

Request for Application (RFA Discretionary)

Bureau / Office

Division of Career and Adult Education

Program Name

This RFA combines the following two Adult Education and Family Literacy programs:

• Adult General Education (required)

• Family Literacy (additional optional services)

Specific Funding Authority (ies)

Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

State Grant Programs Title II of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA)

CFDA #84.002, Web site:

Funding Purpose/Priorities

Pursuant to AEFLA, Section 202 (1-3) the purpose is to create a partnership among the federal government, states and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to:

1. Assist adults in becoming literate and obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency.

2. Assist adults who are parents in obtaining the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children.

3. Assist adults in completing high school or the equivalent.

According to AEFLA, Section 203 (7)(a-d) -- Family Literacy Education supports and improves programs statewide through the following activities:

a) Interactive literacy activities between parents and their children.

b) Training for parents on how to be the primary teacher for their children and full partners in the education of their children.

c) Parent literacy training that leads to economic self-sufficiency.

d) An age-appropriate education to prepare children for success in school and life experiences.

Performance Accountability Systems

Performance accountability systems strive to ensure that public resources serve the needs of each community effectively, and help to create a better learning environment for students. Florida’s Adult Education grant funding is based on Educational Functioning Level (EFL) completions of enrolled students as reported in the NRS system (Table 4).

There are three important reasons for creating a data-driven accountability system for adult education programs at this time:

1. The U.S. Department of Education requires each state to establish and utilize performance standards for making continued funding decisions of federal grant programs. Furthermore, each state is also expected to institute a system for program monitoring, and continued technical assistance that is centered on a program’s performance data.

2. The Florida Department of Education has enhanced its monitoring processes by instituting a data-driven system for determining program performance and supporting continuous improvement.

3. Establishing performance standards (targets) against which to measure effectiveness, focuses the attention of Department consultants, program administrators, and other practitioners on continuous program improvement.

Type of Award



If funds are available, 2010-2011 Aid to Districts continuation grant providers may be eligible to apply for incentive funds through the amendment process. To qualify for incentive funds a provider must have met the following 2009-2010 program year requirements: (1) reported all required data to the NRS, including sub–grantees that provide instructional services; (2) perform at an aggregated completion rate of 40% or above for all enrollments in each performance level; and (3) have an actual cost per completer less than or equal to $233. Incentive funds will be calculated based on 2009-2010 final DOE 499 and NRS Table 4 EFL completions.

Total Funding Amount


See the Allocation Chart in the Attachments section allocation by county.

The review committee and/or the Commissioner may recommend an amount greater or less than the amount requested in the application.

Budget Period

July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

For Federal programs, the project effective date will be the date that the application is received within Florida Department of Education (FDOE) meeting conditions for acceptance, or the date of receipt of the Federal Award Notification, whichever is later.

If the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act is extended for an additional year, approved projects that have met all requirements for accountability, reporting and performance will be extended for one year provided the extended Act permits such. This additional year of funding is subject to availability of Federal funds. A new or reauthorized Act may have different requirements.

Program Performance Period

July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

Target Population

Adults needing adult education services according to AEFLA, Section 203 DEFINITIONS.

(1) ADULT EDUCATION. – The term “adult education” means services or instruction below the postsecondary level for individuals –

(A) who have attained 16 years of age;

(B) who are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law; and

(C) who –

(i) lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to enable the individuals to function effectively in society;

(ii) do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and have not achieved an equivalent level of education; or

(iii) are unable to speak, read, or write the English language.

Local Provisions


(b) REQUIRED LOCAL ACTIVITIES. – The eligible agency shall require that each eligible provider receiving a grant or contract under subsection (a) use the grant or contract to establish or operate one or more programs that provide services or instruction in one or more of the following categories:

(1) Adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services.

(2) Family literacy services.

(3) English literacy programs.

(d) SPECIAL RULE. – Each eligible agency awarding a grant or contract under this section shall not use any funds made available under this subtitle for adult education and literacy activities for the purpose of supporting or providing programs, services, or activities for individuals who are not individuals described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 203 (1), except that such agency may use such funds for such purpose if such programs, services, or activities are related to family literacy services. In providing family literacy services under this subtitle, an eligible provider shall attempt to coordinate with programs and services that are not assisted under this subtitle prior to using funds for adult education and literacy activities under this subtitle for activities other than adult education activities.

Eligible Applicant(s)

Currently funded agencies per the Allocation Chart in the Attachments section

Application Due Date

May 31, 2010

The due date refers to the date of receipt in Grants Management. For Federal programs, the project effective date will be the date that the application is received within DOE meeting conditions for acceptance, or the date of receipt of the Federal Award Notification, whichever is later.

Program Contact Grants Management Contact

Ken Plummer Debbie Bradford

Senior Educational Program Director Educational Consultant

850.245.9047 850.245.0746

Ken.Plummer@ Debbie.Bradford@

|Grants Administration Contacts: Listed by County |


| | |

|John Occhiuzzo |Leslie Young |

|John.Occhiuzzo@ |Leslie.Young@ |

|850/254-9042 |850/245-9040 |

| | |

|Bay Liberty |Charlotte Monroe |

|Calhoun Okaloosa |Collier Pasco |

|Escambia Santa Rosa |Miami-Dade Pinellas |

|Franklin Walton |Glades |

|Gadsden Wakulla |Hendry |

|Gulf Washington |Hernando |

|Holmes |Hillsborough |

|Jackson |Lee |

|Leon | |


| | | |

|Tiffany Davis |Doreen DuMond |Chris Ciardo |

|Tiffany.Davis@ |Doreen.DuMond@ |Christopher.Ciardo@ |

|850/245-9044 |850/245-9037 |850/245-9041 |

| | | |

|Alachua Madison |Brevard |Citrus |

|Baker Manatee |Broward |Clay |

|Bradford Nassau |Highlands |Desoto |

|Columbia Suwannee |Indian River |Flagler |

|Dixie Taylor |Martin |Lake |

|Duval Union |Okeechobee |Levy |

|Gilchrist |Orange |Marion |

|Hamilton |Osceola |Putnam |

|Hardee |Palm Beach |St. Johns |

|Jefferson |Polk |Sarasota |

|Lafayette |Seminole |Sumter |

| |St. Lucie |Volusia |


The Department of Education has developed and implemented a document entitled, General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with:

• 34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) which requires local educational agencies to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education;

• applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and

• State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.

In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to these General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text may be found at .

School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities and State Agencies

The certification of adherence filed with the Department of Education Comptroller’s Office shall remain in effect indefinitely unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term, assurance, or condition; and does not need to be resubmitted with this application.

Private Colleges, Community-based Organizations, and Other Agencies

In order to complete requirements for funding, applicants must submit the certification page signed by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to the general terms, assurances, and conditions. Please note that private colleges, community-based organizations, and other non-public agencies must also submit copies of the organization’s current budget, a list of its board of directors, and if available, a copy of its most recent annual audit report prepared by an independent certified public accountant licensed in this state. These items must be submitted prior to the issuance of a project award.

Funding Method

CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System – Web-Based Reporting required monthly to record expenditures. Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance must be made on the CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System. If at times it is determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus cash in transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal Cash Advance distribution on the CARDS System.


Reimbursement of Expenditures – Payment made upon submission of documented allowable expenditures. Reimbursements will be made by state warrant after disbursements are made by the recipient. Requests for reimbursement with the appropriate back-up documentation should be submitted in accordance with applicable program requirements and instructions on the Project Award Notification.

Reimbursement with Performance - Payment made upon submission of documented allowable expenditures, plus documentation of completion of specified performance objectives. 

All applicants are advised that grantees will be funded according to the projected outcomes in their applications. In the event that performances do not meet projected goals and result in overpayment, the overpayment must be returned to the Florida Department of Education by August 20, 2011, along with the final DOE 499 form. Monitoring and performance reports will assist grantees in achieving their performance goals and avoiding overpayment.

Funded recipients will receive their allocation (to be determined by the Florida Department of Education) and will be specified on the Project Award Notification, DOE 200.

Fiscal Requirements

Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods. Examples of such documentation include: invoices with check numbers verifying payment, and/or bank statements; all or any of which must be available upon request.

Failure to submit fiscal reports in the timeframes stipulated renders the project out of compliance and may result in early termination and ineligibility for future funding.

Funded projects and any amendments are subject to the procedures outlined in the Project Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book) and the General Assurances for Participation in Federal and State Programs.


The project award notification (DOE 200) will indicate:

o Project budget

o Program periods

o Timelines:

▪ Last date for receipt of proposed budget

▪ Program amendments

▪ Incurring expenditures and issuing purchase orders

▪ Liquidating all obligations

▪ Submitting final disbursement reports

Project providers do not have the authority to report disbursements before or after these specified timelines.

Allowable Expenses: Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the accomplishment of the project purpose, priorities, and expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance. Grant funds may be used to attend NRS training.

Unallowable Expenses: Project funds may not be used to supplant existing programs and / or funding.

Administrative Costs Including Indirect Costs

In accordance with AEFLA, Section 233 (a-b):

(a) In General.-- Subject to subsection (b), of the amount that is made available under this subtitle to an eligible provider –

(1) not less than 95 percent shall be expended for carrying out adult education and literacy activities; and

(2) the remaining amount, not to exceed five percent, shall be used for planning, administration, personnel development, and interagency coordination.

(b) Special Rule. -- In cases where the cost limits described in subsection (a) are too restrictive to allow for adequate planning, administration, personnel development, and interagency coordination, the eligible provider shall negotiate with the state eligible agency in order to determine an adequate level of funds to be used for noninstructional purposes.

Positions such as project coordinator, accountant, clerical staff, or other positions not directly involved in instructional activities of students are considered administrative. Travel, equipment, and supplies for administrators are also considered administrative costs unless used for the purpose of providing personnel development directly related to Adult Education and Family Literacy students.

• All eligible providers are required to itemize administrative costs on the DOE 101 Budget Narrative Form.

• Administrative costs (including indirect) cannot exceed 5%.

• Indirect costs are considered administrative costs and applicable to Local Education Agencies ONLY.

Administrative Provisions, Funding Shall Supplement Not Supplant

According to AEFLA, Section 241 (a) -- Funds made available for adult education and literacy activities under this subtitle shall supplement and not supplant other state or local public funds expended for adult education and literacy activities.

Non-duplication of Effort

According to AEFLA, Section 221 (3) -- It is the responsibility of the eligible agency to coordinate and ensure non-duplication with other federal and state education, training, corrections, public housing, and social service programs.

Grants Fiscal Management Training Requirement

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs), and other private not-for-profit organizations that are recipients or sub-recipients of DOE grants are required to participate, annually, in Grants Fiscal Management Training offered by the DOE. Failure to obtain the training can have a negative impact on the ability of the Florida Department of Education to provide future funding to the organization.

Project Performance Accountability and Reporting Requirements

The Department’s program managers will track each project’s performance based on the information provided on the STUDENT PERFORMANCE FORM – to be included in the application as is. This form is located in the Attachments section.


Instructions for Completing the Narrative and Forms

• Narrative - Use Arial size 12-point font with 1 inch margins on all sides, and use the same sequence presented in this narrative section below.

• Forms - Save to your computer, or a disk, or jump drive prior to inserting information.

• When completing forms, try to use an easy to read font size that is reasonable for the form’s restrictions.

• Responses should be brief, clear and concise.

• For a full list of all items to be included in the application package, refer to the Application Review Criteria and Checklist in the Attachments section.

Project Design and Implementation

1. a) Project Summary - Provide a one-page summary of the project and include the following information:

• Provider name

• Funding amount requested

• Program objectives - including

o Student recruitment / enrollment plans

o Effective instructional strategies that will result in improvement as measured by NRS Performance Measures

• Counties served

• Services provided (Instructional and/or non-instructional)

• Site locations for services provided (Including sub-grantee site locations)

• Family Literacy Services provided (yes or no)

b) 12 Statutory Considerations

Explain any planned changes for FY 2010-2011 for each of the following 12 Statutory Considerations. If there are no planned changes, please state - NO CHANGES for each.

1. Measurable Goals

2. Past Effectiveness

3. Serving Those Most in Need

4. Intensity of Services

5. Effective Practices

6. Use of Technology

7. Real-Life Context

8. Staffing

9. Coordination

10. Flexible Schedules

11. Management Information

12. English Literacy

c) Sub-contracted Services - If the eligible agency is sub-contracting services to another provider (sub-grantee), then state the following for each sub-grantee(s):

• Name (sub-grantee agency and individual contact)

• Address, Phone, and E-mail

• Funding amount to sub-grantee

• Description of Services to be provided by each sub-grantee

• Include signed Contractual Service Agreements with sub-grantees that includes the information outlined above.

Note: See Contractual Service Agreements section below.

d) Self-Evaluation Form - Complete the Self-Evaluation Form located in the Attachments section.

e) Adult General Education Target Form - Complete and submit with the application the ADULT GENERAL EDUCATION TARGET FORM found on the Division of Career and Adult Education Web site at . The award per completion and completion rate will be calculated automatically based on the total enrollment and total completions entered into the form. Instructions for completing the form are found in the Attachments section.

Note: The following two items (f and g) relate to Management Information -- one of the 12 factors required for funding consideration. These items involve a review and enhancement of student data collection and reporting.

f) Data Collection Requirements - submit a sample of your agency’s “standardized student data summary form / screen” that includes the information listed on the Data Collection Requirements, Student Data Summary Form / Screen located in the Attachments section.

• The elements listed on the form cited above must be included on your agency’s Student Data Summary Form / Screen. Any additional elements may be included at your agency’s discretion.

• If your agency does not have a Student Data Summary Form / Screen, you may use the Example Student Intake Form found on the Web site at: .

• The form used by your agency must also be used by any sub-contracted service providers of your agency.

g) Student Data Reporting – describe how the agency will comply with the following requirements:

• Grantees must collect data from instructional and testing sites on a monthly basis, at a minimum, into a centralized individual student record database system, in a relational format.

• Grantees must produce monthly reports, at a minimum. Reports must identify missing, incomplete and out-of-range data for review and correction by instructional and testing sites.

• State the date the agency will begin collecting the data – preferably by July 1, 2010.

• State the date the agency will begin producing the reports – preferably by July 1, 2010.

Note: Reports must be kept on-site by the agency and must be available to DOE staff upon request.

2. Support for Next Generation Strategic Plan, Reading, Math / Science Initiatives

For the fiscal years 2010-2011, briefly describe how the proposed project will incorporate reading and math / science initiatives and one or more of the Florida State Board of Education Next Generation Strategic Areas of Focus.

Next Generation Strategic Plan


Just Read Florida


Math / Science Initiative


3. Dissemination/Marketing

Describe methods /strategies you will use to disseminate and market information about the project to appropriate populations.

For Federal Programs - General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)

Provide a concise description of the process to ensure equitable access to, and participation of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries with special needs. For details refer to URL:

Equitable Services for Private School Participation

In accordance with P.L. 107-110, Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions, Subpart 1, Section 9501, the applicant must provide a detailed plan of action for providing consultation for equitable services to private school children and teachers within the local education agency(ies) service area.  For details, refer to URL: .

Budget Narrative Form, DOE 101

When completing the Budget Narrative form, located in the Attachments section, under Column (3), Account Title and Narrative, for each line item specify the budgetary expenditures such as salaries, equipment and supplies. Expenditures should focus on performance improvement, as noted in the application.

Contractual Service Agreements must be in compliance with Florida Statutes, Sections 215.422, 216.347, 216.3475, 287.058, and 287.133; Rule 60A-1.017, Florida Administrative Code. Applicants proposing fiscal / programmatic agreements should carefully review and follow the guidance of the State of Florida Contract and Grant User Guide, Chapter 3, Agreements at URL: . All proposed contractual expenditures between the fiscal agent and subcontractors shall be accompanied by a formal, properly executed (e.g., agency heads or designees’ signatures), clear and comprehensive agreement which provides the legal basis for enforcement.  Because the success of a project can be directly linked to the quality of the agreement, issuing a formal agreement is critical. 

EXAMPLE Budget Narrative Form (DOE 101 Form)

|(1) |(2) |(3) |(4) |(5) |


|##### |##### |Salaries: Part-time hourly salary for 6 teachers to provide direct instruction in Adult Education programs. The calculation: |3 |$96,000 |

| | |20 hours per week x $25.00 per hour x 32 week x 6 teachers. | | |

|##### |##### |Employee Benefits: Retirement: Contributions for the above 6 part-time teachers at 9.85%. | |$9,456 |

|##### |##### |Employee Benefits: Social Security: Contributions for the above 6 part-time teachers at 7.65%. | |$7,344 |

|##### |##### |Employee Benefits: Worker’s Compensation: Contributions for the above 6 part-time teachers at 1.01%. | |$969 |

|##### |##### |Computer Hardware: Purchase of computer equipment to be used by students for instructional purposes. The equipment items will | |$8,830 |

| | |include monitors, CPU’s peripheral devices memory, and 10 laptop computers. | | |

| | |The required equipment form is attached to the application. | | |

|##### |##### |Contractual Service Agreements:  Provide funds to XYZ agency as a sub-grantee for providing instructional (or non-instructional)| |$10,875 |

| | |services to eligible adult education and family literacy students – as detailed in the signed agreement(s) included with this | | |

| | |application. | | |

|##### |##### |Travel: Travel will support 2 instructional teachers, and 1 curriculum coordinator to attend the Adult Education State | |$1,956 |

| | |Conference. Expenditures for costs of transportation, lodging, and meals (state rate) are as follows: | | |

| | |Roundtrip airfare is $400 x 3 persons = $1,200. | | |

| | |Two nights lodging @ $90 per night is $180 x 3 persons = $540. | | |

| | |Meals at $36/day for two days is $72 x 3 persons= $216. | | |

| | |Total Travel Costs for Conference: $1,956 | | |

Equipment Purchases

Federal Requirement

The OMB Circular A-87(15)(b)(2), Equipment and other capital expenditures states: Capital expenditures for special purpose equipment are allowable as direct costs, provided that items with a unit cost of $5,000 or more have the prior approval of the awarding agency.

Any equipment purchases not listed on the original budget approved by the Florida Department of Education require an amendment submission and approval prior to purchase by the agency awarded the funding.

State Requirement

The Florida Administrative Code, Rule, 69I-72.002, Threshold for Recording Tangible Personal Property for Inventory Purposes states:

All tangible personal property with a value or cost of $1,000 or more and having a projected useful life of one year or more shall be recorded in the state’s financial system as property for inventory purposes. Rule, 69I-72.003, Recording of Property, states: Maintenance of Property Records – Custodians shall maintain adequate records of property in their custody.

Projected Equipment Purchases Form

The Education Department General Administrative Regulation (EDGAR) requires that property records be maintained that provide an accurate accounting of equipment purchased with grant funds. The Projected Equipment Purchases Form contains all of the required guidelines specified in EDGAR, Section 80.32, Equipment. A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every 2 years.

The Projected Equipment Purchases Form, found in the Attachments section, must be completed as directed and submitted with the application. Equipment projected to be purchased with funds from this grant must be submitted on this form or in a format that contains the information appearing on this form.

Project Disbursement Report, DOE 499

All awarded Adult Education projects must submit a DOE 499, Project Disbursement Report and the Projected Equipment Purchases Form to the Florida Department of Education, Comptroller’s Office, by August 20, 2011.

Reporting Outcomes

National Reporting System (NRS) - Annual end-of-the-year NRS reporting is required for providers of federal Adult Education and Family Literacy funds from the US Department of Education. Providers must compile, report, and maintain project data in order to provide accountability, specifically:

• Failure to comply with this federal requirement by the established deadline may result in early termination and ineligibility for future funding.

• If a sub-recipient or partner is used for instructional services, it is the sole responsibility of the provider to ensure the sub-recipient accurately reports ALL required Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs) for the NRS reports.

• NRS training for project coordinators is required and will be conducted by the Florida Department of Education; Division of Career and Adult Education (dates to be announced). Technical assistance is available to ensure compliance with NRS. Grant funds may be used to attend NRS training.

To review required NRS data forms, please visit: .

For more information regarding the NRS guidelines, please visit: .

State Reporting Systems for School Districts, Community Colleges, and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)

Following are three state reporting resources and/or requirements provided by the Florida Department of Education for school districts, community colleges, and community-based organizations. The Web sites provide necessary contact and guidance information.

• School Districts required reporting:

Workforce Development Information System (WDIS) and Secondary Vocational Database Handbook

• Community Colleges required reporting:

Community College System Data Dictionary and Student Database

• Community-Based Organizations required reporting:

Must submit unit record student data to the Community College/Technical Center Management Information System during the local education agency standard collection periods.

Compliance Monitoring

The state will evaluate the effectiveness of project activities based on established and approved performance goals.  Department staff monitors recipients’ compliance with program and fiscal requirements according to applicable federal and state laws and regulations specified by: Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars, and Florida Department of Financial Services Reference Guide for State Expenditures and guidelines published in the Florida Department of Education’s Green Book.

The Division of Career and Adult Education, Quality Assurance Policies, Procedures and Protocols document is available at: .

Records Retention

It is the responsibility of the fiscal provider to retain records for financial transactions and supporting documentation for auditing purposes. If records are requested by the Florida Department of Education or the State of Florida Division of Financial Services, all records must be provided. Records should be maintained for five years from the last day of the program or longer if there is an ongoing investigation or audit.

Amendment Procedures

Project amendments may be proposed by the provider or by the DOE Program Manager. Amendments will be approved according to the procedures described in the Green Book. Awarded providers shall obtain prior approval through a formal amendment process and submission of the DOE 150 and 151 forms available in the Green Book and on the Division of Career and Adult Education Grants website at:

The Projected Equipment Purchases Form must be submitted with project amendments. This form is located on the Division of Career and Adult Education Grants website at:

Invoicing Procedures

ALL agencies that are not paid through the Florida Department of Education, Federal Cash Advance On-line System, and are paid by Reimbursement of Expenditures or Reimbursement with Performance must invoice for payment. See instructions on the Project Award Notification, DOE 200, to determine reimbursement requirements for awarded project(s).

The status of the provider’s invoice for payment is available through the Department of Education’s online grants management system at: .


|The following forms are required for agencies that invoice. They provide accountability for financial expenditures based on performance deliverables. Each |

|time an invoice is submitted, ALL appropriate forms and backup documentation must be included in the invoice request for payment. |

|Form # |Title |Supporting documentation |

| | |MUST accompany forms |

|NA |Invoice Form – Return with each invoice. | |

| |This form is available in the Attachments section of this document and will also be | |

| |available on-line: | |

|NA |Projected Invoice Schedule Form - Return with application. | |

|DOE 300 |For Non-Governmental Providers Only, Detail of Salary Expenditures |Payroll register |

| | |Timesheets |

| |Form available at: Green Book | |

| | | |

| | | |

|DOE 301 |Detail of Monthly Transactions |A copy of all invoices/receipts must be attached to |

| | |support this request. |

| |Form available at: Green Book |All invoices and receipts must include a legible |

| | |itemized description of purchases. |

|DOE 499 |Adult Education -- Interim and Final | |

| | | |

| |Form available at: Green Book | |

Submit invoices and all supporting documentation to:

Office of Grants Management

Florida Department of Education

325 West Gaines Street, Room 325, Unit B

Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

Attention: Sue Wilkinson

Conditions for Acceptance

The requirements listed below must be met for applications to be considered for review:

1) Application is received in DOE within the timeframe specified by the RFA

2) Application includes required forms: DOE 100A or 100B Project Application Form and DOE 101 - Budget Narrative Form

3) All required forms must have the assigned TAPS Number included on the form

4) All required forms have original signatures by an authorized entity

5) Application must be submitted to:

Office of Grants Management

Florida Department of Education

325 W. Gaines Street, Room 325

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

NOTE: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head identified above must have a letter signed by the agency head, or documentation citing action of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official. Attach the letter or documentation to the DOE 100A when the application is submitted.


• One application with original signatures

• Four complete copies that are identical to the original application

Note: It is the submitting agency’s responsibility to assure that four complete copies of the application are included in the application package.

Other Forms Required

In addition to the DOE 101-Budget Narrative and DOE 100A - Application, also include:

• Adult General Education Target Form

• Student Data Summary Form / Screen

• Student Intake Form

• Self-Evaluation Form

• Student Performance Form

• Regional Workforce Board Coordination Assurance Form

• Invoice Schedule – if applicable

• Contractual Service Agreements – as applicable

• Application Checklist

Community- and Faith-Based Organizations must also include the following:

• List of current Board of Directors and Articles of Incorporation

• Copy of current operating budget

• Copy of current audit report - if available

• Copy of Chart of Accounts

• Proof of eligibility to operate a business in Florida (signed document from Florida Secretary of State)

Method of Review

• All eligible recipients’ applications will be reviewed for approval by FLDOE staff using the criteria specified in the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, and the items outlined in this document.

• Eligible recipients may be asked to revise and/or change content stated in their application in order to be approved for funding.

• Fiscal information will be reviewed by the Bureau of Contracts, Grants and Procurement, and Office of Grants Management staff.

• The Application Review Criteria and Checklist found in the Attachments section will also be used by FLDOE staff to review applications.

STUDENT PERFORMANCE FORM (Include in Application Package – Do not change or modify this form)

Student Performance: Any measure that is specific to student performance; e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. Students may include Pre-k, K-12, and adult learners

|(1) Name of Performance and Brief Description |(2) Method of Evaluating Performance |(3) Method of DOE Verification |(4) Timelines for Data Collection |

|Student Performances: | | | |

| | | | |

|Primary Core Measures | | | |

|Educational Functioning Levels |Standardized Tests |Standardized Test Results |NRS |

| | | |(Fall 11) |

|Demonstrate improvements in literacy skill levels in any of the | | | |

|following: reading, writing and speaking in the English language,| | | |

|numeracy, problem-solving, English language acquisition, and | | | |

|other literacy skills. | | | |

| | | | |

|NRS reporting requires that the learner completes or advances one| | | |

|or more educational functioning level(s) from starting level | | | |

|measured on entry into the program. | | | |

|Gains must be validated through the use of a NRS and State of | | | |

|Florida approved assessment instruments (see Program Background | | | |

|Information in the Attachments section) and in educational | | | |

|program areas which are reportable to the NRS and the state | | | |

|reporting systems. | | | |

| | | | |

|Placement, Entered, Retained – | | | |

| | | | |

|Entered unsubsidized employment | | | |

|Retained in employment – learner remains employed through the | | | |

|third quarter after program exit | | | |

|Placement in postsecondary education or training |Placement Data |Student Database |NRS |

| | | |(Fall 11) |

|3. Students’ receipt of a secondary school diploma or its | | | |

|recognized equivalent. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |GED Data |GED Test Results |NRS |

| | | |(Fall 11) |


• Program Background Information

• Allocation Chart

• Approved Performance Measures

• Regional Workforce Board Coordination Assurance Form

• Self-Evaluation Form

• Adult General Education Target Form Instructions

• Data Collection Requirements – Student Data Summary Form / Screen

• Invoice Form

• Projected Invoice Schedule Form

• DOE 100 A, Project Application Form

• DOE 101, Budget Narrative Form

• Projected Equipment Purchases Form

• Application Review Criteria and Checklist

Please note that there are several sources of rules and regulations that govern and impact the administration of this project. Completing this application is just part of the process. By law, you must adhere to the information set forth in this document along with all of the rules and regulations applicable to the project. Additional state and federal resource links are available at:



State Priorities Based on the Federal Adult Education and Family Literacy Act

1. Provide educational services to adults who are functioning at the eighth grade level and below.

2. Provide educational services to adults who do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent – General Educational Development (GED).

3. Strengthen linkages with private sector employers and other agencies as well as workplace literacy programs.

4. Provide English language courses for adults whose native language is other than English.

5. Disseminate exemplary practices in adult education and family literacy.

6. Expand recruitment activities and participation of senior adult learners 55 through 61 years of age.

7. Expand Health Literacy Education instruction.

8. Provide the adult education component of a family literacy program.

9. Expand transition services to adults with the goal of entering postsecondary education.

10. Provide professional development to full and part-time adult education teachers.

11. Provide educational support services to adults with learning disabilities.

Assessment of Adult Education Students, including English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and English Literacy for Career and Technical Education (ELCATE) Students -- as of 2009 


The tests currently approved for use by adult educational agencies are as follows:

(State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-6.014 General Requirements for Adult General Education Program)

Adult General Education Program

• Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)

• Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Forms 9 and 10

Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program

• Basic English Skills Test (BEST) Literacy (now referred to as “BEST Literacy”)

• Basic English Skills Test (BEST) Plus (now referred to as “BEST Plus”)

• Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS)

• Tests of Adult Basic Education, Comprehensive Language Assessment System – English (TABE CLAS-E)

All students enrolled in adult education courses that are supported with federal funds must be pretested with one of the above tests in order to establish baseline EFLs for the students. These students must also be posttested with an aternate form of the same test in order to determine if any learning gains have been achieved. When assessing students in federally-supported adult education courses, programs must follow the guidelines established by the publisher with regard to pretest and posttest times.  

Florida's assessment policy is available at .

Performance Measures/Goals Based on Deliverables

Awarded projects are based on performance with clearly defined Educational Functioning Levels as performance measure deliverables.

All Adult General Education projects must address Performance Measures through completion of the ADULT GENERAL EDUCATION TARGET FORM found at .


Primary Core Measures:

According to AEFLA, Section 212 (2)(A) (i-iii)

1. Acquisition of Educational Functioning Level (Completions)

Demonstrate improvements in literacy skill levels in any of the following: reading, writing and speaking in the English language, numeracy, problem-solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills.

NRS reporting requires that the learner completes or advances one or more educational functioning level(s) from starting level measured upon entry into the program.

Completions must be validated through the use of an NRS approved assessment instrument.

2.   Placement, Entered, Retained -- address if applicable

Placement in postsecondary education or training

Entered unsubsidized employment

Retained in employment

3.  Receipt of secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent -- address if applicable

State of Florida High School Diploma obtained by passing the complete battery of General Education Development (GED) Tests or receipt of a high school or Adult High School Diploma (numbers reported should exclude co-enrolled [K-12] students)


Interactive literacy activities between parents and their children

Suggested implementation strategies may be to:

• Increase quantity and quality of time spent reading, writing, and talking with children and listening to children;

• Display positive attitudes toward children, and;

• Communicate positively and effectively with children;

• Apply knowledge of children’s development and behavior management techniques;

• Encourage children’s learning and development by modeling literacy behaviors;

• Use observations of children’s abilities to plan appropriate activities with children;

• Maintain positive, supportive interaction with children; and,

• Apply knowledge of stages of children’s development by refining communication and behavior management techniques appropriately over time.


Training for parents on how to be the primary teacher for their children and full partners in the education of their children

Suggested implementation strategies may be to:

• Increase knowledge of children’s development;

• Improve understanding of their own children’s abilities, strengths, and needs;

• Increase awareness of alternative approaches to child discipline and behavior management;

• Increase awareness of their roles as teachers of their children; the importance of modeling of literacy practices; knowledge of appropriate ways to support children’s learning, etc.;

• Increase awareness of school expectations; learn how to communicate effectively with school personnel; and advocate for children;

• Learn and practice life-management techniques: time management, stress management, problem solving, use of community resources;

• Support children’s education by promoting school attendance, maintaining involvement with school personnel, and participating in school functions;

• Maintain a healthy and supportive home environment and express high expectations for children’s achievements; and,

• Support/assist children with homework and school-related activities as needed.


Parent literacy training that leads to economic self-sufficiency

Suggested implementation strategies may be to:

• Improve reading, writing, and math skills;

• Improve English language skills: speaking, understanding, reading, and writing.

• Apply basic and language skills to meet daily life needs (personal, work, family);

• Acquire lifelong learning strategies: self-directed and monitored learning, access resources, etc;

• Learn and practice critical-thinking skills and problem-solving strategies;

• Improve interpersonal/communication skills;

• Set academic and career goals; develop plans to attain them;

• Acquire knowledge of career options and their requirements;

• Develop and/or improve employability skills;

• Earn a high school diploma through the GED testing program or course completion;

• Successfully complete examination or entrance requirements related to academic or career goals;

• Transition to and successfully complete college, vocational, or job training courses;

• Get a job or a better job; and,

• Continue lifelong and workforce learning through reading and self-directed study.


An age-appropriate education to prepare children for success in school and life experiences

Suggested implementation strategies may be to:

• Increase cognitive abilities, especially in language and literacy;

• Learn/improve use of English language;

• Increase self-esteem and initiative;

• Increase social competence (with adults and children, both school and non-school environments);

• Develop/improve fine and gross motor abilities;

• Improve/increase self-regulatory behavior (approaches to task or problems) i.e., attention, motivation, curiosity, exploration, and persistence;

• Increase knowledge about themselves, their families, communities, cultures, and the world;

• Perform in school at average or higher levels in reading, math, language, etc;

• For non-English speaking children, perform in school at appropriate levels based on language skills at entry level; perform at grade level within a stated period of time;

• Succeed in school without (or with minimal need for) remediation or special education services; and

• Increase the use of phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension.


|Adult Education and Family Literacy |

|2010-2011 |

|Agency |Agency Type |County Served |2009-2010 |Amount Recommended |

| | | |Project Number | |

|Bay |School District |Bay |030-1910A-0CG01 |$182,510 |

|Bradford |School District |Bradford |040-1910A-0CG02 |$57,597 |

|Brevard |School District |Brevard |050-1910A-0CG01 |$453,498 |

|Broward |School District |Broward |060-1910A-0CG01 |$1,871,698 |

|Calhoun |School District |Calhoun |070-1910A-0CG01 |$45,317 |

|Central Florida Community College |College |Levy |422-1910A-0CG01 |$70,652 |

|Charlotte |School District |Charlotte |080-1910A-0CG01 |$189,533 |

|Citrus |School District |Citrus |090-1910A-0CG01 |$183,533 |

|Clay |School District |Clay |100-1910A-0CG01 |$134,012 |

|Collier |School District |Collier |110-1910A-0CG01 |$376,141 |

|Columbia |School District |Columbia |120-1910A-0CG02 |$94,963 |

|Dade |School District |Dade |130-1910A-0CG01 |$3,635,000 |

|Daytona State College |College |Volusia |642-1910A-0CG01 |$519,876 |

|DeSoto |School District |DeSoto |140-1910A-0CG01 |$99,008 |

|Dixie |School District |Dixie |150-1910A-0CG01 |$46,978 |

|Escambia |School District |Escambia |170-1910A-0CG01 |$161,795 |

|Flagler |School District |Flagler |180-1910A-0CG01 |$69,221 |

|Florida State College At Jacksonville|College |Duval |162-1910A-0CG01 |$771,662 |

|Franklin |School District |Franklin |190-1910A-0CG01 |$39,604 |

|Gadsden |School District |Gadsden |200-1910A-0CG01 |$96,040 |

|Glades |School District |Glades |220-1910A-0CG01 |$38,489 |

|Greater Reading or Writing Skills |Community Based Organization |Orange |485-1910A-0PG01 |$97,982 |

|Literacy Council | | | | |

|Gulf |School District |Gulf |230-1910A-0CG01 |$41,838 |

|Hamilton |School District |Hamilton |240-1910A-0CG01 |$28,000 |

|Hardee |School District |Hardee |250-1910A-0CG01 |$92,391 |

|Hendry |School District |Hendry |260-1910A-0CG01 |$114,702 |

|Hernando |School District |Hernando |270-1910A-0CG01 |$193,716 |

|Hillsborough |School District |Hillsborough |290-1910A-0CG01 |$1,180,556 |

|Indian River |School District |Indian River |310-1910A-0CG01 |$167,366 |

|Indian River State College |College |Okeechobee |562-1910A-0CG01 |$75,540 |

|Indian River State College |College |Martin |562-1910A-0CG02 |$93,500 |

|Indian River State College |College |St. Lucie |562-1910A-0CG03 |$282,785 |

|Jackson |School District |Jackson |320-1910A-0CG01 |$105,139 |

|Jefferson |School District |Jefferson |330-1910A-0CG01 |$41,921 |

|Lafayette |School District |Lafayette |340-1910A-0CG01 |$33,561 |

|Lake |School District |Lake |350-1910A-0CG01 |$292,010 |

|Lee |School District |Lee |360-1910A-0CG01 |$540,335 |

|Liberty |School District |Liberty |390-1910A-0CG01 |$32,884 |

|Madison |School District |Madison |400-1910A-0CG01 |$52,172 |

|Manatee |School District |Manatee |410-1910A-0CG01 |$344,212 |

|Marion |School District |Marion |420-1910A-0CG01 |$364,803 |

|Martin |School District |Martin |430-1910A-0CG01 |$64,086 |

|Miami-Dade College |College |Dade |132-1910A-0CG01 |$987,117 |

|Monroe |School District |Monroe |440-1910A-0CG01 |$109,222 |

|Nassau |School District |Nassau |450-1910A-0CG01 |$86,143 |

|Northwest Florida State College |College |Walton |462-1910A-0CG04 |$79,091 |

|Northwest Florida State College |College |Okaloosa |462-1910A-0CG03 |$161,423 |

|Orange |School District |Orange |480-1910A-0CG01 |$871,783 |

|Osceola |School District |Osceola |490-1910A-0CG01 |$220,908 |

|Palm Beach |School District |Palm Beach |500-1910A-0CG02 |$1,324,814 |

|Pasco |School District |Pasco |510-1910A-0CG01 |$492,116 |

|Pensacola Junior College |College |Escambia |172-1910A-0CG01 |$161,795 |

|Pinellas |School District |Pinellas |520-1910A-0CG01 |$992,431 |

|Polk |School District |Polk |530-1910A-0CG01 |$728,335 |

|Putnam |School District |Putnam |540-1910A-0CG01 |$115,290 |

|Santa Fe College |College |Alachua |012-1910A-0CG01 |$175,276 |

|Santa Rosa |School District |Santa Rosa |570-1910A-0CG03 |$127,508 |

|Sarasota |School District |Sarasota |580-1910A-0CG01 |$342,328 |

|Seminole Community College |College |Seminole |592-1910A-0CG01 |$311,609 |

|South Florida Community College |College |Highlands |282-1910A-0CG01 |$164,653 |

|St. Johns |School District |St. Johns |550-1910A-0CG01 |$127,385 |

|St. Johns River Community College |College |Putnam |542-1910A-0CG01 |$20,000 |

|Sumter |School District |Sumter |600-1910A-0CG01 |$97,869 |

|Suwannee |School District |Suwannee |610-1910A-0CG01 |$73,339 |

|Tallahassee Community College |College |Leon |372-1910A-0CG01 |$178,599 |

|Taylor |School District |Taylor |620-1910A-0CG01 |$51,234 |

|Union |School District |Union |630-1910A-0CG01 |$40,417 |

|Wakulla |School District |Wakulla |650-1910A-0CG01 |$48,271 |

|Washington |School District |Holmes |670-1910A-0CG01 |$40,000 |

|Washington |School District |Washington |670-1910A-0CG02 |$58,637 |

|TOTAL |$21,616,183 |


Listed in the table below are the negotiated and actual performance measures, by Educational Functioning Level (EFL), negotiated with USDOE for 2009-10 and proposed target for 2010-11. These measures have been adopted as Florida standards for the state and local report card metric. In summary, these measures will form the basis for assessing the extent to which a local program is contributing or detracting from reaching these benchmarks, and ultimately focusing technical assistance, resources, and professional development where it is most needed.


|  |YEAR 7 |YEAR 7 |

|Signature of Superintendent/Agency Head | |Date Submitted to Regional Workforce Board |

Regional Workforce Boards are invited to submit comments regarding the application to the Division of Career and Adult Education, Grants Administration office by May 17, 2010.

Note: Section 112 (b) (8) and 121 (c), Title I, Workforce Investment Act (WIA), sets expectations for providers of Perkins postsecondary funds, or funds under Title II, WIA, Adult Education and Family Literacy, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Workforce Board for participation in the One-Stop system.

-----Section B

The Superintendent or Agency Head certifies that this application covers more than one Workforce Development Region. The activities outlined in this application are related to Workforce Development and are consistent with the current Regional Workforce Board plans for all regions included in this application. Application submission to the Regional Workforce Board is not required.

| | | |

|Signature of Superintendent/Agency Head | |Date |

Note: Section 112 (b) (8) and 121 (c), Title I, Workforce Investment Act (WIA), sets expectations for providers of Perkins postsecondary funds, or funds under Title II, WIA, Adult Education and Family Literacy, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Workforce Board for participation in the One-Stop system.

Projects recommended for FY 2010-2011 continuation funding must show successful performance accomplishments during the 2009-10 project year. Any shortfalls or negative answer(s) must be explained below.

Agency name: ____________________________________________________________________ County: _________________

Project # for 2009-10:_________________________ Form prepared by (name and title):____________________________________

Agency project coordinator (name and title): _____________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________

Agency staff designated to submit the NRS Reports through the online database:

(Name and title): _________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________

Cells will expand when text is typed.

|Evaluation of FY 2009-10 Project | | |If NO, recipient must adequately |

| |YES |NO |explain any changes. |

| | | |Use 12-point font and single spacing. |

|The agency project coordinator understands requirements of the National Reporting System (NRS) on-line | | | |

|reporting via the Internet. | | | |

|The agency project coordinator has attended or identified a date to attend training for National | | | |

|Reporting System (NRS) provided by the FL Dept. of Education, Division Career and Adult Education. | | | |

|The agency project coordinator understands that on-line NRS reporting is required. | | | |

|Are the services to be provided to the target population for 2010-11 consistent with the approved | | | |

|2009-10 project plan? | | | |

|Are all applicable collaboration arrangements still in place (financial and non-financial)? | | | |

|Are grant expenditures directly related to and proportionate with performance outcomes achieved in | | | |

|2009-10? | | | |

|Have all projected performances and grant deliverables been satisfied to date as stated in the 2009-10 | | | |

|approved plan? | | | |

|Are the following 12 Statutory Considerations still in place according to the original competitive application and any approved amendments? |

|Measurable Goals | | | |

|Past Effectiveness | | | |

|Serving Those Most in Need | | | |

|Intensity of Services | | | |

|Effective Practices | | | |

|Use of Technology | | | |

|Real-Life Context | | | |

|Staffing | | | |

|Coordination | | | |

|Flexible Schedules | | | |

|Management Information | | | |

|English Literacy | | | |

Address the following: Cells will expand when text is typed.

|What was the total amount of your agency’s AGE 2009-10 funding allocation for this project? |$ |

|How much has been spent to date? |$ |

|What amount will be spent and/encumbered by June 30, 2010? |$ |

|If 100% of the total allocation will not be spent and/or encumbered by June 30,2010, explain why: |

| |

| |

| |

Any performance shortfalls must be explained by including corrective measures put into place to prevent future shortfalls.

Please respond here and use as much room as necessary to adequately address:

Do you need technical assistance? Yes _____ No _____

If yes, to facilitate service, please state your need(s) and your program manager will contact you.

Please respond here:

The ADULT GENERAL EDUCATION TARGET FORM assists the applicant in determining the projected enrollment and completion targets, award per EFL completion, and completion rate.

STEPS for completing the Excel form:


2. Save a copy of the form.

3. Active cells requiring data are in the Provider Information section and columns 3 and 4.

4. Complete the PROVIDER INFORMATION section by filling in the appropriate fields:

• Enter the provider (agency) name.

• Select County Served from the drop down menu. The Maximum County Allocation field will automatically populate with the appropriate maximum county allocation.

• Enter the name of the provider’s contact person.

• Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.

• Enter the title of the contact person.

• Enter the telephone number, including area code, of the contact person. You do not need dashes or parenthesis.

• Enter the fax number, including area code, of the contact person. You do not need dashes or parenthesis.

• Enter the provider requested grant amount. If the requested amount exceeds the maximum county allocation, an error message will appear prompting you to adjust your requested grant amount.

• Answer whether family literacy services will be provided by selecting yes or no.

5. Complete the EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONING LEVEL COMPLETION TABLE by filling in the appropriate fields:

• In column 3, enter the target number of enrollments for each EFL. Enrollments must be unduplicated, even if a student is served in more than one program.

• In column 4, enter the target number of completions for each EFL. Completions reported must be unduplicated; for example, a student moving two functioning levels (i.e., earning more than one EFL) should be reported as one completion.

• If completion targets exceed enrollment targets, an error message will appear and you must adjust enrollments and completions accordingly.

• Once completed, the provider’s Award per EFL Completion and Completion Rate automatically calculate. See the narrative section of the RFA. If the award per EFL completion exceeds $758, an error message will appear and you must adjust amount requested or completions accordingly.

Items are calculated by:

o Requested Grant amount ÷ total number of completion targets = Award per EFL Completion

o Completion target ÷ Enrollment Target = Completion Rate

6. Transfer the Total Amount Requested from the Excel form to the DOE 100A form.

7. Print the completed Excel form and return it with the application.


ABE/ESL Levels - An educational gain for the ABE/ESL levels is defined as one student moving from one EFL to the next in a given content area during the project year based on the results from an approved NRS and Florida assessment instrument administered in a pre- and post-test. Enrollment is unduplicated. In NRS Table 4, a student is reported once at his/her lowest initial functioning level.

▪ For the completions, only one EFL gain may be earned based on the lowest initial functioning level of the student. For example, a student with an ABE Beginning Literacy in Mathematics and an ABE Beginning Basic Ed in Reading has a lowest functioning level of ABE Beginning Literacy. In NRS Table 4, if the student moves up an EFL in Reading but did not make a learning gain in Mathematics, this report will not show a learning gain.

For more detail on approved NRS and Florida assessment instruments and how they should be used, see the Assessment Technical Assistance Paper posted at: .

ASE Levels – An educational gain for ASE levels is earned based on the successful completion of a GED sub-test, the complete GED Battery, or an approved Adult High School course. NRS Table 4 completions are dependent upon the ASE Level:

▪ ASE Low – passing a GED sub-test, earning a high school diploma or GED diploma.

▪ ASE High – completion of high school diploma or receiving a GED diploma.

Enrollments must be unduplicated, even if a student is served in more than one program.

Note: One or more educational or career goal(s) achievable within the project period must be established for all students upon initial enrollment in the instructional program.

Data Collection Requirements

Student Data Summary Form / Screen

The elements listed on this form must be included on your agency’s Student Data Summary Form / Screen.

If your agency does not have a Student Data Summary Form / Screen, you may use the Example Student Intake Form found on the Web site at: .

The form used by your agency must also be used by any sub-contracted service providers of your agency.


|Basic Student Information |NEW |

| |Student Information for |

| |2010-11 Collection and Reporting |

|Required |Required |

|Name |Test Name |

|Address |Test Form |

|Date of Birth |Test Level |

|Enrollment date |Test Date |

|Separation date |Test Score |

|Attendance hours/Dates(weekly/Monthly) |Default goal selection |

|Functioning levels |Multiple follow-up goals |

|Goal for Attending | |

| | |

|Recommended | |

|SSN | |

|Phone | |

|E-mail (for on line access) | |

|Gender | |

|Race/Ethnicity | |

|Participant Status |Program type |

|(student must select One) |(student must select all that apply) |

|Employed |ABE |

|Unemployed |ASE/AHS/GED |

|Not in Labor Force |ESL/ESOL |

|Environment Type |Institutional Programs |

|(if applicable) |(if applicable) |

|Family literacy |Correctional |

|Workplace literacy | |

|Homeless | |

|Work-based project learner | |

|Disability information | |

|On Public Assistance | |

|Living in Rural Area | |

ALL agencies that are not paid through the Florida Department of Education, Federal Cash Advance On-line System, and are paid by Reimbursement of Expenditures or Reimbursement with Performance, must invoice for reimbursement. This form must be returned with each invoice. See instructions on the Project Award Notification, DOE 200, to determine reimbursement requirements for awarded project(s).

Provider Name: _______________________________________ Project Number:____________________

Provider Address: _____________________________________ Phone Number: __(___)______________

_____________________________________ Provider’s Award

per Completion ($): _________________

____________________ Zip ______________ (Transfer amount from the appropriate project Target form.)

|Indicate the project this invoice is reporting by checking (() the appropriate box below. |

|Adult General Education |Corrections |Native American |

Providing literacy services? Yes No

|Invoice # _______________ |Dates of Service for this Invoice _______________________ |

|Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs) |Number of EFL Completions |Provider’s Award |Amount to Invoice |

| | |per Completion | |

| | | |(Columns B x C) |

| | |Transfer from above. | |

|A |B |C |D |

|ABE Beginning Literacy | |$ |$ |

|ABE Beginning Basic Ed | |$ |$ |

|ABE Low Intermediate | |$ |$ |

|ABE High Intermediate | |$ |$ |

|ABE Subtotals | |$ |$ |

|ASE Low | |$ |$ |

|ASE High – High School / GED Completion | |$ |$ |

|ASE Subtotals | |$ |$ |

|ESL Beginning Literacy | |$ |$ |

|ESL Low Beg | |$ |$ |

|ESL High Beg | |$ |$ |

|ESL Low Intermediate | |$ |$ |

|ESL High Intermediate | |$ |$ |

|ESL Advanced | |$ |$ |

|ESL Subtotals | |$ |$ |

|Grand Total | |$ |$ |


Print Name of Invoice Preparer

_____________________________ ___________________

Signature of Invoice Preparer Date

Provider Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: __(___)_____________

Provider Address: _____________________________________


____________________ Zip ______________

Instructions for completing the Projected Invoice Schedule Form:

It is recommended that a minimum of 2 invoices be submitted per program year (mid-term and final) with a maximum of 6 invoices and that the applicant comply with the invoice schedule approved with the original application. Applicants may duplicate the form up to a total of 6 invoices. The Applicant must complete the Projected Invoice Summary below, by entering the number of EFLs and estimated budget amount per invoice for each invoice required.

|Indicate the project this invoice is reporting by checking (() the appropriate box below. |

|Adult General Education |Corrections |Native American |

Providing literacy services? Yes No


| |Invoice #1 |Invoice #2 |Invoice #3 |Invoice #4 |Invoice #5 |Invoice #6 |Grand Totals |

|Budget Amount per Invoice |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |$ |

|Invoice Date (Month/Day/Year) | | |

|B) Name and Address of Eligible Applicant: |Project Number (DOE Assigned) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |D) |

| |Applicant Contact Information |

| |Contact Name: |Mailing Address: |

| | | |

| |Telephone Number: |SunCom Number: |

| | | |

| |Fax Number: |E-mail Address: |

| |


| |

|I, ______________________________________________, (Please Type Name) do hereby certify that all facts, figures, and representations made in this application |

|are true, correct, and consistent with the statement of general assurances and specific programmatic assurances for this project. Furthermore, all applicable |

|statutes, regulations, and procedures; administrative and programmatic requirements; and procedures for fiscal control and maintenance of records will be |

|implemented to ensure proper accountability for the expenditure of funds on this project. All records necessary to substantiate these requirements will be |

|available for review by appropriate state and federal staff. I further certify that all expenditures will be obligated on or after the effective date and prior|

|to the termination date of the project. Disbursements will be reported only as appropriate to this project, and will not be used for matching funds on this or |

|any special project, where prohibited. |

| |

|Further, I understand that it is the responsibility of the agency head to obtain from its governing body the authorization for the submission of this |

|application. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|DOE 100A |

|Revised 12/07 |

|Page 1 of 2 Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner [pic] |

| |

|Instructions for Completion of DOE 100A |

| |

| |

|If not pre-printed, enter name of the program for which funds are requested. |

| |

|Enter name and mailing address of eligible applicant. The applicant is the public or non-public entity receiving funds to carry out the purpose of the project.|

| |

| |

|Enter the total amount of funds requested for this project. |

| |

| |

|Enter requested information for the applicant’s contact person. This is the person responsible for responding to all questions regarding information included |

|in this application. |

| |

| |

|The original signature of the appropriate agency head is required. The agency head is the school district superintendent, university or community college |

|president, state agency commissioner or secretary, or the president/chairman of the Board for other eligible applicants. |

| |

| |

|Note: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head identified above must have a letter signed by the agency head, or documentation |

|citing action of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official. Attach the letter or documentation to the DOE 100A |

|when the application is submitted. |

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DOE 100A

Revised 12/07

Page 2 of 2 Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner [pic]



Florida Department of Education

Budget Narrative Form

|(1) |(2) |(3) |(4) |(5) |


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|C) TOTAL | |

| |$ |

DOE 101

Revised 12/07 Page 1 of 2 Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner [pic]


Budget Narrative Form

This form should be completed based on the instructions outlined below, unless instructed otherwise in the Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA).

A. Enter Name of Eligible Recipient.


Column 1

Function: School Districts Only:

Use the four digit function codes as required in the Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools Manual.

Column 2

Object: School Districts:

Use the three digit object codes as required in the Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools Manual.

Community Colleges:

Use the first three digits of the object codes listed in the Accounting Manual for Florida’s Public Community Colleges.

Universities and State Agencies:

Use the first three digits of the object codes listed in the Florida Accounting Information Resource Manual.

Other Agencies:

Use the object codes as required in the agency’s expenditure chart of accounts.

Column 3 - All Applicants:

Account Title: Use the account title that applies to the object code listed in accordance with the agency's accounting system.

Narrative: Provide a detailed narrative for each object code listed. For example:

• Salaries - describe the type(s) of positions requested. Use a separate line to describe each type of position.

• Other Personal Services – describe the type of service(s) and an estimated number of hours for each type of position. OPS is defined as compensation paid to persons, including substitute teachers not under contract, who are employed to provide temporary services to the program.

• Professional/Technical Services - describe services rendered by personnel, other than agency personnel employees, who provide specialized skills and knowledge.

• Contractual Services and/or Inter-agency agreements - provide the agency name and description of the service(s) to be rendered.

• Travel - provide a description of each type of travel to be supported with project funds, such as conference(s), in district or out of district, and out of state. Do not list individual names. List individual position(s) when travel funds are being requested to perform necessary activities.

• Capital Outlay - provide the type of items/equipment to be purchased with project funds.

• Indirect Cost - provide the percentage rate being used. Use the current approved rate. (Reference the DOE Green Book for additional guidance regarding indirect cost.)

Column 4 – Must be completed for all Salaries and Other Personal Services.

FTE - Indicate the Full Time Equivalent (FTE based on the standard workweek for the type of position) number of positions to be funded. Determine FTE by dividing the standard number of weekly hours (e.g., 35 hours) for the type of position (e.g., teacher aide) into the actual work hours to be funded by the project.

Column 5

Amount - Provide the budget amount requested for each object code.

C. TOTAL - Provide the total for Column (5) on the last page. Must be the same amount as requested on the DOE-100A or B.

DOE 101

Revised 12/07 Page 2 of 2 Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner [pic]

Florida Department of Education

Division of Career and Adult Education


Equipment projected to be purchased from this grant must be submitted on this form or in a format that contains the information appearing on this form.

A) ___________________________________________________

Name of Eligible Recipient

B) ___________________________________________________

Project Number (DOE USE ONLY)

Agencies are accountable for all equipment purchased using grant funds including those below the agencies threshold.


(Cells will expand when text is typed.)


|# | |

|COLUMN B - OBJECT CODE: |SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Use the three digit object codes as required in the Financial and Program Cost |

| |Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools Manual. |

| | |


| |Use the first three digits of the object codes listed in the Accounting Manual for Florida’s Public |

| |Community Colleges. |

| | |


| |Use the first three digits of the object codes listed in the Florida Accounting Information Resource |

| |Manual. |

| | |

| |OTHER AGENCIES: Use the object codes as required in the agency’s expenditure chart of accounts. |

|COLUMN C – ACCOUNT TITLE: |Use the account title that applies to the object code listed in the accordance with the agency’s |

| |accounting system. |

|COLUMN D – DESCRIPTION: |Provide detailed descriptions/specifications of all equipment items to be purchased that have a |

| |projected unit value of $1000 (State’s threshold) or more with a useful life of one year or more. |

| | |

| |Note: If the agency has a threshold of less than $1000 the lower amount is the guiding threshold. |

|COLUMN E – SCHOOL/PROGRAM: |Provide the name of the school and the name of the program for which the equipment is being purchased. |

|COLUMN F – NUMBER OF ITEMS: |Provide the total number purchased of this item. |

|COLUMN G – ITEM COST: |Provide the projected cost for each item. |

|COLUMN H – TOTAL COST: |Provide the total projected cost of all items. |

Adult General Education

Continuation - Fiscal Year 2010-2011


• Include this form in the application package.

• Place all items requested in the order indicated below.

• Include only the items requested.

• Place page numbers on every page consecutively, at the bottom, beginning with the DOE 100A as page 1. Page numbers written by hand are permissible if electronic numbering is a problem.

• Staple upper left corner of the complete application package (no spiral bindings, notebooks or cover pages, please).

|Placement Order |Item |Applicant |DOE Staff |

| | | |Check appropriate box below |

| | |Indicate Page |Complete |

| | |Numbers Below | |

|1 |DOE 100A, Project Application – with original signature | | | |

|2 |DOE 101, Budget Narrative Form | | | |

|3 |Projected Equipment Purchases Form or other equipment documentation | | | |

|4 |Project Invoice Schedule Form – if applicable | | | |

|5 |Regional Workforce Board Coordination Assurance Form | | | |

|6 |GEPA Summary | | | |

|7 |Application Review Criteria and Checklist Form | | | |


|8 |1. Project Design | | | |

| | a. Project Summary | | | |

| | b. 12 Statutory Considerations for Compliance | | | |

| | c. Sub-contracted Services | | | |

| | d. Self-Evaluation Form | | | |

| | e. Adult General Education Target Form | | | |

| | f. Data Collection Requirements | | | |

| | g. Student Data Reporting | | | |

| |2. Support for Next Generation / Reading / Math & Science | | | |

| |3. Dissemination/Marketing | | | |


|9 |List of current Board of Directors and Articles of Incorporation | | | |

| |Copy of current operating budget | | | |

| |Copy of current audit report – if available | | | |

| |Copy of Chart of Accounts | | | |

| |General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State | | | |

| |Programs | | | |

| |Proof of eligibility to operate a business in Florida (signed document from Florida| | | |

| |Secretary of State) | | | |

I:\RFA - RFP's\10-11\Adult Ed\age_rfa.doc 4/13/2010 2:22 PM


TAPS Number


C) Total Funds Requested:



Total Approved Project:


E) ________________________________________________

Signature of Agency Head

TAPS Number


Name of Eligible Recipient:

Project Number: (DOE USE ONLY)

TAPS Number



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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