
Imperialism |Domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region

• Example: Britain taking over parts of Africa | |

|Why did European nations want colonies in Africa? |For raw materials and markets to sell their products to |

|Otto von Bismarck |Chancellor of Prussia |

| |Led the drive for German unification |

| |Germany’s industrial power grew stronger under Bismarck—substantial coal and iron reserves |

| |Military policy of warfare known as “blood and iron” |

|Realpolitik |Bismarck’s political policy |

|Amritsar Massacre |Massacre occurred when British killed and wounded over 1,000 Indians who were meeting peacefully|

| |to discuss overthrowing British rule |

| |General Dryer opened fire for 10 minutes on men, women and children |

|Dreyfus Affair |Dreyfus was inappropriately charged with treason in France |

| |He was imprisoned and then released when Esterhazy confessed to being both the forger and spy |

| |The Dreyfus Affair tore France apart |

|What was one advantage the European countries had? |They had powerful armies and navies |

|3 Nationalist leaders leading unification efforts in Italy |Giuseppe Mazzini |

| |Giuseppe Garibaldi |

| |Camillo Cavour |

|Giuseppe Mazzini |A rebel who founded “Young Italy”—a secret national society |

|Giuseppe Garibaldi |Member of “Young Italy” |

| |Led volunteer army called “Red Shirts” |

|Camillo Cavour |Prime minister of Sardinia |

| |Started war to gain land and build power |

|Panama Canal |Canal build by US in Central America to provide passageway from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean |

|Suez Canal |Canal built in Egypt to provided passageway from Europe to Middle East and Asia to increase |

| |trade |

|What was the cause of the Sepoy Mutiny (Rebellion)? |British insensitivity to Indian customs (ie. Animal fat used on the bullets went against Hindu |

| |customs) |

|Nationalism |Pride in one’s country; being loyal to their country |

| |Sharing common culture, customs, language and history |

|Sepoy |An Indian soldier serving in the British army |

|Social Darwinism |Using Darwin’s principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest to describe people. |

| |Justifies imperialism and the thinking that one group is superior to another group of people |

|Anti-Semitism |Prejudice against the Jewish people |

|Monroe Doctrine |Stated that “American continents were not to be subjected to future colonization by any European|

| |powers.” |

|Extraterritoriality |The rights of people are protected by the laws of their own country |

| |Example: Treaty of Nanjing allowed British citizens living in China right to live under British |

| |laws and be tried in British courts instead of Chinese courts |

|Spheres of Influence |An area in which an outside country claims exclusive trading rights and investment of money |

| |Europeans carved these “spheres of influence” in China and other places to prevent problems with|

| |themselves |

| |US claimed Latin America as its sphere of influence |

|Protectorate |When local rulers were left in place |

|What was the result of the Opium War? |It increased European spheres of influence in China |

| |Transformed China’s relations with the Western nations to one of caution and resentment |

|Zion |A person devoted to creating the Jewish homeland of Israel |

|Coalition |Temporary alliance of various political parties |

|Mercantilism |Policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build up supply of |

| |gold and silver |

|What was the goal of the British East India Company? |To make money for Britain |

|What is an important result of the French Revolution? |The rise of nationalistic movements |

|Berlin Conference |Meeting where European countries decided how to divide up Africa that they controlled |

|Suffrage |Voting rights |

|Boxer Rebellion |The revolt in China where the Fists of Righteous Harmony (Boxers) fought to get rid of “foreign |

| |devils” |

| |They wanted to expel the Europeans who had spheres of influence in China |

|Commodore Matthew Perry’s arrival in Japan signaled end to what? |Japanese policies of Isolationism |

|Why would Industrialization encourage imperialism? |Countries need more raw materials and markets to sell things to |

|Which European country controlled much of southern Africa in |Britain |

|1800’s | |

|The Meiji restoration in Japan was mostly what? |A balance between modernization and reform |

|Russia and Japan are similar how? |Both began modernizing after being isolationists |

|When a country is imperialistic to another country, who do they |Generally they disregard the cultural and ethnic traits of these people |

|treat those people? | |


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