Forestalling the Scat


Like all animals, they have to find someplace to relax and break away from their hectic schedules. After firing lighting bolts, exhaling fiery breath, and blasting water, Pokemon feel a need to take a break from their trainers. So they all travel to the Ferrin Spa in order to brew their troubles away. Rumors swirled of the spa having the freshest and cleanest waters throughout Pokéville, even though some people contaminate the water with their fur and skin shavings. In the midst of the spa where Tyler the Zangoose and April the Ursaring, as well as Lucario. Tyler and Lucario were wearing blue bathing shorts with a yellow lightning bolt on the side and April was dressed in a green and white stripped bathing suit. All of them were lying on their backs moaning contently as three massage therapists stroked their backs with their elegant, soft hands.

“Oooooohhhh…this feels good…” said Lucario telepathically.

“Yeah…there’s nothing better than getting a massage from a Latias…” said Tyler.

“What about my massages?” asked April.

“It’s kinda hard to relax with your bear claws ripping into my skin April.”

“But what about the time I massaged you with my feet?”

“That isn’t any better, seeing as how I have to smell your cheesy toes.”

“Didn’t you get one of April’s toenails stuck up your nose?” asked Lucario.

“Shut up. I don’t wanna talk about that again!”

“Hey you guys think this massage thing is going well?” asked April.

“It’s relaxing to me. Why?”

“Cause I don’t feel anything except the same back pain.”

“Maybe all your fur is blocking the Latios’ smooth hands.” suggested Lucario.

“If you want, you could check out our sauna. Not only does it soothe and unwind your body, the steam clears the sinuses.”

“That sounds heavenly!” said April, hopping off the massage table.

“So I’ll see you guys down at the Watering Fountain?”

“Yeah, just make sure you don’t get lost trying to find the sauna. This place is like a maze!” warned Tyler.

“Okay, see ya!”

April began to walk down the lane within the spa and found a door with the words SAUNA above it in giant bold letters. She peered through the tiny glass window to see if anyone was inside before turning up the steam level and opening up the door. As soon as she walked inside, she was overwhelmed by the relaxing heat and it felt like her fur was sweating within seconds. Her hair and swimsuit became moist and she had trouble sifting through the room. She pushed the steam out of the way with her hands and found the benches to sit upon. Amazingly, no one else was in the sauna right now besides her. April closed the door and sat down on the bench, yelping and hopping off the hot seat.

“DAMN!! Why don’t they make us sit down on lava bubbles?!”

April warily planted her buttocks on the boiling wooden bench and inhaled sharply when the heat began to sting her butt. But after a little time, she sighed heavily and sat all the way down on the suspended plank. April leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, planting her feet up on the same bench and lying down on her back.

“Mmm…now this is relaxing…” moaned April.

The Ursaring put her hands behind her head and continued to lie down with her eyes shut, taking a little mini-nap inside the steamy chamber. Everything was calm and peaceful…until her bowels began to act up and she wound up breaking wind in a deep tone twice.

“WHOA!! That snuck up on me outta nowhere!” she chuckled.

April sat back up and started making fists with her hands, grunting and shutting her eyes to force the gas out her bowels. She cocked herself sideways and shot out a giant jet of flatulence, heating up the sauna even more with her Ursaring stink. April laughed heartily to herself again and felt even more gas in her bowels, which desperately needed to be let out. Unfortunately, when she began to break wind, she felt something wet hit the seat of her swimsuits. Clearly there was more than gas in her bowels and April needed to go to the bathroom.

“Hmm…I should really get to the bathroom…” muttered April.

April leaned forward and began to reach for the doorknob to the sauna, but she suddenly felt the heat blasting all around her and couldn’t risk giving up this wondrous feeling for anything. If she left now, she’d come back and the whole room would be filled with other Pokemon and she’d have nowhere to sit down.

“I guess I could wait another five minutes.”

April sat back down on the benches and leaned backwards, shutting her eyes and taking a short nap.

Five minutes later, the sound of April’s raucous bowels woke her up. She grabbed her stomach with both hands and groaned loudly to try and get rid of the abdominal pain. The Ursaring looked down and heard her stomach growl and shake once more. Unable to hold in her excrement anymore, April burst out of the sauna clasping her butt cheeks with one hand.

“Oh man, I really gotta find that bathroom!” said April with desperation.

April ran down the corridor in the spa and ended up at a dead end, finding nothing of value besides a utility closet.

“Well I suppose I could go inside a bucket.”

April opened the door and screamed at what she saw: A Charizard squatting over a mop bucket and defecating and farting inside of it. Charizard arced his neck around and shouted, “Do you mind?! I’m tryin’ to poop here!!” April shut the door with her nose plugged and backed away, hearing sighs of content and loud plops emitting from the storage unit. Too bad for April, because the vision of the pooping orange dragon only furthered her need to find a toilet and fast! April sprinted down the corridor and turned left, knocking down a blue Cubone and an adolescent Raikou.

“Hey, watch where ya going!” shouted Cubone, shaking his bone in fury.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just trying to find the bathroom.”

“Oh that’s easy. Take a right, a left, two more rights, then go up the stairs and take a left. After that, take another right and go straight until you find a weird red plant. From there, you have to go down more stairs and through a steamy corridor and take another right.”


“No, that’s not it. Take two lefts, a right, and then go downstairs—”

“I thought it was a left, two rights, and go through the pool area, then go downstairs?” said Raikou.

“No that’s if you want to get to the Jacuzzi section.”

“No, they moved that next to the greenhouses outside.”


Cubone scratched the large bone mask donning his face.

“You sure it wasn’t forward, left, up the stairs—”


“Why’d you even come here wearing clothes in the first place? asked Raikou.

“Yeah I stopped wearing my swimming trunks a while ago. Now I just do this!”

Cubone raised his right leg and a large trail of urine spewed out from underneath him, splashing against the wall and coating the tiled floors dark yellow. Cubone was smiling with his eyes shut and Raikou and April backed away from him, appalled by the strong scented urine.

“See? It’s so much easier using the bathroom that way.”

April squealed and rushed past Cubone and Raikou, desperately trying to find the bathroom.

“What? Did I do something?”

The Ursaring let out another gigantic fart before holding her butt cheeks and rushing over to a set of stairs that lead to the top floor. She groaned at all the steps she would have to walk upon, but if she wanted to successfully use the bathroom without ruining her swimsuit, she’d have to walk up all of them. April groaned exasperatedly and began to run up the stairs. Everytime she walked up seven steps, she’d stop to hold her stomach and pass gas. Eventually, she reached the top step and kicked open the door, arriving inside another chamber of corridors and Jacuzzis.

“God, why don’t they have a giant sign with the label BATHROOM on it?!” complained April.

Suddenly, a whistling Primeape came strolling down the corridor and was approached by April.

“Hey April. What’s up?”

“I have to find the bathroom before I soil my bathing suit!!”

“Um…just go down that hallway and take a left.”

“Thank you!” shouted the Ursaring, sprinting down the aisle.

“…Or was it go up the hallway and take a right? Ah well, she’ll figure it out.” shrugged the Primeape.

April kicked open a door while holding her bloated stomach and sighed with glee once she found all the stalls, none of which were occupied.

“WHEW!! Any longer and I would’ve blown an ass gasket.”

April tugged on the door to the first stall and raised an eyebrow when it stayed shut.


April tugged on the stall door again and whined with desperation. She rushed over to the other stall and tugged on that several times too. Lastly, she rushed over to the other stall…which was also locked and glued shut. April shrieked with desperation and was about to lash the door open with her claws, but once she entered the bathroom, she already begun to release her bowels. There was nothing more she could do besides stand there, groaning and holding her stomach. With no other option, she cut a huge fart and started to defecate her swimsuit. A large log of ursine poop slithered down her butt cheeks and landed in the seat of her suit, instantly warming her ass. She groaned again and ripped another huge fart that rumbled her swimsuit like an earthquake against the ground. In the process, two more pieces of poop came out and added onto the pile. April waddled over to the trash can to try and use the bathroom inside of that, but her stomach was hurting so much all she could do was take four steps forward.


April sharted deeply into her swimsuit and the green and white stripes soon became light brown. She could feel nothing but warm, gooey excrement on her tail, butt cheeks, and butt hole. She continued to poop and fart into her suit until she realized that it was too late to try and reach for a toilet or a trash can, so she figured she might as well continue to go in her suit since it was already messy and smelly. April sighed twice and bent over, squatting to the tiled floor with her hands pressed onto her knees. She inhaled sharply and let loose more dung. A large log that was at least half a foot long or more seeped out of her butt and landed in the suit. Then she lifted her leg and sharted out messy, wet poop that turned her light brown suit dark brown and muddy. The foul stench of her messy swimsuit lingered in the barren bathroom and April knew the smell would only get worse.

The Ursaring farted again and again until she whined in pain and bombastic flatulence poured out, along with hefty ounces of dung. The smell was horrible and fetid and would’ve made even a dragon vomit from the smell. The stain behind April was now dark brown and thick. If someone looked behind her, they would’ve seen all the lumps of poop bulging outward, just waiting to rip through the fabric and plop onto the floor. April exhaled with relief and farted four more times before she stood back up.

“Wow…I never knew a swimsuit could hold this much poop in one load!”

April took a few steps forward and the poop swished and jiggled around her suit, tickling her behind.

“At least Tyler has something to clean up when we get home.”

The Ursaring took a step outside of the bathroom and started walking back to the massage area where Tyler and Lucario were located, encountering several vulgar comments about her smell. But she didn’t mind at all…even when some Pokemon noticed her suit was leaking poo.

It was worth it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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