ShortCutsTV - Producers of social science films

?Crime andDevianceKey issues in order of appearanceTopicCompleted in Looked over Revised/QuestionsclassSocial control, deviance andcrimeAgencies of social controlAgencies of social controlThe social construction ofcrime and devianceThe mass media and thesocial construction of crimeand devianceTheories of crime anddevianceThe pattern of crimeAge and crimeGender and crimeSocial class and crimeWhite collar or occupationalcrimeEthnicity and crimeLocality and crimeLimitations of official crimestatisticsCorporate crimeCrime and globalisationState crimesThe victims of crimeCrime control, prevention andpunishmentSuicideSocial control, deviance and crimeSocial control refers to the methods which persuade or force individuals to conform to the main socialnorms and values which are leared through early socialisation. This in turn prevents deviance. Theycan be formal, through institutions like school and law enforcement or they can be informal, throughpeers and family. Sanctions are a way of enfocring social control and can be good or bad, ranging allthe way from good sanctions being pocket money or a knight hood to bad sanctions being sitting in thecorner or life imprisonment.Agencies of social control:Formal social control;? These are agencies specifically set up to ensure that people conform. E.g. Police, courts. Youhave to obey because of bad sanctions like prison time or rmal social control;? These are groups which sanction but are not primarly involved enfocring social control. E.g.Parents, education system and workplace.The social construction of crime:Crime is whatever is against the law, as in, if it is against the law is to wake up at 7:59, then you are acriminal if you wake up at that exact time. What is regarded as a crime is more often then not regardedas devient.Newburn (2007) says that crime is a label attached to certain forms of behaviour which are prohibitedby the state and have som elegal penulty agianst them. No act in itself is criminal, it is only criminalwhen it is labled as a crime. Killing in itself is not criminal, it is dependant on the circumstance; forinstance if you kill someone by hit and run then it is criminal, but if you kill an enemy at war then it isnot. As what is criminal changes over both time and country it strengthens the idea that no act alone iscriminal.The social construction of deviance:Deviance is essentialy deviation from rules/norms/beliefs/conformity and values of something. It couldbe deviation from law, deviation from family, or even deviating around a pot hole when driving. It isvery difficult to define exactly what is deviant because many people disagree.Downes and Rock (2007) suggest that ambiguity is a key feature as people don't really know what isdeviant and what isn't. A persons judgement on what is deviant will depend on loads of stuff aboutthem personally, and deviance in a speific setting will depend on the social norms and how othersreact to it. For instance, wearing a t-shirt that has a swear word might be cool and accepted aroundfriends, but not in the work place or in front of the queen.Plummer (1979) Societal and situational deviance:Societal deviance:? This is just what is seen by other members of society as deviant, and they all have sharedvalues of what is allowed and what is certainly not allowed. For instance, murder, rape, childabuse and drink-drivng will all be not allowed in the UK as a value.Situational deviance:? This is all about the context like where it took place and how it affected those around it.These both show that deviance can be agreed on across whole societies, but differ with othersocieties, or even differ between groups in society. The following show how deviance and crime canchange over time, further proving that no act in itself is either deviant or criminal.1. Non deviant crime: These are ware lots of people do them and over all the acts are quitecommon, they an still be illegal but the stigma attached to the common activities is not so bad.For example, parking offences, under age drinking, light cannabis use ect2. The time: Deviance and crimes change over time, because the people deciding the laws andvalues (wider society) change. For instance smoking was a widely accepted event in 1948 over85% of the population smoked, and now in modern times it had become a minority event withbarely 24% of the population smoking.3. The society or culture: Whether the country or culture thinks it is deviant. For instance alcoholuse in Islamic countries is deviant as it goes against their religion.4. The social group: Some things we do inside our social group are acceptable whereas not so inthe eyes of the law or wider society. For example, some groups of people like Rastafarians andpeople who are not smoke cannabis, but it is regarded as deviant by adults.5. The place or context: It is not acceptable to have sex in the street, but it is betweenconsenting adults in the bedroom. Also the difference between murder and manslaughter ect.Media and CrimeThe media whether it is non-fiction or fictional focuses a large proportion of its efforts on crime anddeviance. Richard Ericson et al's (1991) study of Toronto found that 44-71% of quality news (pressand radio) was about various forms of deviance. Williams and Dickinson (1993) found that Britishnewspapers devote up to 30% of their news space to crime.Media representations of crime compared to the official statistics:Media DistortionsExamples foundOver-represent violent/sexual crimesDitton and Dully (1983) found 46% of mediareports were about violent and sexual crimescompared to just 3% recorded by police. Marsh(1991) reviwed news reporting in America andfound that violent crime was 36x more likely to bereported than property crime.Portrays criminals and victims as older & moremiddle class than those found in the criminaljustice systemFelson calls this an 'age fallacy'Exaggerates police success- police are majorsource of crime stories on TV / over representviolent and sexual crimes- higher clear up rateThe media over-represent violent crime which hasa higher clear up rate.Exaggerate the risk of victimisationEspecially to woman, white people, higher statusCrime is reported as a set of separate events-without studying the underlying causesOverplay of extraordinary crimesFelson calls this the 'dramatic fallacy' – leads usto believe that to commit crime (and solve them)you need to be daring and clever 'ingenuityfallacy'Changes of focus of news coverage over the years:-1960's more focus on murders and petty crime-1990's crimes had to be special to attract coverage- included drugs, child abuse, terrorism, footballhooliganism and mugging-Pre-occupation with sex crimes – often show distorted image of sex crimes, rape 'sex fiend' and'beast'-Serial attacks are shown to be carried out by psychopathic stranger, however this is exception ratherthan rule- in most cases the rapist is known to the victim.News as a social construction:Cohen and Young (1973) note, “News is not discovered by manufactured”.NEWSVALUES- criteria by which journalists and editors decide if a story is newsworthy.Immediacy- recent event not 50 years agoDramatisation- action an excitementPersonalisation- human interest about individualsHigh status- person and celebritiesSimplification- if its easy to understand it printedNovelty of unexpectedness-Violence- especially visible/speeches effectsRisk- victims centred stories about vulnerability and fearFictional representations of crime:TV, crime novels and cinema are also important sources because their output is very crime -related.? Mandel (1984) estimates that from 1945-984, over 10 billion crime thrillers were sold worldwide(showing the far fetching influence of crime-related media)Surette (1998) fictional representations of crime follow 'the law of opposites' – opposite to officialstatistics and similar to news coverage.-Violence, drugs and sex crimes over-represented, real life homicides are often because of fall outs orbrawls- fictional representations are of greed and calculation, fictional crimes are committed bypsychopaths, cops get their criminal.However there have been some recent changes/trends;? 'reality' shows, show young offenders as non-white 'underclass'? Also there is an increasing amount of media around the idea that police are corrupt and brutal? Victims are now centred wth police shown as avengers and audiences.Media as a cause of crime:? Concerns over media's influence on audience, esp young people, lower social classes and theuneducated.? 20's and 30's cinema was blamed for corrupting youth? 50's moral panic over horror comics, and we held responsible for the moral decline? 80's video nasties (low budget horror films)? More recently rap lyrics and computer games like grand theft auto have induced adesensitisation to violence? Media influences, by showing people in violent crimes all the time and sexual crimes it sort ofmakes it more ok, or at least less shocking. Copy cat killers or criminals who want examples.Transmit techniques and knowledge of crime. The powerful may control the media to benefitthem and hide their crimes, and so being able to the media which can be controlled helps causetheir ability to commit crime. Glamorises certain types of crime, makes certain types appealing,like hacking and pulp fiction ect.Ways media can cause crime:? Imitation- copy cat crimes from deviant role models; James Bulger? Arousal viewing violent or sexual imagery? Desensitisation- through repeated viewing of violence? By transmitting knowledge of criminal techniques? As a target of crime e.g theft of plasma TV? Stimulating desires for unaffordable goods? Glamorising offendingEven though there have been thousands of studies on this, most have found little negative effects ofexpose to violence. Although as Schramm et all (1961) puts it; “For some children, under somecircumstances television is harmful. For some under the same circumstances, it may be beneficial. Formost children, under most conditions, most television is probably neither particularly harmful noparticularly beneficial.”Media and the fear of crime:Media exaggerates the amount of violent and unusual crimes? Research shows that there is a link between media consumption and the fear of crime? Schlesinger and Tumbr (1992) found tabloid readers and heavy users of TV expressedgreater fear of going at night and becoming a victim.?Gerbner et al found heavy user of TV (4+) had higher levels of fear of crime? However correlational evidence says people who stay in at night may already be scared ofgoing out at night and consequently watch more TV.? Interpretivists like Richard Sparks (1992) note that research into the effects of media has tolook at the meaning people give to the voilence and crime they see in the media.Causing crime through relative deprivation:? Left realists; Lea and Young (1996) argue that the mass media helps to increase the sense ofrelative deprivation – the feeing of being deprived relative to others.? The media presents everyone with imaged of materialistic good life of leisure, fun andconsumer goods as the norms which they should conform? The pressure to conform to the norm can cause deviant behaviour - theft.? Working class are more likely to cause crime.Like Merton's strain theory, the pressure to conform is harmful as the poorest are unable to achievethe same goals through legitimate means.Moral Panics“This is an exaggeration or over-reaction by society to a group / behaviour when it is seen as athreat to societal values and norms. This is driven by the media.”Creates anSFP anddevianceMedia identifya group as aproblem; orthreatMedia presentthe group innegative way;exaggerateMoralLeads to crackdown on groupentrepreneurs-politicians ectcondemn itamplificationStanley Cohen, an Interactionalist; in 1972 published the most influential study of moral panics andthe role of the media in 'Folk devils & Moral Panics'. Stanley examined the media response in 1964-66to the mods and rockers and why it created moral panic. 3 key elements lead to moral panic;1. Exaggeration and distortion- media exaggerated no. involved, and extent of violence anddamage. Sensationalist headlines were used e.g 'Day of Terror'2. Prediction- assumed and predicted further conflict3. Symbolisation- their clothes, bikes, scooters, hairstyles and music.Deviance amplification is a process, often performed by the mass media, in which the extent andseriousness of deviant behaviour is exaggerated. The effect is to create a greater interest in thedeviance to uncover more deviance; this gives the impression that the original exaggeration was true.? This lead to increased control response from police and courts? This produced further marginalisation and stigmatisation of mods and rockers and lesstolerance towards them.? Media also amplified problem by defining two groups and lifestyle – leading to more youthsadopting styles – more people for future clashes.Mods and Rockers were in a post-war ear (an environment where moral panic supposedly flourishes).Folk devils are the ones which are blamed and are clearly identifiable by what they are wearing.Rockers became the folk devilsStanley Cohen 'Folk devils and Moral Panics (1972)National news papers wanted stories to cover, noticed the mods and rockers mess in Brighton, mediamagnified the riot out of all proportion. This is picked up all over the world and this becomes the imageof youths in the 1960's.The wider context-? The mods and rockers moral panic came in a post war British society- youths consumerism andhedonism appear to challenge the values of older generations.? suggests moral panics arise at time of social change- when people feel accepted values seemto be undermined.Other theories of moral panic-? Functionalists suggest moral panics occur as a response to the to the normelessness(anomie) created by change – by dramatising the threat, media raises collective consciousnessand reasserts social controls when central values are threatened. People are unsure or unclearon values of society, moral panics help to fix this. By creating moral panic it brings peopletogether, by condemning behaviour together and asserts what is right and wrong.? Stuart hall (1979) adopts a neo-marxist approach and suggests moral panics are created toenforce capitalism. They – 1. divert attention away from capitalism, 2. divide wc andconquer e.g race, 3 legitimate social control e.g. video surveillance.Criticisms of moral panics:? It assumes societies reaction to a crime is always an over reaction- who is to decide what is anoverreaction and what is the real problem? Left realists argue that fear of crime is irrational.? It can't explain why some issues are amplified and others are not.? McRobbie and Thornton argue moral panics have less impact in today's modern world as weare all used to 'shock, horror' stories and so don't react.? It is harder for the media to create moral panics but there is little agreement about what is andwhat is not deviant and this is constantly changing. For example, single motherhood was seenas deviant in the 50's but now is seen as acceptable.? Traditional Marxists for example, would be very clear that the reasons why mods and rockersare singled out and focused on in the way Cohen shows, is because they are working class; theforces of law and order do not exert anything like as much concern in investigating the crimes ofthe rich and powerful.? Although Cohen takes an interactionist approach, the picture he presents of moral panics anddeviance amplification seems to be very structural.?This means that in practice, Cohen’s explanation suggests that the mods and rockers have nofreedom in their actions; they are portrayed as powerless victims in the face of media distortionand public outrage.? Cohen seems to assume that the public will indeed all react in a particular way, and that thisreaction is something that is directly caused by the media’s reporting; it seems therefore to bean automatic response. This implies that the public have no free will to respond to mediareporting and a ‘moral panic’ in any other way.? Lastly, many sociologists (perhaps including Cohen himself) would point out that since the1960s, society has undergone considerable social change. Sarah Thornton’s study, ‘ClubCultures’ is perhaps the best summary and example of these criticisms. Thornton argues thatCohen makes a mistake in assuming that there is simply one uniform response to moral panics.She points out that we now live in a more fragmented society, and that there may be verymany different reactions to moral panics. Thornton argues that rather than see the targets ofmoral panics are not always passive victims of the media and a uniform public reaction. Sheargues that the example of rave music in the late 8 0s and early 90s shows how ‘deviant’groups can seek out notoriety and moreover use it to create their own oppositional and non-""conformist identity.? Equally though, she also points out that nowadays the line between deviance and normalityis increasingly blurred, since she thinks it is the case that to be ‘normal’, and not to drinkunder-age, would be deviant.Examples of moral panics that have happened:? The Columbine High School massacre led, and still leads, to many schools over-reactingagainst imagined deviance among their pupils, under the guise of "Zero-tolerance"? Hooded tops- sweatshirts with hoods are the latest clothing of demonized youth in the UKGlobal cyber-crimeThomas and Loader (2000) define cyber crime as 'computer-mediated activities actibities that areeither illegal or considered illicit, and are conducted through global electroic networks'Yvonne Jewkes (2003) notes tha the internet has brought new and old ways of commiting crime tohalf of the wolrds popuation. Old crimes like fraud are now easier with the speed and access we allhave online, and 'new crimes using new tools' like software privacy.Wall (2001) comes us with 4 catagories of cyber crime.? Cyber-tresspass – crossing boundaries into others cyber property. Hacking, sabotage, virusesect? Cyber-deception- identity theft, online banking details, illegal downloading ect? Cyber-pornography- including minors/opportunities for children to access porn? Cyber-violence – Doing psychological harm, inciting physical harm, cyber stalking, hate rimes,bullying by text.Policing cyber crime is hard because the internet is so vast with different servers, IP addresses andways to avoid detection becoming ever more increasing in size. Also the jurisdiction around the globalusage is difficult to define and enforce. Survellience ICT is good as it helps the police and state to dealwith crimes. For instance, CCTV cameras, digital fingerprinting ect.""Theories of Crime and DevianceBecause crime is a social construct which is primarily based on the social norms and values, whichcan change through the years and over cultures. It means that there is less likely to be a biologicalor psychological base of those who commit crime as the same people would not commit crime inanother society with different values.Sociology rejects biological and psychological because of the simple reason that they both don'trecognise that crime is not biological or psychological it is completely dependant on the societiesdefinitions and that nothing in itself is criminal. More professionally sociologists say that somepsychological and biological explanations are based on a small unrepresentative samples and so can'tbe generalised to the all criminals. Also if we are talking patterns and trends, sociologists note thatthere are trends in that of age, gender, ethnicity and class that are separate from genes. Also somepeople are deviant and criminal and then stop and live a law abiding life, they wouldn't do that if theywere tied to genes or their personalities now would they?Functionalist, strain and subculture theoriesFunctionalists think that society is a stable system of shared values, beliefs, goals and norms; whichwe refer to as a Value Consensus. Because of this position it is a structuralist theory. Thefunctionalist society is based on two main things, socialisation and social control.? Socialisation; values and a shared culture is internalised into its members and they feel theyknow what is right and wrong to do in that society.?Social control; rewards and punishment for doing the right and wrong thing, moreopportunities with a clean criminal record, and prison if you are deviant.Although crime is generally a bad thing, some Functionalists believe that crime is inevitable and canbe beneficial. Durkheim is the protagonist of this view and says that its inevitable because somepeople just aren't socialised adequately because we are all individuals and have differentexperiences, influences and circumstances. Also modern societies promote a diverse and specialisedlabour force, and a diversity of subcultures; which can divide individuals and groups making the valueconsensus blurred creating crime and deviance. Anomie (normelessness)Functions of crime:? Boundary maintenance? Crime gets reactions from society, members come together against the criminal? Punishment serves to strengthen shared values and promote solidarity. The courtroomcases which are publicised affirm right and wrong boundaries.? Adaptation and change? All change starts with deviance as change is a deviation from norms. Individuals with newideas will naturally challenge existing norms. If this is not allowed to happen the society willstagnate. Too much control would crush revolutionary spirits.? Safety Valve; Crime can act as a release of stress in society. For example, Davis (1969)argues that prostitution releases a man's sexual frustrations without threatening the nuclearfamily. Ned Polsky (1967) argues that pornography safely channels a variety of sexual desiresaway from alternatives such as adultery, which causes more problems.? Warning light; Statistics like truancy and suicide highlight serious issues in society.Criticisms of Functionalists theories of crime:? We don't know exactly how much deviance is a good amount of deviance to create a goodamount of change and development.? It doesn't really explain why crime exists in the first place, where it comes from. To explain, thisshows the functions of society, like boundaries maintenance but what first caused it isn't clear.Psychological and Biological explanations at least try to do that.? Assumes that crime has some positive roles for society, but ignores how it affects theindividuals, especially how it is functional for the victim!? Useful: showing how crime is integral to society, not everything that is bad is bad.? Crime could have the opposite affect, isolating people not connecting them.Merton's strain theory and anomieMerton tries to explain the 'why' factor of deviant behaviour. He suggests that people try crime anddo stuff that is deviant because they might not be able to achieve legitimate goals by legitimate meansthat are in the societies 'Value Consensus' . This is not just a structural explanation it also combinescultural factors like the emphasis on successful goals, and the lack of emphasis on the legitimatemeans to get them.? Merton says that in an unequal society there is less opportunity to get the legitimate meanslegitimately, so they face a strain or anomie (normaless-ness).? Merton argues that there are 'modes of adaptation' also known as responses to this; fromnormal conformity all the way to 4 ways of deviating; innovation, ritualism, retreatism andrebellion.? The American dream: Deviance is the strain between what a culture encourages anindividual to achieve and what a society actually allows you to achieve legitimately. TheAmerican dream encourages 'money success' by hard work and education. The ideologyexplains that American society is meritocratic yet it is full with discrimination and poverty blockopportunities.Mode of adaptationConformityAcceptmeans?Acceptgoals?Example//The non-deviant, non-criminal conformistcitizenInnovationx/Factors like poor educational qualificationsor unemployment mean that some peoplecan't achieve goals by approved means, sothey turn to crime as an alternativeRitualism/xGive up on achieving goals but stick tomeans, - e.g teachers who give up onstudents success but still work.RetreatismRebellionxxDrop outs, like drugs addicts or tramps, whogive up altogetherX (/)X (/)Reject existing social goals and means, butsubstitute new ones to create a new society,like revolutionaries or members of somereligious sects . E.g hippies/ = accept x= rejectEvaluation of Merton's strain theory? Merton shows how both normal and deviant behaviour can come about from the same goals insociety. The two groups of conformists and innovators both pursue legitimate goals but bydifferent means.? + He explains patterns shown in official statistics;? Property crime is the most common crime, because America holds material success sohighly.? The working class crime rates are overrepresented because they have less opportunity touse legitimate means.? He assumes that people all agree on goals and means and accept them; like wealth andfinancial success, but most like job satisfaction and altruism more.? Merton focuses on individuals responses not groups like age, ethnicity and locality and howthey have their own patterns and trends in crime.? He also doesn't really explain how most people who are under the same strain don't turn tocrime.? Merton doesn't explain how they could be perfectly respectable people who seem to beobtaining their success by legitimate means, but actually doing illegal things. Like white collarcrimes.Subcultural strain theoriesThis both builds and criticisms Merton's theory so if you're going to get a question on this, its best tostart with a very brief outline of Merton's theory, as people like Cohen adapt from it. This theory is putforward by Cohen and Cloward & Ohlin. This focuses on the groups in society rather than theindividuals and how they adapt to the strain they each face. Also it mostly deals with youngdelinquency (crimes by people who are under 17) who are the largest group of criminals.A. K Cohen: Status frustrationsCohen agrees that it's the working classes inability to gain legitimate goals like mainstream success bylegitimate means like education that causes them to be deviant and commit crimes. But Cohen argueddifferently from Merton and Criticises him;1. Merton see's individuals and the strain on them as individuals, whereas Cohen thinks weshould look at deviant groups, and the effect on groups which can form subcultures.2. Merton's theory also focuses on utilitarian things (doing something for a greater gain) liketheft, rather than non-utilitarian things like assault and vandalism which Cohen can see nogreater gain from or economic motive.Cohen sees that specifically working class boys can face Anomie form mainstream middle classcultures and education system. Because they are culturally and sometimes materially deprived theycan face a sort of Status Frustration as they are at the bottom of the hierarchy because they cannotachieve in this system. So they turn to others in the same situation and form a delinquent subculturewith alternative and distinctive values which are a deliberate reversal of he accepted norms and valuesin mainstream society. For instance, society sees stealing as wrong, whereas they would see it as agreat way to get new things, or how vandalism replaces a respect of others property.Alternative status hierarchyCohen believes that these delinquent subcultures offer an illegitimate opportunity structures forworking class boys who couldn't get it in the mainstream legitimate way. These subcultures give waysto achieve statu s by delinquent behaviour.This explains the difference between Merton and Cohen, in that there need be no utilitarianmotive for a crime, but for gaining status in the delinquent subculture.Evaluation of Cohen's status frustrations:+ It explains what Merton can't about group delinquency rather than individual delinquency.+Explains non-utilitarian crime as its status frustration and rejection of values- Cohen thinks that working class young boys see the mainstream societal values as great anddesirable, and only act out as rebelling at what they cannot get themselves legitimately. Miller (1962),agreed with Cohen that there was a delinquency subculture, but argued that it arose entirely from thelower class way of life, they had their own focal concerns that differed from the mainstream ones.- Matza (1964) said WC boys weren't committed, but drifted values over time.-Not all WC boys commit delinquent actsCloward and Ohlin: Working class delinquent subculturesLike before Cloward and Ohlin agree with Merton and say that WC boys are denied the legitimateways to achieve and they delinquency stems from this as a strain..but Cloward and Ohlin try to identifywhy all of the WC boys don't become rebellious, like the 4 different groups (Merton's retreatists,ritualists, rebellious and innovators). They also suggest that Cohen doesn't quite explain why there issuch a diversity in subculture responses. Cloward and Ohlin suggest three different types ofsubculture responses which are given rise to by varied social circumstance.1. Criminal SubculturesThese give WC boys the opportunity to participate in utilitarian crime (crime for gain), andmost likely occur in neighbourhoods which already have crime links to adult professionalcrime (illegitimate opportunity structure) and a stable adult criminal structure whichcan act as a profession to WC boys who will be taught by the criminal adults. There willalso be an element of social control on the WC boys, as the adults wont want them doingpetty crimes like vandalism as it will get police attention.2. Conflict subculturesThese are area's of great population turn over (moving in and out) where there cannot beestablished a stable criminal culture and rely on violent crimes as a source of frustrationrelease and status. This explains a lot of the newly developing gang culture in Britiansbiggest cities in run down parts as there is such a population turn over that the onlyopportunity to obtain status illegitimately is to commit street crime, muggings, and gangwarfare.3. Retreatist subculturesThis third group are made up of those who have failed to be successful either way,'double failure' at both illegitimate and legitimate means and goal. They drop out ofsociety and turn to drugs abuse and alcoholism, funded mainly by small crimes for eachhit.CHICAGO SCHOOLEvaluation of Cloward and Ohlin:+ Their theory is useful as it helps explain why WC boys take different routes of delinquencydependant on their social circumstance.- However this theory can be argued to exaggerate the differences between the subcultures, and likemost things they actually overlap. For instance utilitarian crime is present in all three subcultures notjust one or two. For example, drug dealing for gains of money or respect is present in all three.- Like Merton, Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin both forget the crimes of the wealthy, and the wide powerstructure, and over represent working class crime.- Like Cohen, they are reactionist, showing the subcultures as a reaction to the inability to achievelegitimate means, legitimately, but assume all WC start off sharing the same values, when as beforestated, they might not/already have separate values.Miller: Focal concerns of working class life.This theory basically says that, the working class have different values (focal concerns) , beingtough, a resentment for authority ect, and so when they try and gain status with their fellow WC theyover conform to the focal concerns of the working class and become delinquent. So it's not arejection of dominant values, it is a conformity to a distinct working class.Criticisms of the Functionalist theories- Consensus: Functionalists always say there is some kind of shared value or belief throughoutmainstream society and this is a consensus. But Taylor (1973) points out that this isn't the case. Manypeople have different values, religion for example values different things, and some may want to 'love'their job rather than climb the ladder.- Subculture theories only explain WC delinquency- Official statistics don't cover unreported crime, so subcultural theorists are basing their theorieson unrepresentative samples and potentially untrue stats. However as far as we are concerned theWC are a large proportion of the criminals reported so, using the 'official' stats this can't be a negativepoint.- Subcultural theory assumes that delinquency is socialised into the WC, whereas it is nototherwise all WC would do it throughout their lives. Matza found that most WC don't regularly partakein illegal activities and grow out of it.- Matza hates subcultural theories because;?Delinquents are made out to be abnormal and different people to mainstream societywhereas they do express the same values; an excuse for shoplifting would be that they neededto get their mum a present but didn't have the money. Shows a commitment to values notrejection.?Most delinquency is not throughout life, but a phase before adulthood.? When delinquents are caught they show 'techniques of neutralisation' which are the excusesmade in the first bullet point to explain crime.""Control Theory: Hirschi's social bonds theoryHirschi (1969) doesn't look at why people commit crime, but rather why they do not commit crime.He shares views with Durkheim, and says that there are social values that are instilled into us throughinstitutions. Control theorists argue that humans are weak, and so if we do not have social bonds withother people to encourage us to conform we will be tempted to commit crime. So those who havethese bonds will not.The four social bonds:? Belief: People share moral beliefs, like respect for others and obedience to the law.? Attachment: People are committed to shared activities, like work, education, and family. Theydo not wish to risk these things for the same of crime. If there is little attachment they canbecome psychopath.? Commitment: People are sensitive to others views around them; family ect. Time, effort andmoney spent on conventional activities like eduction.? Social bond/Involvement: They have no time for crime because people are involved in otherstuff like clubs and teams.Hirschi might explain juvenile delinquency by suggesting that delinquents do not have the samecommitments and involvement in society that people whom are older do have. Less likely to haveformed attachments as they may not have had enough time, adolescence if the time to break away.For example, they do not have jobs to protect so do not have the same commitment to their lives andhave less to loose, also less money to spend on their life that they have the chance to adapt. Theymay not share the same beliefs as older people as they have not got the same life experience.Hirschi can explain WC crime through the idea of commitment as they don't have the resources andare blocked to the opportunities and so they do not have as strong a commitment.Evaluation of this theory:- It contradicts some other theories like Merton and Matza by saying that criminals break away formthe bonds and values of society, whereas those people say they still have them.+ It recognises important things like; socialisation and social control in forming a cohesive society. Andthis is major in a functionalist theory.- Doesn't explain everything: like why some people have weaker bonds, and why those with weakbonds don't jump off the bandwagon and commit crime. Level of social bond?- Doesn't explain (Labelling theory does), why people who are major successful and have tight bondsare drug users.- Doesn't explain the diversity of crime, for instance environments for crime, Cloward and Ohlin.– Slippery slope as it assumes everyone could be criminal and deviant so we need to be carefullycontrolled and monitored. Some groups could be stereotyped and harassed.Interactionist theories of crime: Labelling theory:Howard Becker (1997) is strongly associated with this; he says deviance is deviance when somethingsomeone has done is labelled as such by others reactions to it, not the act itself.They assume that lots of random people all over society have dome some kind of crime ordeviant behaviour, and to be honest that is mostly true. They say that Official Stats are a socialconstruction and only include what has been reported and also who has been defined as a criminalor deviant when caught. This theory tries to attempt to explain why some acts are defined andlabelled as deviant and some people are, when others aren't doing the same sort of thing. Thereare some focuses;? The interaction between deviants and those who define them as deviant; why specificpeople or groups are labelled as deviant and the context of it.? The process whereby rules/laws are selectively enforced; what assumptions the police useto enforce law, and why some are enforced on people and others aren't (whites and blacksdoing the same thing)?The consequences of being labelled as deviant; is it an SFP, does it prevent deviance, howto people react etc?The circumstances in which a deviant is set apart and defined as deviant? Analysis of who had the power to attach deviant labels and what makes them stickHoward Becker says that the people who give these labels to deviants and who have the power andresources to create and enforce rules are Moral Entrepreneurs.Selective Law-Enforcement:Essentially there isn't unlimited resources for the criminal control sector of society; so they need toadjust and use discretion when they are tackling deviance and crime. This means that not all crime istreated in the same way and so we have to figure out what does warrant a reaction. Piliavin and Briar(1964) found that decisions to arrest were based on stereotypical things like dress, gender, class,ethnicity, time and place.Howard Becker says that police have pre-concieved ideas of what constitutes trouble, criminaltypes, and criminal areas ect. So reactions to a behaviour of deviance or crime is not to do with the actbut the police's stereotyped views before hand.Cicourel (Kick er ell) 'typifications' a researcher of juvenile delinquency (1976):This guy used a phenomenological approach and looked at the subjective stereotypes lawenforcers attached to deviants. Used PO and non-PO in 4 year study, he went out on patrol and satin court, even acting as an unpaid probation officer. In his research he studied two US cities, onemore middle class and the other more working class and found that there was a higher juveniledelinquency in the WC area, and this was purely because the police saw the same acts committed byboth but intercepted the WC as they saw it as a long term thing because they came from badbackgrounds. Whereas for the same acts, MC kids were given a smack on the wrist as it wastemporary phase considering their 'good background'. Cicourel suggests that we need to look atwhere the police patrol, who they look, stop search and eventually charge. Courts were more likely togive a non-custodial sentence if the deviant was from a broken home. E.g MC girl is acting out but WCboy is being criminal. Justice is not fixed but negotiable. Negotiations of Justice (MC know how towork the CJS)The Labelling process: Primary and secondary devianceLemert (1972) basically distinguishes between primary and secondary and says that primary isdeviance that has not been labelled publicly and doesn't affect some ones self concept, andsecondary is that person is labelled as deviant. For example, if some person downloads child-pornography and no one knows, that primary deviance, but as soon as it gets out and they are caughtand charged ect it becomes secondary deviance and they are labelled.Becker says that once a deviant has been labelled there is a master status thing, whichmeans that all other labels they have are forgotten for that one. For example, if a woman was caughtdownloading child-pornography they would be only known as a paedophile and not a manager,worker, mother, samaritan ect. People start to distrust her around kids, and think of all the negativelabels attached to her, that's where Secondary Deviance starts.Deviant careers and the SFP (self fulfilling prophecy)Becker, Cohen and Young all have similar views here. Becker believes that societal reactions todeviance actually creates more deviance. By applying a label to people society is essentially excludingthat person or group form the mainstream and seeing them as outsiders. As they are now outsiders,they form with others of the same label and bond with their new identities and create cohesive groupsof deviance. This is a self fulfilling prophecy as they may have done something once, like steal a loafof bread, but now they are labelled as thieves and thought of as one they may as well be one. This isknown as a deviance career, similar to an occupational one. Cohen's moral panic also supports this,where there is deviance, it is given a label and attention from positions of power, shunning thedeviants, they become closer with other deviants and there is more deviance as they now think it's okbecause of their peers. But also labelling creates expansion of control agencies.For example, Platt (1969) juvenile delinquency did not exist until upper class Victorianscrusaded aimed to protect young people at risk. This created a new court for young people andextended powers of the court beyond criminal offences to 'status offences' (offence done by a certaintype of group) like truancy.Recent studies show attempts to control deviance has the opposite effect. Triplett (2000) noteshow the CJS re-labelled status offences such as truancy as more serious offences resulted in harshersentences- lead to increase in offending and more violence.Young (1971) did research on this between 1967-69, using a participant observation of hippies usingcannabis in Notting Hill. He found;? Media stipulated the stereotype of drug using hippies and so the hippies felt persecuted? The media and police actually help bond cannabis users because they are differently? In self defence hippies joined close knit groups bonded by cannabis use. Deviance developsas a norm? They develop an identity of longer hair, bizarre clothing and drug use? The original exaggeration by police is confirmed and moral panics over drug use? Publicity of drug use gets more people into it, normality is not an option because police arestereotyping and arresting people.? Drug charged close off path to normal life because of criminal records.Deviance amplification is a process, often performed by the mass media, in which the extent andseriousness of deviant behaviour is exaggerated. The effect is to create a greater interest in thedeviance to uncover more deviance; this gives the impression that the original exaggeration was true.? This lead to increased control response from police and courts? This produced further marginalisation and stigmatisation of mods and rockers and lesstolerance towards them.? Media also amplified problem by defining two groups and lifestyle – leading to more youthsadopting styles – more people for future clashes.Mods and Rockers were in a post-war ear (an environment where moral panic supposedly flourishes).Folk devils are the ones which are blamed and are clearly identifiable by what they are wearing.Rockers became the folk devilsReintergrative shaming:John Braithwaite (1989) sees that labelling can have positive effects. He distinguishes between;? Disintergrative shaming: Where the crime and the criminal is labelled and shunned? Reintergrative shaming: Just the crime is labelled not the person.It doesn't shame and exclude them whilst at the same time makes them realise their negative acts.Evaluation of Labelling theory-Little to say about policies to stop crime, except removing 'naming and shaming'.+It provides an insight into the labelling process that structural theories cannot-It says that deviance is attached to something from others not the act in itself, whereas people knowthat what they are being deviant when they are doing a deviant act so it can't just be from others+It challenges the idea that deviants are different from normal people-Tends to remove the blame for deviance away form the deviant and to the people who define theiractions as deviant""+Shows importance of stereotyping in understanding deviance-It doesn't explain why there are different reactions to deviance, or where the stereotypes come fromin the first place+It reveals the way Official stats are a form of bias in law enforcement-It ignores the importance of wider structural factors in creating deviance, and assumes it's all down tosocietal reaction+Shows the importance of those in power (moral entrepreneurs) of defining acts and people asdeviant-It doesn't explain the causes of deviance which precede the labelling process (primary deviance) orthe difference in acts; drug use and murder+It shows how labelling can to SFP and deviant careers-Deterministic; assumes once people are labelled they will be more deviant, but it could make peopleless deviant as they can choose to or not. They might not become an SFP because once they arelabelled they could be put off deviance+Shows how the deviant label can affect the self-concept of a deviant-Doesn't explain why some people are labelled and others aren't like Marxists theories do via the clashbetween RC and WC.+Shows an attempt to control leads to more so we shouldn't 'crack down'.-Little to say about the victim of devianceSuggests we should have less laws in order to stop deviance amplification...good or bad?Traditonal Marxist vs Neo-MarxistThe driving force behind crime is the clashes between social classes (Ruling class v working class)and social inequalities because of this.Traditional Marxist theories?Law:? All the laws are not created from value consensus (like Functionalists think) they are justmade to benefit the ruling class in some way. E.g. through laws to stop the working classuprising; to protect their property and wealth -inheritance laws-; definitions of crime anddeviance are to suppress the WC. Chambliss (1975) argues that laws to protect privateproperty are the cornerstone of the capitalist economy. For example, Chambliss illustratesthis by looking at the introduction of English law in African colonies. The African economieswere not fuelled by money. So in introducing a tax law, which had to be paid in cash theAfricans then had to work for them to earn cash to pay the tax. The law served the economicinterests of the capitalists. Laureen Snider (1933) argues that the state is reluctant topass laws which regulate the activities of businesses or threaten their profitability.Thus not introducing laws which look at the economic inequalities in society. There is alsoselective enforcement! Jeffery Reiman's (2001) book the 'rich get richer and the poor getprison' shows that the higher-class person who commits a crime is less likely to be treatedas a criminal offence.? Capitalism and Crime: Criminogenic? Crime is natural in this society because it is based on wealth, success, greed and adisregard of how to get it. The working class who are poor may be force to commit crime astheir only way to gain means. Crime may also be the only way to achieve material gains, soutilitarian crimes exist. David Gordon (1976) argues, crime is a rational response to thecapitalist system hence why it is found in all classes. WC crime is just over played.? Ideological functions of crime and law? Sometimes laws appear to benefit the WC but really benefit the RC. Like health and safetylaws which just ensure they are productive and safe to make profit. Frank Pierce (1976)argues that these laws benefit the working class too by keeping the work force fit to workand giving a 'caring face' of the RC. W.G Carson (1971) in a sample of 200 firms found thatthey had all broken health and safety laws at least once, yet only 1.5% have beenprosecuted.Neo-Marxist theories (critical criminology)This takes traditional marxist theories like class conflict and exploitation and criminogenic, the stateenforcing laws in its own interest and that society should be replaced by a class-less one. But Neo-Marxists like Taylor think that we should combine it with theories like labelling theory.Taylor et al (1970's+) founded the 'New Criminology' based on Marxist stuff and said that there wasmore to crime than RC laws, and that WC had a political motive as well. Also they recognised thatcrime was a choice, that no one was forced into it (debatable), and you also had to find out what crimemeant to criminals. Taylor said they needed to look at both structural and interactionist perspectives tohave a fully social theory of crime. Hall et al (1978) applied this to black crime – muggings- in the70's. Other theorists say that crime is a way for the WC to act out about the RC oppression, and two, away for the RC to reassert RC hegemony (RC values, beliefs and dominance in society) throughmoral panics of WC crime. In the 1970's Hall argued that the moral panics over black crime wereused to justify tougher policing and harassment, and police racism (Gilroy 1982- discussion ofblack crime).?Taylor rejects traditional Marxism by saying that it is too deterministic;? e.g it sees workers driven to commit crime out of necessity. They reject this as well as othertheories saying that crime is caused by external factors; anomie, blocked opportunities...Voluntarism:Crime is a conscious choice often with political motive. E.g to redistribute wealth from the rich to thepoor. Criminals are deliberately struggling to change society.Neo-Marxists looks a the government laws and how these benefit the RC also. Looks at how we lookat WC crime, a focus on benefit fraud from WC rather than tax evasion from RC.A fully social theory of crime of deviance:Taylor tried to create a comprehensive account of deviance to make society better using two sources;-Traditional Marxism; ideas about unequal wealth and distribution and who has the power to make andenforce the law.-Labelling theory; using the meaning of the deviant act for the actor, societal reactions to it and effectsof the deviant label on the deviant.In their view a complete theory of deviance needs to include these 6 things;The New Criminology and a fully social theory of devianceDimension to be exploredExplanationThe wider social origins of the deviant actThe wider context, like unequal distribution ofwealth and power.The immediate origins of the deviant actThe specific situation leading criminals to chooseto commit the deviant actThe actual act and what it means to be deviantIt could be a political act, steal from the rich tohelp the poor, alternate to paid employment, orsupporting a further deviant habit; drugsThe immediate origins of the societal reactionThe wider origins of societal reactionHow do people react to the act like the thedeviant or victim, neighbours, or family and whyHow does the wider society reaction, do themedia or people in power define it as deviant andwhy some acts are treated more severely thanothersThe outcomes of the societal reaction, furtheractionWhat happens after being labelled? Does it stopthem re-offending? Does it lead to amplification?Evaluation of Marxist/Neo-Marxist theories?What they ignore:? The victim: Ignore the fact that most victims of crime are working class (but this issupposed to be crime as acting out against RC, so why are other WC victims?)? Not all poor commit crimes? Non-criminal deviance Like dying hair green, its not illegal but it is deviant from norms.? No solutions to crime? Any other explanation of how to deal with crime aside form DESTROY CAPITALISM!? How everyday crimes like burglary and vehicle theft are working in the RC favour. Althoughit could be argued that they need to keep a content and non-crime workforce for betterproduction.? Not all capitalist societies have high crime rates. Japan and Switzerland have much lowercrime rates than the USA.? Other laws like health and safety, consumer protection and traffic laws which can't reallybeen seen to benefit the RC. But again, like before it could be seen to be protecting theworkforce, so that they feel minimally oppressed and work harder.What they over emphasize:?? Class inequality in crime instead of looking at other types of group like ethnicity, gender,age ect.? Property crime and ignore other crimes like rape, domestic violence and murder.? Feminists argue that they over emphasize male criminality not females.? It can be seen as idealistic as it offers no realistic answers to anything, idealistic reasons forcrime and idealistic ways out of a criminal society.? Traditional Marxists:? Offers an explanation of the relationship between crime and capitalist society, first theory todo this, others do mention inequality but does not delve into that.? Shows link between law making, enforcement and the interests of the capitalist class.? It puts labelling theory into a wider social context regarding selective enforcement of the law-enforcement? This view has also influenced recent approaches to study the crimes of the rich andpowerful. Gary Slapper and Steve Tombs (1999) argues that corporate crime is under-policed and rarely prosecuted or punished severely.? Left realist criticisms:? Critical criminology (Neo-Marxists) romanticises the working class criminals as 'Robinhoods' who are fighting capitalism to redistribute wealth. But in reality these criminals prayon the poor.? Taylor does not take such crime seriously and ignores the effects on WC victims.? Other Criticisms:? Rodger Hopkins Burke (2005) argues that critical criminology is both too general inexplaining and tackling crime.Left and Right RealismRight and Left realists differ on political stances, they both think crime is a problem and both offersolutions but on both these counts there are radically different. Try to offer realistic solutions?Right realists: Heavily right wing neo-conservative/new right influenced, and have a zerotolerance towards crime?Left realists: Are reformists and want policies which promote equalityRight realism:This approach is heavily influential in the UK, USA and loads of places around the world. It promotesthat theories in the past have not adequately explained crime, and what there should be put in place toprevent/stop it. Labelling theory and Critical criminology are said to have both failed on this point,and are said to be way sympathetic to the criminal and hostile to the law enforcers. Right realists onlywant practical solutions not idealisms, and think the best way to prevent crime is through control andpunishment. James. Q Wilson was the main theorists on this and even worked with PresidentReagan as a crime adviser.Wilson (1985 [1975]) said that sociological explanations of crime and how to stop it were pointless,crime cannot be stopped, it inevitable in society, so what we should do is lower the impact it has onpeople's lives. There should be heavy policing, heavier sentences and greater deterrents to criminalsso that they wont commit crime. Rejects Marxist idea of inequalities being the cause of crime, point tohow old people are poor but maj are not criminal.Right realism has some key features:? Value consensus and shared morality underpin society:? Criminals are immoral because they breach the consensus of society by violating thelaw. People shouldn't have to live in fear and have dysfunctional lives because of crime,there needs to be social order.?People are naturally selfish:? This is a idealogical right wing view point, following on from control theory, it says peopleare weak and selfish and need strong regulations by agencies of social control like thelaw so that they don't take illegitimate short cuts, like committing munity control:?? Alongside Hirschi's control theory RR's (right realists) think that strengthening bondsbetween people, and enforcing these in the family and institutions, and re-establishingsocial cohesion and individual responsibility are the way to prevent crime. Crimes lies inpoor socialisation from poverty.?Rational choice and opportunity:? Generally people can be considered on the whole rational, and they use cost benefitanalysis to figure out if they are going to do something or not. Cornish and Clarke(1986) applied rational choice theory to crime and figured out that criminals use the factthat there are great benefits from committing crime, there are opportunities and the riskis worth the outcome. So to solve crime, attack these principals.? Crime will always exist:? There will always be that one selfish person who slips through the net and commitscrime. There is no point trying to tackle the causes, its been done before and has failed,Marxists and Left realists say that its circumstance, but the most deprived like the elderlydon't jump around committing crime? Also crimes which don't have a direct victim, likebusiness or corporate crimes shouldn't be focused on, as this is all about protecting thepeople.The causes of crime?RR'S reject structural factors like poverty as the elderly are very poor and yet have the lowest crimerates. They choose to look at 3 factors, biological differences, inadequate socialisation and choice.Biological differencesRR see crime as having at least some biological base, with things like personality and genes cominginto fruition. Such things as aggression, or lack of control over impulsions and risk taking arefactors. Wilson and Herrnstein (1985) say that these differences between people predispose somepeople to commit crime over other people. Crime is a combination of biological and social factors.Herrnstein and Murray (1994) argue that the main cause of crime is having low intelligence, whichthey think is biologically based. Effective socialisation can hold back likelihood to offend. Murray (190)says that crime rates are increasing because the underclass do not know how to socialise their kidseffectively.Socialisation and the underclassRR's see that biological increasing the chance of criminality, but that effective socialisation can preventit arising. RR's see the nuclear family as the best agency of socialisation. Murray (1990) argues thatnowadays the nuclear family is being undermined by the existence of the welfare state and how it""breeds welfare dependency and from this encourages a new class to form, the underclass, whereparents don't socialise their children properly. Murray believes that what has come from this is the'Generous revolution' where marriages and relationships between male and females fall apartbecause the male role model is no longer needed as the woman can live off benefits and support thekid. this causes the kids to turn to delinquent male role models as they do not have one at home;breeding crime.Bennet, Dilulio and Walters (1996) argue that crime is caused by “growing up surrounded bydelinquent and criminal models which seem set up to produce predatory, unrepentant streetcriminals.”Rational choice theoryThis assumes criminals and free will and the ability to choose to commit crime. Clarke (1980) arguedthat criminals make a rational calculation on the consequences and as there are little deterrents (lowpolicing and short sentencing ect) crime rates are rising. Felson (1998) has a few things that enablesa rational offender to offend.?A motivated offender, a suitable target (victim or property) and the absence of capableguardians (police ect) For example, during Hurricane Andrew in Florida 1982 patrols of localneighbours prevented looting and crime rates went downTackling crimeBiology and socialisation issues cannot be changed, so we have to prevent crime becoming attractiveto less advantaged by adopting a ZERO TOLERANCE approach.. Wilson and Kelling (1982) had atheory now called 'Broken Windows' which basically suggests that if neighbourhoods are allowed toget into a disorderly state then they would be more likely be targeted for crimes against property andvandalism including graffiti. Wilson and Kelling say that if these crimes like 'broken windows' do notget mended then it encouraged more crime as no one is doing anything about it. The way to tacklecrime is to have a zero tolerance against it, mend what is broken and punish those who brake it, alsopolice patrols of the streets to make the law abiding citizens feel safe. Zimbardo 's car study ofdisadvantaged neighbourhoods and turning to crime. Also 'Target hardening' which is where crimesare sentenced with harsher terms and are given soon after crime is committed to deter more crime.Evaluation of Right Realists:+Addresses immediate causes for crime (broken windows) and implements policies to tackle theopportunities for crime+Recognises that if minor crimes are not dealt with then more serious ones can develop+Recognises the influence of community control and community responses to crime levels(hurricane Andrew and broken window)+Provides actual policies for tackling crime, broken windows, target hardening-Ignores wider structural causes of crime, like poverty which has a heavy influence-ZERO TOLERANCE= harsher policing will reduce crime, whereas it could create resentment forsocial control agencies, and like labelling theory suggests, create more problems, especially ifstereotypes of offenders are held by police-The USA has a zero tolerance policy, but they commit a lot of crime.-Concerned only with street crime and ignores things like corporate crime which affects the public-ZERO TOLERANCE Over-emphasises the disorderly neighbourhoods, and ignore underlying causesof crime- Overstates the use of utilitarian cost-benefit calculation of rational offenders, doesn't explain violentcrimes.-The view that criminals have free will and are rational conflicts with being determined by theirbiology and socialisation. Which is it? Lilly et al (2002) found IQ differences account for less than3% of differences in offending.-Zero tolerance advocates the ability to discriminate against groups like ethnic minority and justmoves crime around rather than deals with it. Jones et al (1998)""Left Realists:Developed in the 80's and is related to the work of and Lea and Young (1984) in response to Marxistand neo-marxist approaches. Like Marxists they see the capitalists society as the root of crime, butdon't want a revolution to uproot it, they believe in the gradual reforms being the only way to makethe policies work. Also unlike Marxists they want to stop and prevent crime now, not once capitalism isoverthrown. They are reformers not revolutionists. This theory has some criticisms of other theories:? Traditional Marxists; focus too much on the crimes of the powerful and forget WC crime and itseffects? Neo-Marxists; Romanticise WC criminals as fighting against the man, but in reality theyvictimise other WC people? Labelling theorists; neglect actual victims and say criminals are victims of labelling.Taking crime seriously:We need to recognise that?It's main victims are disadvantaged groups, the WC, ethnic minorities, and woman. They arelikely to be victims and not be taken seriously by police? There has been a real increase in crime, lead to as Young puts it, an Aetiological crisis(looking for an explanation). Labelling theorists argue that there is no 'real' increase in crime,just an increase in tendency to label the poor as criminals. Left Realists argue that there is a'real' increase and this explanation labelling theory puts forward just doesn't cut it now. Youcan see the increase by looking at victim surveys like the British Crime Survey.Causes of crime according to Left Realists (Lea and Young)? Relative deprivation? Whether people see themselves as deprived compared to other people. Although it'snot always the case, for example in the 1930's poverty was high but crime was low. Bycontrast, since the 50's standards of living have risen and so has crime. W.G.Runciman's (1966) definition of relative deprivation is how deprived you feel incomparison to others. Lea and Young (1992) found ethnic minorities feel resentmentdue to the relative deprivation as they see there to be unfair and biased in policing intheir community.? Subcultures? WC subcultures form as response to social inequalities, some WC subcultures believethat offending behaviour is ok and acceptable. Like Merton, AK Cohen and Cloward andOhlin Left Realists draw on the blocked opportunists and responses of subcultures,Some subcultures weren't just about crime though, some were religion. Pryce (1979)noted in Bristol there were groups of Afro-Carribean 'hustlers' and Rastafarians 'saints'and WC 'respectables'. Messner and Golden (1992) found that where racialdiscrimination existed, deep violent subcultures flourished. But different groups also havedifferent types of subcultures; religious ones.? Marginalisation? Some people slip out of society because of poor education, lack of opportunities,unemployment and lack of community opportunities. Gibbs and Merighi (1994) arguethat the black community are marginalised in terms of poverty, housing, education andjobs -anger and frustration = crimeLate modernity and crimeYoung (2002) looked at crime and said that since the 70's WC crime has got worse because:? Harsher welfare policies, job insecurity, poverty and unemployment? Destabilisation of family and communities, weakening informal social controlsYoung (2002) notes also some changes in late modernity? Crime is everywhere in society, even at the top, people always want more, there is alsoresentment at highly undeserved rewards, footballers pay ect? Relative deprivation downwards; resentment against unemployed, and more hate crimes likethat of the racist attacks on asylum seekers.""? Blurred lines between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.? Public demand more of the state, including harsher formal controls. Modern society has highcrime rates but an increasing intolerance for crime.Solutions to crime:Left right realists have two policies, democratic policing and reducing social inequality.? Democratic policing: Police who are more involved in the community? Kinsey, Lea and Young (1986) argue that the policy rely on information provided by thepublic (90% of all crimes known to police are reported to them). But to theirdisadvantaged, lines of investigation are drying up because the public are loosing faithin the police. So they have to rely on military policing, like 'swamping an area'. Butthis causes a resentment for the police and they loose the respect in communities andarea's that they search.? To get back the support from the public that they have lost, they need to beaccountable to local communities. To do this they need to involve them more, in thingslike policy making and priority deciding.? But not only that the way the police control crime had to become a multi-agencyapproach, involving not just them selves but other agencies like social services, housingdepartments and schools.?Reducing inequality? The main solution to crime is to get rid of underlying social inequality.? The state needs to tackle discrimination, inequality of opportunity and unfairness of rewardsand also provide houses and decent jobs for all.Influence on social policy:New labours firmer approach to policing of hate crimes, sexual assaults and domestic violence. Newlabours 'New Deal' for unemployed youth and anti-truancy policies. Young argues this tacklessymptoms not causes.Evaluation of Left Realism:+ It explains the social causes of crime well, and recognising that tackling crime itself is not enough,the inequalities need to be tackled too.-Henry and Milovanovic (1996) argue that LR's accept the authorities definition of crime as streetcrime by the poor and ignores that crimes committed by the powerful against the poor. Marxists arguethat it fails to explain corporate crime which can be more harmful.+ It recognises the vitcim; victims are often poor and working class and recognises the importance oftackling fear of crime also-Relies on victim of crime surveys to measure the fear of crime which may not always be valid, there isalso a tendency to over-report some crimes and under-report others.+ It recognises that there is a community of crime, the offender, the police, the victim and the pubic areinvolved in creating and reducing crime.-Interactionist's argue that LR's rely on quantitative data like victim of crime surveys and so do notget the motive behind crime. Instead we need qualitative data to do this.-The use of subcultural theory means that LR assume a value consensus exists and crime onlyoccurs when there is a breakdown of this.-Not all people who are relatively deprived commit crime, so they over-predict the amount of crime.-Focuses to much on high-crime inner-city states and makes it seem like a bigger picture than itactually is.""Feminist criminology:Feminists know that the society we live in is patriarchal. That means that it is largely controlled bymen, giving woman little power. The suggest that men control woman and so discourage deviance inthis way. But this control also generates some serious crimes by men against woman like sexualoffences and domestic violence.'Malestream' sociology and the invisibility of womanUntil very recently theories / explanations of crime have been about men, concerning men and tacklingmale crime. Therefore there is little consideration in these theories about female offenders, whyfemales in the same situation as males don't commit crime and also the gender gap in crimestatistics. Female victimisation is ignored in theories, particularly violence and domestic abuse.Newburn (2007) suggests woman are invisible in criminology. This all reflects the male dominance insociety, which means male dominance in crime theories, and therefore Malestream sociology.Heidensohn came up with some ideas as to why woman were invisible in this way.? Academics & researchers in sociology of crime mainly male? Malestream middle class sociologists gained status from having a romanticised malepreoccupation with macho working class males? Less to study. Low levels of female crime / women tend to commit more invisible crime e.g.Shop liftingThe growth of feminist criminology:Since the 1960's and 70's researchers have been more focused on female offending as well. Lookingat things like female offending, woman's treatment by the criminal justice system, femalevictimization and the gender gap.Gender identity has been identified as a important area when examining crime and deviance. Smart(1976) suggests women are seen as DOUBLE DEVIANTS because they break the law & traditionalgender role. This means there offences are more highly stigmatised.Feminist criminologist understand the importance of gender identity in theories of crime rather thanjust structural factors like strain, subcultures, social class and power. It also looks at how theconception of femininity might deter females from becoming deviant.Messerschmidt (1993) researched into the idea that crime and deviance including domestic violence,can be a way of accomplishing masculinity for men that have failed to achieve that in other areas oftheir lifeFeminist contributions to crime and deviance:? a new focus on female offending and the experiences of women in the CJS? the application of existing theories, criticisms of them and development of new theories toexplain female deviance? new focus on the various types of female victimisation, like sexual and domestic violence? challenging the idea that woman get special treatment in the CJS called 'chivalry'.? Have raised questions in control theory concerning how men and woman experience differentlevels of control. In labelling theory in why female offending has more stigmatisation than maleoffending.""Post modernist theories of crimeOverall post-modernists think that crime is a social construction, society has changed and crimecannot be prevented by looking at the cause of crime, as crime is completely to do with the individualand nothing else.Some basic assumptions are:??Society is changing so rapidly that there is no value consensus but uncertainty and chaosSociety is fragmented with huge diversity of groups with different interests? Social structures have collapsed (no social class) and been replaced by individualism with aconsumer culture? Individuals choose their life styles, values and identities they wish to adoptThe nature of crime:Crime is essentially a social construction based on legal definitions which are outdated as they don'treflect the diversity of modern society. Crime is just an idea that people with power have over howpeople should behave, and as such denies freedom, self identity and difference. Society worksdifferently, in post-modern society people are free of social bonds and constraints to others. Instead ofusing narrow legal definitions, post-modernists think crime should be based on justice and arespect for others chosen lifestyles and identities.Crime as social harm:Henry & Milovanovic suggest crime should not be defined as breaking the law but of people usingpower to show disrespect for others by causing them harm of some sort. There are two forms of harm;Harms of reduction – power is used to cause immediate loss or injuryHarms of repression – power is used to restrain human development e.g. threatening human dignity,sexual harassment, racist abuse & hate crimesThe causes of crime:Post-modernists say that society is fragmented, and is characterised by the fragmentation of socialstructure. The meta-narrative of social class, work and family, which formed peoples identity and gavepeople social roles to integrate into society have been replaced by uncertainty and individualism.Individualism of post-modern society means that's causes of crime are undiscoverable because theyare one off's with infinite numbers of potential causes. Crime is caused by the individual notsociety. Katz (1988) examines the pleasures and seductions of crime for individuals. Lyng (1990)examines crime as 'edgework' committed for the thrill of risk taking.The control of crime:In postmodern society there is more emphasis on private crime prevention & informal localisedarrangements for controlling crime e.g. Private security firms. Contemporary societies usessurveillance techniques to control everyone, not just offenders.Foucault (1991) pointed out that surveillance techniques are penetrating more and more privateaspects of our lives, with surveillance tech like CCTV. The UK has more surveillance cameras thenany other country. A vast amount of data is also being collected on individuals through consumertracking e.g. Tesco club card, which takes purchasing information and creates a lifestyle profile basedon it. People are less regarded as citizens and more as consumers. They are seduced intoavoidance of social harm by participation in the consumer society. Those who aren't as seduced orcan't participate face stricter control.Post modernists also say there is a detachment of the CJS from more centralised to localisedarrangements. This reflects the fragmentation of society into a diverse range of smaller groupings oflocalised identities such as ethnic and gender identities. E.g. The voluntary use of Sharia courts.""Evaluation of post modernist theories of crime:-Lea points out that post-modernism just rediscovered labelling theory and radical criminologywhich said way before that crime was a social construction.+It can explain developments like surveillance tech becoming widespread, like CCTV-Doesn't explain why most people don't use their power for harm and why some people/groupsfeel the need to engage in it to affirm their identity+Recognising other criminal dimensions aside from structural ones-It doesn't recognise that the decentralization of policing actually just benefits the middleclasses who have the power to get their needs attended to and establish identities+Explains the growing localisms of policing strategies-Fails to recognise that consumer markets can breed resentment of consumers by those whocannot participate, which can generate the want to cause harm+Offers an explanations of non-utilitarian crimes like hate crime and anti-social behaviour-Ignores justice and citizen rights for all not just those who are significant consumers+Provides a fuller picture of crime, as 'harm' encompasses loads more than just the narrow legaldefinition.-Ignores justice and citizen rights for all not just those who are significant consumers-Ignores that many people have strong ideas of right and wrong which underpin the law""The Pattern of CrimeThe source of crime statistics:? Police-recorded crime: these are crimes which are reported or detected by the police andrecorded by them? Victim surveys: e.g. the British crime survey (BCS) these are more accurate because theyinclude unreported crime.? Strengths of victim surveys;? Overcomes the fact that a massive proportion of crime is not recorded by police-recorded? Shows the extent and patterns of victimisation which is not recorded? Weaknesses of victim surveys;? Victims memories can often be faulty or biased? The victims have to full out categories of crime which can be inaccurate? They omit lots of crimes like corporate crimes and any crime where the victim cannotreport it? Despite the anonymity victims still fail to report sexual offences? Self-reported study: the Home Office's Criminal Justice is an anonymous survey where peoplecan fess up to their crimes without getting in trouble? Weaknesses of self -reported study;? Not valid, respondents may lie or exaggerate, or be mistaken? Not representative as they focus on young people and students not professionalcriminals? Not relevant as the reported crimes are often trivial? Court and prison records: these reveal characteristics of offendersTrends in crime:Patterns of offending:The most crime is committed in Urban areas, against property (80% of all crime) and by young people.Gender and Crime:According to official statistics males commit way more crime than By their 40 birthday 1/3 males have convictions and only 1/10 for woman.? Men are responsible for about 4/5 recorded offences.? Females are more likely to be convicted for property crimes.? Males are more likely to be repeat offenders, have longer criminals careers and commit moreserious crimes.Frances Heidensohn (1996) suggests gender differences are the most significant feature of recordedcrimeOn top of this men are cautioned more than woman.? 50x more likely for sex offences?14x more likely for burglaries? 8x more likely for robbery and drug offences??7x more likely for criminal damage5x more likely for violence against a personDo woman commit more crime?Sociologists argue that we underestimate the rates of female offending for two reasons;1. Typical females crimes like shoplifting are less likely to be reported. Similarly prostitutionwhich females more more likely to be engaged in is not going to be reported by either party.2. Even if females crimes are detected they are less likely to be prosecuted, if they are thenthey will be treated lightly.Functionalist Sex role theory and gender socialisation:This theory looks at the gender socialisation and the different roles each gender has. Female rolesinclude caring for partners, children, and dependant elderly parents. There is also household dutiesthey are expected to perform. Gender socialisation wants women to adopt these roles, by adoptingthem they become more emotional and less aggressive making them more afraid of committing crimebecause they do not have the characteristics of a criminal. Men are encouraged to be tough andaggressive, therefore disposed to commit acts of violence. Parsons (1955) traces this back todifferences in gender roles in nuclear family. Men take on the breadwinner role, whilst women take onthe nurturing, caring role meaning they bring up children. Girls therefore have access to adult rolemodel, but boys seek to distance themselves of feminine models of behaviour engaging in compulsorymasculinity According to A. K Cohen (1955) the absence of the male role model leads boys to turn toall male street gangs as a source of masculine identity, here they earn status through delinquency(Think the other Cohen's subcultural theory).Evaluation of sex role theory:?Walklate (2003) criticises Parsons for assuming that because of a woman biological ability tobear children that they are the best to the expressive role. So although Parsons tries to explainthis socially he is actually doing so biologically about sex differences.Patriarchal Control theory and rational choice (gender deals):Pat Carlen (1988) and Heidensohn (1996) build on rational choice theories and explain femaleoffending with it. Heidensohn argues that the difference in gender in offending is down to socialisation,social circumstance and and impacts of formal/informal control agencies.Heidensohn argues that woman commit less crime because patriarchal society imposes greatercontrol over woman. It operates in the home, in public and at work.? Control at home: A woman's role in the home is to be a domestic goddess, clean and maintainthe home, cook meals and look after the kids. This places high time demands on woman andgives them less time to commit crime. Women who try and make time may find themselves in adomestic abuse situation because their partners don't like their breakaway from the rules.""? Dobash and Dobash (1979) show how many violent attacks results from a man'sdissatisfaction with their wives performance domestically. Men also use control with theirfinancial power to restrict funds for a woman's leisure activities so that they spend more timeworking at home.? Daughters are restricted because they are under greater control to not come and go as theyplease or stay out late, as such they socialise in doors, a 'bedroom culture' is created andthey are more likely to do housework chores than male counterparts.?Control in public: Woman are controlled in public because they fear going out and gettingraped. Media reports help stipulate this fear to frighten women into staying indoors.? The crime survey found that 54% of women avoid going out after dark, against only 14%of men. There is also a fear of how women dress in public, dressing certain ways can get areputation for being 'loose' or sexually promiscuous especially if they go out in pubs alonewhere many crimes occur.? Control at work: Women have a subordinate role at work. The glass ceiling prevents reachinghigher and potential white-collar crimes.The gender deal and the class dealCarlen looked at a small number of working class woman who had criminal convictions, usingunstructured tape recorded interviews. She said that woman are expected to conform to two things,the class deal and the gender deal.? The class deal: the material rewards that happen when people work in paid employment,enabling woman to purchase things.? The gender deal: the rewards that woman get from fulfilling their gender role in the familyand home.In terms of the class deal; woman in Carlen's study failed to find legitimate ways to earn a decentliving. Most had always been in poverty and couldn't handle benefits. In terms of gender deal; somehad been abused by farthers/families and so family bonds had broken.Woman may then make the rational choice to commit crime (they have little to loose because theyare poor) and crime offers some benefits like money and material goods.The constrains of socialisation:Heidensohn suggests that woman face greater loss than men if they commit crime because theywould face a social stigma. Carlen argues woman are socialised into the domestic goddess role andrisk disapproval when they don't. Crime is double jeopardy for the crime and not being a 'woman'.Social control:Agencies of social control try to discourage people from crime. Heidensohn argues that there is aideology over the spheres the genders are allowed in. For instance men dominate clubs and outside inpublic area's, whereas woman dominate the home and private spheres.The agencies of social control:? In the private sphere of the domestic home woman are too busy and have too manyresponsibilities to be committing crime, and teenage girls are more supervised than teenagemale counterparts.? In the public sphere woman feel that they cannot go outside from fear of sexual/physicalviolence and at work they are often sexually harassed and supervised by a male boss.? Woman face the threat of their reputation as respectable people if they deviate from the norms.The applications of the word 'slapper' or 'slag' threaten their reputation.Evaluation of patriarchal control theory:-Underplays free will and choice in offending by saying that woman are controlled and determined bythe patriarchal control.-Carlen's sample was small and may be unrepresentative, and largely WC offenders.+Heidenson shows that there is still some form of patriarchal control in the home.+Carlen shows that what causes crime is the two deals not working""The liberation thesis:If the patriarchal control is what is keeping woman from committing crime, then if it is removed itslogically to say that female crime rates would be similar to males. Adler's (1975) thesis says thatwoman's liberation is leading to a new type of female criminals and rise in criminal rates.? Adler argues that the playing field is evening out, patriarchal controls and discrimination haslessened. Between 50's and 90's female crime rose from 1/7 to 1/6? Woman have begun to adopt more male roles both legitimately and illegitimately.Evaluation of the liberation thesis:+Good to point out a possible link between patriarchal liberation and offending rates+Denscombe 2001 looked at the girl gang. The girls wanted to look in control and hard, and took partin risk taking behaviour-Female crime rate has been rising since 1950's before female liberation (which happened in the60's)-WC females are more likely to be criminal (Chesney-lind-1997), and WC females are less likely tobe effected by liberation which has mainly affected MC woman.-Chesney-lind did find evidence of woman doing more male offences like drugs, but they werealready prostitutes which is very un-liberated.-Little evidence that the illegitimate opportunity structure has opened up for women. Laider and Hunt(2001) found that women in gangs were still expected to conform to female roles-She might have over-exaggerated the amount of liberation and the amount of female crimeThe chivalry thesis:This argues that most criminal justice agents – such as police officers, magistrates and judges aremen, and men are socialized to be chivalrous towards women. Otto Pollak (1950) argues that menhave a protective attitude towards woman so they are unwilling to charge, arrest or prosecute them.This means that their crimes are less likely to end up in the official statistics giving a bad picture on theactual amount of female crime.Evidence for the chivalry thesis:Self reported studies where the individual was asked about what crimes they have committed haveoften shown that woman are treated more more leniently than men.? Graham and Bowling (1995) research on a sample of 1,721 (14-25yr olds) found that althoughmales were more likely to have committed a crime it was a lot less than what the official statssaid. So men are found more guilty than woman even though they commit less crime thanthought.? Flood-Page (2000) found that while only 1/11 self reported female offenders werecautioned or prosecuted the figure for males was well over 1/7? The Home Office have said that woman are constantly treated more leniently by the law,with first offenders about half as likely to be given a sentence of immediate imprisonment.? Is this because they don't commit serious enough crimes, not that they are given lee way.?Hood's (1992) found that in a study of over 3,000 defendants, women were about 1/3 lesslikely to be jailed in similar cases.? The Ministry of Justice (2009) say 49% of females recorded offending received a caution,whereas only 30% of males did.Evidence against the chivalry thesis:?Farrington and Morris (1983) Found in a study of 408 offences of theft in a magistrates courtthat women and men were sentenced equally?Buckle and Farrington (1984) Undertook an observational study of shoplifting. They foundmen were 2x more likely to shop lift. But official stats how the gender shopliftingprosecutions to be equal.?Carlen (1997) argues that sentences handed out to woman by the CJS are influenced byassessment of their characters and performance in relation to their traditional roles, rather thanthe severity of their offence. This way women are seen as really really bad because theyviolate norms, even though males commit more violent and severe attacks they are let oflighter as they are just overstepping their role not breaking it.? Females offenders are more likely than males to be held in custody before a trial even if""they are no sentenced afterwards.?Women are 2x more likely to be denied bail when charged with drug offences and 3x morelikely with being dishonesty.? Steven Box (1981) woman who commit serious offences do not get treated more favourablythan woman.Bias against women:Feminists argue that the CJS is biased against women, they argue that the CJS treats woman moreharshly especially when they deviate from gender norms of monogamous heterosexuality andmotherhood.Heidensohn (1996) notes the double standards of courts punishing girls but not boys for 'promiscuity'.Carlen (1997) found that Scottish courts were much more likely to jail woman who had children in carethan woman they saw as 'good mothers'.Walklate (1998) argued that in rape trials the female victim on trial has to prove her respectability inorder to have the sentence accepted.Carol Smart (1989) quotes judge wild as saying; “Woman who say no do not always mean no. It isnot just a question of how she says it, how she shows and makes it clear. If she doesn't want itall she has to do is keep her legs shut” !! How disgusting!Adler (1987) found that woman who are deemed to lack respectability; single parents, punks, peaceprotesters ect, find it hard to have their testimony believed.Why do men commit crime?The assertion of masculinity:Messerschmidt: Accomplishing masculinity:Messerschmidt (1993) argues that 'masculinity is an 'accomplishment', something that men constantlyhave to prove to others and build on. Some men have more resources than other to be able to do this.?Hegemonic masculinity (from what Connel 1987-95 describes) is the dominant form ofmasculinity and one a majority of men want to accomplish and are trying to do. It is fuelled byheterosexuality, paid work, aggression, toughness, competitiveness, and ability to subordinatewoman.? Subordinated masculinities: some men who can't get to hegemonic masculinity turn to crimebecause they lack resources. For example lower classes or ethnic minorities. Messerschmidtalso says that MC men do also commit white-collar crime.Messerschmidt says that men sometimes turn to crime as a means of asserting their masculinitywhen legitimate means are blocked. Legitimate means are; success in school, secure job and steadybreadwinner status. White WC youths can't achieve hegemonic without achieving at school, so theyhave a accommodating masculinity, but there is oppositional masculinity or those who won'tachieve so mess about (the Lads in Paul Willis). but black WC youths don't expect them in the firstplace. The nature of hegemonic masculinity might explain why men from all social classes commit actsof violence and rape.Evaluation of Messerschimdt:-Not all crimes can be considered in aid of masculinity, he uses masculinity for everything evencorporate or green crime.-Circular argument: masculinity is an description of male offenders not an explanation of crime. Forexample, masculinity explains male crimes (violence) because the crimes are committed by malemales (who have violent characteristics).-Why don't all men use crime to achieve masculinityWinlsow: Post-modernity, masculinity and crime:Globalisation has led to a shift to post-modern society. Manuel jobs which were used to expressmasculinity are now declining or have already declined. But there has also been an incline in serviceand leisure opportunities like clubs. Which combine employment and lucrative criminal activities.Simon Winlow's (2001) study of bouncers in de-indiustrialised Sunderland he found that working asbouncers provided jobs and opportunity for illegal dealings in drugs as well a violence. Using Clowardand Ohlin's conflict and criminal subculture distinction he says that there has always been a violentconflict subculture in Sunderland. But the absence in criminal structures left little opportunity fororganised crime. 'Body capital' the bouncers body build to keep their credibility (look the part)""Ethnicity and crime:What do the statistics say?Official statistics: These show the likelihood of ethnic minorities getting into the CJS not necessarilywhether these are true or not.?Blacks are 7x more likely than whites to be stopped and searched? Blacks are 5x more likely to be in prison.? Black people make up just 2.8% of the population yet make up 11% of the population in prison? Blacks are more likely to be arrested for robbery? 3x more likely to be cautioned by police? 3.5x more likely to be arrested? more likely if arrested to be charged and prosecuted than a caution? more likely if found guilty to receive custodial sentence?Asians make up 4.7% of the population yet are 6% of the prison population? 2x more likely than white to be stopped and searched (mainly for drugs)? more likely to be charged and face court proceedings than caution? more likely to receive a custodial sentence than whites? more likely to be arrested for fraud and forgery.? White people are under-represented at all stages of the CJSIn 2007 26% of male prisoners and 29% of females were from black and minority ethnic groups eventhough they make up 9% of the whole population. This pattern has emerged since the 70's.Victim surveysThis asks the respondent to identify if they have been victims of crime. They can be asked to identifythe ethnicity of the attacker. Commonly the reported ethnicity of a 'mugger' is black. It also showscrime which is inter-ethnic, so crimes within ethnic groups not between them; The British CrimeSurvey (2007) found that in 90% of crime where the victim was white at least on of the offenderswere white.Criticisms:-They rely on the victims memory of events which is never truly reliable as memory changes and isinfluenced. Bowling and Phillips (2002) suggests that white victims may 'over-identify' blacks bysaying that their offender was black when they weren't really sure.-They only cover personal crimes, which in the OS aren't very many (5 of all crime). Muggings onlythmake up 1.7% of all crime. Tell us nothing about corporate crime or white-collar crime.-Exclude under 16 victims; minority ethnic groups contain a larger proportion of under 16's than anyother group.Self report studies:This is where individuals are encouraged to disclose any crimes that they may have committed by notnecessarily been convicted of doing or caught. Graham and Bowling (1995) Found that blacks (43%)and whites (44%) had similar and almost identical rates of crime, but Asians actually had lower rates(Indians- 30%, Pakistanis-28% and Bangladeshi-13%).Other self report studies have shown the same and so removed this stigma of black offenders.Sharp and Budd (2005) noted that the 2003 offending, crime and justice survey of 12,000 peoplefound that whites and mixed ethnicity were more likely to say they had committed a crime,followed by blacks (28%) and Asians (21%)Racisms and the CJSAt each stage of the CJS there is a big difference in ethnic groups, how far as these a result ofracism?Policing? Phillips and Bowling (2007)? There have been a ton of allegations against police for racism, including mass stop and""search operations, paramilitary tactics, surveillance, armed raids, deaths in custody, andfailure to respond effectively to racist violence. Minorities think they are over policed andunder protected.Stop and search? Black people are 7x more likely than whites to be stopped and searched? Asians are 3x more likely to be stopped and searched than any other people.? Only small % actually lead to arrests.? This is explained by;Police Racism? The Macpherson report (1999) on the murder of black teen Stephen Lawrence,concluded that there was an institutionalised racism within the metropolitan police. Otherhave found deeply ingrained racism in officers.? Phillips and Bowling (2007) point out that officers hold racist stereotypes of ethnicminorities, leading to more stop and searchers and a 'canteen culture' of file and rank.? Ethnic differences in offending? Patterns in ethnic group offending may simply be down to that group offending more.Police use low and high discretion.? High discretion: Police act on intelligence and relevant information about a relevantoffence. For instance a victims description of an offender.?Low discretion: Police act without specific intel. In these stops where police officersuse low discretion stereotypes come out.? Demographic factors? Ethnic minorities are over-represented in the groups that are most likely to be stoppedand searched like the young, unemployed and urban dwellers.Arrests and cautions:? The arrest rate for blacks is 3.6x higher than that of whites, and once arrested blacks andAsians are less likely than whites to receive a caution.? One reason might be because blacks and Asians are less likely to admit guilt straight awayand exercise their legal rights. However not admitting means they cannot get a caution.Prosecution and trial:? The Crown Prosecution service (CPS) is responsible for deciding whether a crime or arrestshould be prosecuted in court. They base it on whether there is any real chance of theprosecution succeeding and whether it is better for the public that they are prosecuted.? Ethnic minority cases are more likely to be dropped than whites, and blacks and Asians are lesslikely to be found guilty than whites. Bowling and Phillips (2002) argue that this is becausethere is never enough evidence to prosecute as it is mainly based on racist stereotyping. In2006/7 60% of whites were found guilty, against only 52% of blacks, and 44% of Asians.? When cases go ahead members of ethnic minorities are more likely to elect for Crown Courttrail rather than magistrates (even through Crown Courts can hand out more severepunishments) potentially because of a mistrust of magistrates.Sentencing and prison:? Jail sentences are more likely to be given to blacks (68%) compared to whites (55%) or Asians(59%). Whereas whites and Asians were more likely to receive community services. But thiscould be due to the seriousness of some ones offence of previous convictions.?Hood (1992) found that even when the seriousness of an offence and previous convictionswere taken into account Black men were 5x more likely to be jailed and given a sentence whichis 3 months (Asians 9 months) longer than whites.?When awaiting trial ethnic minorities are less likely to be granted bail.Explaining ethnic differences in offending:In the 1950's there was large scale migration of afro-carribeans, and they had the lowest crime rates.But in the 70's it all changed, with police more likely to arrest and increased conflict between blacksand police with street crime. 'Black criminality' came to be seen as a problem. But it was not until the90's that Asian crime became a big thing, media concerns about 'Asian gangs' and September 11terrorist attacks helped to fuel the idea that Asians – especially Muslims- were an 'enemy within'.There are two theories to Ethnic differences in crime; Left Realist and""Left Realist:Lea and Young (1993) basically argue that the official statistics may actually reflect real offendingrates in real life and not just police racism. This due to relative deprivation, marginalisation andsubcultures. The fact that 90% of crime is reported to police and not found by the suggests that it isnot just police racism that calls high offending rates for ethnic minorities. Although this explanationdoes not say that they are totally unbiased.-Racism has lead to marginalisation and economic exclusion of ethnic minorities-Media emphasizes consumption and promotes relative deprivation by setting material goals.Lea and Young recognise that unjustified policing often leads to criminalisation of ethnic minorities, but? even if police do act under racist assumptions its not enough to explain the massive ethnicgroup differences in offending rates all the time.? Also police racism cannot explain the massive differences between blacks and asians in theCJS ; they would have to be selectively racist for this to happen. Asians may just not commit asmuch crime-LR's view on police racism may be wrong because police can be racist not that certain group commitless crime.-Stereotypes changes after 9/11 police now regard Asians as more dangerous, perhaps explainingrising criminality.Neo-Marxist:Paul Gilroy (1982) and Stuart Hall (1979) reject that statistics reflect reality, but instead say that it is asocial construction.Gilroy: the Myth of black criminality (Neo-marxist)? Gilroy argues that black criminality is a product of racist stereotyping of Afro-Carribeans andAsians. In real life there is no real difference in criminality than any other group. But as thewhole CJS is racist they appear to.? Crime as political resistance:? Gilroy argues that ethnic minority crime is a resistance to racism in society, and thisresistance has roots in British imperialism.? Most blacks and Asians in the UK originated from former British colonies and so have ananti-imperialist stance which is taught and helps to resist political oppression, e.g throughriots and demonstration.? When they came over here they were faced with racism and as such adopted these taughtforms of resistance, but this was criminalised by the British state.This theory is criticised by Lea and Young (1984) on three grounds;-Fist generation immigrants were actually very law-abiding citizens and as such did not resist againstthe colony of Britain and were less likely to pass this anti-colonial stance to their kids.-Actually most crime is against other people of the same ethnic group and so cannot be seen asresistance to racism. Like critical criminologists, Lea and Young criticise Gilroy for romanticising thecriminals as somehow revolutionary.-Asian crimes rates are similar or lower than whites, which would mean the police were only racisttowards blacks, which is unlikely.-Most crime is reported to police not uncovered by them so it is difficult to suggest racism within thepolice itself.Hall et al: Policing the crisisThey argue that the 1970's saw a moral panic over black 'muggers' that served the interest ofcapitalists. Capitalists normally rule with consent, when there is a crisis this is difficult.? In the 70's there was a crisis of high inflation, unemployment and strikes. And a media drivenmoral panic about 'new' crime (Mugging) which was allegedly committed by black youth.According to Hall et al there was no significant increase in this type of crime.? The myth of the 'black mugger' served as a scape goat to distract people from the capitalist""crisis that was apparent. This moral panic was meant to divide the working class on racialgrounds and such weaken their opposition to capitalism, as well as let them consent moremore authoritative rule to suppress them.? But what Hall did not argue was that black crime was a total creation by the crisis. The crisiswas actively marginalising black youth through unemployment.But this theory has been criticised on many grounds;-in the 70's there existed the minority ethnic group clashes, negative stereotypes in the media andpolice racism, and that exists today, but today there is no capitalist class hegemony, and so thisexplanation cannot be adequate.-Downes and Rock (2003) claim that Hall et al were inconsistent in saying that black crime was notrising but at the same time saying it was because of unemployment.-They do not show how the capitalist crisis led to a moral panic, or provide evidence for peoplepanicking and blaming blacks.-Left realists argue that inner cities fears about mugging are not panicky but realistic.Bourgois: El Barrio (exclusion and alternative economies)Philippe Bourgois studied El Barrio in East Harlenm, New York. This was a black and Hispaniccommunity, in which he lived for seven years, living and researching the street lives of these people.He argues that discrimination has excluded these groups from legitimate economic opportunities. Theyhave created their own alternative economies fuelled mainly by marginally and clearly illegal activities.? This alternative economy combines illegal and legal activities, especially drug dealing.? Like Cloward and Ohlin, a separate subculture (Bourgois calls the 'Inner-city street culture)has developed parallel to this, rejecting mainstream values, and providing an alternative sourceof self worth.? Because of this new alternative economy and subculture, illegal drug use is also permitted,causing addicts, who have lifestyles of violence, substance abuse and 'internalised rage'. Thisway of life supports crime, undermine family and community cohesion.This exclusion leads to crime as a source of income and a culture of crime through drug addiction.Ethnicity and victimisation:Ethnic victim occurs when someone is targeted because of their race. Information on ethnicvictimisation is shown through two methods; victims surveys (British crime survey) and police-recordedstatistics. These cover two main things; Racist incidents – incidents which are seen by the victim orother person to be racist. And also Racially or religiously aggravated offences where the offender ismotivated by hatred of either race or religion.Extent of victimisation:? 61,000 racist incidents recorded by police in 2006-7, property damage and verbal harassment? BCS estimates there were actually 184,000 racial incidents in 2006/7? Police recorded 42,600 cases of racially or religiously aggravated offences, only 10,600 wereprosecuted or cautioned in 2006? The BCS found that the ethnic group most likely to be a victim of crime was mixed ethnicities(36%) compared to, blacks (27%) whites (24%) and Asians (25%)Official stats on victimisation are a good indicator, but they don't capture the qualitative nature ofevents. Sampson and Phillips (1992) notes that racist victimisation tends to be on going with periodsof minor incidences and major ons like physical violence.Responses to racism :Situational crime prevention like fire proof doors and letter boxes, to organised self-defence andphysically defending themselves from racist attacks. But this needs to be understood in terms ofaccusations that the police aren't good at dealing with racist attacks.Two approaches to the study of victims:Positivist victimologytry to suggest that there are characteristics of a victim that make them likely to be a victim; victim""proneness, but also behaviours that contribute to the event that makes them a victim; victimprecipitation. More on this later.Critical victimologylook at structural factors, and how the system labels some or others""Social class and crime:Most crime shows that it was committed by people from working classes. This is because;?The working classes are more likely to be formally punished for petty crimes than informallyby institutions like school? WC commit more 'detectable' crimes than MC. There is much MC white-collar crime which isharder to detect and not necessarily dealt with in the CJS???Poverty and social deprivation is more common in WCLabelling, stereotyping and prejudice mean that the WC are targeted and treated worseStatus frustration (AK Cohen) is felt more strongly by WC and there could be a culture ofcrime (risk taking and excitement) aggravated by not having work?Marginality and social exclusion mean the poorest are blocked, social bonds are broken andseparated from mainstream society.? Strain theory and anomie is most faced by the disadvantaged and they cannot gain thelegitimate goals by approved means, so they innovate.Social deprivation:Property crime seems to rise when there are economic issues in a country. There is a rational choicein getting goods which they wouldn't be able to get via legitimate means as the economy is poor.Strain theory and anomie:Think Merton's strain theory here. Innovation- accepts goal but innovates means (cant achievelegitimately)-doesn't recognise social pattern of deviance (class, gender, locality)Marginality, social exclusion, control and rational choice theories:In disadvantaged neighbourhoods social control agencies like the family, school and work place arelikely to be less effective in providing bonds to mainstream society. Hischi why people don't commitcrime (like Durkheim he say there are shared values, institutions needs to socialise people into thesevalues) points to this in his control theory, those weak bonds mean people are not tied to society asmuch, so they can be deviant against it because they don't identify with it as much. MC identify andhave proper socialisation so don't commit crime. There isn't one victim in MC crime so there is nomoral guilt. Company business practices are all about profit and ruthless (make as much as you can).Subcultural explanations:Look at Cloward and Ohlin (3 subcultures), Cohen (status frustration), Miller (Focal concerns).Status frustration; inability of WC to achieve mainstream goals, sees crime as a group things, takeinto account non-utilitarian crime, recognises anomie of cultural deprivation and lack of achievement,resolve frustration by rejecting MC values, they join delinquent subcultures (alternative statushierarchy), gain status through peer. Assumes boys have the same values of MC but might not (miller)Labelling, stereotyping and prejudice:The poorest part of the WC are referred to as the underclass, cultured by dependency on welfarestate benefits, and unemployment. These characteristics and others of the underclass are what thepolice stereotype as 'typical offenders' and criminal neighbourhoods. Because of this, it shows in theofficial stats that these are the areas where likelihood to being a victim is highest. This means thatpolice will regard it as more criminal and so police it more, then this leads to more arrests becausethey have it in their mind that everyone is criminal and 'suspicious'. Therefore WC are bigger in thestats because they are stopped more because police are around to catch more. MC and Magistratesshow prejudices when they see WC offenders in courts and see that they fit the preconceived idea ofthe 'typical criminal'.Informal social control:MC youth are more likely to be punished by parents, teachers or informally through cautions by policefor petty crimes, whereas WC youth don't benefit from this. MC kids are seen as acting out rather thancriminal. WC less likely to get off. Negotiation of justiceMore detectable offences:""WC are more likely to commit offences which are more obvious or detectable like violence or propertytheft, and more likely to be reported to police/prosecuted than any other class group. MC crimes likewhite-collar crimes are much harder to detect.Criticisms of these explanations:-The maj of WC dont commit crime, what about them? (Good social bonds? Not typical enough?)-There are loads of other crimes in other social groups which are not in the OS, so this over-emphasises WC crime when it's not just WC who commit crime.-Loads of unrecorded crime so we don't know who is a criminalWhite-Collar crime:Sutherland (1949) say white collar crime is committed by the most affluent in society, who abusedtheir MC positions for personal gain and criminal activity. Newburn (2007) crime theories focus on thepowerless not the powerful. Eitzen (1989) puts it as crimes of the streets not the suits.What is White-collar crime:White-collar crime is higher than just against a person, it can be against states, economies, and rangefrom corruption in government to professional misconduct (sexual harrassment) , fraud andembezzlement (abusing a position of trust- bankers are entrusted with peoples money), and briberyand corruption. Croall (2001) notes that GP's, dentists and doctors and pharmacists falsifyprescriptions and patients records to over claim from the NHS. One GP actually made ?700,000 over5 years.In 2007 Conrad Black former owner of the Daily and Sunday Telegraph was convicted in the US fordefrauding shareholders of millions of dollars for private gain.The higher you are up the social class;? the less likely your crimes are detected? the less likely your crimes when detected to result in arrest? the less likely this is to end in prosecution? the less likely to be found guilty after being prosecuted? the less likely you are to gain a prison sentence.The under-representation of white-collar crime:Here are some reasons as to why white-collar crime remains hardly reported in Official Stats.? They are hard to detect: Croall (2001) says that these types of crime occur in offices and inthe work place, so everyone present/involved should be there when they were. These typesrequire insider expert knowledge and the exact timing and prolongedness is hard to gage.? Often without a personal/individual victim: White-collar crimes are mostly against facelessvictims, like organisations or the public generally, so there is no victim to report it.? The crime may benefit both parties involved: In cases of bribery and corruption both partiesbenefit so have an invested interest in concealing their illegal activities.? Hard to investigate: Even with business or computer fraud they can be very hard to investigateand require expert skills which police often lack.? Often a lack of awareness that a crime even took place: For instance stealing very smallamounts from multiple accounts in a large corporation is hardly noticeable and those accountsholders may not even know when they are being mislead or stolen from.? Even if they are reported, Institutional protection means they are often not reported andprosecuted: For instance internet banking fraud is rarely reported at risk to the institutionloosing client confidence or respect. It is more likely instead of police to be a private securityfirm.? Offenders have better chance in court: People from loads of walks of life see crime as aworking class phenomenon. The defendant is often the same class as the judge and seemmore 'respectable' to judges, so may not be found guilty or have way lesser sentences.""Explaining White-collar crime with other WC explanations:Strain theory and Anomie:Middle class people can still face strain from relative deprivation, and wanting things beyond what theirlegitimate means can gain. It could be greed, or long debt from their lifestyles that makes them turn.Control theory:As there is no personal victim the moral bonds may be weakened as they see nothing wrong.Encouraging competition with other businesses and ruthless aggression can lead to crime.Edge-work:As Katz (1988) suggests it is in the person whether they commit crime; they are risk taking, thrill-seeking and pleasure seeking rather than in want of material gain.""Age and Crime:The peak age for crime seems to be 15 -18 year olds. With youth being the biggest participation incrime statistics in terms of age. It has always been this way, specifically male youth, way back inmedieval times right up to this present day. Ashe (2008) notes that from the findings of the 2006offending, crime and justice self report study asked 10-25yr olds about their crimes in the past 12months and found that 22% of them admitted to at least 1 of 20 core crimes; theft and assault beingthe biggest. This is often because of the want to impress their friends, or from being bored.The Edinburgh study of youth transitions and crime; longitudinal study of 4,300 young people,who were aged 11-12 in Autumn1998. They found that 50%ish of the boys crimes included rowdinessand fighting in the street, also vandalism or theft (sweets).Explanations for age and crime:Status frustration:Cohen (1971) thinks that most delinquents are motivated by status frustration, because they do nothave the independence they want and they are stuck between child and adult. Peer groups act as aseparate identity to school or family, and give this independence. The lack of responsibilities in thegroup and the more independence leads them to seek excitement, and peer-group status might leadthem to do some delinquent acts. Peer groups give support and encouragement to the individualwhich makes them do delinquent acts that they might not if they were alone.-Doesn't explain why not all working class teenagers aren't criminal-Assumes they all want the same thing (focal concerns/legitimate goals)Peer group status and focal concerns:Miller (1962) thinks that male working class youths make up the official statistics more so than femaleor the middle class because they have their own beliefs, values and characteristics which make thema whole other subculture. The types of characteristics are below:? toughness and masculinity? smartness- street cred, witty, clever and amusing? excitement and thrills? fatalism? autonomy -they don't want to be pushed around by the police or other authorities?trouble – like violence and fights, thinks they are a part of everyday lifestylesMiller thinks focal concerns spread throughout the working class, but particularly youth because of heexaggeration of peer groups, setting their cred with others; showing they are tougher, more masculine,more witty ect.Edge-work and the peer group:Edge-work means people who want excitement, risk-taking and impulsive behaviours. Katz andYoung (1988) and Lyng (1990) both write about this, and how there is a 'buzz' generated from thesetypes of behaviours and the adrenaline associated with living 'on the edge'. Peer group status can begained through this edge work, like vandalism, shop lifting or doing drugs. The peer groupencourage and support individuals to do this. This may appeal to working class males because it canbe seen as an expression of their masculinity, and Miller's focal concerns also explains this.The peer group and weakened social bonds:Criminal and deviant behaviour forms when there are weakened social bonds from integration formsocial control agencies such as the school, family, work place or communication. This statusfrustration from integration in these ways can weaken these bonds, bonds from peer groupscreates deviance as a way of gaining status. Can apply to all young people, but mainly working classlike Cohen and Miller explains.Delinquency, drift and techniques of neutralisation:Matza (1964) describes a state of drift that young people go through, it is a mixture of weakenedsocial bonds and status frustration. During these teen periods of status frustration and theweakened social bonds, as well as the gap between childhood and adulthood make them loose their""identity, causing them to drift. Peer groups can offer them an identity, excitement and status. Matzaargues that they do not commit to a deviant career they drift in and out of it. These occasions ofdelinquency relate also to techniques of neutralisation. These are essentially way to excuse or'neutralise' any blame they have for deviance. Matza identifies five techniques of neutralisationdelinquents use to defer their guilt:? Denying responsibility; they might claim that the circumstances they were under were specialor unusual. For example, being intoxicated or angry after an argument during the offence.? Denying causing injury to the victim: For instance in property offences like vandalism theymight say the insurance will pay and it doesn't matter.? Denying the victim was a victim: For example when you beat someone for beating someoneelse up.? Condemning the condemners: Saying that it is unjust or that the condemners are wrong or asbad as they are.? Appealing to moral justifications: Saying they were only doing the offence to stop bigger andworse offences happening.Most teens give up delinquency when they become adults as they are more integrated and lessfrustrated about status into society, e.g university, communities, jobs, marriage, families and a houseect.Police stereotyping:All the reasons previous make the police more likely to target youngsters and a source of the criminalproblem. So they spend more time watching them and therefore catch more.""Locality and Crime:The pattern of crime in Urban and Rural areas;The difference in statistics between these two areas is not just down to the populations in each, this isbecause statistics are collected on a per person, per household basis and thus doesn't make adifference to the rates/risks per person per household. The BCS and police recorded crime both showthat rural areas are different to urban areas in these ways;? they have lower crimes rates (of every kind)? they worry less about crime-relate? people perceive lower levels of anti-social behaviour (including, noise, loitering, litter,vandalism, graffiti and public intoxication)The official stats show that crime occurs more in Urban areas because:? poverty and social exclusion are more common in urban areas? more opportunity for crime, with more things attracting offenders to crime and influences? less chance of being caught in impersonal areas? impersonal life means more formal social controls (police) and less community control? higher population turn over, generating social disorganisation social deprivation, and poorhousing and health? Sutherland's differential association suggests in these socially disorganised areas there is moreinvolvement in crime?there is a greater presence of police meaning more people are caughtMarshall and Johnson (2005)They show evidence that worry about crime is less in rural areas, and that rural residents seethemselves as less likely to become a victim of crime.They also found that the poor rob the poor (robberies are more common of low-income housing) inurban areas whereas it is the poor robbing the rich in rural areas.Explaining locality and crime:The ecology / environment of crime – The Chicago School and the zone of transition:Shaw and McKay (1931,1942) argued that cities like Chicago are divided into concentric circles orzones going outwards (after studying OS) , with each zone having particular social and culturalneighbourhood characteristics. They identified one zone with the highest crime rate, which was the'zone of transition' (zone two) outside of the central business zone. It had high population turn over,poor housing and was run-down. Therefore it has hardly any social stability, lots of crime, prostitution,poor health and poverty. The 'Zonal Hypothesis' explains crime in 3 ways;1. Social disorganisation: High-population turn over prevents stable societies, the normal informalsocial controls and bonds were weak or not there.2. Cultural transmission: Delinquent subcultures are created, and a distinct set of valuesalternative to the mainstream. These criminal values are transmitted by generation.3. Differential association: Sutherland argued that the behaviour of someone is uninfluenced bythe behaviours of primary groups around them. If the primary groups engage in normalcriminality then they would too.Criticisms of ecology theory:-It is tautological, meaning that what it's trying to explain is explained in itself. They say crimedevelops because crime exists, but not why it exists in the first place.-3 and 2 ignore free will; if these two are the case then everyone would turn to crime, but they don't,why not?-Very unclear; If everything (zones of transition) is disorganised with high population turn over then it'snot clear how delinquent subcultures can be formed and passed down from generations? You couldargue that some families are forced to stay because they are poor and so criminal subcultures formfrom that.Shaw and McKay's zones can be seen in today's British society, in inner-city areas with highpopulation turn overs, 'problem families' all group together, and high numbers of poverty, prostitution,drug abuse, and crime.What happens in Rural areas to have such a low crime rate?-Social Organisations-More tight knit communities with lots of community interaction (Marshal and Johnson 2005)-Continuity in addressesOther Explanations:Opportunity for crime;-Felson and Clarke (1998) suggest that the higher levels of opportunity are the ‘root cause’ of crime-Brantingham & Brantingham (1995) suggest that urban areas have more crime generating andattracting areas such as –shopping precincts, warehouses, leisure facilities, large insecure car parksPolicing styles;There is greater police presence in urban areas, police are less likely to be from the community theypolice, so they police formally (arresting and charging)Less chance of being caught in urban areas;Urban life is more impersonal, not everyone knows everyone and they certainly wont recogniseanyone. If strangers go unrecognised then they can offend without the risk of getting caught andrecognised. But there is a high level of natural surveillance in rural areas and offenders would riskgetting recognised.Social deprivation more likely in cities;Poor housing, unemployment and other social problems are huge in inner-city areas an these havebeen linked to crime (strain theory, anomie, subcultures etc)Understanding the limits of Official StatisticsCrime statistics are seen as;? unreliable in terms of the amount of crime and characteristics of offenders? they are socially constructed products which tell us more about the process of reporting (by thepublic), the stereotypes and activities of social agencies of control than it does about offending? invalid, self-report studies and victim surveys show higher rates of offending that the stats doand the young WC male stereotype may be wrong? unrepresentative, many crimes go unreported even compared to the rates in police recordsand the BCS, the image below shows that out of the crimes self-reported in the BCS thepercentage of these which have actually been reported to the police. This shows that around58% BCS reported crimes are never officially reported, sometimes 70%Only 30% of crime was 'cleaned up' in 2007-8. Maguire (2002) estimates that only about 3% of crimeends up in a conviction!Why are official statistics so inaccurate?Failure to report crimes; below shows percentages of reasons people who responded to the BCSgave about not reporting their crime:The failure of the police to record a crime: They might not record a crime for many reasons;? too trivial (theft of ?1)? its already been satisfactorily resolved? disregard the reliability of the victims story? not enough evidence, or think that the crime is too unrealistic? they might believe what was reported wasn't a crime (interpretation of the law)? police may think it is none of their business even if there was an offence (domestic abuse, rapeetc)? they use their discretion wrongly (see an offence and choose to ignore I)Is the crime rate increasing?Sometimes we take crime stats at face value especially when presented in the media, but whilst theysay there is increase in crime, it doesn't mean there actually is. This is because the 'rise' may actuallybe because more offences are being discovered, more actually being reported/recorded by thepolice, but this doesn't mean more are actually being committed. For example, there could be 100crimes each day, in the 40's 20 crimes were caught and recorded by police, and there were increasesin caught crime each decade but the 100 stayed constant.Crime could appear to go up because:? The mass media: it sensationalises and amplifies deviance (deviance amplification and moralpanics), therefore raising police awareness of specific groups for crackdowns? Changing counting rules: some crimes used to be counted as one if it was done multipletimes, but now they are seen as individual cases. For instance someone who vandalises 8 carsin one care park would get done for each of the cars whereas before they would not.? Better policing, communication and equipment: neighbourhood watch, CCTV and forensicsall help catch more crime? Changes in attitudes, priorities and policies: crack downs on some offences like drug abuse,drink driving and prostitution? Changes in law? Easier communication: mobile phones with cameras, email and police websites etc? Changing social norms: people are finally realising things like rape are bad, thus causingmore rapes to be reported and properly dealt with? More to loose: in an age of consumerism lots of people have lots of crap and so they getinsurance on it, when a crime is committed they report it to claim insurance money? Higher policing levels? People might report crimes which wouldn't have been reported before: like vandalism, oranti-social behaviours? Privatisation of life: Maguire (2007) suggests that the break up of close knit communities andprivatisation, people are more likely to report crimes they once would have dealt withthemselves.""Corporate crimeThese are crimes which are committed by or on behalf of large companies and directly benefit or profitthem. There is not just one 'form' of corporate crime, instead here are a few, all listed and explainedhere;?Paper work and non-compliance: These categorises many difference offences like notobtaining the right paper work, legal permits and licenses or failing to comply to legalrestrictions/regulations. For example, Mokhiber (1988) points out that 85,000 cotton textileworkers suffer respiratory problems due to breathing in harmful waste in their job in the USA.Environmental or 'green' crimes: This is where damage is caused to the environment eitherthrough negligence or deliberately. The most serious offences are those likely to be caused bybig corporations. For example,?? illegally dumping or disposal of toxic/hazardous waste? discharge or emission of dangerous toxins into air, soil or water? the destruction of large areas, which can be through oil spills or uncheckedexploration/development?Manufacturing offences: Including false advertising, incorrect labelling, failure to informcustomers about faulty products and misrepresentation. For example the horse meat scandal.Or another example would be the rigging of test results on the fertility drug Thalidomide in the70's led to the birth defects of thousands of babies.? Labour Law Violations: Like not paying minimum wage, ignoring dangerous working practicesand hiding industrial diseases.? Unfair trade practises: Price fixing, illegally obtaining intel on rival businesses, falseadvertising and anti-competitive prices are included in this. For example, in 2007 UKsupermarkets and diary companies were fined ?116 million for price fixing, costing theconsumer ?270 million more than they would have spent without price fixing.Explanations for corporate crime:There are different approaches to explaining corporate type crimes, including;? differential association? anomie? marxist explanations? control theoryDifferential association:Sutherland (1940) who really kick started this idea of corporate crime with his explanations of white-collar crimes, explains that corporate crime is learned through adoption of the normal practices of acompany. He believes that much like crime is learned from the people around you, if you are workingin a corporation where illegal activities are practices and are a way to achieve for the business, peoplewill do it. Geis (1967) examined court evidence on price fixing in the USA, he found that if peopleentered a company where price-fixing was an established practice they would routinely becomeinvolved in it as they learn their role. Braithwaite's (1984) study of the pharmaceutical companiesfound that bribing health officials was common practice and part of normal businesses. Aubert (1952)found that 'white-collar criminals' had 'elaborate and widely accepted idealogical rationalizations forthe offences.Anomie:This theory states that there are socially accepted goals in society as well as means to achieve thesegoals, if people have no means to achieve these goals they innovate. Box (1983) argues that ifcorporations cannot achieve their huge profits legitimately they could turn to illegal methods tomaximise profits. Again in Braithwaite's (184) study of the pharmaceutical industry, he found thatcompanies were willing to fabricate their results in order to have their products adopted by theircompanies. Their motivation was greed and a hope of scientific prestige.Marxist explanations:Critical criminologists argue that even though these corporations have loads of power, and""dominance to avoid having their activities defined as illegal (control of law) they still break the lawwhen it conflicts with their interests. Box (1983) points out that corporations have had a lot of successin promoting the idea that corporate crime is less harmful and less serious that a range of streetcrimes. Frank Pearce (1976) looked at why there were so few prosecutions of corporate crimes, hefound that if there were more it would undermine the wrong assumption that most crime is committedby the working classes. If the true extent of their crimes were known to the public it would underminethe legitimacy of the RC.-These views have been criticised by Carrabine et al (2004), they pointed out that it is not justcapitalism that under pays workers, have poor conditions and pollution of the environment. Untilthe collapse of the Soviet Union some of the most dangerous and underpaid work was undercommunist control.-Other citicisms include that of Nelken (2002) who pointed out that Marxists believe thatcorporate business have limited legal restrictions so they can maximise profits, but in realitythere are numerous restrictions in place.Control theory:This approach argues that people who commit these types of offences are driven by aggressivemanagement cultures, which focuses in on the global market. Shortcuts they regard as not that wrong,but an extension of typical business practice are rationalised so there are reduced moral concernsover crime.Why are corporate crimes invisible/under-represented:You have similar arguments to the white-collar crime section, meaning that these crimes are harder todetect because they are often committed under intricate systems of expert knowledge and legalterminology which can be very complex and confusing. When they are detected it is often too late.They are also conducted by powerful people who can persuade the government, police and publicthat their actions are not serious or harmful. Again like white-collar crimes, when these crimes aredetected they are often not prosecuted. For example when price fixing or there are health and safetyviolations, the corporations often just get a fine. But there are also some other reasons these areinvisible;? Differences in power; Marxist theorists like Pearce (1976) believe that the laws and theenforcement of laws are reflections of the inequamslities of power in capitalist society. It is notjust Marxists who have these views, other sociologists like, Braitwaite (2000) and Tombs(2002) both believe this same point, but differ from Marxists in that they don't see a ruling classat the root.? Media representations of crime; Tombs and Whyte (2003) believe that corporate crimes arenot newsworthy because the average non-expert person would not understand the crime andthey are too complicated to summarise easily, also as there is often no direct victim there is noemotion behind it.? The policing of corporate crime; Braithwaite (2000) found that instead of 'policing'corporations they are 'regulated' which is a whole new thing. For example, in Britain thefinancial sector is meant to be regulated by the Bank of England and the Financial ServicesAuthority, but they rarely call the police if there is a violation and it is certainly not called 'lawbreaking'. At the extreme all the violating companies receive is a fine.? Lack of research; Sociologists like Tombs (2007) have realised that the government putsloads of effort into finding out how many crimes are 'committed' through surveys but none at allto research into corporate crime. In fact according to Hopkins (2002) the government spend alot of time funding research into crimes against businesses.State-Corporate crime:Large corporations and the government are mutually dependent. The government needs largecorporations for tax and employment and large corporations depend on the government for asympathetic organised environment to work in. Kramer's (2006) study of the space shuttle Challengerexplosion argued that the deaths of crew on board was down to political decisions by NASA(government space programme) to keep the space programme going but with massive budget cuts.This forced them to order by contract from a large corporation potentially dangerous materials fromother companies to create the shuttle. The government and the corporation say it was an 'accident'.""Crime and GlobalisationThe globalisation of crime essentially means that crime that can occur in one country can becommitted by people in another country, and if states or governments in these countries don'tcooperate, then it can be impossible to convict criminals or track them down. The detection, policingand prosecution of global crime requires international cooperation. Interpol (international policeorganisation) and Europol (European police office). Karofi and Mwanza (2006) say that global crimesinclude, international trade in illegal drugs, weapons and human beings, money-laundering,terrorism and cyber crime.Manuel Castells (1998) says that the global crime economy is worth over ?1 trillion per annum. Aswell as the above here are some more global crime examples.? Arms trafficking: to illegal regimes, guerrilla groups and terrorists.? Trafficking in nuclear materials: especially from former communist countries? Smuggling of illegal immigrants: the Chinese triad makes an estimated $2.5 billion annually? Trafficking of woman and children: often linked to prostitution or slavery. Up to 500,000trafficked to Western Europe each year.? Sex tourism: this is where Western people got to third world countries and have sex with them,especially minors.?Trafficking in body parts: mostly for rich countries, but over 2,000 organs annually are takenfrom executed Chinese prisoners.?Cyber-crimes: child pornography or fraud? Green crimes: that damage the environment? International terrorism: terrorism is now linked across the internet, radicalisation websites andother ICT.? Smuggling of illegal goods: alcohol, tobacco, evading taxes? Smuggling cultural artefacts: works of art? Trafficking in endangered species: their body parts, and ornaments? The drugs trade: worth around $300-400 billion annually? Money laundering: this includes the profts of organised crime, estimated up to $1.5 trillion peryear.Global risk consciousness:Essentially, moving around the world makes people more conscious of the risks associated withglobalisation. For instance, economic migrants and asylum seeks fleeing prosecution has given rise tothe Western anxieties about risks abroad and the risks of opening their boarders. One response to thisincreased risk is the tightened control of UK boarders.Globalisation, capitalism and crime:Marxists like Taylor (1997) argue that globalisation has lead to greater inequality and exploitation fromtransnational corporations. For instance, TNC's can now switch manufacturing to low-wagecountries to further their profits. This means jobs are leaving this country and providing insecure lowpaid jobs over there, leading to poverty and unemployment. Governments now have little controlover their economies now. This leads to crime, because the massive insecurity and uncertainty willlead them to illegitimate means like lucrative drug trade.? For example in Los Angeles, de-industrialisation lead to growth of drug gangs of over 10,000members.But the elite also benefit, the lack of regulations creates large-scale criminal opportunities like Taxevasion and insider trading. But also in general employment, subcontracting can allow recruitment ofillegal 'flexible' workers.Critisisms:-Doesn't explain why all poor don't turn to crime if the world is so in equal.Patterns of criminal organisation:Globalisation creates new forms of crime. 'Glocal' organisation and 'McMafia'.'Glocal' organisations:Crime is locally based but with global connections. Hobbs and Dunningham found that although""crimes have global links (drug smuggling) they still depend on a local setting (where to sell the drugs).The globalisation of crime include acting as a hub around which a group is formed.'McMafia':Glenny (2008) examined organisations that came about in Russia and Eastern Europe after the fall ofCommunism (1989). The new Russian government messed up the economy, and so prices of thingslike food went up. Commodities like oil and gas were kept at the same prices which were very lowcompared to the rest of the world, leading rich Eastern Europeans (Oligarchs) to snatch them up andsell these at way higher prices to the world market. To protect them from violence and disorder, theguards were made up of ex-communist security/service men. They were important for the emergenceof a Russian capitalist class in the world economy.""Green CrimeThis means crimes against the environment. Although the map suggests countries are separated bylines, we all belong to one eco-system. Environmental crime effects us all not just the boarded country.'Global risk society' and the environment:Lots of threats to human well-being now are human made. Ulrich Beck (1992) describes the latemodern society as a global risk society, this is because we are manufacturing our own issuesthrough the rise in productivity and technology (logging, deforestation, fly tipping). This causesproblems like climate change and global warming through dangerous green house gasses emittedfrom industry. Through globalisation of industry these problems are now global, not local.Green criminology:If climate change and pollution are legal, do we really call what they are doing a crime? Two viewsargue whether criminology should get involved at all. Traditional criminology argues no, but Greencriminology has a different view.?Traditional criminology; if pollution is legal, then criminology should not get involved, becauseit is supposed to only study, patterns and causes of law-breaking. Situ and Emmons (2000)define environmental crime as “an unauthorised act or omission that violates law”+ it has clearly defined subject matter (unlawfullness)- it accepts official definitions without considering that those definitions are created bypowerful groups who want to serve their own interests.? Contemporary criminology: is concerned with harm, laws differ from country to country andas this is a global issue law just doesn't cut it. Many green crimes aren't illegal, so Greencriminology is a transgressive criminology it steps over traditional criminology to new issues.Rob White (2008) argues that criminology should be concerned with anything that causesphysical harm to the environment and/or the human and non-human inhabitants, even if no lawis broken.There are two views of what this harm is;??Nation states and TNC's argue a human-centred approach in that humans have a right todominate the environment, screw the environment, we want economic growth. E.g TNC sellingtoxic wast to developing countries to dispose of.Green criminologists argue a eco-centric view that humans and the environment areinterconnected, the environment will harm humans and vice versa.South's (2008) two types of Green crime;?Primary: crimes that result directly from the destruction and degradation of the Earth'sresources. There are four main types of this crime he identifies;? Air pollution (burning fossil fuels pushes 3bil tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year,growing 2% every year);? Deforestation (between 1960 and 90 1/5 of the worlds forests were destroyed);? Species decline and animal rights (50 species a day are becoming extinct. 70-95% ofworlds animals live in rainforests which are being destroyed);? Water pollution (25 million die annually from water contamination).?Secondary: not direct harm but conflicts of humans and environment. involves ignoringgovernments own environmental regulations and laws aimed at preventing environmentaldisasters. Day (1991) says that 'as the western states is more concerned with nuclear weaponsand nuclear power it threatens those who oppose them as enemies of the state.' ReeceWalters (2007) found that companies have dumped toxic waste, e.g 28,500 rusting barrelshave been dumped by the UK in the 50's off the shore of the Channel Islands.Environmental hazards are perceived to be greatest in proximity to poor people, they don't have themoney to protect themselves; like filtering contaminated drinking water.""Theories of green crime:Marxism and Green Crime- green crime is an act of power, the RC shape the laws to suit theirexploitative nature. Such laws benefit TNC, white-collar crime is not easily detected especially indeveloping nations. Green crime is focused on a smaller scale to distract from large organisation; Flytipping or littering. The law seems to focus on getting the lower class individual, but it seems the bigcompanies are causing lots of green crime but are not getting caught and punished for it.Eco-Feminism and Green crime- See individuals especially woman and the environment asinterdependent and so environmental harm hurts people to. Believe that the earth is oppressed andexploited by the patriarchal society, they believe it is mainly men to blame for the harm. Woman do notharm the environment because of their natural and maternal instincts.Evaluation of Green crime:+It recognises the growing importance of environmental crimes and harms to human and non-humananimals.-Hard to define the boundaries of this field as it is very broad in looking at 'harm' without Law context-The values of what is harm cannot be measured objectively""State CrimesPenny Green and Tony Ward (2005) define state crime as “illegal or deviant activities perpetrated by,or within the complicity of, state agencies.” So all crimes committed by or on behalf of states to furthertheir policies. These include, genocide, war crimes, torture, imprisonment without trial andassassination. McLaughlin (2001) has four categories of state crimes:? political;economic;social/cultural; crimes by security and police forces.The scale of state crime:Because states are large and powerful entities, they can cause large and powerful, often widespreadcrimes. For instance, in Cambodia between 1975 and 1978 the Khmer Rouge government killed up to1/5 of the entire population. This also means that the power of the states can conceal their crimesand make them harder to detect, and change the law to benefit their deviance. National self-rulemakes it hard for international bodies (the UN) to impose sanctions for war crimes and genocide.Michalowski and Kramer (2006) argue that 'Great power, and great crimes are inseparable'.Human rights and state crimes:There is no singular list of agred human rights (there is a list, but not everyone agrees on it), but whatwe consider human rights can be split into two; natural and civil rights.??Natural rights: people have rights to life, liberty and free speech just by being aliveCivil rights: right to vote, fair trial, education and privacy all are included in thisRights are essentially entitlements we have, that act a protection against power. From this perspectivethe state can be seen a criminal, and not just the person who decides what crime is and how to punishoffenders.Crime as a violation of human rights:Herman and Julia Schendinger (1970) say that we should define crime as that which violate basichuman rights rather than law breaking. Therefore states which don't regard human rights are criminals.But their view is a little different, they say that any state that practice imperialism, racism, sexism, orinflict economic exploitation on their citizens are committing crimes.-Stanley Cohen criticises this because human rights violations like war crimes and torture areobvious, but other acts like economic exploitation are not illegal but morally wrong.-There is little agreement on exactly what human rights are, some think freedom is, but notfreedom from poverty.State crime and the culture of denial:Stanley Cohen argues that states conceal and legitimate their human rights crimes. He says thisbecause human rights and state crime are increasingly central to both political debate and criminologybecause of the impact of the human rights movements like Amnesty international an increased focuson victims.? Dictatorships: they just deny committing their human rights offences.? Democratic states: have the justify their actions to the people in a complicated way; threestages1. “It didn't happen” deny it happened, when media surfaces that it did they say....2. “If it did happen, 'it' is something else” it is collateral damage or self-defence3. “Even if it is what you say, it's justified.” like national security protection etc.? Neutralisation theory: ways in which officials justify or deny their crimes. (Sykes and Matza'stechniques of neutralisation). These include, denial of victim, denial of injury, denial ofresponsibility, condemning the condemners and appealing to higher loyalties.The social conditions of state crime:People would commit crimes such as torture it turns out, aren't different from us at all. It is just asituation that they are socialised into. Kelman and Hamilton (1989) studied 'crimes of obedience'and found 3 features that produce these crimes. Authorisation; when acts are approved by a form ofauthority. Routinisation; if its a routine people can commit it in a detached manor. Dehumanisation;when the enemy is described as an animal moral rules don't apply.""Crime prevention and controlThere are a load of approaches to crime prevention, and they each raise questions about socialcontrol and the ability of societies to regulate behaviour. There are other explanations (look up localityand crime)Situational crime prevention (SCP): RIGHT REALISTThis essentially doesn't try to change institutions or anything about the society but just reduceopportunities for people to commit crime. Ron Clarke (1992) describes situational crime prevention as'a pre-emptive approach that relies not on improving society, but simply on reducing opportunities forcrime.' It's based on Rational Choice theory that criminal weigh up pros and cons. Clarke identifies 3methods of situational crime prevention;? Directed at specific crimes? Involve managing or altering the immediate environment? Aim to increase effort and reduce benefits of crime-relate'Target hardening' involves, locking doors, employing security guards, re-shaping environment withfewer crime hotspots, and CCTVFor example; Marcus Felson (1998) looks at SCP in the Port Authority Bus Terminal in NY and how itwas poorly designed and provided deviant opportunities.Or Poyner and Webb (1997) used a field exp and discovered that there was a high rate of theftin the Bullring centre in Birmingham and that thefts occurred in 2 markets which were denselypacked. They redesigned the markets and crime fell by 70%.-They do not stop crime they just displace it. If criminals are rational then they would obviously justcommit crime somewhere with softer controls. Chaiken et al (1974) found that a crackdown onsubway-robberies only lead to crime above the surface+Works to a certain extent on some crimes but not all, like homeless people using public spaces forhomes, when there is no where to stay they will move+SCP may not always lead to displacement, in the 60's they changed the gas system from highly toxicgas to less toxic gas, this lessened the suicide rates because they could not any more (there wasn'tthe situational opportunity), as the overall rate declined there was no displacement.-Ignores white-collar crime/bigger more MC crimes-Assumes criminals act rationally but that doesn't work for violent crimes and crimes under influence ofdrugs-Ignores the root causes of crime, such as poverty or poor socialisation-CCTV is bad. Norris and Armstrong (1998) found that camera operators focus on young males.Feminists argue that CCTV is just an extension of the 'male gaze' not a solution.Opportunity for crime;-Felson and Clarke (1998) suggest that the higher levels of opportunity are the ‘root cause’ of crime-Brantingham & Brantingham (1995) suggest that urban areas have more crime generating andattracting areas such as –shopping precincts, warehouses, leisure facilities, large insecure car parksEnvironmental crime prevention: RIGHT REALISTBasically, Wilson and Kelling who devised the Broken Windows thesis argue that if a place is left todisrepair then it will only get worse and cause more crime. This absence of formal and informalcontrols (police and community) makes the people living them feel powerless and intimidated by fearof crime. Respectable people move out of the area and this leaves room for deviants.Zero tolerance two part strategy. Wilson and Kelling say that there needs to be a crack down intwo areas for crime to be under control.?Environmental improvement strategy: tidying the place up immediately, repairing brokenwindows and towing abandoned cars away right away. For example in New York where Kellingwas police advisor they eradicated graffiti from subway carts as when there was graffiti onthem, they were taken out of service and returned once clean. Graffiti subsequently declined.?Policing strategy: they have to deal with every type of crime no matter how petty. For""example, also in New York there was a police crack down on 'Squeegee merchants' (peoplewho clean windscreens in traffic and demand payment) who were found to have outstandingwarrants for violent and property crimes.-Although its not clear if these declines were to do with police strategies, as there was a massive jumpin police numbers and a fall in unemployment at the same time. Also the general crime rates of UScities declined at the time anyway, also drugs weren't as widely available anymore.Social and Community crime prevention:This aims to get rid of the causes of crime; the causes in the community and socially that can pre-dispose people to crime. A lot of policies which have come into place about poverty and employmenthave actually decreased crime anyway, even if the policy wasn't aimed at that in the first instance.They try to increase youth leisure opportunities, more unemployment, employment schemes, andimproving poor housing.The Perry pre-school project:A comparison between an experimental group of 3-4 year olds in a two-year intellectual enrichmentprogramme, for black pre-schoolers in Michigan. Longitudinal. They were given weekly home visits. By40 they were compared to the control group showing that they are significantly lower life times arrestsand more were employed and had graduated from high school.Left and Right realists focus on the reality of crime, and on crimes that matter to the people and theimpact of these on daily life. The realists perspectives differ on their approaches to crime, but theyboth look at some of the methods above.Left realists:Believe that offenders and victims of crime all come from similar area's, disadvantaged ones. Theybelieve this is because of material and cultural deprivation, like unemployment, poverty, poor housingand education. They want to prevent crime and so look at the Social and Community methods ofprevention.-Left realist approaches are 'soft' on crime, meaning that they focus on social issues and causes andnot on whether the offender just felt like offending, or made a rational choice to. They romanticise theoffender and make him a victim of circumstance.-Ignores middle class crime-Not everyone who faces marginalisation, as well as material and cultural deprivation turn to crime.-They deflect proper strategies to stop crime, like tighter policing.Right realists:Offenders choice to commit crime, its an individual act. It believes in Situational crime prevention(above) but also increased social control generally. Like Hirschi's social bonds theory, right realistswant to tighten these bonds and aid socialisation by strengthening institutions like the nuclear family,religion and community.-They miss the wider social causes that Left realists address-They ignore that some people are targeted unfairly by police (labelling theory)-They assume it's all rational choice but impulsive acts like violence aren't exactly rational and stilloccur. Think about Lyng's research on 'Edgework' and Katz seduction of crime, these just further showthat it's not a rational choice to offend but for the buzz (they did it for the vine).What is missing from these crime prevention methods?They all seem to focus on low level crime, and violence. This just ignored high level morecorporate and environmental crimes, which is annoying as these are potentially the mostdevastating and harmful crimes. For instance Whyte surveys 26 crime and disorder partnerships inNW England to see what crimes they were targeting, they were focussing on vehicle, property anddrug crime, when at the same time the Environment Agency gave 98 prosecutions in 2001-2 forenvironmental offences (huge issue but not targeted). The NW also had one of the highestconcentrations of chemical plants in Europe with just two plants expelling about 40% of the countriescancer-causing pollution each year.""PunishmentThere are different approaches to justifying punishing offenders and these also link to the prescriptionof punishment policies (penal policies). These are;??Deterrence: the fear of harsh punishment in the future may deter someone from offendingRehabilitation: this reforms or educates offenders for when they come back out so they don'toffend.? Incapacitation: removing the offenders ability to re-offend (chopping off their hand if they steal,or execution in the west)? Retribution: the idea that there should be an eye for an eye in society, that we are entitled toget our revenge from an offender.Sociological perspectives on punishment:Durkheim, a functionalist perspective:Punishment is a way of reasserting the shared values and norms of society and breed social solidarityfrom the moral outrage people feel collectively about the offence. There are two types of society,modern and traditional and as such Durkheim (1893) has two types of justice for the two societies.?Retributive justice: traditional society has a huge collective conscious and so punishment isvengeful and cruel and its motivation is expressive of their collective views.Restitutive justice: modern society is interdependent on individuals, crime damaged thisrelationship and so there needs to be some restoration of this relationship, this is done throughthings like compensation.?-Although it is argued that traditional societies actually have restitutive justice not eye for an eyebecause in the case of things like blood feuds, the death of one family member did not cause thedeath of the other families member but payment or debt to them.-actually is doesn't bring us together, could isolate them, doesnt solidify the victim, HOWEVER ITDOES BECAUSE THEY SEE THE PUNISHMENTMarxism, capitalism and punishment:Punishment serves the ruling class interests in that it is a way to maintain social order (ruling classruling working class), it is therefore a repressive state apparatus (remember Althusser education). Itscares people into not committing crime and thus not rebelling against the ruling class. Imprisonmentreflects the capitalist system, the prisoner guards are like managers, you have to do what they say orrisk the consequences. The forms of punishment for offenders reflects the economy of the society. Forinstance, Rusche and Kircheimer (1939) if you don't have a money economy you don't get fines aspunishment. Melossi an Pavarini (1981) see prison as a reflecting production; in capitalist societytime is very crucial to a worker as they paid by it and give up a large proportion of their time to work tolive, so they pay for crimes by having their time taken away in prison.-Doesn't explain how punishment works for middle class crime; they dont' get punished- Only relates to capitalist societies and so does not apply anywhere else+being obedient and doing monotonous jobs reflects the outside world and this is good for them, as itall about being submissive-Criticise the whole idea of capitalism, it doesnt solve the interests of capitalism but the good of greatersociety/public (esuring that they are safe-making our society function in the right way) maybe this isnot just the wish of the RC but the whole people so Marxism is wrong-As crime is mostly WC on WC how it is acting as a RSA is it is not against their property????-Doesnt really reflect real life now as there is not that much of society with heirarchies lik eboss,worker and subordiates, now it is more collaborative and not like the old system, so prison does notreflect the capitalist soiety.Foucault: the birth of prison:Foucault did some work in his Discipline and Punish research and find two different types ofpunishment through time; Sovereign power and Disciplinary power.? Sovereign power: in pre-modern society this was where the monarch ruled and punishedpeoples bodies for crimes, and exercised physical power over people as a public spectacle.?Disciplinary power: in more modern times this is where punishment is not just about the bodybut the mind, in his work he uses an example of the PanopticonThe panopticon is essentially a prison design where the guards can see into prison cells and thusprisoners but the prisoners cannot see out to the guards, causing them to behave even if they aren'tbeing watched because they feel like they are.Foucault thinks that this disciplinary power has infiltrated other institutions like factories, work andschools (self-surveillance), it induces conformity from the threat of being watched.-The shift from corporal punishment to imprisonment is less clear than he makes out-He ignores the expressive elements of punishment that Durkheim doesn't-He is argued to exaggerate the extent of control. Goffman (1962) argues that actually prisoners areable to resist control in prison and mental hospitals.-Deterministic, we have no control (controlled in mind and body) we have choice even fi we worry weare watched.Trends in punishment:The changing role of prisons:Before Europe grew up we had loads of diverse punishments; banishment, fines, flogging, execution,and punishment was only used as a way to hold offenders before they were punished. Now it is seenas punishment in itself, in liberal democracies it is seen as the harshest punishment but all it does itbreed bad people who could have been better.Since the 80's there been a sort of competition between political parties to be tougher on crime(populist punitiveness) leading to prison rates rising and the UK becoming the biggest imprisoner inEurope. Most prisoners are male, young and uneducated. Ethnic minorities are also over-represented.Garland (2001) argues that the UK and US are moving to mass incarceration, he suggests that thismight lead to the systematic imprisonment of whole groups. Two thirds of prisoners go on to re-offend. Prison population has swelled 70% since 1993-2005. David Downes (2001) argues that thereis an ideological function, to make capitalism look successful. It soaks up30-40% of unemployed so itmakes it look better.Transcarceration:Recently there is a blurred line between social and prison services. With social services, health andhousing increasingly being used for crime control. Transcarceration is the movement between prison-like institutions, care system, young offenders and adult prison.Alternatives to prison:There has been a growth in community based controls like curfews, tagging and community serviceorders. Cohen argues that this just casts a net over more people to control not deals with crime. Itactually might cause more people to be deviant.The Victims of crimeTh UN says victims are those who have suffered (mental, physical, emotional, economic impairment)through acts that violate the state. Nils Christie (1986) argues differently that they say the victim issocially constructed. For example there is a stereotype of an ideal victim like there is a stereotype ofoffender. These are weak and blameless individuals who were targets of strangers attacks. There aretwo approaches to victimology, positivists and critical.Positivist victimology:Miers (1989) says that positivist victimology has three parts? aims to identify factors that produce patterns in victimisation, and factors which make peoplemore prone to be victims? focuses on interpersonal crimes of violence? aims to identify victims which have contributed to their own victimisationVictim proneness is the idea that characteristics of someone makes them more likely to be a victimthan other people e.g being less intelligent. Hans von Hentig (1948) identified factors that makesomeone a victim: female, elderly or mental abnormal.Victim precipitation is the idea that the victim contributes to them becoming a victim. Wolfgang's(1958) study of 588 homicides found that 28% involved the victim triggering the events leading todeath.-Victim blaming, its almost saying its the victims own fault for being a victim. Amir's (1971) claim that1/5 rapes are victim precipitated is not very different from saying that the victims asked for it+Fiona Brookman (2005) notes that Wolfgang's study shows the important of the offender-victimrelationship and that it is sometimes chance who ends up the victim-Ignores wider structural factors influencing victimisation like patriarchy or poverty; is it less likely thatthose in power will not be victims?-Ignored crimes where even the victim doesnt know it's a victim, like environmental or corporatecrimesCritical victimology:The victims like woman and the poor are victims because of wider structural factors like patriarchy andpoverty. The CJS applies labels of victim to some and not others. For example if police fail to presscharges on a man accused of domestic abuse then the woman is no longer a victim even if she is.Tombs and Whyte (2007) shows that when employers violate the law and it leads the death the victimis called 'accident prone' rather than a victim.-Ignores whether the victim brought it on themselves e.g leaving their doors and windows unlocked athome when they go out ect+highlights how the label of victim is given by the powerful at the benefit of the powerful.Patterns and victimisationThe chance of becoming a victim is significantly affected by group divides like class, age, gender andethnicity.? Repeat victimisation: only 4% of the population of victims of 44% of all crime. According to theBSC around 60% of the population hadn't been victims of any crime in a given year? Class: the poor are likely to be victims, as there is a huge concentration of crime in poor areaswith high unemployment? Age: the young are more likely to be assaulted and face sexual harassment, theft and abuse athome? Ethnicity: minority groups are more at risk than whites of being victims of racially motivatedoffences? Gender: men are at greater risk of violent attacks, women are more likely to be victims ofsexual or domestic abuse, stalking and harassment.""The impact of victimisation:Crime can have some bad effects, insecurity, increased security-consciousness, and issues with socialfunctioning. Carrabine et al takes a liberal approach to victimisation It also has indirect victims likefriends and family. Hate crimes don't just affect individuals but whole communities. Secondaryvictimisation, in addition to the crime itself as well as impact from the crime. For example, the CJSand rape victims. Crime creates a fear of crime, e.g woman afraid to go out at night. Hate crimesradiate wave of hard across whole communities.For instance, the Muslim Community Center in Muswell Hill, North london was burnt down by theEnglish Defence League as a hate crime, and as such since this the whole community has beeneffected and feel victimised and afraid of the community.""SuicideDurkheim used it to distinguish sociology as a distinctive contribution to understanding humanbehaviour.Durkheim, positivism and suicide:Positivists essentially say that sociology is a science like chemistry and is a science because we canobserve society and make laws from what we see as to what governs what's going on. Durkheim(1897) discovered that there are patterns in suicide and their social causes can be discovered too,thus proving sociology is a science.Suicide rates as social facts:Durkheim believes that suicide is a social fact, which is a social force external to the individual in thestructure of society. He said that suicide cannot be down to just individual motives because there werevast differences between groups in societies and societies compared to other societies. So it has to besomething in the social structure which causes it. Thus suicide is a social fact. Durkheim studiedquantitative suicide rates from European countries for decades and found these things;? Different societies have different rates? Rates varied between social groups e.g Catholic had lower rates than Protestants? Suicide rates within a society remained more of less constant over timeFor Durkheim he said that these rates were due to two social facts;?Social integration: how far individuals feel like they belong to a group? Moral regulation: how far individuals acts are kept in check by normsDurkheim's typology (classification) of suicide:He says that suicide is caused by too much or too little social integration and too much or too littlemoral regulation. Thus he has a four fold typology.?Egotistic suicide (too little integration); for instance Catholics have a lower rate thanprotestants because they are tightly integrated into shared ritual. Industrial societies don't haveproper integration???Altruistic suicide (too much integration): where it is the individuals duty to die for the good ofthe group; Japanese kamikaze pilotsAnomic suicide (too little regulation): where societies norms became outdated or blurred fromsudden change, like economic booms and slumpsFatalistic suicide (too much regulation): where societies control individuals completely likeslaves or prisoners. Concentration camp.There are different types of suicide in different societies because of the difference in integration andregulation?Modern societies: very individualistic, causing egotistic suicides whilst rapid changed causesanomic suicides?Traditional societies: the group is more important causing altruistic suicides and the ascribedstatus can cause fatalistic suicides.-Suicide rates were not as reliably collected back in his day because they did not have the nationaladministrative capabilities and rarely conducted autopsies to find out whether something was suicideor not. Although his aim to conduct scientific research is still good.+Prasied for over 70 years for good use of positivist research-Durkheim doesn't operationalise integration, Gibbs and Martin (1964) attempt to build on Durkheim'swork and define integration as a situation where there are stable and lasting relationships. They arguethis occurs when there is stable status integration (if your education and your occupation match up)e.g if you are well educated and get a well paid job. Suicide rates are higher where there is little statusintegration.-Cannot rely on coroners reports, as family might not want to be seen as suicide-Overestimated the role of religion, Halbwachs (1930) suggested that living in urban areas was also akey factor.""Interpretivism and suicide:Instead of focusing on the causes like Durkheim's positivism does, they look at the meanings ofsuicide for all of those involved.Douglas: interactionism and suicideDouglas (1967) is interested in the meaning of suicide for the deceased and the way coroners labeldeath. He criticisms Durkheim on two grounds:? The use of official statistics: suicide isn't a social fact but a social construction coroners aswell as the influence of other social actors define death as suicide which may explainDurkheim's finding as those well integrated people won't want to define a death as suicide outof their own feelings of guilt. They may even destroy the suicide note.? Actor's meanings and qualitative data: Durkheim ignores that suicide means something tothose who kill themselves and assumes that suicide is a constant thing. We have to classifysuicide by what the deceased wanted not what is seen to be. Douglas did this through usingqualitative data like suicide notes, diaries, interviews with survivors and family. Suicide can fallinto these categories;? As a means of transforming the self; releasing strains of the world? As a means of transforming themselves for others; show others how profound an issue is? As a means of achieving fellow feelings; asking for help or sympathy? As a means of gaining revenge; believe they have been forced into it-Assumes sociologists are better at determining suicides than coroners who are trained in itspecifically when it might be the case-Sainsbury and Barraclough (1968) found that suicide rates for immigrants to the US correlated withrates from their home countries, showing it might be real differences, not labellers.-How can discover meanings behind suicide, if we cannot ask them.-He is inconsistent, one time saying statistics are wrong, then saying we can find meanings but we cannot know if a suicide was a suicide as all we have to go are coroners reports.Atkinson: Ethnomethodology and suicideEthnomethodology argues that social reality is just a construct of its members. Atkinson (1978)agrees with Douglas that suicide stats are merely the result of coroners interpretations, but disagreesthat we can find the deceased meanings. As neither the researchers or coroners can say either wayobjectively. All we can do is study HOW they come to their decisions. His work is based on qualitativemethods of court documents, conversations with coroners and observations of inquests.He found that coroners had a 'common sense' theory as what to classify as suicide, and this is basedon a few factors; suicide notes (30% of cases leave notes) , mode of death (hanging is typical ofsuicide), location and circumstance (places where they are not found), and life history and mentalhealth.Atkinson, Kessel and Dalgaard (1975) the Comparability of Suicide rates4 English and 4 Danish coroners were asked to decide on 40 cases whether they were suicides. TheDanes were more likely to pronounce suicide because they just have to have a balance of probabilityof suicide, whereas English coroners have to have definitive evidence beyond reasonable doubt.-His argument is self defeating: Barry Hindess (1973) criticisms ethnomethodologists because theyargue that all we can study is coroners interpretations rather than an objective truth thenethnomethodologists accounts themselves are interpretations so we have no reason to accept them.+But most ethnomethodologists do say their accounts are just interpretations, but positivists say theyhave objective, scientific accounts, and don't say they are superior to coroners accounts.-There is no way of validating coroners decisions or checking accounts of how they are made""Realist:Taylor: Realism and Suicide (Need to combine Durkheim and Douglas)Taylor (1990) agrees that coroners theories influence their verdicts, so statistics aren't as valid. But healso accepts the positivist view that we can discover causes of suicide. The majority of suicides failand so by talking to these Parasuicides we can understand that there is a gamble and see a widerdiscussion about it. Taylor looks at the types of suicide there are in the London Underground (jumpingin front of a train) over a period of 12 months, and the characteristics associated with the victims,despite how they all died in the same way. He said we could find the real reason behind suicide if welook at qualitative data like diaries and journal entries, he said that other sociologists ignoreParasuicides which have the best input.Using case studies he argues where people are more likely to commit suicide is where there is greatcertainty or uncertainty of themselves or others. The first two types are self-directed where the personis psychologically detached from others:? Submissive suicide: involves certainty about oneself (they may know they have no future-Terminal illness)? Thanatation suicide: involves uncertainty about oneself (uncertain about what others think),its a gamble in the way of testing whether they were meant to live or die.There are non-self contained suicides where the suicide is a communication with others:? Sacrifice suicide: involves certainty about others (they want a person who has made their lifeunbearable feel guilty and responsible)? Appeal suicides: involves uncertainty about others (doubts their importance to others), takesan overdose and hopes that they are found.-Based on interpretation so there is no way of knowing if these are real types, an individual my alsohave multiple reasons-Case studies are small and thus unrepresentative-Taylor did not connect the four types to wider societal issues like Durkheim did. They are similar intheir notions of fatalism and anomie (uncertainty and certain reasons) and egoistic and altruistic (self-directed)+Useful and original in explaining the patterns of suicide, like why there is a differences in severitybetween suicides and why some leave notes whilst other don't. ................

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