Sacco & VanzettiChicago race riots (1919) Ku Klux Klan returnsEmergency Quota Act (1921) Kellogg-Briand PactTeapot Dome scandal Dawes Plan2. Culture of the 20s pt1.Henry FordImpact of automobileInstallment plan & buying on creditVolstead Act Prohibition Billy SundayBabe Ruth Al CaponeSpeakeasies & bootleggers FundamentalismScopes Trial Wright Brothers Charles Lindbergh3. Culture of the 20s pt 2.“Jazz Age”Hollywood- The Jazz Singer Margaret Sanger FlappersHarlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Marcus GarveyThe Lost GenerationF. Scott FitzgeraldUnit 6: The Great Depression1. The Depression Begins Speculation Buying on margin Black TuesdayHoover – Volunteerism plan “Rugged individualism” Hawley-Smoot Tariff HoovervillesHoover Dam Bonus Army Dust Bowl Okies2. FDR FDR PlatformFrances Perkins “Black Cabinet”First Hundred Days “Bank Holiday”Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)“Fireside Chats”3. The New DealCivilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Works Progress Administration (WPA) Huey P. Long – “Share the Wealth” John Maynard Keynes – deficit spendingNational Recovery Administration (NRA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)Social Security ActFair Labor Standards Act Supreme Court “packing scheme” 21st AmendmentFederal Art ProjectUnit 7: World War II1. US IsolationismBenito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Francisco FrancoNeutrality Acts (1935-37) Munich PactNazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact AppeasementGerman blitzkrieg Axis Powers AlliesBattle of BritainFDR’s “Four Freedoms” speech Selective Service Act (1940) Lend-Lease ActPearl Harbor2. WWII in America War Production BoardOffice of Price Administration RationingOffice of War Information (OWI) War bondsVictory gardensUnited Service Organizations (USO) Women in militaryWomen Air force Service Pilots (WASP)Los Angeles “zoot suit” riots “Rosie the Riveter” Tuskegee AirmenDouble V Campaign Navajo “code talkers”Japanese internment campsKorematsu v. US (1944)3. WWII in EuropeBattles of StalingradGeneral Dwight D. Eisenhower D-DayBattle of the Bulge General George PattonV-E Day4. WWII in PacificBataan death marchGeneral Douglas MacArthur Battle of MidwayIsland hopping Battles of Iwo Jima Japanese “kamikaze” Manhattan ProjectJ. Robert Oppenheimer Hiroshima & Nagasaki V-J Day5. WWII LegacyRape of NanjungHolocaust Anti-Semitism Kristallnacht Final SolutionDeath camps – Auschwitz Nuremberg TrialsYalta Conference Potsdam Conference United NationsUniversal Declaration of Human RightsUnit 8: The Cold War (1940s & 1950s)1. The Cold War Begins Cold War Satellite nations Iron Curtain Berlin Airlift Containment Truman DoctrineMarshall PlanNational Security Act (1947)North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Warsaw Pact2. Korean War, Asia & the Middle EastCreation of IsraelChinese Civil WarKorean War -why fight? Outcome? Limited warSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)3. Politics at HomeElection of 1948 Red ScareHouse Un-American Activities Committee Alger HissJoseph McCarthyJulius & Ethel Rosenberg GI Bill of Rights (1944) Arms race Hydrogen bombJohn Foster Dulles – “massive retaliation” “Brinksmanship”Fallout shelters SputnikNational Defense Education Act (1958)U-2 incident4. Life in the 1950sEisenhower DoctrineConsumerism “Baby Boom”Levittowns“White flight” Rise of the Sunbelt Rise of television “Televangelists” Jackie Robinson Elvis PresleyJonas Salk’s polio vaccine Interstate Highway Act Beat movementUnit 9: The Sixties1. Civil Rights Movement pt. 1Rosa ParksMartin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery Bus BoycottSouthern Christian Leadership Conference Thurgood MarshallBrown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas(1954)Little Rock Nine George Wallace Freedom Riders Sit-in movement- Greensboro2. Civil Rights Movement pt. 2March on Washington (1963) Birmingham “Bull” ConnorCivil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 24th Amendment“Freedom summer” (1964) Selma, Alabama March Malcolm XBlack Panthers3. JFKFidel Castro Election of 1960John F. Kennedy – PlatformNASA- Mercury, Gemini, ApolloAlan Shepard, John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Buzz AldrinPeace Corps Alliance for ProgressRobert McNamara – “flexible response” Bay of Pigs InvasionCuban Missile Crisis “Hot line”Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Berlin WallLee Harvey Oswald Jack RubyWarren Commission4. LBJLyndon B. Johnson “Great Society” War on PovertyHousing and Urban Development Medicare and MedicaidHead StartVolunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Job CorpsNational Endowment for the Humanities Earl Warren-Warren CourtUnit 10: Vietnam & Reforms1. Beginning of VietnamHo Chi Minh Domino theoryGeneva Accords Ngo Dihn Diem VietcongGulf of Tonkin Resolution Operation Rolling Thunder General William Westmoreland NapalmAgent OrangeHo Chi Minh Trail2. Ending Vietnam“Living room war”Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Tet OffensiveVietnamization Bombing Cambodia Kent StateMy Lai incident Pentagon PapersNew York Times v. United States (1971) Paris Peace AccordsFall of Saigon (1975) 26th Amendment (1971) War Powers Act (1973)3. Counterculture MovementCounterculture movement WoodstockGeneration gap The Beatles Andy Warhol Haight-Ashbury 4. Women, Minorities, & the EnvironmentBetty FriedanNational Organization for Women (NOW) Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)Gloria Steinem Phyllis SchlaflyTitle IX of the Higher Education Act (1972)Roe v. Wade (1973) César ChávezRalph Nader- National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety ActOccupational Safety & Health Administration Rachel CarsonEarth Day (April 22, 1970) Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act (1970)Clean Water Act (1972) Endangered Species Act (1973) Love CanalUnit 11: The 1970s1. NixonNew Federalism Silent majority“Law and Order” RealpolitikHenry KissingerStrategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT I) DétenteSwann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971)Watergate scandal 25th AmendmentUnited States v. Nixon (1974)2. FordStagflationOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Whip Inflation Now (WIN) Yom Kippur WarHelsinki Accords3. CarterAmnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers Dept. of EnergyThree Mile Island Panama Canal SALT II (1979)Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Camp David Accords Iranian hostage crisisUnit 12: Reagan and Bush Sr.1. Reagan Domestic PolicyNew Right Moral Majority ReaganomicsDeregulation of industry (goal/purpose) EntitlementsSandra Day O’Connor Texas v. Johnson 1989Challenger disaster AIDS/HIV2. Reagan Foreign RelationsStrategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Nicaragua – Sandinistas v. Contras Iran-Contra AffairEvil EmpireMikhail Gorbachev Glasnost PerestroikaIntermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty3. George Bush Sr.Colin Powell Tiananmen Square Fall of the Berlin Wall ApartheidNelson Mandela Saddam Hussein Persian Gulf War Operation Desert StormUnit 13: The 1990s to Present1. President Clinton & the 1990sBill Gates – Microsoft Steve Jobs – Apple Globalization Election of 1992Bill Clinton – New DemocratH. Ross PerotAmericans with Disabilities Act 1990 Brady Bill (1993)Family Medical Leave Act Oklahoma City bombing (1995)Waco siege (1993)Columbine High School (1999) Clinton impeachment European Union (EU)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1993 World Trade Center attack2. The 21st Century Election of 2000 Al GoreBush v. Gore (2000)No Child Left Behind Act (2002) September 11, 2001Al-QaedaOsama bin Laden TalibanPatriot ActDepartment of Homeland Security Axis of EvilOperation Iraqi Freedom Condoleezza RiceHurricane Katrina Barack ObamaAffordable Care Act (2010) ................

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