Polk County, North Carolina



June 5, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice - Womack Building

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chairman Melton, Vice-Chairman Johnson, Commissioner Bradley, Commissioner Gasperson and Commissioner Yoder. Also in attendance were County Manager Pittman, County Attorney Berg, Clerk to the Board High, media and citizens.

1. Call to Order of Regular Meeting – Chairman Melton called the meeting to order.

2. Invocation – Commissioner Bradley gave the invocation.

3. Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Gasperson led the pledge.

4. Approval of Agenda – Chairman Melton asked that a Resolution opposing House Bill 581 be added as Agenda Item #9a. Vice-Chairman Johnson asked that a Resolution supporting mental health funding be added as Agenda Item #9b. Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

5. Consent Agenda

A) Approval of May 15, 2017, budget work session minutes.

B) Approval of Tax Department written refund requests totaling $ 1,693.69.

C) Budget Amendment #66, $20,000 – Transfer funds from General Fund ED, to Reserve for ED.

D) Budget Amendment #67, $22,850 – To transfer the health insurance increase of 3.4% to each department that has covered employees.

Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by

Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

6. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items – Jim Bross and Mary Smith spoke supporting

Polk Fit Fresh Friendly (PF3) and a letter of support for PF3 from Aaron Greene was

read by Mary Smith.

7. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items – Grey Lancaster would like the 60 foot

maximum height reduced in the Equestrian Village zoning district and is concerned

with citizen safety when NCDOT has Moore Road closed for construction at TIEC.

Mary Dill would like the rest of the County, not just Green Creek, to share the tax

burden as they share the services.

8. Polk Fit Fresh Friendly (PF3) – Ben Ellington and Linda Greensfelder gave a

PowerPoint presentation on the PF3 program, a copy of which is hereby

incorporated by reference into these minutes.

9. Resolution of Appreciation for Collaborative Efforts of Emergency Agencies –

Commissioner Yoder moved to approve a resolution in appreciation to the emergency agencies, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

9a. Resolution Opposing House Bill 581 (Billboards) – Commissioner Gasperson

moved to approve a resolution opposing HB 581, seconded by Vice-Chairman

Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

9b. Resolution of Support for Adequate Funding to Meet the Mental Health, Intellectual

and Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorder Service Needs for

Citizens of Polk County - Commissioner Bradley moved to approve a resolution

in support of funding mental health, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the

motion carried unanimously.

10. Set Public Hearing For An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance/

Zoning Map to Rezone a Certain Areas as the Equestrian Village District – Cathy

Ruth, Planner, presented the request to schedule a public hearing on June 19,

2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, to take

public comment on the proposed amendment to the Polk County zoning ordinance

and zoning map. Commissioner Bradley moved to schedule the public hearing as

requested, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried


11. Broadband Committee – Bruce Yelton, MIS Director gave an update on the

Broadband Committee. He said the surveys will be available at the Polk County

Library, in the County Manager’s office, or online June 1st through July 31st .

12. Reappointment of the County Tax Administrator – Commissioner Bradley moved to

appoint Melissa Bowlin for a four year term as the Polk County Tax Administrator,

seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

13. Polk County Transportation System Safety Plan – Joshua Kennedy, Consolidated

Human Services Agency (CHSA) Director presented the plan for review.

14. Polk County Department of Social Services Emergency Operation Plan –

Joshua Kennedy, CHSA Director presented the plan. He explained this is a State

required document and has been approved by the CHSB. Commissioner Bradley

moved to approve the plan, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion

carried unanimously.

15. Polk County Consolidated Human Services Board (CHSB) - Joshua Kennedy,

CHSA Director requested a change in the CHSB membership terms to retain

professional members. Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to approve the changes as

requested, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried


16. Medical Services Agreement – Jana Berg, County Attorney presented the

agreement between St. Luke’s Hospital and Polk County Sheriff’s office to provide

clinical services to the inmates as necessary. Attorney Berg stated the agreement

met her approval. Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the agreement,

seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

17. Manager’s Report – Paul Luzier of Moseley Architects gave a construction update

on the Polk County Law Enforcement Facility. He said the slabs are 75% complete

and the project is 22% complete. He stated progress has not been delayed by rain

and they are still anticipating a December/January construction completion date

with the facility being ready for occupants in February or March 2018.

Manager Pittman said on June 2, 2017 he met with representatives from Columbus

and Tryon and NCDOT officials and the four lane option on Hwy. 108 to Tryon has

been taken off the table. He said he is waiting for the official statement and will post

it on the website when it is available.

18. Volunteer Boards for Vote – Commissioner Gasperson moved to appoint Mary

Prioleau to the Mental Health Advisory Board, seconded by Vice-Chairman

Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

19. Volunteer Boards for Review – Applications for the following Boards were

reviewed: Consolidated Human Services Board – 1 application, 3 vacancies;

Home Care and Community Block Grant Committee - 3 applications, 3 vacancies;

Mental Health Advisory Board – 2 applications, 3 vacancies.

20. Commissioner Comments – Commissioner Gasperson thanked Michael Veatch for

being at the earlier budget public hearing and all the Commissioners thanked

everyone for coming out to the meeting.

21. Closed Session – Commissioner Bradley moved to go into closed session,

for the purposes of attorney-client privilege, economic development and personnel,

G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3)(4)(6), seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion

carried unanimously.

22. Return to Open Session – Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to return to open

session, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried


Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to schedule a public hearing on June 19, 2017 at

6:30 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, to take public

comment regarding an application for an Industrial Development Fund grant award

from the NC. Department of Commerce’s Rural Infrastructure Authority to assist

with a waterline extension, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion

carried unanimously.

23. Adjournment – Vice- Chairman Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded

by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.



__________________________ __________________________

Angé High Tommy W. Melton

Clerk to the Board Chairman





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