|Originator(s): |Ella Stewart |Date: |December 1, 2005 |

|Division: |Communications and Humanities |Dept: |Speech |

|Program(s): |1 |2 |3 |

| |

|1. Course Title: |Types of Speaking |

| |

|2. Course Number: |SPCH 3 |

|3. Course |

|Information: |

|3a. Units/Hours |

|Lecture Units/Hours |Lab (2 to 1 ratio) Lab (3 to 1 ratio) |Total Units | |Lecture Units | |Lab Units |

|1 unit – 18 |Units/Hours Units/Hours | | | | | |

|2 units – 36 |1 unit – 36 1 unit – 54 | | | | | |

|3 units – 54 |2 units – 72 2 units – 108 | | | | | |

|4 units – 72 |3 units – 108 3 units – 162 | | | | | |

|5 units – 90 |4 units – 144 4 units – 216 | | | | | |

| |5 units – 180 5 units – 270 | | | | | |

| | |3 |= |3 |+ |0 |

| |

|X |

|X |General Ed Breadth |

|Area(s): A |Communication and Critical Thinking |

|3e. Maximum Enrollment: | |Enter number |

|3f. Credit/No Credit ONLY |N |Yes or No (usually No) |

|3g. Credit/No Credit ALLOW |Y |Yes or No (usually Yes) |

|3h. Can be taken |1 |time(s) for credit (maximum 2): |

| | |(If more than 1, justify with one of the following) |

| | |It is a lab class that emphasizes the development of skills over time |

| | |It is a lecture course in which the content varies from year to year |

|3i. TOP code (click here) |1506.00 |3j. Classification |T5/55001(a)(1)(B) |3k. SAM Code |E |

|3l. CAN number | |

| |

|Originator(s): Ella Stewart Date: December 1, 2005 |

| |

|Division Chair: Chelvi Subramaniam Date: |

| |

|Administrator: Dr. Loretta Canett-Bailes Date: |

| |

|Curriculum Chair: Saul Panski Date: May 24, 2006 |

| |

|Senate Approval:___________ Board Approval:____________ State Approval: ____________ |

| |

|4. Catalog Description (in gray box below) |

|This course provides training in a variety of speaking situations, including expository speaking, persuasive speaking, interpersonal and group |

|communication, debate and oral interpretation of literature. Emphasis is on extensive research, critical thinking and effective presentational skills. |

|5. Class Schedule Description: (in gray box below) |

|Same. |

| |

|6. Need/Justification: (in gray box below) |

|This is a core speech course and meets the GE requirements for the AA/AS Degree. It is also transferable to both the CSU and UC systems |

|7a. Prerequisite(s) (in gray box below): |

|Prerequisites go through a separate approval process. |

|None. |

|7b. Corequisite(s) (in gray box below): |

|Corequisites go through a separate approval process. |

|None. |

|7c. Recommended Preparation (in gray box below): |

|Completion of ENGL l2B (or ENGL l2) or equivalent. |

|7d. Other Enrollment Criteria: |

|None. |

|8. Learning Objectives/Outcomes: (express in behavioral terms and in separate list of items for each category in gray box below): |

|Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to do the following: |

|Objectives: |

|Compare and contrast different types of rhetorical situations and strategies. |

| |

|Compare and contrast the goals of expository and persuasive speech. |

| |

|Cite types of audiences and apply analysis to speech presentations. |

| |

|Research social, political and economic issues and prepare a bibliography using the MLA format |

| |

|Outline the principles of interpersonal communication. |

| |

|Analyze the principles of group dynamics in group discussions and role play. |

| |

|Identify and describe historical functions and trends of oral interpretation. |

| |

|List the reasons for “stage fright” and develop and apply effective methods for managing nervousness |

| |

|Outcomes: |

|A. Deliver a persuasive or expository speech advocating policy changes on a political, economic issue. |

| |

|B. Apply the principles of debate in short debates on political, economic and social issues. |

| |

|C. Perform as leader of a group and facilitate discussion on a political, social, or economic issue. |

| |

|9. Course Content: (outline of main topics and subtopics in gray box below) |

|Introduction to the study of Expository speaking |

|Assign a “Concept” speech to inform the class what the meaning of wisdom, love, freedom is. |

|Assign a topic dealing with a social, political, or economic issue and prepare a l0-l4 minute speech to educate the audience. |

| |

|Introduction to the study of Persuasion |

|Assign a proposition of policy to each student who will prepare a l0-l4 minute speech to persuade the audience to believe a proposition. |

|Research techniques and MLA format |

| |

|Introduction to the study of Interpersonal Communication. |

|Present a group project that examines the types of communication in conflict situations and create an actual conflict scenario then demonstrate how to |

|solve it. |

|2. Stage fright |

|3. Identify types of communication climates that include: |

|a. Initiating and maintaining communication |

|b. Description vs. evaluative |

|c. Open vs. hidden agendas |

|d. Provisional vs. dogmatic |

| |

|Introduction to the study of Debate |

|Research a topic of concern for practice in using different discussion formats. |

|Formal |

|Cross examination |

| |

|Introduction to the study of Group Communication |

|Research a topic of concern to practice in using different discussion formats. |

|Decision making |

|Panel |

|Symposium |

|Dialogue |

| |

|Introduction to the study of Oral Interpretation. |

|Historical functions and trends in oral literature |

|Assign two poems to each student for study and oral reading. |

|10. Methods of Instruction: (reflective of a variety of learning styles in gray box below) |

|Methods of instruction may include, but are not limited to the following: |

|Lecture/Discussion |

| |

|Power Point Presentations |

| |

|Media and software programs |

| |

|Workgroup discussions |

| |

|Field Trips |

| |

|Guest Speakers |

|11. Methods of Evaluation: A student's grade shall be determined by the instructor using multiple measures of performance related to the course objectives. |

|Methods of evaluation may include but are not limited to the following: |

|A. Outlines that reveal student’s ability to organize and develop expository, persuasive, debate and group discussion presentations. |

| |

|B. Portfolios of research and presentations |

| |

|C. Delivery of various speeches from different genres. |

| |

|D. Evidence of understanding and application of principles as demonstrated during in-class exercises |

| |

|E. Regular class participation. |

| |

|F. Midterm and Final exams inclusive of essay/short answer format.. |

|12. Examples of Assignments: Students will be expected to understand and critique college level texts or the equivalent. Reading and writing, as well as out|

|of class assignments are required. These assignments may include but are not limited to the following: |

|A. Written |

|1. Speech outlines |

|2. Speech manuscripts |

|3. Audience profiles |

|4. Library research |

|5. Bibliography format |

|6. Advanced vocabulary |

|7. Textbook readings |

|8. Reading approximately 20 pages per week from a college level textbook. |

| |

|Field Trips |

|1. Written assessment of experiences |

| |

|Oral Presentations |

|1. l0-l4 minute expository speech with portfolio |

|2. l0-l4 minute persuasive speech with portfolio |

|3. l0-l5 minute debate |

|4. 7-l0 minute poetry selection |

|5. 15-20 minute Group presentation |

| |

|D. Other (Term project, research paper, portfolios, etc.) |

|13. Textbook (s): The required college-level textbooks may include, but are not limited to the following: |

|(1) Required: |

|Gronbeck, Bruce E. et al |

|(Author) |

|Principles of Speech Communication |

|(Title) |

|Longman 0321010043 1997 |

|(Publisher) ISBN (Publication Date) |

| |

|(2) Required: |

| |

|Olsen, David |

|(Author) |

|Words You Should Know: 1200 Essential Words Every Educated Person Should be Able to Use and Define |

|(Title) |

|Adams Media 1558500189 1991 |

|(Publisher) ISBN (Publication Date) |

| |

| |

|Other Reference Materials/Supplies |

|References used for projects: |

|Computer-generated research |

|2. Journals |

|3. Newspapers |

|4. Magazines |

|5. Experts |

|Assigned readings |

|7. Textbook |






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