Persuasive Speech Topics - Doral Academy Prep

Persuasive Speech Topics

• Do schools have the right to search students’ lockers?

• Should children be given sex education in schools, or should this be the responsibility of the parents?

• Should the state fund schools run by particular faiths?

• Should schools require their students to wear a school uniform?

• Are beauty contests harmful?

• Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?

• Should parents be held morally and legally responsible for the actions/needs of their children?

• Should young people be subjected to curfews as a way to reduce crime?

• Should doctors be allowed to prescribe contraception for girls under the age of 16?

• Is physical force a justifiable method of punishing children?

• Should governments be sending people into space?

• Should governments negotiate with terrorists?

• Can terrorism ever be justified?

• Should negative advertising in political campaigns be banned?

• Should governments censor material on the world wide web?

• Should the government censor lyrics of songs that are violent or expletive, for example “gangsta” rap?

• Does television have a negative influence on society?

• Should flag burning as a form of protest be prohibited?

• Should the state be fully privatized?

• Should ‘factory farming’ be banned?

• Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?

• Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why?

• Should the present international ban on trading elephant ivory be lifted?

• Should the international ban on the hunting of whales be lifted?

• Should we ban the keeping of animals in zoos?

• Should we ban the keeping of animals in circuses?

• Should acts of hate be criminalized?

• What acts should be considered hate crimes?

• Is it correct for university authorities to ban hate speech?

• Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?

• Should examinations be replaced with other forms of assessment?

• Should school students face mandatory drug-tests?

• Should continued office for public officials be dependent on (successfully) taking a drug test?

• Should HIV positive workers have to tell their employers of their status?

• Should sex offenders be named and shamed?

• Can the assassination of a dictator be justified?

• Should assisted suicide be legalized?

• Should we legalize the sale of human organs?

• Should the numbers of women in the legislature be raised artificially?

• Should mothers stay at home to raise their children?

• Should prostitution be legalized?

• Should the morning-after pill be banned?

• Should popular consumerist images of women be banned because they are violent?

• Should cell phone use in cars be banned?

• Should gambling be legalized and regulated?

• Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport be legalized?

• Is sport really good for us?

Persuasive Speech Topics on Current Affairs

Current affairs make really good speech topics because, along with elocution ability of the student, they also bring out the thought process and thinking ability of the student. Here are some speech topics for current affairs.

• Isn't Health Insurance the Right of all Americans?

• Nuclear Proliferation: Will Development of Nuclear Weapons Fuel a Third World War?

• Violent Video Games Should be Banned

• Is Death Penalty Inhuman?

• Euthanasia: The Right to Die?

• Some Thoughts About Human Cloning.

• Pros and Cons of Adoption.

• The Grim Reality of Climate Change.

• Use of Mobile Phones in Schools.

• Should an Extra Language be Made Mandatory in Schools

Persuasive Speech Topics on Student Life

There are some students who prefer talking about issues that are specific to people of their generation. As students can directly associate with some of these things, they tend to become very good persuasive speech topics for high school students.

• Are Websites like Facebook or MySpace Substituting Face-to-Face Social Interaction

• Homework Should be Banned

• Television is a Bad Influence

• Pros and Cons of Coeducation Schools

• Importance of Finding a Career

• Is There a More Effective Punishment than Grounding

• Should Schools Make Uniforms Compulsory?

• The Cons and Cons of Junk Food. ('Cons' repeated twice for effect.)

• Sex Education in Schools

• Teen Pregnancy

• Best TV Shows for Middle School Students.

Funny Speech Topics for Middle School Students

There are some students that just cannot pull off the intensity, which is needed for serious topics and it would be best that they don't try those. So here are some light-hearted yet funny persuasive speech topics for middle school.

• Unusual Career Choices

• Why Some Brands are More Popular in Schools than Others?

• Some Funny Experiences Last Year.

• Celebrities Who Have the Greatest Pull on American Students Today.

• A Critical Evaluation of Our Superheroes: Batman, Spiderman or Superman?

• What if There was No Harry Potter/Twilight?

• When I Grow Up...

• Stupid Things My Pet Keeps Doing.

• Is There Life After Death?

• Is There Life on Mars?

• Are Vampires Real?


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