|Year |DBQ |CCOT |Comparative |

|2003 |Using the documents, analyze the main features, including causes and |Describe and analyze the cultural, economic, and political|Compare and contrast the roles of women in TWO of the following |

| |consequences, of the system of indentured servitude that developed as|impact of Islam on ONE of the following regions between |regions during the period from 1750 to 1914. |

| |part of global economic changes in the nineteenth and into the |1000 CE and 1750 CE. Be sure to discuss continuities as | |

| |twentieth centuries. What additional kind of document(s) would help |well as changes. |East Asia |

| |assess the historical significance of indentured servitude in this | |Latin America |

| |period? |West Africa |Sub-Saharan Africa |

| | |South Asia |Western Europe |

| | |Europe | |

|2004 |Based on the following documents, analyze the responses to the spread|Analyze the changes and continuities in labor systems |Compare and contrast how the First World War and its outcomes |

| |of Buddhism in China. What kind of additional document(s) would you |between 1750 to 1914 in ONE of the following areas: |affected TWO of the following regions in the period from the war |

| |need to evaluate the extent of Buddhism’s appeal in China? | |through the 1930’s: |

| | |Latin American and the Caribbean | |

| | |Russia |East Asia |

| | |Sub-Saharan Africa |Middle East |

| | | |South Asia (Indian Subcontinent) |

|2005 |Analyze the issues that twentieth-century Muslim leaders in South |Analyze the social and economic transformations that |Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol |

| |Asia and North Africa confronted in defining their nationalism. What|occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts|rule on TWO of the following regions: |

| |additional kind of document(s) would be most helpful in furthering |among Western Europe, Africa and the Americas from 1492 to| |

| |your analysis? |1750. |China |

| | | |Middle East |

| | | |Russia |

|Year |DBQ |CCOT |Comparative |

|2006 |Using the documents, analyze the social and economic effects of the |Analyze the cultural and political changes and |Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the revolutionary |

| |global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early |continuities in ONE of the following civilizations during |process in TWO of the following countries, beginning with the |

| |eighteenth century. Explain how another type of document would help |the last centuries of the classical era: |dates specified: |

| |you analyze the effects of the flow of silver bullion in this period.| | |

| | |Chinese, 100 CE to 600 CE |Mexico 1910 |

| | |Roman, 100 CE to 600 CE |China 1911 |

| | |Indian, 300 CE to 600 CE |Russia 1917 |

|2007 |Using the documents analyze Han and Roman attitudes towards |Analyze the major changes and continuities in the |Within the period from 1450 to 1800, compare the processes (e.g., |

| |technology. Identify one additional type of document and explain |formation of national identities in ONE of the regions |political, social, economic) of empire building in the Spanish |

| |briefly how it would help your analysis. |listed below from 1914 to the present. Be sure to include|Empire with the empire-building processes in ONE of the following:|

| | |evidence from specific countries in the region selected: | |

| | | |The Ottoman Empire |

| | |Middle East | |

| | |Southeast Asia |OR |

| | |Sub-Saharan Africa | |

| | | |The Russian Empire |

|2008 |The Olympic Games were athletic competitions held in Greece |Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the |Compare the emergence of nation-states in nineteenth-century Latin|

| |approximately every four years from 776 BCE to 393 BCE. After |Indian Ocean region from 650 CE to 1750 CE. |America with the emergence of nation-states in ONE of the |

| |several years of planning, the first modern Olympic Games were held | |following regions: |

| |in Athens in 1896. | | |

| | | |Sub-Saharan Africa |

| | | |The Middle East |

|Year |DBQ |CCOT |Comparative |

|2009 |Using the documents, analyze African actions and reactions in |Analyze continuities and changes in patterns of |For the period from 1500 to 1830 compare North American racial |

| |response to the European Scramble for Africa. Identify an additional|interactions along the Silk Roads from 200 BCE to 1450 CE.|ideologies and their effects on society with Latin |

| |type of document and explain how it would help in assessing African | |American/Caribbean racial ideologies and their effects on society.|

| |actions and reactions. | | |

|2010 |Using the following documents analyze similarities and differences in|Describe and explain continuities and changes in religious|Analyze similarities and differences in methods of political |

| |the mechanization of the cotton industry in Japan and India in the |beliefs and practices in ONE of the following regions from|control in TWO of the following empires in the Classical period. |

| |period from the 1800s to the 1930s. Identify an additional type of |1450 to present. | |

| |document and explain how it would help your analysis of the | |Han China (206 BCE – 220 CE) |

| |mechanization of the cotton industry. |Sub-Saharan Africa |Mauryan/Gupta India (320 BCE – 550 CE) |

| | |Latin America/Caribbean |Imperial Rome (31 BCE – 476 CE) |

|2011 |Using the following documents, analyze the causes and consequences of|Analyze changes and continuities in long-distance |Analyze similarities and differences in the rise of TWO of the |

| |the Green Revolution in the period from 1945 to the present. Identify|migrations in the period from 1700 to 1900. Be sure to |following empires: |

| |and explain one additional type of document and explain how it would |include specific examples from at least TWO different | |

| |help your analysis of the Green Revolution. |world regions. |A West African Sudanic empire (Mali OR Ghana OR Songhay) |

| | | |The Aztec Empire |

| | | |The Mongol Empire |

|2012 |Using the following documents, analyze the relationship between |Analyze continuities and changes in trade networks between|Compare demographic and environmental effects of the Columbian |

| |cricket and politics |Africa |Exchange on the |

| |in South Asia from 1880 to 2005. Identify an additional type of |and Eurasia from circa 300 C.E. to 1450 C.E. |Americas with the Columbian Exchange’s demographic and |

| |document and briefly | |environmental effects on |

| |explain how it would help analyze the relationship between cricket | |ONE of the following regions between 1492 and 1750. |

| |and politics. | | |

| | | |Africa |

| | | |Asia |

| | | |Europe |

|Year |DBQ |CCOT |Comparative |

|2013 |Analyze connections between regional issues and European struggles |Analyze how political transformations contributed to |Analyze similarities and differences between the role of the state|

| |for global power in the mid-eighteenth century. Identify an |continuities and changes in the cultures of the |in Japan’s economic development of ONE of the following during the|

| |additional type of document and explain how it would help your |Mediterranean region during the period circa 200 C.E. to |late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. |

| |analysis of these connections. |1000 C.E. |China |

| | | |Ottoman Empire |

| | | |Russia |

| | | | |

| |Analyze the relationship between Chinese peasants and the Chinese |Analyze continuities and changes in the ways ONE of the |Analyze similarities and differences in how TWO of the following |

|2014 |Communist Party between circa 1925 and circa 1950. Identify one |following regions participated in interregional trade |empires used religion to govern before 1450. |

| |additional type of document and explain how it would help you assess |during the period circa 1500 to 1750. |Byzantine Empire |

| |the relationship between Chinese peasants and the Chinese Communist |Latin America, including Caribbean |Islamic Caliphates |

| |Party. |Sub-SaharanAfrica |Mauryan/Gupta Empires |

| | |SoutheastAsia | |




Name: ______________________ Date: _______

APWH – Past Essays Miss Buffalino

Which essay topics/periodizations do you feel comfortable with?



Which essay topics/periodizations do you feel you need to study more?



Which essay topics/concepts/periodizations seem to reoccur year after year?




Remember the rule of 3. You must have at least 2 similarities/1 difference or

2 differences/1 similarity. Do not forget the reason for the similarity difference!

Name: ____________________________

Date: _______


An additional document = the missing voice. Remember; ALWAYS provide 3 missing voices regardless of the question. If you are stuck on OSI, that’s OK! Use context clues and dates to help you out. You know more than you think you do!

For all of the essays, your thesis must include the date and the specific points being addressed

(Must be no more than 2 sentences at the end of your intro)! The dates and events mentioned in the questions are your clues for your OSI! You cannot use/copy the historical context.

Remember to address the changes and continuities EVENLY!

ALWAYS address the global context. What was going on during this time around the world?!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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