OPPORTUNITY - Word of Life Christian School

OPPORTUNITY81153028765500The objective of a private school is to teach children how to live and to equip them for success. The Bible verse in Proverbs 22:6 admonishes adults to train up a child in the way he should go.A private school is an extension of the home in training your child. The school staff works closely with parents to train the whole child.Attendance at Word of Life Christian School is a privilege and not a right. The goal of this school is to train youth, of every ability, in the highest principles of moral character, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. This school stands without apology for high standards of morality and wisdom.TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Biblical Principles PAGEREF _Toc300739238 \h 1Non – Discrimination Act PAGEREF _Toc300739239 \h 2Withdrawal Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739240 \h 3Transcript Requests PAGEREF _Toc300739241 \h 3Change of Residence PAGEREF _Toc300739242 \h 3Standard of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc300739243 \h 4Language PAGEREF _Toc300739244 \h 5Unacceptable Text Messaging PAGEREF _Toc300739245 \h 5Contact between Students (Six Inch Rule) PAGEREF _Toc300739246 \h 5Inappropriate Reading Material PAGEREF _Toc300739247 \h 5School Conduct and Discipline Standards PAGEREF _Toc300739248 \h 7Probationary Period PAGEREF _Toc300739249 \h 7School Conduct PAGEREF _Toc300739250 \h 8Classroom Conduct PAGEREF _Toc300739251 \h 9School Dress Code Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739252 \h 11Discipline PAGEREF _Toc300739253 \h 12Cooperation with Police PAGEREF _Toc300739254 \h 13Detention PAGEREF _Toc300739255 \h 14Attendance PAGEREF _Toc300739256 \h 15Step Up for Students Scholarship Attendance Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739257 \h 17Tardy Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739258 \h 17Visitation Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739259 \h 18Phone Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739260 \h 19Cell Phone Use PAGEREF _Toc300739261 \h 19Electronic Devices PAGEREF _Toc300739262 \h 19Lunchroom Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739263 \h 20Medical Guidelines PAGEREF _Toc300739264 \h 21Lost and Found….. PAGEREF _Toc300739265 \h 21FIRE AND TORNADO DRILLS……...School Closings PAGEREF _Toc300739267 \h 22Transportation PAGEREF _Toc300739268 \h 23Dismissal PAGEREF _Toc300739269 \h 23Christian Leadership Training PAGEREF _Toc300739270 \h 24International Student Convention PAGEREF _Toc300739271 \h 25Academic Policy PAGEREF _Toc300739272 \h 26Curriculum PAGEREF _Toc300739273 \h 26Academic Plans and Projections PAGEREF _Toc300739274 \h 27Student Progress Reports PAGEREF _Toc300739275 \h 28Academic Reports/Testing Programs PAGEREF _Toc300739276 \h 28Achievement Testing PAGEREF _Toc300739277 \h 28Learning Center Rules PAGEREF _Toc300739278 \h 29General: PAGEREF _Toc300739279 \h 29Student Offices PAGEREF _Toc300739280 \h 30Goal Card PAGEREF _Toc300739281 \h 30Score Station: PAGEREF _Toc300739282 \h 31Homework: PAGEREF _Toc300739283 \h 31PACEs: PAGEREF _Toc300739284 \h 32Test Table: PAGEREF _Toc300739285 \h 32Congratulations! Slip PAGEREF _Toc300739286 \h 32Student Progress Chart / Star Chart PAGEREF _Toc300739287 \h 32Opportunities of the Learning Center PAGEREF _Toc300739288 \h 33MERITS - Positive Control PAGEREF _Toc300739289 \h 33DEMERITS - Negative Behavior PAGEREF _Toc300739290 \h 33Awards Program PAGEREF _Toc300739291 \h 34Incentive Program PAGEREF _Toc300739292 \h 35PACE Procedures PAGEREF _Toc300739293 \h 37Repeating PACEs PAGEREF _Toc300739294 \h 39Scoring Violation PAGEREF _Toc300739295 \h 39Grading System PAGEREF _Toc300739296 \h 39Physical Education PAGEREF _Toc300739297 \h 40Athletic Program PAGEREF _Toc300739298 \h 40Athletic Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc300739299 \h 40Parent Involvement PAGEREF _Toc300739300 \h 41General High School Information PAGEREF _Toc300739301 \h 42Graduation Requirements PAGEREF _Toc300739302 \h 42Academic Programs PAGEREF _Toc300739303 \h 43College/Career Placement Tests PAGEREF _Toc300739304 \h 43Work Release PAGEREF _Toc300739305 \h 44Senior Activities/Functions PAGEREF _Toc300739306 \h 44Search & Seizure PAGEREF _Toc300739307 \h 45Arbitration Clause PAGEREF _Toc300739308 \h 46BINDING ARBITRATION PAGEREF _Toc300739309 \h 46STUDENT HANDBOOK PROVISIONS PAGEREF _Toc300739310 \h iVIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICY PAGEREF _Toc300739311 \h iZERO-TOLERANCE FOR VIOLENCE PAGEREF _Toc300739312 \h iPOLICE INVESTIGATIONS PAGEREF _Toc300739313 \h iWEAPONS POLICY PAGEREF _Toc300739314 \h iASSAULT, THREATS & HARASSMENT PROHIBITED PAGEREF _Toc300739315 \h iiSEARCH AND SEIZURE PAGEREF _Toc300739316 \h ivVISITORS/TRESPASSING ON PROPERTY PAGEREF _Toc300739317 \h ivEMERGENCY PROCEDURES PAGEREF _Toc300739318 \h vSTUDENT DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE PAGEREF _Toc300739319 \h vRIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGEREF _Toc300739320 \h viiiDETAILED POLICY ON FILE PAGEREF _Toc300739321 \h viiiBiblical Principles1520190183705500One of the basic reasons why parents enroll their children in a private school is to obtain an education grounded in moral values. This school uses the Biblically based School of Tomorrow curriculum, which includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ - all designed to help students develop moral character, a sense of accountability, and wisdom in their lives. Standards of personal conduct, school policies, and curriculum continue to build the students' sense of responsibility and integrity.Students are reminded that God expectsus to be disciplined in all areas of life."Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord." Colossians 3:20"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers..." Romans 13:1"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves..." Hebrews 13:17"For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life." Proverbs 6:23"He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth." Proverbs 10:17"Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying." Proverbs 19:18Non – Discrimination ActAs a religious entity, Word of Life Christian School is legally permitted to make enrollment decisions based upon religious criteria, including doctrinal and lifestyle issues. It is the policy of Word of Life Christian School to enroll students who subscribe without reservation to Word of Life Christian School’s Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct and who are living out these doctrines and standards in all areas of their lives, both at and away from ministry functions.Word of Life Christian School does not discriminate in enrollment on the basis of race, color, sex (as determined at birth and not subject to change), national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.In accordance with Federal Law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)De acuerdo a lo establecido por las leyes Federales y el Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. (USDA, sigla en ingles), se prohibe a este organismo la discriminacion por raza, color, origen national, sexo, edad, o impedimentos de las personas. (No todos las bases de prohibicion se aplican a todos los programas.)Withdrawal PolicyParents must notify the school to initiate the withdrawal of a student.A Student Withdrawal Form must be completed and returned to the School Office.Library books must be turned in.Tuition will be due up to the date of withdrawal.No academic records will be transferred to another school while an outstanding balance remains on a student’s account.Students who withdraw from Word of Life Christian School either during or at the end of a school year may, or may not, be accepted back at a future date at the discretion of the WOLCS Board.Transcript RequestsTranscripts of students will be sent directly from Word of Life Christian School to other institutions, when requested by a parent. All financial obligations to WOLCS must be met before a transcript will be released.Change of ResidenceIt is essential that the school have accurate family information. Contact the School Office within two days of any change in address or telephone numbers. If a student changes residence to live with someone other than the parent/guardian who enrolled the student in the school, written notification of the arrangement must be submitted to the School Office. All students must be under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian while they are enrolled at the school.Standard of Conduct1421130136398000Students of Word of Life Christian School are expected to refrain from talking about or engaging in cheating, swearing, smoking, gambling, secular music, gangs, drinking alcoholic beverages, sexual activity, PG-13 or R rated movies, and using narcotics. Students who participate in and discuss such activities at school are subject to suspension.Students are expected to act in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining Biblical standards of social courtesy, moral behavior, acceptable language, and honesty. Students must agree to strive toward unquestionable character in dress, conduct, and attitude.Any student observing questionable activities or overhearing conversations, which are contrary to the policies of this school, should immediately discuss the matter with a supervisor. This is not tattling. It has been said, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." ..."to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17 LanguageUse only words which glorify the Lord. Griping is not tolerated before, during or after school, any extracurricular activities, practices, or games (away or home). Violators will have detention or be removed from the activity (temporary or indefinitely). This includes parents.Unacceptable Text MessagingIn keeping with the school’s responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all students, the administration has established the following policy regarding the issue of “sexting”.Sexting is the act of sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit or suggestive messages, photos or images via cell phone, computer or other digital device. Students engaged in such activities are subject to state laws and school discipline. The school considers sending, sharing, possessing or even viewing pictures, text messages or emails that contain a sexual message or image a violation of this policy. This violation will result in school discipline, up to and including expulsion and the notification of local law enforcement. Students are expected to immediately report any such activities to a teacher or school administrator. Contact between Students (Six Inch Rule)No physical contact between boys and girls is permitted at school. Students are to ensure that, whether they are in class, in the halls, or in chapel, there is some visible space between them. Inappropriate Reading Material Comic books, magazines, books, or other material inappropriate for the school setting are not permitted. Inappropriate materials will be confiscated. Some may be returned at a parent conference. Any student who brings written or pictorial materials with profane, obscene, or vulgar content, will be suspended from school and the material destroyed. Web-Site PostingStudents placing information on the world-wide-web that is out of harmony with the policies and rules of WOLCS, will be dealt with in the same manner as if the violation occurred during school hours. This is due to the public access and public nature of the web domain. Therefore, it is important that a student be found consistent in all walks of life, not only during school. All public postings should reflect the nature of Christ and the moral values of the Word of God. Postings of faculty pictures or creating a web site in their name will be dealt with seriously. Students who post inappropriate material on personal websites will face administrative discipline. 5048251144905WATCH WHAT YOU POST!00WATCH WHAT YOU POST!School Conduct and Discipline StandardsProbationary PeriodBoth academic and behavioral standards must be consistently maintained to ensure continued enrollment at Word of Life Christian School.A student may be placed on probation for a specified period, based on staff/school board recommendation, and as a result of parent/student/teacher/principal conference. Cause for probation may be based on academics, behavior, compliance to school rules, respect for authority, a spirit of cooperation, school attendance, or other concerns.Note: While the school/staff desire and care to help/minister to children, it is not fair to teachers, to other students, or to their parents, to have the normal process of instruction and learning interrupted by the distractions that unruly children bring into the classroom. The probation period will be structured to ensure close supervision and reporting progress. A Supervisor’s Compliance Report is submitted to the School Board for review at the end of the period that will determine whether or not sufficient progress has been made to warrant the student being taken off probation. If progress is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements set by the staff/school board, it will be required that the student be withdrawn from the school, or that specific help be obtained to correct the problem.If the student is placed on probation by the School board, and there has been a parent/student/teacher/principal conference, and the student continues with non-compliance to school standards, at the Supervisor’s request an emergency board meeting will be held for review of immediate expulsion of the student. WOLCS has a no tolerance policy toward rebellion, disrespect toward authority, laziness, and continual disobedience.“Striving towards academic and spiritual excellence.” Luke 2:52School ConductThe ideal form of discipline is self-discipline. It is our desire to help each student develop self-discipline and conduct that is God-honoring and appropriate for classroom learning.Realistic behavior limits are set for the good of the students. Consequences of unwise choices are necessary when unacceptable behavior continues to be a problem. Unacceptable behavior is generally defined as follows:An action that interferes with the learning process of the student or their classmates – our program states that the paramount rule is NO DISTRACTIONS!An action that could possibly cause physical or emotional harm to the student or their classmates.An action in direct violation of a school rule. A well-disciplined and secure classroom becomes simple and matter-of-fact if the proper “transfer of authority” has taken place. Children understand that you, the parent have chosen to put them under the care and protection of their teacher. Therefore, you expect them to listen carefully and to obey the teacher’s words of instruction.An act of willful disobedience toward any staff member or teacher. Use of profane or unwholesome language or taking the Lord’s name in vain.Classroom ConductStudents should remain quiet and orderly in the halls for the benefit of those still in class. No loud talking or running is allowed.Students are expected to complete all assignments within the time allotted or there is homework. A homework note or communication folder (lower grades) must be signed every night, even if there is no homework. Special privileges such as Music, Recess, Art, Friday Video, and classroom privileges may be withheld until work is finished. Please refer to Academic Policy requirements. Instruments are to be played only in supervised music class.Students are not to be involved in fighting or any type of physical or verbal abuse. Where there is a fight, the aggressor will be sent home immediately, and will be suspended from school for an additional 2 days. (The PACE work must be done during that time.) If that same student is involved in a second fight, they will be sent home immediately for 2 weeks. If the same student becomes involved in a third fight, the School Board will expel the student and that expulsion becomes part of their permanent school record. Tuition will be due up to the day of expulsion.Student possession and/or use of any weapons, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs will not be tolerated. DISCOVERY OF SUCH THINGS WILL RESULT IN A CALL TO THE BARTOW POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE PARENT. If we cannot reach you, the Bartow Police Department will notify you. WOLCS is under NO obligation to contact you if your child is doing something illegal. The student involved in the possession of the above is automatically expelled from WOLCS. Tuition will be due up to the day of expulsion.Student possession and/or use of any items that appear to be a weapon, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs will not be tolerated. Matches or lighters are not permitted on campus. Student possession and/or use of cigarettes and/or dip will result in a 2-hour detention, which will be served after school. On the second offense, the student will be suspended from school for 3 days. If the student does not comply with a change in their behavior regarding tobacco and is caught a third time, Law Enforcement may be called and a civil citation will be issued to the student. The WOLCS Board will expel the student and their expulsion will become part of that student’s permanent record.Student possession of anything connected to occult and/or witchcraft, as well as knowledge of any occult practice or involvement, will result as above # 6. WOLCS is training and equipping students according to the Word of God. This negates the spiritual training and produces a satanic spirit that can spread and infect the student body. (See Deut. 18:10-12)In light of God’s Word, WOLCS upholds a biblical view of morality. A student, who becomes pregnant, will be asked to withdraw from WOLCS. If the father of the baby attends WOLCS, he will be asked to withdraw from WOLCS. (See 1Thess. 4:3, 1Cor. 6:18-20)WOLCS students are expected to obey the laws of the community, state, and nation. Any student who is arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime, other than minor traffic violations will be subject to immediate expulsion. Offenders are required to report such incidents to the school administration. Failure to report an incident will result in immediate suspension pending action by the School Board regarding dismissal. School Dress Code PolicyGirls and boys may wear proper fitting blue jeans, navy blue, black, or khaki pants, or knee length shorts of the same color, without holes or tears. Attire must be worn at the waist.Girls may wear navy, khaki, black, or blue jean skirts, or jumpers, or capris that are knee length.Uniform T-shirts must be worn everyday with jeans, khaki, black, or navy blue bottoms. Shirts are available by pre-order purchase. (No oversized or undersized shirts allowed).Plain jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt, in solid gray is permitted. Jackets are available with pre-order purchase.Caps/Hats are prohibited on school premises. Caps may be worn at extracurricular activities if in within standards of WOLCS.Students are not permitted to have body markings, temporary or permanent visible tattoos or visible body piercing jewelry. Ear gauges are prohibited. Students may wear a minimum of two earrings in the ear only. For protection purposes no dangling earrings longer than ?“ hanging from the earlobe are allowed. Examples of what is not allowed are long feathers, large hoops, etc. Students/Parents assume full responsibility for any/all jewelry brought to Word of Life Christian School, including school sponsored events. Word of Life Christian School will not be held responsible for the loss, damage, or replacement of any jewelry.For Physical Education, students must wear closed toe and closed back shoes. Examples would include tennis shoes/sneakers. Students are allowed to change their shoes prior to P.E. and afterwards.On the first violation of dress code a warning notice will be sent home. The second time, the parent will be called to pick up the student or bring proper dress clothes to change. Additional violations will require further discipline defined by the Principal.DisciplineThis is not a corrective institution: consequently, we ask that a child not be enrolled with the idea that they will be reformed. We are here to work with the home, but not to take the place of parents who have experienced difficulty in fulfilling their roles.Students having a problem in academics, attendance, and/or behavior will meet with the principal and supervisor, along with their parents. At that time the student will be put on a contract to correct the problem. A review of the student's progress will be done with all parties. If no improvement has been made, the situation of the student will be brought before WOLCS Board for review. It may result in a request to withdraw the student from school.The student must at all times conduct themselves in a manner becoming a lady or gentleman. If you child comes home complaining about a policy or discipline, please follow this procedure:Give the staff the benefit of the doubt.Realize that your child's reporting is emotionally biased and may not include all the information.Realize that the school has reasons for all rules and that they are enforced without partiality.Support the administration/staff and call the school for all the facts.When a child's attitude is not in accord with school policies or principles, the child and both parents will be called in for a conference. If WOLCS Board feels the situation has not changed within a designated time, parents will be asked to withdraw the child from school.Our discipline code is Biblically based on a respect for God, authority, and others.The classroom teacher handles initial misbehavior. Each teacher will have their behavior plan posted in the classroom and one will be sent home for parents’ signature. Parents will be notified if a student shows repeated disruptive behavioral problems and a detention will be given. This is an indication that parents need to take action at home so that the teacher’s time is not consumed with behavioral problems, but with academic instruction. A parent will be called to come to the principal’s office to pick up their student if behavioral problems continue.In cases where the problems continue with no behavioral change, or where parental and/or student cooperation is lacking, or if the student consistently exhibits an uncooperative spirit, he/she may be requested by WOLCS Board to leave the school.If medical necessity requires your student to take prescription medication to help with behavioral issues and the medicine is not taken, the student must remain at home.NO STUDENT WILL BE ACCEPTED AT WOLCS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN EXPELLED OR ASKED TO WITHDRAW FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL.NO STUDENT WILL BE ACCEPTED AT WOLCS IF CRIMINAL CHARGES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT AGAINST AND/OR ARE PLACED ON PROBATION THROUGH THE COURT SYSTEM.Cooperation with PoliceWord of Life Christian School is committed to providing its students with a quality education within a safe and law-?abiding school environment. While respecting the rights and responsibilities of all parties concerned, staff will cooperate fully with the police and other law enforcement officers carrying out their responsibilities as part of a law enforcement investigation or proceeding. The ministry will make every effort to contact parents if their child is to be questioned by law enforcement officials if permitted to do so by the investigating officers. In the interest of safety and at the discretion of the school administration, criminal acts and acts of violence will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency along with any illegal contraband or other evidence requested by the authorities investigating the incident.Detention79248012192000Detention is assigned in an attempt to train the student to accept responsibility for their behavior and their work. We encourage parents to take appropriate action at home to reinforce a detention notice. Parents will be sent a written notice of the detention, date, and reason. The note must be signed and returned the following day. If not signed, an additional second detention will be given.Detentions for Elementary students will be held on Thursday each week from 7:45 a.m. to 8:05 a.m. Detentions for Middle and High School students will be held during their lunch time the following day of issuance of detention. The teacher may assign detention for the following, as well as any other reason deemed necessary:Inability to accept correction from the teacher in the classroom.First time of “incomplete homework” and each one thereafter in a 9 week period.Inability to follow classroom rules.Threatening another person.Profanity.A fourth unexcused tardy in a 9-week grading period. (See Tardy Policy)Major dress code violation.AttendanceA school year is comprised of 180 days in the State of Florida. The law states a student should not miss more than 20 days in a school calendar year. If the student misses more than 7 days (unexcused) of school, the parent will be sent notification of excessive absences. After missing 15 days (unexcused), a parent will be required to meet with the Principal. If a student misses 20 days (unexcused) the parent will be asked to withdraw the student from the school. Excessive absenteeism is indicative of a more serious problem and the student usually cannot make up the work missed. In addition, the school’s integrity is negatively affected by student’s excessive absenteeism.An excused absence is defined as an absence that has the sanction of the parent and the school. The following are acceptable and will be excused:Personal illness – A student shall be excused for absences caused by personal illness. We require that if your student will be absent for the day that a phone call be made informing the school office by 8:45 a.m. Also, a note explaining the absence which has been signed by the parent/guardian must accompany the student on the return to school.PLEASE NOTE: A written excuse signed by a parent or guardian must be presented to the supervisor when a student returns to school after an absence of one to two days. A Doctor’s note is required if a student is absent 3 days or more consecutively.Illness or Death in the Immediate Family – A student shall be excused for absences caused by serious illness or death of the immediate family. Immediate family is defined as parent, brother, sister, grandmother/grandfather, aunt, uncle, or legal guardian. Please notify the School Office. A note explaining the absence that has been signed by the parent/guardian must accompany the student on return to school.Trips with parents – Such trips shall be prearranged and approved by the school administration. If not prearranged, the absences will not be excused unless the trip was necessitated by an emergency.School sponsored activities – A student shall be excused from attendance at school to participate in school sponsored activities. Some examples are senior class trip, college days/visitation, and Step Up for Students functions.Ministry camp or function – Students will be excused for preapproved ministry opportunities. Examples are youth camp, drama or dance ministry, youth conferences, or evangelism events.We require that you notify the Learning Center Supervisor at least two weeks in advance if an absence for reasons other than sickness or emergency, so that arrangements can be made with the supervisor to adjust assignments accordingly.Word of Life Christian School (WOLCS) requires all work to be completed, we do not issue a zero for incomplete work, and therefore in the event of an absence the work must be made up. PLEASE NOTE: FINAL DETERMINATIONS OF EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES ARE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ADMINISTRATION.When possible schedule routine doctor, dental, music, or other appointments after school hours, so that optimum time is utilized for academics in the Learning Center. If scheduling an appointment after hours is not possible, then a physician’s note will be required for the absence to be excused.A student must be present more than 50% of the day to be counted present. Step Up for Students Scholarship Attendance PolicyA Florida Step Up for Students Scholar may not be absent more than 18 days (90% attendance) during the 180-day school year (or approx. 4 days per scholarship payment period). Failure to be present for this minimum amount of time may result in the loss of the scholarship.103822522733000Tardy PolicyAfter a student has 4 unexcused tardies in a 9-week period, the student will receive a 20 minute detention and will be counted as an absence. The next time the student is late, unexcused, the student will serve another 20 minute detention up to a seventh unexcused tardy. If the student is late again, at the eighth unexcused, a conference will be held with the principal, parent/guardian, and student. If the student is late again after a conference has taken place, the detention time will be doubled to 40 minutes and thereafter.A student is late, if he or she is not seated at morning assembly when the assembly begins at 8:15 a.m. We require that each Parent/Guardian bring the student(s) to the School Office and the student will be issued their red tardy slip, which must be given to their Supervisor. If the student had a doctor’s appointment, the written excuse from that office reflects an excused tardy.4th day unexcused tardy = 20 min. detention & counts as 1 day absent5th day unexcused tardy = 20 min. detention 6th day unexcused tardy = 20 min. detention7th day unexcused tardy = 20 min. detention8th day unexcused tardy = 20 min. detention, counted as 1 day absent, and Conference with Principal Unexcused tardies & thereafter = 40 min. detentionVisitation PolicyParents are invited and encouraged to visit our school at any time. Maintaining a direct relationship with a child’s teacher is most important in assisting and improving the student’s education from the first day of kindergarten until graduation from high school. Parent/teacher conferences are the best way to stay informed about a child’s progress or address any problems that may occur.For the protection of all our children, Word of Life Christian School maintains a closed-campus policy. The office is located at the west end of the building. Conferences with any of our teachers can easily be arranged through the school office.We require that all visitors report to the school office and receive a badge that will identify to where and with whom you will visit. There is NO ENTRANCE without a visitor badge. Anyone who enters the school campus or engages in an activity on school property with no legal right to do so will be considered a trespasser. A trespasser will be asked to leave by school personnel. If, in the discretion of the school staff, a trespasser poses a risk of danger or refuses to leave after being asked by school personnel, the police will be notified as soon as possible. All of our policies reflect what is best for the students and the staff.11537954508500Phone Policy812802603500The school office phone is for business purposes only. Students are NOT allowed to receive phone calls during school hours. The students must make prior arrangements for after school activities and transportation before coming to school. If a student is not feeling well and is sent to the office, staff will make a call to the parent for the student. All other requests to use the phone must be made to the Principal, for assistance and approval. Cell Phone UseCellular telephones may be brought on the campus at the student’s own risk. Phones must be kept concealed in the School Office, turned off (not on vibrate), and not used during school operating hours (8:00 AM – 3:00 PM). Cell phones must be off upon arrival to school. A violation will result in confiscation until the end of the day. Confiscated phones will be returned to the parent only.381000295910DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF!00DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF! Electronic Devices Students are not to bring radios, MP3 players, I-Pod’s, I-Pad’s, video games, video recording devices, laser pointers, to school at any time. These items will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parents only. Digital Cameras are permitted for yearbook purposes only and must be pre-approved by their Supervisor. 182880019113500 School Computer UsageThe computers at Word of Life Christian School are to be used for educational purposes only. Educational purposes include academic research, completing class assignments, and software training. Use of computer systems for commercial solicitation, chatting, posting to “the boards”, or other inappropriate activities is prohibited. The Computer Use Policy is posted in computer labs and the media center. Student use of any school computer constitutes an agreement with the Computer Use Policy. Violations of these policies may result in suspension or termination of computer use privileges and other disciplinary action. Lunchroom PolicyYour child/student may bring their lunch in a self-contained lunch box. There are microwaves available for their use. Students are responsible to take their lunch boxes home at the end of every day. Each student is reminded to get his/her lunch box. The school is not responsible for lunch boxes left at the school. Lunch boxes that are left will be discarded on Friday afternoons. This is in compliance with health standards.PLEASE NOTE: Limit microwave cook time to 2 to 3 minutes.25717501841500Lunch Procedures:Eat only at assigned area.Put trash in wastebaskets.Clean up after yourself.172402529527500Medical GuidelinesNo staff member will be allowed to administer any medicines without parent authorization in writing.The Authorization for Medication/Treatment form is used for both Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Medication (over the counter medication). The form must be completed and signed by your physician for medication to be administered at school. All medicines must be kept and administered in the school office. When you send medication to school with your child, please clearly label the bottle with their name.If medical necessity requires your student to take prescription medication to help with behavioral issues and the medicine is not taken, the student must remain at home.Lost and FoundThe Lost and Found Department of the Word of Life Christian School (WOLCS) is operated from the School Office. At the end of a reasonable time, all items that have not been picked up will become the property of WOLCS and may be disposed of through the Church Service Center or other charitable organizations.Fire and Tornado Drills-10287019558000Practice fire drills will be held during the school year. At the sound of the buzzer, students are to stand and march out of the building in an orderly manner to a designated place. At the whistle they may return to the Learning Center in the same orderly manner. Students must walk in line. They are expected to refrain from talking, pushing, or running. Each supervisor will be with their class.320230511303000A tornado drill will be signaled by a long whistle sound. Students should proceed (as above) to a designated place and assume a crouched position with their heads protected.69342076200EMERGENCY00EMERGENCYSchool ClosingsWord of Life Christian School will follow the lead of Polk County Schools in determining the closing of school. If a weather or emergency situation arises, listen to local radio stations or check school websites that carry this information. If it is announced that Polk County Schools are closed, Word of Life Christian School will also be closed.TransportationStudents may be brought to school as early as 7:30 AM. School begins at 8:15 AM. Each day begins with all students meeting for morning assembly, directed by the Principal. If your child arrives after morning assembly has begun, your child will be considered tardy, and must obtain a tardy slip at the school office. (See Tardy Policy) DismissalFor elementary grades K - 5th, daily dismissal is 2:15 PM. Car pick up is on the south side of the building until 2:30 PM. Middle School and High School daily dismissal is 2:30 PM. Car pick up is at the west end of the building by the School entrance until 2:45 PM.All students must be off school campus by 2:45 PM unless staying for after school activities. The School Office will close at 3:00 PM. Please call the School Office if you have an emergency and are not able to pick up your child before the campus is closed. Only those listed on the Emergency Form are authorized to pick up your child, unless you notify the School Office of a different arrangement.Cars and bikes should be locked. All students must stay out of and off vehicles from arrival time until departure. Christian Leadership TrainingDevotions: Students are given opportunity to meet in devotional periods of 15-30 minutes and are divided gender specific. During these meetings biblical principles of life, meaningful and relevant topics are discussed.Chapel: Chapel sessions are held the first Wednesday of each month, during which the student identifies with Biblical principles and wisdom. Students must bring Bibles to all devotions, chapels, and special meetings.Christian Americanism: Christian Americanism places emphasis upon the greatness of America's heritage and the sacrifices of her heroes. America's Constitution guarantees liberties to educate in order to preserve freedom. We unashamedly teach the Biblical doctrines of self-discipline, respect for those in authority, obedience to law, and love for God, flag, and country.Pledge of Allegiance to the American FlagI pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian FlagI pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for Whose kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.Pledge of Allegiance to the BibleI pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.International Student ConventionAn exciting event for students is the annual A.C.E. Regional and International Student Conventions (ISC). Thousands of young people compete in many events such as music, speech, art, athletics, academics, and numerous aspects of service. Students are encouraged to begin work on their events in the early fall in order to be prepared in time for regional competition. Regional Conventions are held in the spring, beginning of March. Students compete at the regional level to qualify for the International Student Convention held at the end of May.Student Convention Guidelines are available to assist students in preparing for competition. They are available at no charge at .Academic PolicyCurriculumWord of Life Christian School (WOLCS) utilizes the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum (referred to as PACE), which is built upon the following five basic laws of learning:Students must be at levels where they can perform.Reasonable goals must be set.Students must be controlled and motivated.Learning must be measurable.Learning must be rewarded.It doesn’t matter if the student is a high achiever or a moderately paced learner, the A.C.E. educational process proceeds at the exact level determined by the student’s ability.Individualization makes it possible for each student to master the subject before moving on. Such mastery is the foundation upon which all future learning is built. Individualization produces academic excellence. Students take responsibility for their own learning.WOLCS strives toward academic and spiritual excellence. We have determined that for a student to be successful in their academics, certain guidelines must be followed. Students must set achievable daily goals. An average of 3-5 pages in each subject per day is normally the number of pages to achieve their goals.When setting the goals they must consider the difficulty of the pages. Some PACEs have more pages therefore another method is the student should count the number of pages in the PACE and divide the total number of days allotted (typically 15 days) to determine the minimum daily goals. If the goal is not met by the end of the school day, the work must be completed at home. If the work is not completed, a disciplinary notice is given. If this continues the student will not be progressing in their work appropriately and will fall behind.WOLCS requires that students maintain academic balance in all subjects. Because the students are placed at their individual level, goals should be attainable. Each year students must complete 12 PACEs in each subject (Math, English, Word Building, Social Studies, and Science) to be promoted to the next grade. High School students may choose elective courses and each will be decided initially with the Principal, their Supervisor, the student and parents through an Academic Projection interview.Academic Plans and ProjectionsEach student in grades 5th through 8th will receive an Academic Plan listing the PACE requirements for the school year. The Academic Plan must be signed by the classroom supervisor, student, and guardian. This ensures an awareness of what needs to be completed and that all are in agreement to the successful accomplishment of the requirements.Each student enrolled in 9th grade through 12th grade will receive an Academic Projection each year from their supervisor. The student’s Academic Projection will be based upon one of four courses of study offered by WOLCS and will determine what type of diploma the student will ultimately earn. The decision regarding the course of study will be established by the High School Supervisor, student and guardian, while adhering to the academic requirements of WOLCS. The Academic Projection must be signed by the High School Supervisor, student and guardian.Each year after re-enrollment, the supervisor will update the projection to reflect the student’s ongoing progress and completion of academic requirements. The signed Academic Projections is considered a contract between the student, guardian and WOLCS. Completion of a course of study will be based upon completion of the most recently signed Academic Projection.The Academic Projection will consider all accepted credits through a previous school, along with the school’s additional academic requirements. Students are encouraged to attain the highest possible academics.Student Progress ReportsThe grading system of our school is designed to give parents a true indication of the student’s progress or lack thereof. Progress Reports are sent home to the parents at the end of each nine week period. The Progress Report is an effective communication tool informing parents/guardians of the student’s progress. If at the end of each 9 weeks the required PACEs are not completed, the student will be required to finish the PACEs during the school break and take the PACE test(s) the return week of school. If this is not accomplished the student will be placed on Academic Probation by the School Board.If after the second consecutive 9 week period the student has not reached academic balance and has not shown positive progress, WOLCS Board will require the student to be withdrawn from WOLCS.Academic Reports/Testing ProgramsAchievement TestingWOLCS uses the Harcourt Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition (Stanford 10 and the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition (OLSAT8). The Stanford 10 is a technically advanced, valid, and reliable assessment toll that can provide the data to evaluate and guide your student’s progress toward meeting academic standards. It also provides a means of measuring academic growth from year to year. The OLSAT 8 is an ability test that measures the skills that are important to your student’s academic success. With the Stanford 10 measuring your student’s actual academic progress, the OLSAT 8 then provides realistic estimates of his or her potential for academic success. Taken together, these two tests provide a wealth of information that you may use to help guide your student’s academic progress. The OLSAT 8 will be administered in grades 2nd, 5th, and 8th.Learning Center RulesGeneralA student must be respectful to their fellow classmates by maintaining an atmosphere of learning. Our program states that the paramount rule is NO DISTRACTIONS!A student is not permitted to communicate or be out of their office without permission. They should not turn sideways or around in their office or tip back in their chair.21831306299200073533063373000Activities not related to prescribe material are not to be conducted in an office unless privileges have been earned.The Christian flag should be raised for supervisor guidance in academic difficulties. The American flag is to be raised for monitor assistance in non-academic activities, such as, to use the restroom, score PACE, request reference material, etc. Personal questions should be asked at break time.Areas Off LimitsOther student offices.Learning Center Control Station and puter and related equipment and materials.Learning Center when staff is not in attendance.P.E. area except under supervised activity.Church sanctuary or Chapel except under supervised activity.Autos and parking area.Teacher’s desk or personal propertyStudent OfficesOffices are assigned and changed only by the supervisor. They must be cared for by the student. Anything to be placed in or on the office must be approved by the supervisor. Only “positive” items are allowed on the student bulletin boards and offices.Students are not to lean or sit on the office or divider.Electrical outlets are for approved school equipment only.The Goal Card is to be kept up-to-date; use a blue ink pen for setting goals. The Goal Card is placed on the student office and positioned by the supervisor.A Progress Card is also placed on the student office. No marks are to be made on it. (A fee will be charged for a duplicate.)109537511938000Goal CardThe student should keep their Goal Card posted on their office. The student should set the exact page numbers of the work for that day in blue ink.When a goal is completed (scored and corrected), they place a forward diagonal line across the page numbers in blue ink and immediately write the next day's goals. Score StationScore Keys are to be handled carefully. You are not allowed to remove pages from the Score Key and do not write on the Score Key. If there is question regarding an answer in the Score Key, simply raise your hand, and inquire of the supervisor for assistance. Use only a RED pen supplied at the score table. Red pens are never to be used or kept at a student's office.Mark a red "X" beside each wrong answer. Put a red "X" in the first box of the score strip. PENCILS are not allowed at the scoring station. Score Key answers are for scoring work only.Rescore - Circle each correct answer with a red "X" and place a red "X" in the third box of the score strip in the PACE. When completed, circle the page number (corrected and scored) with a red pen. Replace pen in holder. Always return the Score Key to its proper place.NO TALKING is allowed at the scoring station.HomeworkThe responsibility for scholastic achievement is placed on students. Most students should not need to take academic work home. The goals set by the student and reviewed by the supervisor usually are no more than the student is capable of completing during the day. Should the student not meet their goals for that day, they will be required, at the discretion of the supervisor, to complete the work at home. A homework slip or Student Agenda giving the pages to be completed will be sent home with the PACE. The slip/agenda is to be signed by the parent to verify that they are aware of the homework and returned the next day. This signature does not necessarily verify accuracy or completion of the work; that is ultimately the student's responsibility. However, parents should allow time for the student to complete homework during the evening. PACEsPACEs are private property and are not to be shared among students.Once a PACE is completed, the student is ready to test. The student waits until the following school morning before receiving the Test. On the following school day test results are received and a new PACE is issued.Work in PACEs is done in pencil ONLY!Calculators are permitted in the Learning Center only at the supervisor's discretion.Test TableAfter a PACE is completed, scored, restudied, and turned in, the Test is issued the following school morning. Tests are administered at the Test Table. There shall be absolutely no disturbances at the Testing Table. Congratulations! SlipA Congratulations slip is presented to students who have successfully completed a PACE and passed the PACE Test. They will receive a star on their Progress Chart and will be recognized for their achievement the next morning. Students should take their Congratulations slip home to their parents to let them know of your accomplishment. Parents have an excellent opportunity to encourage and compliment the student at this time. Student Progress Chart / Star Chart The Student Progress Chart lists subjects for each progress report period. When a student successfully completes a PACE and passes the PACE test, they receive a color-coded star to match each PACE color opposite the subject and in the column for the current week. A GOLD star is given for scores of 100 percent. No other marks are to be made on the chart. Bible stickers are issued for monthly Scripture memorization.Opportunities of the Learning CenterBoth positive and negative behavior receives appropriate merits.MERITS - Positive ControlStudents may earn merits (a slip of paper shaped like a ticket, with an identification amount) for various academic and behavioral achievements. When a student completes the PACE and passes the PACE Test, merits are earned. Additional merits may be earned in other ways (i.e. acts of service, kindness to others, or caught doing well). At the end of the month a Merit Sale is available, so the student may purchase items with their earned merits.DEMERITS - Negative BehaviorTraining children to take responsibility for their actions means teaching them that they are accountable for committing misdeeds or for omitting required actions. Students who violate Learning Center procedures should be corrected and given appropriate penalty as soon as possible. Demerits are earned for negative behavior. If you earn 3 or more demerits in one day, you will earn a detention.Awards ProgramAwards of different sorts highlight the annual Awards Program held each spring. Students compete during the year to attain these awards.This is a list of awards commonly presented:Learning Center AwardsChristian Character Award Academic ExcellenceHighest GPA overall per Grade levelHighest GPA per grade & subjectAcademic AchievementA Honor Roll 94-100 GPAA/B Honor Roll 88-93 GPAPerfect AttendanceMonthly Scripture memorization 1000 Club AwardPenmanship Parent AppreciationLiterature CertificateMost Outstanding P.E. AwardPhysical Education Award per classSafety Patrol’s Participation AwardAbove & Beyond AcknowledgementCitizenship AwardArtMusicPrincipal’s AwardIncentive ProgramLevel "A" Responsibilities:Complete PACEs within three weeks.Maintain academic balanceAccumulate no more than 45 minutes detention the preceding week.Memorize monthly Bible selection.Level "A" Privileges:May engage in approved extracurricular activities in office (example: games, crafts, and computer)Level "C" Responsibilities:Complete PACEs within three weeks.Maintain academic balanceAccumulate no more than 30 minutes detention the preceding week.Memorize monthly Bible selection.Level "C" Privileges:May engage in approved extracurricular activities in office or participate in other assignments and projects outside the Learning Center.May serve on approved projects (i.e. errands, office aid, and student monitor).Level "E" Responsibilities:Complete PACEs within three weeks.Maintain academic balanceAccumulate no detention the preceding week.Memorize monthly Bible selection.Must be engaged in some community service on a regular basis. (i.e. music, drama, and visiting widows/widower/shut-ins) or church related service (i.e. evangelism, music, ushering, nursery, janitorial work, and greeting visitors.)Level "E" Privileges:May read approved literature. May engage in approved extracurricular activities in office or participate in other assignments and projects outside the Learning Center.May serve on approved projects (i.e. errands, office aid, and student monitor).May SCORE without permission in Learning Center.Academic balance means having the same number of PACEs completed in each curriculum subject as prescribed. Academic balance is required in order to achieve privilege status and honor roll unless a student is bringing a subject up to level.PACE ProceduresThe supervisor issues the PACE to the student. The supervisor and student review page one.The student scans the PACE and reads over the Self Test to become familiar with the content of the PACE and the concepts they should master. They enter exact PACE page numbers on their Goal Card.Students should read and work activities simultaneously. Activities are to be worked in pencil. When a student score strip appears at the end of a concept or at the bottom of some pages in the PACE, the student raises their American flag for permission to score. Taking only the PACE to the scoring station, the student checks the answers with the Score Key, and using a provided red pen, marks all wrong answers with a red "X", then places another red "X" in the first box of the score strip. They replace the red pen and the Score Key, returns to their office, corrects the activities missed, and (with the pencil) puts an "X" in the second box of the score strip. Then they raise their American flag for permission to rescore. When the answers are correct, the student circles the red "X's" with red ink. When they have completed rescoring and all answers are correct, they put a red "X" in the third box of the score strip, replace the Score key and pen, and returns to their seat. Notes: Supervisor score strips must be initialized by the supervisor before proceeding to the next page. If a student needs further assistance on an activity, the student raises the Christian flag for academic help.If a student comes to a Supervisor score strip, they raise their Christian flag and ask the supervisor to score the page(s). As the student completes their goals in each subject including scoring and correcting, they set new goals for the following day. The student continues the PACE procedures throughout the remainder of the PACE until they reach the Self Test. At that point, they review the PACE, concentrating especially on the Check-ups and vocabulary. When the student feels they are ready to take the Self Test, they must obtain the supervisor's initials to take the Self Test. The student takes the Self Test at their office. They should be encouraged to complete all they can before researching the PACE for the answers. They ask for permission to score the Self Test. After scoring, they figure their grade and write in red in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. The student studies the check-ups and Self Test thoroughly. When the student believes they have mastered the material, they request the supervisor's permission to turn in the PACE for the PACE Test.The student takes the PACE Test the following school morning. The student may bring only two pencils to the testing table. They do not leave the table until the test is completed, and there is absolutely no disturbance at the test table. The student waits until the next day for test results.Repeating PACEsFailure to pass the PACE TestWhen a student scores below the minimum score of 80 percent, he must repeat the entire PACE and a “repeat PACE fee” is to be paid by the student. Allowing shortcuts gives them permission to learn only enough to pass the Test. This dangerous philosophy fosters minimum learning. Maximum learning should be the goal. The student should be trained to do their best the first time, and with proper motivation and control they will try to excel. Repeating the PACE helps the student realize the importance of learning the material thoroughly.(Repeat PACEs should be completed within 1 to 2 weeks.)Scoring ViolationScoring violations are a form of cheating. Upon the first violation of cheating – the parent will be notified of the seriousness of the problem. On the second violation – the student will serve a detention followed by a parent conference, and a “repeat PACE fee” to be paid by the student. The third offense the parent will be called and student suspended for 2 days, counted as absent and PACE work will be completed at home. If there continues to be a problem, WOLCS Board will meet to discuss withdrawal of the student from WOLCS.If withdrawal is required, any tuition will be due up to the day of withdrawal. Grading SystemPercent GradeLetter Grade94-100A88-93B80-87C74-79D-381008572500Physical EducationIt is our policy that no student is excused from the required physical education course without a doctor's written excuse.205740065214500The athletic program of this school is a coordinated effort; therefore, students are requested not to bring athletic equipment from home. They are not to use the school equipment except during planned and/or authorized activities.Athletic ProgramWord of Life Christian School does not have an Athletic Program. However, we understand that sports are designed to help young men and women develop spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. This is necessary to receive the enjoyment that comes from participating as a member of a team.Athletic EligibilitySince WOLCS is not a member of the FHSAA and has 125 or less students in grades 6-12, students may participate in sports at the public high school they are zoned for. The parents must notify the Principal and/or Athletic Director BEFORE the first day of practice for that sport in order to be eligible to participate in that sport. All FHSAA paperwork and eligibility requirements must also be completed before the students can begin the activities associated with the team. View the Practice Start Dates at polk-.Students who want to participate in athletics from Word of Life Christian School must show themselves to be competent students in the classroom. Students must maintain academic balance in their academic work. In addition, students who are members of sports teams must exhibit a cooperative, positive spirit in both the classroom and in sports activities. Parent InvolvementParent orientation, re-enrollment meetings, special programs, and teacher conferences promote a good understanding between parents or guardians and the faculty/administration of this school. Every parent is requested to participate in these informative and helpful programs.FundraisingWe are grateful for our equipment and school facilities; however, there is so much more we would like to provide for our students. Tuition does not cover the needs for WOLCS; it is necessary that we have fundraising campaigns. Knowing that our parents have a keen interest in their child’s education and in this school we invite your participation in the projects as they are announced. It is not recommended that students go door-to-door selling WOLCS fundraising products without adult supervision.PartiesParties are not school sponsored unless parents receive a notification letter from the supervisor or principal.Birthday parties of individual students are allowed. We ask that arrangements be made with the supervisor in advance and that party times be reserved until the end of the school day or at the discretion of the Supervisor.General High School InformationGraduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements shown below are the State of Florida minimum guidelines. There will be no substitution or waiver of these requirements for any student except as provided under the alternative programs for graduation or upon written statement from a licensed physician certifying that the course will be physically or mentally harmful to the student.3048000127000English - 4 creditsMathematics - 4 credits Science - 3 creditsSocial Studies – 3 creditsFine Arts or Performing Arts, Speech & Debate, or Practical Arts – 1 credit Physical Education including integration of Health - 1 creditElectives – 8 creditsNOTE: One course within the 24 credits required must be completed through online learning (entering grade 9 in 2013-14)Foreign Language – 2 credits required for State University system admission in same language.Volunteer Community Service - .50 credit (75 hours)A prescribed course of study will be determined through a conference between the staff, parents, and student. Transfer students must complete at least 60 PACEs in this school before receiving a diploma.BRIGHT FUTURES NEWSGraduates: The community service requirement is 100 hoursfor Florida Academic Scholar Award.Academic ProgramsThe A.C.E. program offers four basic courses of study for graduation candidates: HonorsCollege PreparatoryGeneralVocationalDecisions regarding the student's course of study leading toward graduation involve the parents, the school staff, and the student at the time he enters high school. College/Career Placement Tests SAT/ACTMany colleges require applicants to present results of a college entrance examination. The most popular examinations are the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT). Colleges and Universities use the test results along with other criteria to determine admission eligibility. These scores often determine the student’s qualification for scholarship. It is recommended that students take the college entrance exam towards the end of their junior year or during the first semester of their senior year. Both tests may be taken more than once with the highest score forwarded to colleges. Armed Services Vocation al Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), “Career Exploration Program”The ASVAB test is administered to Junior and Senior students in the fall. The ASVAB helps students see how their verbal, math, and science scores relate to the scores they will need when preparing to enter the Work World. Also, the test includes an interest inventory. This inventory helps students find some career fields, vocations, or even college majors that combine their interests and academic skills. Work Release WOLCS students may be excused from school at lunch to go to a job if they meet all of the following conditions: They are a junior (11th grade) or a senior (12th grade) student. They have written parental permission.They have letter from the employer stating the hours of employment. They maintain academic balance and have no tests scores below 80.They understand the privilege of work release is conditional upon satisfactory academic progress and conduct. (A student will be removed from work release immediately upon a drop in grades or a conduct problem). It is recommended that students not be permitted to work more than 20 hours each week while school is in session. Students leaving on work release are required to sign out at the School Office each day before leaving the campus. Senior Activities/FunctionsFundraisingSenior PortraitsSenior Class TripCommencement Ceremony PreparationCap & Gown MeasurementsMemory Photos for slideshowParent Voice RecordingsPractice at Bartow Civic Center or Word of Life Christian CenterSearch & Seizure Word of Life Christian School supports all staff in the maintenance of law, order, discipline and decorum in its school and during authorized school functions which take place off school property.Word of Life Christian School therefore prohibits the possession, on school property or at authorized school functions, of substances or objects which may threaten good order, discipline, decorum and public safety. Such materials or objects may include, but are not restricted to:alcoholic beverages;illicit drugs;stolen property;weapons, either restricted or prohibited by law;any object which may be used as a weapon and which may cause serious injury; andhate literature, racist material, pornography, etc.Students and visitors to the school may on occasion have in their possession materials or objects (such as alcohol, illicit drugs, stolen goods and weapons). The school therefore authorizes the principal or his designates, on the basis of reasonable grounds to believe that a student or visitor is in possession of a prohibited substance or object, and in accordance with these procedures, to conduct searches and, where necessary, to seize prohibited substances or objects.This policy will permit the School to search student backpacks or purses or clothing for suspected contraband.Arbitration Clause1 Corinthians 6:1 says, “If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people?” It is a requirement that believers not sue in disagreements, but should a dispute arise between parents or guardians and the school, both parties shall consult with each other to settle such dispute, claim, question, disagreement, or differences, and resolve to reach a fair and equitable solution. BINDING ARBITRATIONSECTION 1 - SUBMISSION TO ARBITRATIONBelieving that lawsuits between believers are prohibited by Scripture, all members of this church and/or those who place their children in the church’s Christian school ministry agree to submit to binding arbitration any matters which cannot otherwise be resolved, and expressly waive any and all rights in law and equity to bringing any civil disagreement before a court of law, except that judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.SECTION 2 - NOTICE OF ARBITRATIONIn the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising out of or relating to this school handbook or other school matter, the parties shall use their best efforts to settle such disputes, claims, questions, or disagreement as befits Christians. To this effect, they shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests not to disgrace the name of Christ, seek to reach a just and equitable solution. If they do not reach such solution within a period of sixty (60) days, then upon notice by either party to the other, disputes, claims, questions, or differences shall be finally settled by arbitration as described In section 1, above, and such Procedures for Arbitration as are adopted pursuant to Section 3, below.SECTION 3 - LIMITATIONS ON ARBITRATION DECISIONSThe Procedures for Arbitration shall be as adopted by the pastor and the board of deacons.STUDENT HANDBOOK PROVISIONSVIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICYZERO-TOLERANCE FOR VIOLENCE Word of Life Christian School does not tolerate violence in any form. Every member of this school family, students, teachers, parents, support staff, board members, pastoral staff and others, while on school property and at school sponsored events—is governed by these policies and is expected to share in the task of creating an environment that is safe, harmonious and respectful. POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Word of Life Christian School is committed to providing its students with a quality education within a safe and law-abiding school environment. While respecting the rights and responsibilities of all parties concerned, staff will cooperate fully with the police and other law enforcement officers carrying out their responsibilities as part of a law enforcement investigation or proceeding. The ministry will make every effort to contact parents if their child is to be questioned by law enforcement officials if permitted to do so by the investigating officers. In the interest of safety and at the discretion of the school administration, criminal acts and acts of violence will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency along with any illegal contraband or other evidence requested by the authorities investigating the incident. WEAPONS POLICY Word of Life Christian School strictly prohibits and will not tolerate the possession of weapons by any unauthorized person on its property or in its buildings or at school-sponsored activities, and the school will not tolerate the presence of weapons in lockers or in any other place on its property. The school prohibits the use of weapons or the threat of the use of weapons or replicas by any person on its property, in its buildings or at school-sponsored activities. Word of Life Christian School treats possession of a weapon and the use of a weapon as two separate offenses. Having a weapon on one’s person or in an area subject to one’s control in a school location constitutes possession of a weapon. Objects, the mere possession of which constitutes possession of a weapon, include, but are not limited to, the following: Any gun (loaded or unloaded), all knives, blades, clubs, metal knuckles, numchucks, throwing stars, explosives, fireworks, mace and other propellants, stunguns, ammunition, poisons, chains, arrows, and objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer.Any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket, missile, mine, or any device similar to these. Any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant. Any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described above, or from which such a device may be readily assembled. Using or threatening to use any of the above items or a replica of a weapon of any kind constitutes use of weapon. Using (or threatening to use) an otherwise innocent item as a weapon, even if that object under normal circumstances is not a weapon, constitutes use of a weapon. (Example: brandishing a ball-point pen in a stabbing motion.) Such use may also violate school policy prohibiting assault, threats, and harassment. When a student threatens to use a weapon or replica thereof, whether or not such weapon or replica is in the student’s possession, the police and the parent(s) of the child will be informed, and the minimum disciplinary action shall include suspension. The administration will consider removing the student from the class of any teacher(s) that the student has threatened. The minimum consequence for students possessing, using or distributing weapons shall include confiscation of the weapon, immediate notification of the police, notification of the parent or guardian, and immediate out-of-school suspension. The administration will impose expulsion or suspension for any length of time deemed necessary. ASSAULT, THREATS & HARASSMENT PROHIBITED The ministry does not tolerate assault, threats, harassment or abuse against any members of the school family. Verbal or written threats, racial/ethnocultural harassment, physical or sexual harassment, or abuse perpetrated by anyone in the school, whether intentional or unintentional, is condemned as unacceptable and will be dealt with through appropriate discipline. Assault & Harassment The ministry prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of force or intimidation against another person without their consent. The ministry prohibits any course of comment or conduct, that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be objectionable, or create an environment that is hostile, intimidating or offensive to another person. At the discretion of the administration, incidents of a violent nature will be reported to law enforcement. The regulations herein may be superseded depending upon the seriousness of the violation and, where warranted, could ultimately lead to expulsion. When a verbal assault, threat or harassment occurs, the parent/guardian of the student involved will be informed; the police may be called if circumstances warrant, and the perpetrating student may be suspended. The administration reserves the right to use any disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. When an assault occurs, the parent/guardian of the student involved will be informed; the police may be called if circumstances warrant; and the police may file charges. The administration will consider removing the student from the class of any teacher(s) that the student is alleged to have assaulted. If there is no weapon involved, the minimum length of out-of-school suspension of a student offender is seven days unless there are mitigating circumstances. If there is a weapon involved, the minimum disciplinary action for a student offender is expulsion unless there are mitigating circumstances. In any instance of assault, the administration reserves the right to use any disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Sexual Harassment Any student or staff member who experiences or witnesses harassment of any form, must report it immediately to the administrator. If the administrator is the alleged harassing party, a student or staff member may report the harassment to any member of the ministry board. Any supervisor or ministry leadership level staff member who witnesses sexual harassment or learns of an allegation of sexual harassment and does not report it to the administrator (or if the administrator is the alleged harasser to the ministry board), is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of service. All allegations of sexual harassment will be promptly investigated in an impartial and confidential manner as possible. A timely resolution of each complaint will be communicated to the parties involved. The school will permit no retaliation against anyone who brings a bona fide complaint of sexual harassment or who provides true information as a witness in the investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment. However, an individual who makes a false complaint or provides false information to an investigator will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of service where appropriate. Any student or staff member found to have violated this sexual harassment policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination. (Please visit the school office to review the ministry’s official sexual harassment policy.) VANDALISM Word of Life Christian School prohibits the deliberate damage or defacement of school buildings, grounds, equipment or books or the personal property of individuals while on school property. When vandalism occurs, the student’s parent will be informed; the police may be called if the situation warrants; the student and parents will be held responsible for returning stolen items to their owner or paying full compensation for them; and the student or parent/guardian will be responsible for paying all costs to restore or replace the vandalized property to its condition prior to being vandalized. The student will be disciplined where warranted. In any instance of theft or vandalism, the administration reserves the right to use any disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. The student’s diploma and any other awards or privileges (including yearbooks, academic and fine arts awards, participation in field trips or senior class trip) will be withheld until the student’s debt is repaid. SEARCH AND SEIZURE Prohibited Items In the interest of maintaining law, order, discipline and decorum in the school and during authorized school functions which take place off school property, Word of Life Christian School prohibits the possession, on school property or at authorized school functions, of substances or objects which may threaten good order, discipline, decorum and public safety. Such materials or objects may include, but are not restricted to, the following items: Alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs, stolen property, weapons, hate literature racist material, pornography, unapproved music, personal computer games, etc. Any prohibited items discovered in the possession of a student will be confiscated and dealt with appropriately—including possible discipline—and any illegal items may be referred to law enforcement for further investigation. Searches The ministry authorizes the principal and anyone he may designate to conduct searches and, where necessary, to seize prohibited substances or objects. Students should have no expectation of privacy from the school staff in any areas designated to them for storage of personal belongings on school property (i.e., lockers, etc.), nor should students have a expectation of privacy from the school staff in any belongings they may transport onto school property in a bag or on their person (i.e., backpacks, etc.). VISITORS/TRESPASSING ON PROPERTY Word of Life Christian School maintains a closed-campus policy. Visitors are required to report to the school office upon arrival at the school. Anyone who enters the school campus or engages in an activity on school property with no legal right to do so will be considered a trespasser. A trespasser will be asked to leave by school personnel. If, in the discretion of the school staff, a trespasser poses a risk of danger or refuses to leave after being asked by school personnel, the police will be notified as soon as possible. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In the event of a natural disaster, fire, or other serious safety concern, an established emergency threat management procedure will be activated. Word of Life Christian School's emergency threat management procedure is designed to avoid alarming the students in order to prevent panic and effectively manage the crisis. A search of the premises and, if necessary, a safe, orderly and systematic evacuation, will be directed by school personnel who are familiar with the appropriate contingency plans. Parents will be notified as soon as possible through the ministry’s emergency communications plan. STUDENT DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE Students using alcohol and illegal drugs pose a threat to their own health and safety, as well as to that of other students, and have a detrimental affect on the learning environment of their classes. This policy, including its rules, regulations and guidelines is a coordinated effort by the school to openly and effectively respond to the potential and actual use and abuse of drugs, alcohol, and mood-altering substances by members of its student population. This policy does not grant to students any right to be tested for drugs prior to disciplinary action, nor does it require the Administration to obtain the results of a drug test before taking disciplinary action against a student for suspected drug use. Prohibited Activity A student who on school property or anywhere at a school sponsored activity is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or mood-altering substances, or who possesses, uses, distributes, dispenses, sells or aids in the procurement of alcohol, narcotics, restricted drugs, mood-altering substances, drug paraphernalia, or any substance purported to be a restricted substance or over?the-counter drug shall be subjected to discipline pursuant to the provisions and procedures outlined in Word of Life Christian School Discipline Policies. In the event of any violation of this policy, the administration reserves the right to designate an appropriate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Drug Testing The Administration, in its sole discretion, may determine that a drug test is not necessary to substantiate its belief that a student has used or possessed drugs, alcohol, or other mood-altering substances. In such cases, appropriate discipline shall be administered up to and including expulsion and nothing in these policies should be construed as requiring drug testing of the student before making a final decision. However, should the Administration determine, in its sole discretion, that obtaining the results of a drug test would assist in its determination, the request for a urine drug test shall occur as outlined in school policy. In its sole discretion, the Administration may choose to suspend the student out of school while test results are pending. Student Options Option A: Submit to an administration request to undergo testing As outlined in the Word of Life Christian School Student Drug and Alcohol Use Policy, when a student meets the criteria for reasonable cause for urine drug testing and the Administration determines that a drug test is necessary, the student and parent will be informed by a school official that the Administration has requested a urine drug test. In its sole discretion, the Administration may choose to suspend the student out of school while test results are pending. The school official shall request that the student and the parent review and sign the voluntary consent form to allow urine drug testing. Option B: Refuse to undergo testing If the student and parent refuse the voluntary drug test, the ministry shall process the case in the manner it would process any other ‘under the influence’ situation pursuant to the Word of Life Christian School disciplinary policies, up to and including permanent expulsion from school. Refusal to voluntarily submit to drug testing will not result in the disciplinary matter automatically being discontinued. Option C: Elect to undergo testing in absence of a request to do so If the Administration determines that drug testing is not necessary because, in its discretion, sufficient other evidence exists to discipline the student accordingly, the student may nonetheless elect to undergo testing to refute evidence that establishes a reasonable indication that the student is in violation of the drug and alcohol policy. The student and parent will be responsible for all costs involved in the testing process and should notify the administration in writing of their intent to pursue drug testing. The student and parent can use a Medical Vendor facility of their own choosing, subject to approval by the Administration. In order to be considered by the Administration, sealed testing results must be sent from the approved Medical Vendor directly to the school. The Administration will consider the test results in determining what, if any, disciplinary action will be taken or warranted adjustments in disciplinary action if it has already been taken. A negative test result will not automatically warrant dropping all disciplinary consideration for using, possessing, or associating with drugs and alcohol. In its sole discretion, the Administration may choose to suspend the student out of school or take while test results are pending. Positive Test Results The School Administration shall have the sole discretion and authority to determine an appropriate remedy for positive drug test results. Available remedies shall include any appropriate discipline under school policy, up to and including permanent expulsion from school, suspension for a period of time, conditioned status enrollment or re-enrollment, or any other discipline determined to be appropriate by the Administration in its sole discretion. For any discipline other than immediate expulsion, the student will agree as a condition of continued enrollment, with signed parental consent, to be randomly tested by urine drug screening in accordance with school policy. The student will be excluded from all extracurricular activities for one hundred and eighty (180) consecutive calendar days during the normal school term, beginning when the student is readmitted to school. A subsequent positive test on any of the four random screenings will result in immediate expulsion from school. Negative Test Results If the test results are negative, and the Administration, in its discretion, believes all factors so warrant, the student may be returned to school. The parent and student may be asked to meet with the Administration to assess possible reasons for the student’s extraordinary behavior or other circumstances which led to the Administration’s reasonable suspicion. A negative test result will not automatically warrant dropping all disciplinary consideration for using a banned substance. Word of Life Christian School's prohibition extends not only to the use of drugs and alcohol or being “under the influence.” Possession of prohibited substances is also a serious offense that warrants disciplinary action up to and including expulsion where the circumstances warrant. Word of Life Christian School intends to discourage all students from any and all association with drugs or alcohol. For this reason, among others, negative drug test results will not be considered as definitive evidence of a student’s innocence. Additionally, drug testing cannot successfully detect all drug use. Also, drug testing can determine past intoxication only during a limited time-window, because the intoxicating substance is quickly passed from the student’s body. For these reasons and others, the school will consider a negative drug test as only one factor among many in determining what disciplinary action to take when a student is suspected of being in violation of this policy. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The School Board may decide, in its sole discretion, to request a hearing or to grant a student or staff member’s request for a hearing on a case-by-case basis. Nothing in this handbook should be construed as granting a student the legal right to any hearing with the Administration, the School Board, or any other School body or official. The School Board and Administration shall not be required to meet or demonstrate any legal standard of proof in carrying out any school disciplinary policy. All findings of fact made by the Administration or School Board for the purpose of disciplining students of Word of Life Christian School shall be made in the sole discretion of the school officials and are not subject to further review by any body or court. All discretionary decisions made by the Administration or School Board for the purpose of disciplining students of Word of Life Christian School shall not be subject to further review by any body or court. DETAILED POLICY ON FILE All the details of Word of Life Christian School's Violence Prevention Policy are not included in this handbook. The exhaustive policy is on file in the administrative office, and parents are welcome to review it. We understand the concern you have for the safety of your child. We share that concern. Consequently, much thought and research has gone into the formulation of the policy. Its structure and procedures are part of an ongoing effort to protect our students from the risk of violence and create for them an environment conducive to learning and building Godly character. Each member of our staff is familiar with the policies and is personally committed to the safety of all students. We appreciate the confidence that you have placed in our institution and pledge to do our best to safeguard and educate your child to the glory of God. Word of Life Christian SchoolAddress: 1555 West Main Street Bartow, FL 33830School Office: 863-519-5747School Fax: 863-533-8257Website: Principal: Deidra L. McGrawdmcgraw@Accredited by theNational Association for Christian EducationThe purpose of NACE, as an outside objective organization, is to evaluate school ministries and states that, “This church does what it says it will do in its school ministry.” NACE desires to bless both the schools and the families that are involved, and to see excellence in Christian Education as well as commitment to the Lord. The National Association for Christian Education was founded in 1972 by Dr. John Kager. It is now headed by Mrs. Kager and Heritage Ministries. Printed August 2015 ................

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