Implemnenting Educational Policies in Kenya


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G. S. Eshiwani

World Bank Discussion Papers Africa Technical Department Series

Implemnenting Educational Policies in Kenya

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(Continued on the inside back cover.)

Implementing Educational Policies in Kenya

World Bank Discussion Papers Africa Technical Department Series

Studies on Implementation of African Educational Policies

No. 82 No. 83 No. 84 No. 85 No. 86 No. 87 No. 88 No. 89 No. 90 No. 91

Why EducationalPoliciesCan Fail:An Overview of SelectedAfricanExperiences ComparativeAfricanExperiencesin ImplementingEducationalPolicies ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Ethiopia Implementing EducationalPoliciesin Kenya ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Tanzania ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Lesotho ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Swaziland ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Uganda ImplementingEducationalPoliciesin Zambia Implementing EducationalPoliciesin Zimbabwe

The set of studies on implementation of African educational policies was edited by Mr. George Psacharopoulos. Mr. Psacharopoulos wishes to acknowledge the help of Professor G. Eshiwani, who beyond being the author of the case study on Kenya (see No. 85) has coordinated the production of the other case studies in the region.

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World Bank Discussion Papers Africa Technical Department Series

Implementing Educational Policies in Kenya

G. S. Eshiwani

The World Bank Washington, D.C.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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