Grade Level: 9-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |3 Weeks |4 Weeks |1 Week |5 Weeks |5 Weeks |

|Unit Topic |Unit 1 |Unit 2 |Unit 3 |Unit 4 |Unit 5 |

|(Specify |Number Representation |Expressions, Equations and Inequalities |Introduction to Functions |Graphing Linear Equations and Linear |Writing Linear Equations and Linear|

|skills/information that | | | |Inequalities |Inequalities |

|will be learned.) | | | | | |

|Enduring Understandings |Real numbers are any number on the |Equations and inequalities can help model |Functions are powerful mathematical |Linear relationships have a constant of |Linear relationships have a |

|(Give and/or demonstrate|number line. |and solve real world problems. |tools for describing, analyzing, and |change. |constant of change. |

|necessary information) |Real numbers are used to compute in |The solution of an equation or inequality |organizing real life information. |Linear relations hips can be expressed |Linear relations hips can be |

| |everyday life. |is the set of all numbers that produce a |Functions related two quantities |numerically, graphically, verbally or |expressed numerically, graphically,|

| |Rational and irrational numbers are |true statement when substituted for the |mathematically in many applications. |algebraically. |verbally or algebraically. |

| |real numbers. |variable. |Function notation emphasizes the |Slope is the ratio of vertical change |Slope is the ratio of vertical |

| |The order of operations and properties|The solutions to an equation or inequality|dependent relationship between the |(rise) to horizontal change (run). |change (rise) to horizontal change |

| |of real numbers are used to simplify |in one variable can be graphed on a number|variables that are used in a function. |The slope and intercepts of a line can |(run). |

| |expressions. |line. |In a function, the range (output) |be identified from both graphs and |The slope and intercepts of a line |

| |The absolute value of a real number is|The properties of real numbers and of |depends on the domain (input). |equations. |can be identified from both graphs |

| |the distance from the origin on the |equality are used to solver multi-step |F(x) = y |The “shading” on graphs of linear |and equations. |

| |real number line. |problems. | |equations highlights the solutions of a |Graphs can be used to write quick |

| |Exponents represent repeated notation.| | |linear inequality. |equations in slope intercept form. |

| | | | |Linear inequalities are similar to |Linear inequalities numerically |

| | | | |linear equations, but the difference is |represent the set of all ordered |

| | | | |the infinite |pairs that fit a certain set of |

| | | | | |data. |


Grade Level: 9-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |3 Weeks |4 Weeks |1 Week |5 Weeks |5 Weeks |

|Enduring Understandings |Square roots are the inverse of |Equations and inequalities can | |amount of solutions to linear | |

|con’t |squaring a number. |be solved in a variety of ways. | |inequalities. | |

| |Square rooms can be either |The choice of solution method | | | |

| |rational or irrational. |depends on the situation and the| | | |

| |Matrices are used to represent |type of equation. | | | |

| |data. | | | | |

|Essential Questions |How do I determine the difference|How do you use and solve |How do can you determine |How can you interpret slope as a |How can you write linear equations |

|(Steps to check for student |between rational and irrational |multi-step equations and |if a relation is a |rate of change? |given points on lines and their |

|understanding) |numbers? |inequalities? |function? (Tables, |How can you use intercepts to |slopes? |

| |How do I use integers and |How so you test whether a given |equations, mappings, |sketch a quick graph of a line? |How can you interpret slope as a rate |

| |rational numbers to model real |number is an solution of an |sets, graphs) |How do you recognize linear |of change? |

| |world situations? |equation or inequality? |How does the Vertical |relationships? |How can you use intercepts to start to|

| |How do I use properties of |How do you graph the solutions |Line Test help you |Why are linear equations |write an equations of a line? |

| |numbers in algebra? |to equations and inequalities, |determine if a relation |important? |How do you recognize linear |

| |How does knowing the correct |including those with absolute |is a function? |How can you translate between |relationships? |

| |order of operations useful in |value? |How can you write a |different forms of a line? |What are linear equations/inequalities|

| |algebra? | |function from a given |What information does an equation|important? |

| | | |table of values? |written in standard for reveal? | |


Grade Level: 9-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the first 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech I are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Essential Questions |How is the meaning of absolute value |Why is starting with a verbal model helpful | |Why do the graphs of linear |How can you translate between |

|con’t |related to the real number line? |when solving real-life problems? | |inequalities have a shaded |different forms of a line? |

| |How do matrices represent data? |How do the methods for solving equations, | |region? |What information does the graph |

| | |inequalities and absolute value equations and | |What does the shaded region of |of a linear inequality show? |

| | |inequalities compare to one another? | |the graph of a linear inequality |How can you write a linear |

| | |How do you decide on the ”best way” to solve an| |represent? |inequality from its graph? |

| | |equation or inequality? | | | |

|Standards |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |

| |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |

| |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |

| |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |

| |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |

| |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |

| |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |

| |EA-2.1 |EA-2.2* |EA-3.1 |EA-3.5* |EA-4.1 |

| |EA-2.2* |EA-2.5 |EA-3.2 |EA-3.6** |EA-4.2 |

| |EA-2.3 |EA-2.6 |EA-3.3 |EA-5.1 |EA-4.3 |

| |EA-2.4 |EA- 3.7 |EA-3.4 |EA-5.2 |EA-4.4 |

| |EA-2.9 |EA-4.7 | |EA-5.3 |EA-4.5 |

| |EA-2.10 |EA-4.8 | |EA-5.4 |EA-4.6 |

| |*EA-2.2 - only for evaluating real #s |EA-2.2 – only for solving radical equations, | |EA-5.5 |EA-5.9 |

| |with exponents, multiplying, dividing |i.e. [pic]. | |EA-5.6 |EA-5.12 |

| |and simplifying radicals (no variables) | | |EA-5.7 | |

| | | | |EA-5.8 | |

| | | | |EA-5.10 | |

| | | | |*EA-3.5-only y=x parent function | |

| | | | |**EA-3.6-only direct variation | |


Grade Level: 9-10 9-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |3 Weeks |4 Weeks |1 Weeks |5 Weeks |5 Weeks |

|Standards con’t | | | | | |

|Integrations | | | | | |

|(with other discipline | | | | | |

|areas) | | | | | |

|District Assessments | | | | |Benchmark |

|(culminating assessments) | | | | |Exam |


Grade Level: 9-1099-10-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |5 Weeks |6 Weeks |4 Weeks |3 Weeks |

|Unit Topic |Unit 6 |Unit 7 |Unit 8 |Unit 9 |

|(Specify skills/information |Systems of Linear Equations |Factoring |Quadratics |Functions |

|that will be learned.) | | | | |

|Enduring Understandings | Systems can be represented and solved | Operations on polynomials are similar | A quadratic equation is always raised |Functions are powerful mathematical |

|(Give and/or demonstrate |numerically, graphically, and |to operations with real numbers. |to the 2nd power. |tools for describing, analyzing, and |

|necessary information) |algebraically. |Operations on polynomials are grounded |The graph of a quadratic equation is U |organizing real life information. |

| |Algebraic systems are used to find optimal |in the distributive property. |shaped. |Functions related two quantities |

| |solutions in may fields. |Geometric and physical models help us to|Quadratic equations can be solved in |mathematically in many applications. |

| |The algebraic solution to a system has |understand polynomial operations. |many different ways. |Function notation emphasizes the |

| |graphical meaning as well. |Systematic methods exist for simplifying|Algebraic methods for solving equations |dependent relationship between the |

| |Some methods of solving systems are more |and rewriting expressions. |provide exact solutions. |variables that are used in a function. |

| |efficient that others. |Factoring is an essential tool when |Many real world phenomena can be modeled|In a function, the range (output) |

| | |analyzing the behavior of polynomial and|by quadratic equations. |depends on the domain (input). |

| | |rational functions. | | |

| | |Polynomials model products such as area | | |


Grade Level: 9-109-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |5 Weeks |6 Weeks |4 Weeks |3 Weeks |

|Enduring Understandings | |and volume, and rational expressions | | |

|con’t | |model rates, ratios, and quotients. | | |

|Essential Questions |How can we solve systems of linear |Why is factoring important? |How are quadratic and equations and | Why use function notation? |

|(Steps to check for student |equations and inequalities? |How does rewriting expressions help us |radical equations similar? How are |Are all relations functions? Justify |

|understanding) |When is it most useful to use each method?|to solve problems? |they different? |your answer. |

| |How do you decide which method, linear |In what ways can polynomials and |Why are quadratic equations important? |How do you determine which type of |

| |combinations or substitution, is better |rational functions model real-life |How do you decide on the best way to |function best models a given situation?|

| |for solving a particular system? |situations? |solve an equation? |Why do we represent problems |

| |What are the similarities and differences |Why is it important to write | |symbolically and graphically? |

| |in solving a system of equations and a |polynomials in standard form? | |How do you decide which solution method|

| |system of inequalities? |How do we use special products to | |is most appropriate in a given |

| | |multiply polynomials? | |situation? |

| | |How does the distributive property | | |

| | |apply to the | | |


Grade Level: 9-10 Fundamentals of Algebra and Math Tech I are the 1st 18 weeks, Units 1-5

Algebra I and Math Tech II are the last 18 weeks, Units 6-9

Prepared by Union County Schools

|Time Frame: |5 Weeks |6 Weeks |4 Weeks |3 Weeks |

|Essential Questions con’t | Why is it important to find and verify |operations of addition, subtraction, | | Why are symbolic methods to solve |

| |solutions using different methods? |and multiplication of polynomials? | |problems often preferred over others? |

|Standards |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |EA-1.1 |

| |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |EA-1.2 |

| |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |EA-1.3 |

| |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |EA-1.4 |

| |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |EA-1.5 |

| |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |EA-1.6 |

| |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |EA-1.7 |

| |EA-4.9 |EA-2.2* |EA-3.5* |EA-3.5* |

| |EA-4.10 |EA-2.7 |EA-6.1 |EA-3.6** |

| |EA-5.11 |EA-2.8 |EA-6.2 |EA-3.8 |

| | |*EA-2.2 – Use the laws of exponents and|EA-6.3 |*EA-3.5 – review y=x, y=x2 and then |

| | |roots to simplify monomials and to |EA-6.4 |introduce [pic] |

| | |simplify radicals with variables in the|EA-6.5 |**EA-3.6 – review direct variation and |

| | |radicand |EA-6.6 |introduce inverse variation. |

| | | |*EA-3.5 – for y=x2 only. | |

|Integrations | | | | |

|(with other discipline areas) | | | | |

|District Assessments | | | |Benchmark |

|(culminating assessments) | | | |Exam |


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