Political Ideologies - Glenview Park Secondary School

Political Ideologies

|Description |Ideology |Examples |

|Citizens exercise political power by |Democracy |United Kingdom, Israel |

|electing officials to govern-majority | | |

|rules, protection of minorities, freedom | | |

|No elected officials. Authority rests |Absolute Monarchy |Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates,|

|entirely with the monarch-king, queen, | |Swaziland, Brunei, Oman |

|sultan, sheikh, or emir. Transfer of power| | |

|from parent to child. | | |

|Authority rests with one party. Other |One Party Nation State |Zimbabwe, Libya, Iraq until the US invasion|

|parties are not allowed to exist. A | | |

|charismatic leader is usually head of the | | |

|political party. | | |

|Power to govern rests in the hands in one |Military Authoritarianism |Chile, Algeria, Pakistan? |

|or more military leaders who have often | | |

|seized power from an elected government | | |

|(coup d’etat) | | |

|Power is held by the spiritual leaders. |Religious Nation State |Iran, Afghanistan under the Taliban |

|Religious beliefs form the political | |1996-2001 |

|framework of the nation state. | | |

|Based on the writings of Marx and Engels. |Communist State |North Korea, Vietnam |

|They felt that the ruling class would be | | |

|overthrown by the working class. All land,| | |

|capital, and means of production would be | | |

|collectively owned by the citizens-no | | |

|private enterprise, religion, no free | | |

|press, and no criticism of the government. | | |

|The absence of any formal system of |Anarchy |Somalia |

|government in a society | | |


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