Mr. o'dowd's classroom

Homer, The Homeric Cycle , The “Homeric” QuestionThe Real Troy (historical/archeological Troy)The Mythological Troy (who built it, what gods were involved, to what extent and why)The House of Atreus – and the Sacrifice of Iphigenia – Suitors of Helen – the pact, who was involved, why, the motivation for all suitors going to Troy, etc. Key elements of the Bronze Age –War, weapons and tactics of the time period of the ancient Greeks (think historical 300 Spartans) Leda (Leda and the Swan)-. Tantalus (and his son Pelops) - Peleus and Thetis (wedding of) – and The Judgment of Paris -Hecuba’s Dream of the Burning City (what they did as a result; Paris’ return, etc.) Four main Prophecies / Events that must occur to guarantee the fall of Troy - it was prophesied that Troy could not fall without… Olympian Gods: Greek Religion, Morality, Afterlife, Sacrifice, etc. That stuff; you know what I mean. Zeus?(Neutral)Hera?(Achaeans)Poseidon?(Achaeans)Artemis?(Trojans)Apollo?(Trojans)Hermes?(Neutral)Hades?(Neutral)Aphrodite?(Trojans)Hephaestus?(Neutral)Ares?(Trojans)Athena?(Achaeans)Iris?(AchaeansThetis?(Achaeans) Hestia Titans?Gaea, Uranus, Cronus, RheaOceanus, Hyperion Prometheus, AtlasOther Gods?Demeter & PersephoneDionysus (The Wanderings of Dionysus)?Eros, ThanatosPan, NemesisThe 3 Graces, the 9 Muses The Erinnyes (or The Furies), The Fates/MoiraeMyths?Creation of the World (may find more than one)Creation of Man by PrometheusCreatures:Cyclopes,? HYPERLINK "" Hecatoncheires (Briareus),?Giants,?Ash Tree Nymphs,? HYPERLINK "" Typhoeus,?Cerberus,?Sirens,?Centaur,?Medusa(Gorgons) Pegasus,? HYPERLINK "" ChrysaorFigures:Nereids,?Amphitrite,?Triton,?MinosPlaces: ?Mount Olympus,?The Underworld,?TartarusGreek Terms/history Characteristics of the Classical EpicAnd Greek DramaNostosTimê, Kleos/akleos Mēnin/MēnisHomeric Justice and Platonic Justice (Greek concepts)HubrisAristeia*development of the polis in archaic Greece weaponry and military strategy of the Homeric Greeksdevelopment of the Greek city-state (polis) in Athens or Sparta the role of the Delphic oracle in classical religion and politics the role of women in Spartan or Athenian society Sparta: the warrior’s lifeMuse / Invocation EnumeratioMachineryIn medias resEpithet Praeposito Patronymics Dactylic HexameterEpic similesGreek DramaUnities/DecenciesCharacteristics of Greek StageAristotle: Six traits for Tragic HeroPoints WorthPresentationPointsPossible_____Essential elements of the topic and/or pertinent historical information are captured in a series of slides (at least 10 and no more than 12); this includes an introductory slide and a conclusion. You cannot begin the presentation with “We did ours on…” or end the presentation with “That’s it” or “We’re done.” 10_____Each slide is visually appealing 5_____Information is presented in bulleted points—not large chunks of text5_____Font type and size make it easy to see for the audience5Total ______________ / 25Handouts_____Handouts/notes provided: professional looking, visually appealing, good use of white space, font, images, etc.5_____Accurate Historical / Mythological information 5_____Has at least three different sources (No Wikipedia or Sparknotes type of websites/sources) properly formatted to MLA guidelines (see for help).5Total ______________ / 15SPEECH RATING GUIDEExcellent 4good 3fair 2poor 1unacceptable 0CONTENTIDEASCentral idea and purpose are significant, clear, and focused. Ideas are appropriate for the audience, assignment, and occasionSUPPORTING MATERIALAccurate, relevant, and specific detail. Reasoning is sound and meaningful to the audience. ORGANIZATIONUnity is apparent so there is an introduction, body, and conclusion. Timing is good. Transitions are used well. The speech follows a logical and interesting pattern.ORAL STYLELANGUAGEClear and simple; does not call attention to itself. Standard English DELIVERYPOISE & BODY Straight posture, good animation, constant eye contact, natural, dressed “business casual” ACTIONSNo awkward gestures, dancing or rockingVOICE ARTICULATIONAudible, well-modulated, free of monotony, expresses proper emotion. Speaks clearly, voice unmuffled, good pronunciation, precise without pretenseNOTECARDSThe speaker talked to his/her audience and did not read the report. Notecards contain keywords onlyTIMING5 to 7 minutes long. No long pauses. Good pace of delivery.VISUAL AIDClosely related to topic, adds depth to the demonstration, explained clearly, not used as a substitute for the speech or organization, easy to see from the audienceGrade / 50 ................

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