Political Theory - California State University, Northridge

Reading List

The Graduate Program

Department of Political Science

California State University, Northridge

November 2002

The following is a selected list of some of the main books in the various sub-disciplines of political science. This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor are MA students expected to be familiar with all of the books mentioned here. This list does provide a general guide for some of the more notable scholarly contributions to political science, as well as the major debates and theories in the discipline. MA students should be able to identify these major debates and theories, as well as the works that typify them.

Political Theory

Arendt. The Human Condition, Between Past and Future

Aristotle. The Ethics, The Politics.

St. Augustine. City of God.

Barber, Strong Democracy.

Barker, Ernest. Principles of Social and Political Theory. Clarendon Press. 1951.

Bell. The End of Ideology.

Bent ham, Jeremy. The Principles of Morals and Legislation, Anarchical Fallacies.

Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France.

Condren, Conal. The Status and Appraisal of Classic Texts: An Essay on Political Theory, Its Inheritance, and the History of Ideas. 1985.

Constant Benjamin. Political Writings.

Durkheim, Emile. Division of Labor in Society.

Easton. A Systems Analysis of Political Life.

Elliot, Edward. Theory of the State. 1917.

Foucault. Discipline and Punishment, History of Sexuality Vol. 1

Freud. Civilization and Its Discontents.

Gaventa, John. Power and Powerlessness. 1980.

Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity.

Gunnell John. Political Theory: Tradition and Interpretation

Habermas. Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, The Theory of Communicative Action

Hegel. The Philosophy of History.

Hirshman, Nancy, and Di Stefano, Christine (eds.) Revisioning the Political: Feminists Reconstructions of Traditional Concepts in Western Political theory.

Hobbes. Leviathan.

Hoffman M. International Political Theory.

Hume, David, Essays, Moral, Political and Literary.

Ivison, Duncan. Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Lenin, Vladimir. Imperialism, the State and Revolution.

Locke. Two Treatises of Government.

Lowe, Toby Joeseph. The Concept of Community in Political Theory.

Lukes, Steven. Power

Kant. Perpetual Peace and Other Essays.

Machiavelli.. The Prince.

Machiavelli. The Discourses.

Mannheim. Ideology and Utopia.

MacKennon. Feminism Unmodified.

Marx, Karl. The Marx-Engels Reader. (separate works contained within include: On the Jewish Question, The German Ideology, The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, the Communist Manifesto)

Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty, Considerations on Representative Government

Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws

Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals, Beyond Good and Evil.

Paine, Thomas. Common Sense, Rights of Man

Pateman, Carole. Participation and Democratic Theory

Plato. The Cave.

Pufendorf, Samuel, On the Duty of Man and Citizen

Rawls. A Theory of Justice, Political Liberalism.

Rousseau. The Discourses and Other Writings, On the Social Contract

Schumpeter. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.

Skinner, Quentin, Meaning and Context.

Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations.

Strauss, An Introduction to Political Philosphy.

Thycidedes, History of the Peloponesian War.

De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America.

Weber, Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Wolin, Sheldon. Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought.

Wollstonecraft. A Vindication of the Rights of Women.

Comparative Politics.

Alexander, KC and Kumeran KP. Culture and Development. 1992.

Alfred, Stepan. Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. 1988.

Almond, Gabriel and Sidney Verba. The Civic Culture. 1963.

Almond, Gabriel and G. Bingham Powell. Comparative Politics: System, Process and Policy. (most recent edition)

Alsina-Naudi, Anna. Mini-Nationalisms as Rational Political Movements: A Comparative Analysis. 1995.

Arnold, Guy. The End of the Third World. 1993.

Atul, Kohli, ed. The State and Development in the Third World.1987.

Barkley, Henri J. The Politics of Economic Reform in the Middle East. 1992.

Barnes/Kaase. Political Action.

Bayart, Jean Francois. The State in Africa. 1993.

Bhalla, AS. Uneven Development in the Third World. 1992.

Binder, Leonard, et. Al. Crisis and Sequences in Political Development. 1971.

Dahl, Robert A, Polyarchy

Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner, eds., Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Democracy

Diamond, Linz, and Lipset. Politics in Developing Countries.

Diamond, Political Culture and Democracy in Developing Countries.

Di Palma, Guiseppe. To Craft Democracies: An Essay on Democratic Transitions.

Dogan, Mattei and Dominique Pelassey. How to Compare Nations. 1990.

Downs, Anthony. An Economic Theory of Democracy.

Duverger, M. Political Parties.

Evans. Embedded Autonomy. 1995.

Farsoun, Smaih and Mehrdad Mashayekhi, eds. Iran: Political Culture in the Islamic Republic. 1992.

Findlay, Allan. M. Development Issues in the Arab World. 1994.

Franklin, Daniel P. and Baun, Michael, eds. Political Culture and Constitutionalism. 1994.

Geertz, Clifford. Old Societies and New States.

Goldstone. Revolutions (2nd edition)

Grofman , Bernard and Arend Lijphart,eds., Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences and Choosing an Electoral System.

Haggard and Kaufman. The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions.

Huntington, Samuel. Political Order in Changing Societies. 1968.

Huntington, Samuel. The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late 20th Century. 1991.

Inglehart, Ronald. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Societies. 1990.

Inglehart. The Silent Revolution. 1977.

Kamrava, Mehran. Politics and Society in the Third World. 1993.

Kamrava, Mehran. Understanding Comparative Politics. 1996.

Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political Man.

Lawson/Merkl. When Parties Fail.

Laver and Budge, eds. Party Policy and Government Coalitions

Lijphart, Arend. Democracies in Plural Societies.

Lijphart, Arend. Patterns of Democracies.

Lindbloom, Politics and Markets.

Mair, Peter, ed. West European Party Systems

Migdal, Joel, Atul Kohli and Vivienne Shue, eds. State Power and Social Forces: Domination and Transformation.

Moore, Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy.

O’Donnell, Guillermo and Philippe Schmitter. Transitions from Authoritarian Rule.

O'Donnell, Guillermo, J. Mainwaring, and J.S. Valenzuela,eds. ,Issues in Democratic Consolidation: The New South American Democracies.

Putnam, Robert. Making Democracy Work.

Pye, Lucian W. Asian Power and Politics,

Satloff, Robert B. ed. The Politics of Change in the Middle East.

Selbin, Eric, Modern Latin American Revolutions.

Skocpol, Theda. States and Social Revolutions.

Martin Shapiro. 1981. Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Somjee, AH Political Society in Developing Countries.

Tarrow, Sidney, Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics,

Verba, Nie, Kim. Participation and Political Equality.

Ware, Alan. Political Parties and Party Systems

Weeks, John, and Pelepessy, Wim, eds. Economic Maladjustment in Central America.

Weiner, Myron and Banuazizi, eds. The Politics of Social Transformation in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan.

International Relations

Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow. 1999. Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis Baldwin ed. 1993. Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate

Ian Brownlie. 1998. Principles of Public International Law.

Hedley Bull. 1977. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics.

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and David Lalman. 1992. War and Reason.

E. H. Carr. 1964. The Twenty Years Crisis.

Barry E. Carter and Phillip R. Trimble. 1991. International Law.

James E. Dougherty and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. 2001. Contending Theories of International Relations

Michael W. Doyle. 1997. Ways of War and Peace.

Michael W. Doyle and G. John Ikenberry, eds. 1997. New Thinking in International Relations Theory.

Francis Fukuyama. 1992. The End of History and the Last Man.

Robert Gilpin. 1987. The Political Economy of International Relations.

Robert Gilpin. 1981. War and Change in World Politics.

Peter A. Gourevitch. 1986. Politics in Hard Times: Comparative Responses to International Economic Crises

Hugo Grotius. 1901. The Rights of War and Peace.

Ernst B. Haas. 1964. Beyond the Nation State: Functionalism and International Organization.

Louis Henkin. 1979. How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy,

Thomas Hobbes. 1962. Leviathan.

E. J. Hobsbawm. 1990. Nations and Nationalism since 1780.

Immanuel Kant. 1957. Perpetual Peace..

Ole Holsti. 1970. Crisis, Escalation and War.

Samuel P. Huntington. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.

Robert Jervis. 1976. Perception and Misperception in International Politics.

Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, and Stephen D. Krasner, eds. 1999. Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics

Peter B. Kenan. 1995. Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Moving Beyond Maastricht

George F. Kennan. 1984. Diplomacy in the Modern World.

Paul F. Kennedy. 1987. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000.

Robert O. Keohane , ed. 1986. Neo Realism and its Critics.

Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye. 2001. Power and Interdependence,

Robert O. Keohane. 1984. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy.

Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., eds. 1972. Transnational Relations and World Politics.

John Maynard Keynes. 1920. The Economic Consequences of the Peace

Henry A. Kissinger. 1957. A World Restored: Castlereagh, Metternich, and the Restoration of Peace, 1812-1822.

John Mearsheimer. 2001. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics

Hans J. Morgenthau. 1985. Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. 1997. Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History.

Elinor Ostrom. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action.

John G. Ruggie. 1998. Constructing the World Polity: Essays on International Institutionalization (The New International Relations).

Thomas Risse, Stephen Ropp, and Kathryn Sikkink, eds. 1999. The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change.

Oscar Schachter. 1991. International Law in Theory and Practice.

John Spanier. 1993. Games Nations Play,

Susan Strange. 1988. States and Markets.

Paul R. Viotti and Mark V. Kauppi (1999). International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism, and Beyond,

Immanuel Wallerstein. 1976. The Modern World-System.

Kenneth Waltz. 1979. Theory of International Politics.

Kenneth Waltz. 2000. Man, the State, and War,

Martin Wight. 1995. Power Politics.

Quincy Wright. 1955. The Study of International Relations

American Politics

Alexander, Herbert Financing Politics

Arnold, The Logic of Congressional Action

Barber, Presidential Character

Bensel, Yankee Leviathan

Berry, Jeffrey. The New Liberalism: The Rising Power of Citizen Groups

Ceaser, Presidential Selection

Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan

Dahl, Preface to Democratic Theory

Davis, Mike, City of Quartz

DeLeon, Richard, Left Coast

De Tocqueville, Democracy in America

W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk

Ginsberg and Shefter, Politics By Other Means

Greider, William. Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country

Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison and John Jay. The Federalist Papers

Harrington, Michael. The Other America

Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America

Hofstadter, The Idea of a Party System

Huntington, American Politics: Promise of Disharmony

Jacobson, The Politics of Congressional Elections

Kernell, Going Public

King, Letters From A Birmingham Jail

Krehbiel, Information and Legislative Organization

Lincoln, Perpetuation of our Political Institutions

Lippman, Walter. Essays in Public Philosophy

Lowi, The Personal President

Lowi, The End of Liberalism

Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection

Mayhew, David, Divided We Govern

Milkis, The President and the Parties

Miller, Stokes, etc., The Changing American Voter

Neustadt, Richard. Presidential Power and Modern Presidents

Reedy, George, The Twilight of the Presidency

Rosenstone and Hansen, Mobilization, Participation and Democracy in America

Skowronek, The Politics That Presidents Make

Skowronek, Building a New American State

Schattschneider, E.E., Semisovereign People

Shepsle, “The Changing Textbook Congress”

Sinclair, Unorthodox Lawmaking

Savage, David: Turning Right: The Making of the Renquist Supreme Court

Skocpol, Theda and Morris Fiorina, eds. Civic Engagement in American Democracy

Smith, Hendrick. The Power Game

Sonenshein, Politics in Black and White

Sorauf and Beck, Party Politics in America

Sowell, Thomas, Civil Rights: Rhetorica or Reality?

Stone, Clarence, Regime Politics in Atlanta

Teixeira, Rui, The Disappearing American Voter

Tulis, The Rhetorical Presidency

Verba, Sidney, and Norman Nie, Participation in America

Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality

White, Theodore. The Making of the President


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