AP US I – Midterm Review Sheet

AP US I – Midterm Review Sheet

Chapters 1-3

Motives for English Exploration

▪ Goals of English colonization

▪ Types of Colonies – Royal, Proprietor, Coporate

Jamestown and Plymouth

▪ Founding

▪ Impact on economic development

▪ Impact on social development

▪ Comparative study – Jamestown and Plymouth

▪ Political development

o Mayflower Compact

Bacon's Rebellion

▪ Causes and Effects

Massachusetts Bay Colony and dissent

▪ Anne Hutchinson

▪ Roger Williams

▪ Reasons for dissent

▪ Result

▪ Native Americans and Puritans

Monarchs and their role in colonization effort

▪ James I 1603-1625

o Begins process

▪ Charles I 1625-1649

o Development

o Then, Civil War

▪ Cromwells (Lord Protector)

o 1649-1659

o Process stalls

▪ Charles II 1660-1685

o Restoration

o Dutch conquest and middle colonies

▪ James II 1685-1689

o Dominion of New England

▪ William and Mary 1689-1702

o Salutary Neglect


▪ Defined

▪ Navigation Acts

▪ Impact on England

▪ Impact on English Colonies


▪ North and South

▪ Characteristics of, and comparison of- colony by colony

▪ Slavery- status and prevalence

o Culture

▪ Role of commerce/trade

Salem Witch Trials

▪ Causes

▪ Effects


▪ Europe, America

▪ Key Figures

▪ Impact on Education

Great Awakening

▪ Causes

▪ Beliefs

▪ Key Figures

Chapter 4 – Empire in Transition

French and Indian War

• Causes

• Which countries fought on which side? Why?

• Native Americans – Which sides? Why?

• Ohio Rive Valley – Where is it? Why was the land important?

• North American Landscape – who claimed and controlled what areas?

• Key People – William Pitt, General Braddock, Pontiac

• Treaty of Paris (1763) – Provisions

Colonial – British Relations after the War

• Problems facing the British after the war

• Attempt solutions – how did they impact the Colonies?

• Key People (British): George Grenville, George III, Charles Townshend, Thomas Gage

• Key People (Colonists): Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, First Continental Congress

Chapter 5 – American Revolution

1) What were the Political and Philosophical Reasons for Independence and the sources of the philosophies?

2) Identify influences and effects of "Common Sense" and “The Declaration of Independence.

3) Articulate the 3 phases (Boston/Northeast, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies) of the Revolution; military strategy, key battles and events and outcomes

4) Identify key military personas of the American Revolution, both American and British.

5) Describe the various reasons for the American Victory.

6) What were the Strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? Why was did it create such a weak national government.?

7) What was the purpose of the key legislation passed during the Confederation period?

Land Ordinance – 1785

Northwest Ordinance – 1787

8) Describe the Treaty of Paris, its delegates, provisions, and the future problems which resulted.

9) What was the importance of Shays' Rebellion, its Causes and Effects?

Chapter 6 and Chapter 7: Constitution through the War of 1812

1. Describe the Bill of Rights Debate. Why is its inclusion so important?

2. What were the details of Hamilton's Financial Plan? How did it impact the nation and what bargains were struck to ensure passage?

3. Describe the first Political Parties and their platforms.

4. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? How did these limit civil liberties? What role did they play in partisanship? Relate to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.

5. Explain the structure of the government proposed by the Virginia and NJ Plans, and the subsequent Great Compromise which created the current structure.

6. What was the significance of Shay's Rebellion in terms of the Constitutional Convention? Compare the causes and outcomes to both Bacon’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion.

7. Be able to differentiate between Jay's Treaty and Pinckney's Treaty. What problems were solved and what new problems arose?

8. Describe the election of 1796, 1800 and explain why 1800 was called a revolution.

9. Identify President Washington’s administration; His Successes and Failures.

10. Identify President Adams’ administration; His Successes and Failures.

11. Identify President Jefferson’s administration; His Successes and Failures.

12. Identify President Madison’s administration; His Successes and Failures.

13. What were the details of and overall significance of the SC case, Marbury v. Madison.

14. Describe the Louisiana Purchase and why Jefferson was philosophically torn.

15. Identify Lewis and Clark, Zebulon Pike, Problems between Burr and Hamilton

16. List the causes, both long and short term, of the War of 1812?

17. What were the terms of the Treaty of Ghent? Other agreements following the Treaty of Ghent (through 1817)?

Chapter 8 – See Chapter 8 Review Sheet


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