May 11, 2011



Supervisor James Armstrong Councilman Alan Dailey

Town Clerk Donna McBath Councilman Vincent Winters

Attorney Charles Nash, Esq. Councilman C. Roger Shoen

Highway Superintendent Timothy Dow

Absent: Councilman Nathanael Putney

Guest: Jimmy Lawton, Bill Dashnaw

1. Meeting Called to Order for the Town Board Meeting

Supervisor James Armstrong called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

2. Pledge Allegiance

3. Minutes Approvals

A. April 13, 2011 and May 2, 2011

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilman Winters to approve the meeting minutes of April 13, 2011 and May 2, 2011

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

4. Town Clerk Report April 2011

Councilman Winters made a motion, seconded by Councilman Dailey to approve the Town Clerk’s Report for April 2011. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

5. Approval of Town Justice Reports

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilman Winters to accept the Justice Reports for the month of April 2011. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

6. Approval of Abstract

Discussion was held concerning the signature on the vouchers from Department Heads. Councilman Dailey stated that when checking over the vouchers, there were several vouchers that were not signed by Department Heads. At the time that the budget was being discussed in October, it was stated that all Departments Heads would sign the vouchers. It was agreed that any vouchers that were not signed would not be approved for payment.

Councilman Winters made a motion, seconded by Councilman Dailey to approve the abstract as it stood.

|a. General |$9,657.60 |

|b. Highway |$17,517.04 |

|c. Water |$256.27 |

|d. Sewer |$1,963.44 |

|e. Library |$1,116.56 |

|Total |$30,510.91 |

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

|Town Board Minutes |May 11, 2011 |Page 2 |

Con’t Approval of Abstract

Supervisor Armstrong brought to the attention of the board that he had received an invoice from Aubertine and Currier for the engineer study and bid package for the Phase 1 and 2 at the campground. Supervisor Armstrong informed the board that he will be speaking with Matt at the Aubertine and Currier to see if the Power Authority will pay for this. If not, he needed approval from the board to pay this invoice.

Councilman Winters made a motion, seconded by Councilman Dailey to approve paying the invoice to Aubertine and Currier if the Power Authority did not.

Ayes – 4 Nays - 0

7. Highway Superintendent’s Report

• Councilman Dailey informed Highway Superintendent Dow that he had received complaints concerning the Woods Road, Murphy Road, and Tuck Road as they were in the need of repairs. Highway Superintendent Dow stated that the Woods Road was where the Cruikshank farm was. The heavy equipment they use damages the road faster than he can repair. He stated he had not been on the Murphy Road and Tuck Road to do any repairs yet.

• Superintendent Dow stated that he had an inspection from Public Employer Safety and Health Department. He stated that he will receive the report within 30 days.

• Superintendent Dow stated that he was going to change some bushings on the New Holland Backhoe. He stated that the bushings cannot be ordered separately, as he would need to order the whole swing kit at the cost of $240.00. There was a town that had ordered bushings and did not take them; therefore he was able to get some of the bushings.

• Superintendent Dow requested permission from the board to put the two wheel loaders out for open bid.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilman Shoen to put the two wheel loaders out for bid. Town Clerk McBath was told to place the an advertisement in the Ogdensburg Journal for one day, one day for the Ogdensburg Advance, and one day in the Watertown Times. It was also suggested that this bid should be sent to all the major dealers.

Ayes – 4 Nays - 0

• Supervisor Armstrong informed Highway Superintendent Dow that he had received a call from Calvin Smith concerning the culvert that the Highway Department put in his driveway. He just wanted to know when a new culvert was going to be put in as per Mr. Smith and Mr. Dow’s agreement. Mr. Dow stated at the first opportunity the highway department will change the culvert.

• Town Clerk McBath asked when Highway Superintendent Dow will have the dirt roads graded again. Highway Superintendent Dow replied that grader was out and going.

• Councilman Shoen said the culvert that was put in on the Pray Road needed to have dirt put around it again.

• Supervisor Armstrong asked if he had received any road count on the roads that were being black topped. Superintendent Dow informed him no. County Highway Superintendent Bill Dashnaw requested for the names of the roads so that the counters could be placed.

• Highway Superintendent Dow informed the board that the County Highway Department began blacktopping today. They started on the Dandy road.

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7. Code Enforcement Officer

Code Enforcement Officer Chris Sherwin informed the board that in their folders is the new proposed local law for the board to look over. The changes were all in red and blue. He requested suggestions from board members and planning board members.

Councilman Dailey inquired about the item in Section 11 Definitions – Review Fee. A review fee is the total cost incurred by the Town of Lisbon for expert review of the proposed project, site plan review, and is to include legal, engineering, architectural, landscaping, secretarial, consultants and all other services that may be deemed necessary by the review officer. Officer Sherwin informed the board that anything that is in red was new to the Local Law.

Officer Sherwin also brought to the board’s attention the price list that was discussed last month. It was all combined into one. Councilman Dailey asked if there were any increases. Officer Sherwin informed him that there was one increase. Typical residential homes up to 2,000 sq. ft for $.08 per sq. foot, 2001 sq. ft. and above for $.10 sq. foot. Councilman Dailey asked why the increase? Officer Sherwin stated it was a bigger home.

Fees for permits on new Construction (prior to start of project) are as follows:

Residential Home $.08 per sq. foot

Residential garage or commercial garage $.04 per sq. foot

Non typical residential home (e.g. no wiring

no. plumbing, no central heating: $.08 per sq. foot

Minimum Building Permit Fee $25.00

Commercial Construction $2.50 per $1,000 up to $100.000

Manufactured Homes $3.75 per $1,000> $100.000

Fire Inspection Fees $25.00 per unit

Tower Fee

Fees for permits on new Construction (After start of project) are as follows:

Residential Home $.16 per sq. foot

Residential garage or commercial garage $.08 per sq. foot

Non typical residential home (e.g. no wiring

no. plumbing, no central heating: $.16 per sq. foot

Minimum Building Permit Fee $50.00

Commercial Construction $5.00 per $1,000 up to $100.000

Manufactured Homes $7.50 per $1,000> $100.000

Councilman Dailey asked how things were going with the letters of property maintenance. Officer Sherwin stated that he had one reply after a second letter was sent. He also stated that he had another inspection next week. Officer Sherwin stated if the person was trying to make an attempt, he was willing to work with them. If not, he would proceed to the next step.

Code Enforcement Officer stated that he had received quotes from BAS for the Code Enforcement Officer’s program. The cost would be $6,160 or it could be purchased on a two year zero percent at $3,480 per year and on the third year an $800.00 maintenance fee would be due. It was suggested that this be discussed at budget time.

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9. Report from all Liasons for committee

A. Planning Board – Councilman Shoen – April Report attached – The board was informed that 11 building permits were approved. Councilman Shoen also informed the board that the Planning Board was still looking for another member. Councilman Dailey asked if the Planning Board had started to draft a zoning ordinance. Councilman Shoen informed them no. Officer Sherwin stated that the officers for the

Planning Board is: Chairman – Glenn Harris, Vice Chairman – Not filled, Secretary – Pat Madlin.

B. Campground – Councilman Winters - L & M has two machines at the campground now digging. Some of the conduit was in. Supervisor Armstrong stated that they have found pedestal with large rocks under them. Councilman Winters stated he had seen wire that looked like it had exploded. He was informed that the wire laid in water. Supervisor Armstrong stated that he had requested Inspector Mike O’Neil to take lots of pictures as they are digging up the wire.

Councilman Winters also stated that there were two campers there. The past weekend there were about a half dozen campers and tents there. Supervisor Armstrong stated that this past weekend there were sixty-six boat trailers in the park.

C. Library Board – Councilman Winters stated that the Library roof is leaking and also missing some shingles. It was stated that it either needed major repairs or replacement of the roof.

Councilman Winters also stated that stone mason work needs to be done to the bricks. They need to be re-pointed. Attorney Nash stated that Waddington received a grant. Supervisor Armstrong stated that he would contact Supervisor Mark Scott from Waddington and inquire how to apply for a grant.

D. Homecoming – No report

E. Museum – Councilman Putney was not able to attend the town board meeting, but Supervisor Armstrong stated that the museum was open and everything was going ok.

F. Recreation – Councilman Putney informed Supervisor Armstrong that the maintenance crew will help line the baseball fields with the Recreation Committee.

G. Animal Control – Sue Siedlecki – Report attached

10. Report from Legislator – Legislator Akins – not in attendance

11. Old Business

A. Report concerning Power Authority – no report was given

B. AMP – A discussion concerning AMP

12. New Business

A. Resolution # 6 – Addition Cancer Prevent Education for the Citizens of St. Lawrence County

By Mr. Bunstone, Chair, Services Committee

WHEREAS, the St. Lawrence County is rated within the top 8 counties within all of New York State’s 62 counties for poorest health in the 2011 report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and

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Con’t New Business – Resolution # 6

WHEREAS, the cancer rate within St. Lawrence County for three different types of cancer is higher than the New York State average, and the incidence of all cancers combined is higher than the New York State average, and

WHEREAS, dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and other similar chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants, (POPs) have been classified as known and/or suspected human carcinogens by health agencies, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Toxicology Program, and

WHEREAS, these chemicals primarily manifest themselves in the food chain dissolved in animal fats, and

WHEREAS, eating a balanced diet containing low amounts of animal fats, may diminish health risks from several diseases including cancer, and

WHEREAS, public health education is one of the most efficient, effective, and least expensive methods to lessen health and cancer risks and protect our citizens,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of St. Lawrence incorporate within their ongoing cancer prevention educational programs, a comprehensive message to educate the citizens of St. Lawrence County concerning the health risks associated with ingesting these human carcinogens via the consumption of animal fats within their diet.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, and was seconded by Councilman Winters to table this resolution. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

B. Resolution # 7 – Opposing National Grid’s Decision to Increase “Make Ready” Fees

WHEREAS, The Town of Lisbon seeks to expand and improve utility services to its citizens; and

WHEREAS, The Town has decided to do that by approving a franchise with SLIC Networks to extend broadband to underserved segments of its population; and

WHEREAS, SLIC Networks has entered into an agreement with National Grid – at an agreed-upon rate-to use its poles to distribute these services; and

WHEREAS, National Grid’s decision to seek an increase in “make ready” fees - without providing sufficient justification for the increase – will make it difficult for SLIC Networks to complete Lisbon’s portion of its broadband network; now, therefore

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lisbon Town Board, meeting at their monthly meeting on May 11, 2011 does hereby request that National Grid reconsider its decision to seek an increase in “make ready” fees; and further

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, should National Grid not reconsider its request, that the New York State Public Service Commission reject any request that undermines SLIC Network’s ability to complete its network build out.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, and was seconded by Councilman Winters to approve Resolution # 7, Opposing National Grid’s Decision to Increase “Make Ready” Fees.

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

C. Resolution # 8 – Supporting the Efforts to Name the Town of Waddington as the Ultimate Fishing Town USA

By: Vincent Winters, Board Member, and Sponsor

WHEREAS, the World Fishing Network is sponsoring a contest to name “The Ultimate Fishing Town USA” with a Grand Prize including $25,000 community donation to be used for fishing-related causes, and

WHEREAS, the Waddington Chamber of Commerce nominated the Town of Waddington as being the “Place the World Comes to Fish”, and

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Con’t New Business – Resolution # 8

WHEREAS, the Town of Waddington is centrally located to many, major international cities such as Syracuse, Albany, Burlington, Ottawa, and Montreal, making it a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts for hundreds of miles around, and

WHEREAS, Waddington borders the St. Lawrence River which is often called “America’s Fourth Coast”; within the St. Lawrence River lies a man-made lake (about 25 miles in length) called “Lake St. Lawrence” where the waters are deep and the fish are plentiful, and

WHEREAS, sharing an international border with Canada, Waddington boasts 10+ miles of accessible St. Lawrence River frontage, local streams and tributaries offer an additional 25+ miles of accessible fishing, and

WHEREAS, Waddington offers full facilities and amenities to its fishing community from bait shops to restaurants, where every angler’s needs may be met, and

WHEREAS, Waddington is home to Coles Creek New York State Park and Coles Creek Marina, as well as five boat launches and handicapped fishing access, making its beautiful waterways convenient and accessible to everyone, and

WHEREAS, Waddington is an angler’s paradise with four-season fishing including tournaments nearly every month of the year, with species of all kinds including: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Carp, Catfish, Bullhead, Perch, Bluegill, Freshwater Drum, Sunfish, and Rock Bass, with numerous protected spawning grounds located within local waters, and

WHEREAS, in the last ten years the St. Lawrence River has become world renowned for its superior carp angling, this year marking the 10th anniversary of the St. Lawrence International Junior Carp Tournament where young anglers from across the map travel to the shores of the St. Lawrence River to learn the art of carp angling and to compete for cash prizes, and Waddington is its host community, and

WHEREAS, in 2005, Waddington hosted the first ever North American locale for the World Carp Championship where hundreds of anglers crossed oceans and continents to participate in this prestigious global competition,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED with its many miles of pristine waterfront, its vast array of species, its four-season fishing opportunities, and it’s growing global recognition as an angler’s paradise, the Lisbon Town Board supports the effort to name the Town of Waddington, as The Ultimate Fishing Town.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, and was seconded by Councilman Shoen Resolution # 8 – Supporting the Efforts to Name the Town of Waddington as the Ultimate Fishing Town USA

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

Vincent Winters, Board Member, Town of Lisbon

James Armstrong, Supervisor, Town of Lisbon

13. Bill Dishnaw

A. Investment Policy – Discussion was done

Councilman Dailey made a motion, and was seconded by Councilman Winters to accept the Investment Policy as presented. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

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14. Bruce Green - Assessor

A. Bruce Green, Assessor – Wanted to inform the board that residents have been informed of any increase in their assessment. Also the residents have been informed the days when they can meet with Mr. Green and the dates that the assessment review board will be. The assessment review board members are Steve Wallace, John Garner and Newell Martin.

Mr. Green also informed the board that Newell Martin’s term will be completed at the end of September. Mr. Martin decided to retire from the Assessment Review Board. Therefore, the Town Board will need to look for another member for the Assessment Review Board.

2012 equalization rate is 85%.

14. Recognition of Guest

Jimmy Lawton – No Comments

16. Executive Session – Law Suit

Councilman Shoen made a motion, seconded by Councilman Winters to go into executive session concerning pending law suit at 7:45 PM.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilman Winters to return to regular meeting at 8:03 PM. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

17. Adjournment

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilman Shoen to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 P.M. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna McBath,

Town Clerk


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